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Espoon KK

Piispanportti 10A
02200 ESPOO 05.09.2023

Karna Roshan Kumar

Kala-Matti 5 D 83

02230 ESPOO

Opiskelijahaku alla mainittuun koulutukseen on meneillään. Tämä

koulutus voi edesauttaa sinunkin työllistymistäsi. Voit hakea
koulutukseen sähköisellä lomakkeella, johon pääsee internet-sivulta
(kirjoita alla oleva koulutuksen ilmoitusnumero 'Hakemus koulutukseen
numerolla' -kenttään). Voit hakea koulutukseen myös asiointipisteestä
saatavalla lomakkeella. Vastaa esitettyihin kysymyksiin huolellisesti.

Koulutus International Business Talent F.E.C

Koulutuksen ilm. nro 715399

Aika Alkaa 09.10.2023 Päättyy 08.04.2024

Hakuaika päättyy 11.09.2023

Kouluttaja Talentgate Oy
Puhelinnumero () 0102316922

Koulutuspaikan osoite Workery East, Pasilan Asema-aukio 1, 8. krs


Kouluttajan www-osoite

Yhteystiedot Marlena Laitinen Project Specialist 044 460


<I>Are you interested in new challenges in an international
environment? Do you wish to update your skills and find a new job?</I>
Talentgate grows 20 new professionals for Finnish internationally
operating/internationalizing and technology companies through the
International Business Talent F.E.C training program. The program
offers the opportunity to work in interesting positions in an
international or tech company, while also updating your skills! The
goal of the collaborative companies is to employ the participants after
the program. The training is intended for both Finnish-speaking and
international professionals. The training days will be conducted in
English, and the work language will be either Finnish or English
depending on the partner company.

Espoon kuntakokeilu
Piispanportti 10A 715399
02200 ESPOO
Puh. 09 81694000
Companies are looking for new talents to develop for following
positions (for example): - Relevant Digital Oy - Junior Account
Manager & Junior Solutions Engineer - Atea Finance Oy – Operation
Consultant Trainee - Chemec Oy Ab – Projektityöntekijä ISO 14001
-ympäristösertifiointiin - Dedicated Network Partners Oy – Office
Manager More companies are joining the program constantly. Please
check the updated list of companies from our website:
onal-business-talent-2023 Depending on your background and
interests, your tasks could include marketing, sales and customer
relations, projects, IT or technology, business development,
financial management, procurement, or logistics. The tasks will be
tailored based on the applicants' backgrounds and the company's
needs, and there are career opportunities available for both
entry-level and experienced professionals. The companies aim to
recruit selected professionals after the training period.
<b>Target group and requirements</b> <b>International Business
Talent F.E.C is targeted to the unemployed customers of TE
Office/local government pilot on employment (työllisyyden
kuntakokeilu), and to those customers of TE Office / local government
pilot on employment, who are under risk of being unemployed and meet
the following requirements:</b> - Suitable technical or business
degree (e.g. M.Sc. (Eng.), Engineer, Bachelor of Science in IT, M.Sc.
(Business), Master/Bachelor of Business Administration), or
alternatively - A few years of relevant work e
xperience in commercial roles or in the field of technology/IT -
Fluent written and oral skills in English - Strong motivation for
the training and for working in the field of international business
<b>About the training program</b> The total duration of the
training program is approximately 6 months (120 working days), which
includes working for the company (around 100 days) and expert
training (around 20 days). The training lessons are held in a
classroom and online. The main themes of the training program are
as follows: • Building Digital Business and Growth • How to
build and plan digital business in an international environment •
Building business models • Creating growth with digital
transformation and strategy • Sales & Marketing in International
Environment • How to sell online in an international environment •
AI tools, online sales & service platform • Digital Sales &
Marketing automation • General Business Skills: • Productization &
product development • Service Design • Project Management & Agile
Development • Modern working life skills: continuous learning,
self-management skills, changing working life • Tailored training

Espoon kuntakokeilu
Piispanportti 10A 715399
02200 ESPOO
Puh. 09 81694000
on e.g. marketing, sales, design, IT topics Training period:
October 9, 2023 – April 8, 2024 Vacation period: December 21 – 29,
2023 The training program is free of charge for the students.
<b>Application and selection process</b> 1. Fill out an electronic
application at > Henkilöasiakkaat >
TE-palveluiden Oma asiointi > Haussa oleva työvoimakoulutus (the
keyword is number 7

Lomat ja jaksotukset
loma 21.-29.12.2023. Lomajakson ajalta ei ole oikeutta kulukorvaukseen.

Opiskelijavalinnasta vastaava TE-toimisto

Uudenmaan työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto

Lisätietoja antaa
Misukka Marina KK

Espoon kuntakokeilu
Piispanportti 10A 715399
02200 ESPOO
Puh. () 09 81694000

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