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Meeting people.

Conversation questions
Do you enjoy meeting new people? Have you ever experienced being completely
wrong in your first impression?
What are some good things to ask someone
you’ve just met? Do you usually shake hands when you meet
a new person?
What are some things you shouldn't ask
people you’ve just met? What is the favourite topic for new
acquaintances in your country?
Is it OK to ask a person's age in your
country? If you are looking for a shallow relationship,
where do you usually go to meet people?
Are you nervous when you are introduced to
someone new? If you are looking for a good friend, where
do you usually go to meet people?
What are some ways to overcome being
nervous about meeting new people? In your country, how do you know if you can
trust a person that you meet?
Where are some good places to meet
people? Do you feel you are outgoing or shy around
people? How do you usually act?
How important are first impressions to you?
Is it OK to ask a person for their age in your
What do you do if you forget the name of
country? Why or why not?
someone you've just been introduced to?
How could a shy person overcome their fear
What kind of people do you like to meet?
of meeting new people?
Who was the last new person you met and
where did you meet them?

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