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Hi, I’m your new student, Heqmal Nazrul Farizzal Bin Razali.

First of all, I would like thank you for

welcoming me into Politeknik Brunei. I heard it was difficult to get in and had to fight among 1000
people to be accepted. I cannot wait to learn skills of communication with you. Foremost, I’d prefer if
people call me Izz from my name Farizzal because it symbolize high rank, honour, esteem, prestige in

Before I went to Politeknik, I had undergo O Level examination, and luckily I got 7 O’s by my
hardwork. At first, I was about to give up and just went to IBTE but then, my mother told me to not
give up and work your best during the examination, and I made it. Then, I decided to go to A Level
with my friends, it was the best experience I’ve ever felt. We partied most of our time and have fun
but, examination time had finally came and I failed most of my subject ( I took Bio, Chem & Maths
btw ). My parents nag me for a long time, at the same time I decided to apply for Politeknik, I was
rejected at first by the School of Health Science, I cried. After that, I appealed for School of
Petrochemical and Alhamdulillah, I got accepted. That’s when I realized that I was made for
Engineering Technology instead of Health Science. So, my highest qualification was only O Level.

Henceforth, there are many interesting about me that you should know about me before we meet in
person for instance, I like listening to old music from the 2000’s up to 2010’s. Hearing the music felt
nostalgic because you don’t really remember your old memories but when you heard the old music,
you can just feel the old surroundings of what happened at the past. Then, to be honest I don’t know
how to differentiate taste of food except for bitter. My doctor told me that I have Ageusia, but I just
laugh it out, taking it as a joke. Moreover, I’m a Gen-Z but I don’t know how to use technology. I
guess I’m the same like old people, I’d prefer having fun on real life because you could actually felt
the satisfaction as an example meeting up at your friend’s house and jam to up-beat music, rather
than playing games on my phone. Furthermore, I really like aviation, and once I dreamed of
becoming a flight attendant for Royal Brunei Airlines because I like to travel the world and enjoy.
Besides that, I am a class clown when my close friends are around. Finally, I just like to have fun and
enjoy my life and see where life takes me since I’m still at my young age.

However, when I think back about what I wanted to be in the past, it was a Neurologist, a doctor who
specialized in brain, spinal cord and nerves. But now I’ve changed it to an Engineer, so maybe in the
future I’m an Engineer who works under company that have power plant for instance, BFI, BLNG, or
BSP because I have the knowledge to be used in Oil & Gas industries.

Thank you for reading my long-life paragraph and I cannot wait to meet you in person. Have a great
day or night!

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