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Unit 1

Short Ques ons:

1. What are the three ways to add CSS to an HTML document?

2. What is the difference between an Absolute and Rela ve URL?

3. What are the three most important a ributes of the <img> tag?

4. What are the different types of input elements in an HTML form?

5. How do you create a drop-down list in an HTML form?

6. What is the purpose of the <datalist> element?

7. What is the purpose of the "target" a ribute in an HTML link?

8. What is the purpose of the "novalidate" a ribute in an HTML form?

9. What is the purpose of the "onclick" a ribute in a bu on element?

10. How do you specify the width and height of an image using CSS?

Long Ques ons:

1. Explain the difference between the three ways to add CSS to an HTML document.

2. What is the purpose of the <label> element in an HTML form? Provide an example.

3. How do you create a radio bu on group in an HTML form? Provide an example.

4. Explain the purpose of the "ac on" and "method" a ributes in an HTML form.

5. How do you create a submit bu on in an HTML form? Provide an example.

6. How do you create a drop-down list with mul ple selected op ons in an HTML form? Provide an

7. How do you embed an audio file in an HTML document? Provide an example.

8. How do you create a textarea element in an HTML form? Provide an example.

9. Explain the difference between an Absolute and Rela ve URL with examples.

10. How do you use CSS to make an image responsive? Provide an example.

Unit 2

Short Ques ons

1. What is Bootstrap?

2. What is the purpose of the Bootstrap grid structure?

3. What are some examples of Bootstrap form controls?

4. How can you add color to Bootstrap elements?

5. What is the purpose of the pagina on component in Bootstrap?

6. What is a media object in Bootstrap?

7. What is a Bootstrap theme?

8. How can you customize the look and feel of a Bootstrap theme?

9. What is the purpose of the Bootstrap bu on component?

10. What are some examples of Bootstrap alert types?

Long Ques ons

1. Compare and contrast responsive design vs. adap ve design. Which one does Bootstrap use and

2. Explain the benefits of using a front-end framework like Bootstrap instead of building a website
from scratch.

3. How does the Bootstrap grid system work? Provide an example of how you would create a three-
column layout using the grid system.

4. Describe how you would use the Bootstrap pagina on component to display a list of blog posts
spread over mul ple pages.

5. How does the Bootstrap themes feature work? Give an example of how you would use it to apply
a custom color scheme to your website.

Unit 3

Short Ques ons:

1. What is the difference between client-side scrip ng and server-side scrip ng?

2. Name the data types in JavaScript.

3. Explain the difference between assignment operators and arithme c operators in JavaScript.

4. What is the purpose of a condi onal operator in JavaScript?

5. Name two examples of JavaScript control structures.

6. What is the difference between a for loop and a while loop in JavaScript?

7. Name three common JavaScript string func ons.

8. List two types of JavaScript events related to mouse interac on.

9. What is the purpose of the focus event in JavaScript?

10. What is the difference between the change event and the submit event in JavaScript?

Long Ques ons:

1. Explain the structure of a JavaScript script, including any necessary elements such as comments
and variables.
2. Compare and contrast the different types of control structures in JavaScript, including if…else
statements and loops.

3. Describe how the logical operator AND (&&) works in JavaScript, and provide an example of its

4. Write a JavaScript func on that takes a string as input and returns the length of the string.

5. Describe the purpose of the concat() func on in JavaScript, and provide an example of its use.

Unit 4

Short ques ons:

1. What are the three different ways of crea ng objects in JavaScript?

2. Which method of the Date constructor returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since January
1, 1970?

3. What method of the Date object is used to get the day of the month?

4. What is the use of the getElementById() method in the DOM?

5. What method of the Date object returns a string representa on of the date and me?

Long ques ons:

1. Explain the steps involved in crea ng an object using the object literal method in JavaScript.

2. Describe the different parameters that can be passed to the Date constructor in JavaScript.

3. How is the DOM used to manipulate HTML elements on a webpage? Give an example.

4. Write a JavaScript func on that takes in a date string and returns the day of the week as a string
(e.g. "Monday", "Tuesday", etc.).

5. Explain the difference between the getDate() and getDay() methods of the Date object in
JavaScript. Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

Unit 5

Short ques ons:

1. What is a func on?

2. What are the two ways of defining a func on?

3. What is the purpose of a return statement?

4. How do you call a func on?

5. What is the purpose of the alert dialog box?

6. How do you redirect a page using JavaScript?

7. What is the purpose of the confirm dialog box?

8. How do you perform basic form valida on?

9. What is the purpose of data format valida on?

10. What are some examples of data format valida on?

Long ques ons:

1. Explain the difference between defining a func on with and without parameters, giving an
example of each.

2. Write a JavaScript func on that takes two numbers as parameters and returns their sum.

3. How can you use JavaScript to validate that a form field contains a valid email address?

4. Write a JavaScript func on that validates a form field to ensure that it contains only le ers (no
numbers or special characters).

5. Using JavaScript, create a form that validates a user's input for a name (ensuring that it contains
only le ers, spaces, and hyphens) and a phone number (ensuring that it contains 10 digits and
hyphens in the correct places).

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