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The eCommerce industry has undergone significant changes in the past two
years, particularly due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses
have increasingly turned to eCommerce solutions to adapt to evolving
customer needs and behaviors. This trend is expected to continue and
intensify in 2022, with a merging of in-store and online shopping and a rapid
growth in the eCommerce sector. Successful businesses will be those that
understand and effectively cater to customers' physical and digital
interactions, creating a cohesive and comprehensive omnichannel store

The eCommerce industry is currently experiencing a micro-revolution,

encompassing various aspects such as product discovery, search,
personalization, fulfillment, payments, analytics, AR/VR, and social
commerce. These developments present both challenges and opportunities
for businesses. By staying informed about the latest trends and insights,
businesses can anticipate challenges, leverage upcoming opportunities,
refine their strategies, and enhance their performance in the eCommerce
landscape of 2022.

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