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Hunters are an expensive type of horse, she said. Becky had two of them.

Every night? Mud or not, I felt cleaner than I’d ever been.
Supper was something called soup, that came in bowls. You were supposed to drink it from
Jamie refused to eat at all if you want to go to bed hungry you certainly may.
Soup is all I’ve made and soup is all there is to eat.
This was a lie and we all knew it. Her cupboard held all sorts of food.
Jamie got to bed hungry.
At night he cried into his pillow and in the morning he’d wet the bed again.
On Tuesday she didn't even get out of bed, so I fed Jamie and me.
On monday she made meals for us but nothing else.
I’ve abandoned you ,she said without moving. I told Lady Thorton I’m not fit to care for
The Royal Air Force built an airfield that went up completely in three days. The landing strip
(donde practican aviación con aviones de juguete)
Jamie was fascinated and kept sneaking over to watch until an officer see him
Stable that Beckys horses used to live in and sometimes we played there but mostly we
were in Butters field which I loved.
The first thing we saw was Billy White with his mother and his sisters.
Haven't been bombs so far in London
Stephen he won't como she said thinks he's important he does.
From the tone of her voice it was clear the disgust in it stunned me.
Ada starts to consider to go back home because maybe his mam see she's not simple
maybe she was happy to see her because she can walk etc.
Jamie wants to go home, she wants Billy to take him.
I've told those parents over and over that it isn't safe. London will be bombed.
The Iron face woman pays to miss smith three pounds sixteen shillings a month miss You
could take in more of us and get rich.
I sat on him most of that morning ,until I grew hungry.
Had a storeroom. It had a lock but Jamie found the key under a rock near the door. Inside
was all sorts of stuff I guessed had to do with Becky and her horses.
If you pick up a bridle which is the leather stuff that goes around the horse's head.
I Found a sort of square thing on a shelf. It had pieces of paper covered in writing and it also
had a drawing of a horse's head with the leather pieces.
I kicked him a bit because I discovered this would make him move, I pulled on one side of
the reins and he turned. I pulled on both and he stopped.
I landed on my back in the grass. I thunked my head on the ground and felt dizzy for a
I kept on riding butter and miss smith didn't notice if my clothes were broken she fixed it and
said nothing.
Crutches don't change my foot it's still the same it still hurts Im still the same
Jamie pointed across the street to Stephen White holding an old man
I thought of him carrying me to the station and my face went hot.
Ada, this is Colonel Robert McPherson, British Army, retired. I live with him here,and now
you shake my hand and say nice to meet you Colonel McPherson.
I Wiped my hand against my skirt not because it was dirty but because touching a stranger
seemed strange.
Might means strength and force defend it with everything you've got.
Freedom to make decisions about yourself
I'm sorry to see the colonel looking so frail. He was one of Beckys fox hunting friends, one of
the huntin shootin and fishin sort.
You see the teacher said softly she isn't educable
Ada cry
This was my favorite book when I was little it was called The swiss family robinson
Say me susan not miss
Caught in storm Wind and rain
Ada would you like to learned to read no says Ada
I knew, I learned looking out a single window I knew nothing.
Miss Smith brushed my hair for every morning she braided it for me so that it doesn't tangled
Her name was Margaret and they tell her Maggie and had a brother name Jonathan was
learning to fly planes
Mother likes Jonathan better than me. Maggie said she doesn't really like girls she do
anything for him but she always cross with me.
Grimes take me home and thanked me for helping maggie

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