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UPCSE Biology Lecture Outline:

Coordination and Control

Coordination in Animals
Sense reception and the Eye


Types of receptor: mechano-, chemo-, thermo-, photo-receptors.

The Anatomy of the Eye

Structure of the eye. Draw a cross section of the mammalian eye to illustrate its anatomical
features. Rods, cones, bipolar and ganglion cells. Focussing (accommodation).

Physiology of vision

Detail of rod and cone structure. Resting potential and ions. Rhodopsin and retinal. Response
to light.

Arrangement of rods and cones within the retina.

General support
Chapter 10 of the text book Kent (2013) gives general information on coordination in
animals. In particular sections 10.1 introduces the topic and 10.2 covers the various glands
and their secretions 10.3 describes hormonal mechanisms. Sections 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6 cover
nerve impulse transmission and synapses, of the nervous system you need to know this in

Sections 10.11 and 10.12 and the handout you will be given Jones et al (2002) will cover the

Section 8.2 covers the control of blood sugar by insulin and glucagon. You need not know the
detail given in the diagram (figure Fig 3 on page 139) about insulin’s action. Exam style
practice questions can be found on pages 158, 210 and 211.

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