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Essay 2:

Question: Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be
required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be
free to work in another country if they wish.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Some people think that skilled individuals must be asked to practice in the country where they
obtained their formal training while others argue they should have the liberty to pursue their
work anywhere in the world if they choose to. This essay will elaborate on both perceptions
along with emphasis on how exploring options for personal growth is crucial.

On the one hand, requirement to work in the same country where professionals studied in the
initial years is followed in the field of healthcare usually. But this is only for the first two or three
years as a means of paying back to the society or as a part of the course curriculum. Having to
practice this way is advantageous to the nation’s economy s you will support the region and
apply the skills learnt for the people in the region. On the contrary, many engineers work for
companies which are not native to their country while residing in the same place from where
they graduated. Thus, pursuing one’s profession in the country of their education is resourceful
for the nation as it helps in contributing to its growth.

On the other hand, freedom of working in any other country should also be permitted as it aids
in personal and professional growth of an individual. Every county has different systems,
cultures and working routines. Exploring different places to find our niche should also be
encouraged. There are specific opportunities in some of the regions in the world with a higher
scope for succeeding rather than in their own country. For instance, engineers in India working
for an international company receives salaries much lower than their counterparts in the USA.
This variation is primarily due to better opportunities in America. So, personal growth is equally
crucial as the nation’s growth.

Overall, pursuing one’s profession in a country aid in the country’s development whereas
working elsewhere will promote the individual growth. I believe personal success takes
precedence as it secures their own and their family’s life.

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