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NOTE TO STUDENTS: I know all the words of this transcription because I said

them, but there are definitely spots where the audio is quite poor. Do not be
concerned if you miss a few, or a lot, here. My goal here is for you is to hear what
may come your way every once in a while. Look at this as a challenge to see what
you can get out of this audio, or how close you were. In no way allow this to
discourage you. I simply want to expose you to all kinds of work. 😊


Dear Beth:
I met with Mr. Roberts on Tuesday to discuss what he thought about the
possibility of walking away from his complaint. He told me that he was not at all
interested in that and that, in fact, he could not believe that I would ask him to.
I explained to Mr. Roberts that there was some suspicious activity around
what he claimed. I told him that we did not want to have to further investigate,
but that we would if he wanted to continue.
Mr. Roberts apparently thought that I was threatening him somehow
because he then began to raise his voice and told me that I needed to be careful
of how I treated him. I apologized for upsetting him, but told him that I was just
trying to be truthful.
After things calmed down, Mr. Roberts agreed to think things over and
meet with me again next week. I am hoping that he will have changed his mind
by then and we can wrap this up.
I did get your email last week, and I agree with you that we need to make
sure that we are thorough. If you have any more questions for me, please let me
know. Otherwise, I will be in touch with you next week after I talk to Mr. Roberts

Lisa Patrick

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