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Law and its function, sources

Jurisprudence meaning, school, branches

Role of Animus Posited involved in the principle of Corporeal Possession
Personality and Legal Meaning
Custom, Attributes to be legal
Justice and kind of Justice
Rights and Duties, Obligation
Possession and Ownership
Natural Person and Legal Person
Morality and its legal recognition
Property and its kind
The moment law is devoided from ethics, it loses its colur and essence.
Justice is the end point of law or law is means to achieve justice.
However, Austin's theory is silent about this special relationship between law and justice.
So, Salmond said that the definition of law which is without refernce to justice is imperfect in nature.
By calling 'The Law' we are referring to justice, social welfare and law in the abstract sense.
Austin’s definition lacked this abstract sense. A perfect definition should include both ‘a law’ and ‘the law’.
mperfect in nature.

oth ‘a law’ and ‘the law’.

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