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Comparing the efficacy and safety of apheresis and whole

blood–derived platelet transfusions: a systematic review

Nancy M. Heddle, Donald M. Arnold, Diana Boye, Kathryn E. Webert, Ilona Resz, and
Larry J. Dumont

latelets (PLT) for transfusion are prepared either
BACKGROUND: A systematic review and meta- from apheresis or from whole-blood donations.
analysis was performed to determine if there were dif- Whole blood–derived (WBD) PLTs are prepared
ferences between apheresis platelet concentrates by the PLT-rich plasma (PRP) method or the
(APCs) or platelets (PLTs) derived from whole blood buffy coat (BC) method. Although all three methods are in
(WBD) for the outcomes acute reactions, alloimmuniza- routine use throughout the world, there is uncertainty as
tion, refractoriness, corrected count increment (CCI), to the differences in efficacy and/or safety of these prod-
radiolabeled recovery and survival, time to next transfu- ucts. Advantages suggested for apheresis PLT concen-
sion, and bleeding. trates (APCs) include fewer donor exposures, less bacterial
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: We searched contamination, and operational efficiencies including
Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Registry of Controlled white cell (WBC) removal. Proposed advantages of WBD
Trials, PapersFirst, ProceedingsFirst, and AABB and PLTs include cost, efficient use of whole-blood donations,
ASH abstracts for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and ease of neonatal and pediatric dosing. Comparisons
comparing APCs and WBD PLTs for clinical outcomes.
Study selection, data extraction, and methodologic
quality assessments were performed in duplicate.
Results were pooled using meta-analytic methods. ABBREVIATIONS: APC(s) = apheresis platelet concentrates;
RESULTS: Ten RCTs met the inclusion criteria. Acute BC(s) = buffy coat(s); LR = leukoreduced; non-
reactions per patient were lower for APCs (relative risk LR = nonleukoreduced; post-LR = poststorage leukoreduced;
[RR], 0.65; 95% CI, 0.44-0.98); however, when control- pre-LR = prestorage leukoreduced; PRP = platelet-rich plasma;
ling for leukoreduction, there was no significant differ- RCT(s) = randomized controlled trial(s); RR = relative risk;
ence (leukoreduced [LR]-APCs vs. LR-WBDs; odds UVB = ultraviolet light B; WBD(s) = whole blood–derived
ratio, 1.78; 95% CI, 0.87-3.62). There was no difference platelets; WBD-BC = whole blood–derived platelets prepared
between products when reaction frequencies were from buffy coats; WBD-PRP = whole blood–derived platelets
assessed per transfusion (RR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.33- prepared from platelet-rich plasma; WMD(s) = weighted mean
1.28). APCs were associated with significantly higher difference(s).
CCIs than WBD PLTs at both 1 hour (weighted mean
From the Department of Medicine and the Department of
difference [WMD], 2.49; 95% CI, 2.21-2.77) and 18 to
Molecular Medicine and Pathology, McMaster University,
24 hours (WMD, 1.64; 95% CI, 0.60-2.67). No conclu-
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; and the Department of Pathology,
sions could be made for the outcomes of alloimmuniza-
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New
tion and refractoriness. No studies addressed outcomes
of time to next transfusion or bleeding.
Address reprint requests to: Nancy Heddle, MSc, FCSMLS
CONCLUSIONS: Owing to the small number of trials
(D), McMaster Transfusion Research Program, McMaster Uni-
and lack of comparability of PLT products for leukore-
versity, 1200 Main Street West, HSC-3N43, Hamilton, Ontario,
duction, we were unable to draw definitive conclusions
Canada L8N 3Z5; e-mail:
about the clinical benefits of APCs compared with WBD
Dr Arnold is a New Investigator with the Canadian Insti-
PLTs. Rigorous RCTs using clinically important end
tutes of Health Research. Dr Webert holds a McMaster Univer-
points are needed to settle this issue.
sity, Department of Medicine Internal Career Research Award.
Received for publication September 19, 2007; revision
received January 7, 2008, and accepted January 29, 2008.
doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2008.01731.x
TRANSFUSION 2008;48:1447-1458.

Volume 48, July 2008 TRANSFUSION 1447


of clinically important outcomes, such as bleeding and tified, the complete article was scrutinized to confirm
prevention of transfusion reactions, have not been well eligibility.
described and differences in surrogate outcomes such as The following data were extracted independently in
corrected PLT count increments (CCIs) and PLT recovery triplicate (NMH, DB, IR): study design, source of funding,
are uncertain.1 inclusion and exclusion criteria, number of patients
There have been numerous in vitro studies that have eligible and randomly assigned, sex, age, type of PLT
assessed the quality of the different PLT products during product transfused, number of transfusions, dose of PLTs
storage using biochemical markers and measurements of transfused, WBC content of the transfused product,
shape change and PLT function.2,3 Although differences in product age at transfusion, outcome definitions, and
some of these in vitro outcome measures have been dem- outcome events. Proportions were reported for dichoto-
onstrated, their clinical relevance is unknown because mous outcomes, and means and standard deviations
they have generally not been shown to correlate with clini- (SDs; or medians with ranges [high-low] for skewed data)
cal outcomes. were reported for continuous outcomes. The data
The objective of this systematic review was to assess extracted by the three reviewers were compared for con-
differences between APCs and WBD PLTs (whole blood– sistency, and discrepancies were resolved by consensus.
derived platelets prepared from platelet-rich plasma Individual patient data were used for the analysis where
[WBD-PRP] or whole blood–derived platelets prepared available.
from buffy coats [WBD-BC]) for the clinical outcomes of Methodologic quality of the included trials was
bleeding and acute transfusion reactions and for the judged by two independent reviewers (DMA and LJD)
surrogate outcomes of CCI, alloimmunization and PLT except for the study authored by DMA, which was judged
refractoriness, time to next transfusion, and PLT survival by a third rater (S. Whittaker). The Jadad scale was used to
and recovery. A secondary objective was to identify knowl- assess study quality.5 This scoring system assigns one
edge gaps to focus future research programs. point for certain methodologic criteria and subtracts
points if certain information is not provided, including:
randomized treatment allocation, use of appropriate
method for randomization, the use of a double-blind
We performed a systematic review to identify all random- study maneuver and an appropriate method to achieve
ized trials comparing APCs and WBD PLTs. In duplicate, double blinding, and a description of all withdrawals and
we searched the electronic databases of MEDLINE (1966 dropouts. An overall score of two or lower was considered
to January 2007), EMBASE (1980 to January 2007), and the to represent “poor” methodologic quality. In addition,
Cochrane Registry of Controlled Trials using the following reviewers were asked to judge the adequacy of the method
key words and text words as search terms: “platelet trans- of allocation concealment. The reviewers were not
fusions,” “plateletpheresis,” “buffy coat platelets,” “apher- blinded to the authorship of the article during this process
esis platelets,” and “whole blood derived platelets.” The because both reviewers were familiar with the literature
Dickersin filter was used to limit citations to randomized in this area. Discrepancies in scoring were resolved by
controlled trials (RCTs).4 We identified abstracts through consensus.
the PapersFirst and ProceedingsFirst portal. All abstracts The primary analysis was to compare the frequency of
from the American Society of Hematology and AABB the prespecified clinical outcomes between APCs and
annual meetings (2000-2005) were searched by hand. WBD PLTs (WBD-PRP and/or WBD-BC). Leukoreduction
Manual searches of bibliographies of relevant articles and and product age were identified as potential confounding
reviews were also performed. The search strategy was factors that were considered when deciding whether or
intentionally broad to minimize the risk of relevant article not data should be pooled. Each outcome was consid-
omission. ered independently of the others, with no adjustment for
After an initial screening of titles by one reviewer multiple tests. Results were pooled across studies using
(NMH), two independent reviewers (DMA, DB) screened the random effects model of DerSimonian and Laird6 to
potentially relevant abstracts to select those that met the calculate the overall relative risk (RR) and 95 percent
following predefined inclusion criteria: RCT; comparison confidence intervals (CIs).6 Pooled RRs were calculated
of two or more types of PLT products (WBD-PRP, WBD-BC, for the dichotomous outcomes of refractoriness, alloim-
or APCs); clinical outcomes (primary or secondary) munization, and alloimmune refractoriness. Weighted
including any of bleeding, adverse events, time to next mean differences (WMDs) were calculated by pooling
transfusion, alloimmunization, or refractoriness; and results of continuous variables (CCI) weighted by the
laboratory outcomes including posttransfusion incre- inverse of the variance. We used computer software
ments or PLT survival and recovery. Abstract-only publi- for these calculations (Review Manager Version 4.3, The
cations were eligible, and there were no language Nordic Cochrane Center, The Cochrane Collaboration
restrictions. Once potentially relevant studies were iden- 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark). The percentage of total

1448 TRANSFUSION Volume 48, July 2008


Initial search
product type was transfused (n = 96),
936 citations no comparison of PLT transfusion
440 excluded: Titles screened for
relevance products was performed (n = 192),
96- 1 product only
192- not relevant the article did not report original
64- original data not data (n = 64), nonrandomized design
included 496 identified as (n = 46), clinical outcomes were not
46- not randomized potentially relevant
39- in vitro reported (n = 39), and redundant pub-
Duplicate independent
3- duplicates review of abstracts based on lications (n = 3). The abstracts of the
inclusion criteria remaining 496 citations were retrieved
and were assessed for eligibility in
19 possible inclusions duplicate. Nineteen articles appeared
to meet the inclusion criteria and the
Duplicate review of full full text publications were further
articles. Disagreement evaluated. Of those 19 articles, 6 were
resolved by consensus
excluded for the following reasons: ran-
4-APC and WBD PLTs not domization was not based on APC and
randomized 13 studies were WBD products (n = 4),7-10 duplicate
1- foreign included:
publication (duplicate study) - 10 original publication uncovered after translation
1-not relevant when reports to English (n = 1),11 inclusion criteria
translated - 3 secondary not met (n = 1).12 Of the 13 remaining
articles,13-25 2 were secondary publica-
tions from the TRAP trial data,23,24 and 1
Fig. 1. Results of the article search and selection. article was a preliminary report of a
trial which was published in full 1 year
later.16 Hence, there were 10 original
variance across studies was assessed using the I2 test for
studies: 8 full articles13,15,17-20,22,25 and 2 abstracts14,21
(Fig. 1). These 10 RCTs represented work performed
For acute transfusion reactions, exploratory analyses
independently in eight different countries: Canada (2
were performed by combining results across all studies by
studies both from the same site); the United States (3
product type (APCs-leukoreduced [LR], WBD-non-LR,
studies from two different sites); and 1 study each in the
WBD-LR) using a logistic regression model. These analy-
Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and the
ses were performed using reactions per patient and reac-
United Kingdom.
tions per transfusion as outcomes. The WBD PLTs in that
analysis included only products prepared using the PRP
Study characteristics
The characteristics of the studies included in this review
(including secondary publications [n = 2]23,24 and prelimi-
Role of the funding source
nary report [n = 1]16) are summarized in Table 1. The
The study sponsor was Gambro BCT (Lakewood, CO). studies were published between 1981 and 2006 and ran-
LJD (a former employee of the sponsor) and NMH con- domized a total of 1137 patients between the ages of 14
ceived the idea for the study formulating the hypothesis and 89. Of the 10 original trials, 7 (70%) were single-
and general study design while LJD was still employed at center studies13-15,17,18,21,25 and 319,20,22 were multicenter
Gambro BCT. The search strategies, article selection, data involving three to seven sites. Eight of the studies
extraction, review criteria, and primary analyses were enrolled patients with hematologic malignancies and/or
performed by the authors other than LJD. LJD partici- solid tumors who were receiving prophylactic and thera-
pated in the critical review of the eligible studies and peutic PLT transfusions,13-15,17-20,22 1 study did not specify
manuscript review after leaving the employment of the the patient population,21 and 1 study recruited healthy
sponsor. volunteers to assess radiolabeled PLT recovery and sur-
vival.25 All trials randomly allocated either patients or
RESULTS transfusions to APCs or WBD PLTs (WBD-PRP and/or
WBD-BC). The follow-up period varied from 6 days to
Literature search 8 weeks (from 4 studies). Sources of funding, disclosed in
We identified 936 citations from the initial literature 5 of the 10 studies, were industry (n = 1),19 peer-reviewed
search. After screening titles for relevance, 440 citations funding (n = 3),13,20,25 and a combination of both (n = 1).22
were excluded for the following reasons: only one Two reports were published as abstracts only.14,21 No

Volume 48, July 2008 TRANSFUSION 1449


TABLE 1. Summary of the study demographics and patients enrolled
Total number of patients Single or multicenter
Author(s) and year Years of recruitment randomized (number of sites) Funding source Patient population Age (years)
Sintnicolaas et al. (1981)13 Not reported 34 Single Peer review Acute leukemia; other 14-75
hematologic malignancies

Volume 48, July 2008

Gmur et al. (1983)15 Jun 1977-Dec 1981 54 Single Not reported Acute leukemia 17-71
Bishop et al. (1995)16* Not stated Not reported Multicenter Not reported Not reported Not reported
Muylle et al. (1996)17 5 months, year not reported 64 patients, 39 included in Single Not reported Acute leukemia; other 19-89
analysis hematologic malignancies
Kluter et al. (1996)18 Not reported 36 Single Not reported Oncology, acute leukemia; 19-79
other hematologic
Anderson et al. (1997)19 Not reported 51 Multicenter (5) Industry Acute leukemia; other Not reported
hematologic malignancies
TRAP (1997)20 Jan 1991-Feb 1995 603 randomized, 530 Multicenter (7) Peer review Acute leukemia 16-88
included in analysis
Kakaiya (1981)14 [abstract] Not reported 16 Single Not reported Acute leukemia adults 21-78
Slichter et al. (1998)21 Not reported 118 Single Not reported Not reported Not reported
Heddle et al. (2002)22 Mar 1997-Mar 1999 129 Multicenter (3) Peer review and industry Acute leukemia; other 17-67
hematologic malignancies
Enright et al. (2003)23† Jan 1991-Mar 1995 603 randomized, 598 Multicenter (7) Peer review Acute leukemia 53 ⫾ 16 (SD)
included in analysis
Slichter et al. (2005) † Jan 1991-Feb 1995 603 enrolled, 533 analyzed Multicenter (7) Peer review Acute leukemia 52 ⫾ 17 (SD)
Arnold et al. (2006)25 Not reported 32 randomized, 22 Single Peer review Healthy volunteers 18-60
completed the study
* Bishop is early report of Anderson study. The latter study was used as the primary data source.
† The reports by Enright (2003) and Slichter (2005) are substudies using data from the TRAP study (1997).

study compared APCs to WBD PLTs for the outcomes of

bleeding or time to next transfusion.




withdrawals and dropouts?
Was there a description of
Assessment of methodologic quality
Initial agreement between reviewers on quality assess-

(yes = 1 point)
ment was moderate (k = 0.55), and disagreements were








resolved by consensus in all cases. Of the 10 studies, 5 were
found to be of poor methodologic quality, scoring 2 or
less on the Jadad scale. Failure to report the method of
randomization, allocation concealment, and/or losses to

TABLE 2. Assessment of the methodologic quality of the studies using the scoring system of Jadad5
follow-up were the primary reasons for low scores
(Table 2).

Yes—sealed envelopes
Yes—sealed envelopes

Yes—sealed envelopes
(yes = 1 point; no = subtract
described and appropriate?
Was the blinding method
Transfusion reactions

1 point)
Four trials, reported in six publications, assessed the fre-
quency of acute transfusion reactions by PLT product



type.16,17,19,20,22,23 The study by Bishop and colleagues16 was
reported in full by Anderson and colleagues;19 hence, the
latter was used as the data source for the analyses. Defini-
tions of acute transfusion reactions varied across studies

Was the study double

blind? (yes = 1 point)

No—single blinded
with the primary differences related to the temperature
increase (ⱖ1 or ⱖ2°C) and reaction severity. Heddle and
coworkers22 reported all grades of severity while the other
studies reported only severe reactions. The period of



observation after transfusion was also variable, ranging



from 2 to 4 hours. The methods for assessing reactions
were reported in all publications except Bishop and col-
Yes—random number table
point; no = subtract 1 point)

randomization was done

and appropriate? (yes = 1


leagues,16 and all involved prospective assessments of
randomization stated
Was the method of

adverse events by the treating health care provider with or

No—just stated that

without chart review.

The characteristics of the PLT products used in each


study are summarized in Table 3. The PLT products trans-

fused in these studies were not comparable for two factors

that are known to influence the frequency of acute




reactions: leukoreduction (before and after storage);9,22

and age of the PLT product at the time of transfusion.26,27
randomized? (yes = 1 point)
Was the study described as

Therefore, we did not pool these data in a meta-analysis.

Reaction frequencies were reported by patient and/or by
PLT transfusion episodes. Summary data on the frequency





of reactions by PLT product type are reported in Table 4. In





the exploratory analysis by product type across all studies,

WBD-PRP non-LR were associated with a higher propor-
tion of reactions per patient than APC-LR (odds ratio [OR],
1.87; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.12-3.12), whereas
there was no difference in risk of reaction when all WBDs
Kakaiya (1981)14 [abstract]
Sintnicolaas et al. (1981)13

(PRP and BC) and all APCs were LR (OR, 1.78; 95% CI,
Anderson et al. (1997)19

Slichter et al. (1998)21

Heddle et al. (2002)22

0.87-3.62). When examining reactions per transfusion, dif-

Muylle et al. (1996)17

Arnold et al. (2006)25

Kluter et al. (1996)18
Gmur et al. (1983)15

NR = not reported.

ferences were not observed when WBD-PRP non-LR and

TRAP (1997)20

APC-LR were compared (OR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.63-1.07) or


when comparing WBD-PRP-LR and APC-LR (OR, 0.99;

95% CI 0.63-1.58). For the outcome of transfusion reac-

tions, there were no studies that compared non-LR APCs

to non-LR WBD PLTs.

Volume 48, July 2008 TRANSFUSION 1451


TABLE 3. Characteristics of the PLT products used in the studies that reported adverse events*
UK study TRAP study
PLT product Bishop et al. (1995)16 Anderson et al. (1997)19 Muylle et al. (1996)17 Initial report† (1997)20 Enright et al.‡ (2006)23 Heddle et al. (2002)22
Collection system
WBD-PRP NR ACD split CPDA-1 NR NR Nutricel
WBD-BC NR NR Optipac/Optipress

Volume 48, July 2008

APCs NR Cobe Spectra 3.6 Cobe Spectra 2.6 or 3.6 Cobe Spectra 2.6 or 3.6 Spectra LRS
WBD-PRP NR Non-LR Bedside post-LR PL100§ and non-LR PL100§ and non-LR Pre-LR
WBD-BC NR Non-LR Bedside post-LR
APCs NR NR PL100 (Lab) post-LR PL100 (Lab) post-LR Pre-LR during collection
Number of WBCs (¥10 /product)
WBD-PRP NR 365 (NR) 270 (⫾220) 2-742¶ 1.6-792储 >5
WBD-BC NR 5.68 (NR) 150 (⫾100)
APCs NR 0.33 (0.03-13.5)** 1 (⫾14) >5
Pool size
WBD-PRP NR 5 7⫾1 6 6 4 or 5
Product age (days)
WBD-PRP NR ⱕ6 hr 2.51 (⫾1.15) NR NR 3.7 (⫾1.1)
WBD-BC NR 2.98 (⫾1.2) 3.04 (⫾1.13)
APCs NR 2.98 (⫾1.3) NR NR 3.0 (⫾1.4)
* Data are reported as mean (⫾ SD).
† Analysis included 530 of 603 patients randomly assigned.
‡ Analysis included 598 of 603 patients randomly assigned.
§ Post-LR at the bedside.
¶ Consisted of three product types: non-LR (742 ⫾ 607), bedside post-LR (2 ⫾ 20), and UVB (704 ⫾ 564).
储 Consisted of three product types: non-LR (792 ⫾ 606), bedside post-LR (1.6 ⫾ 18.1), and UVB (743 ⫾ 552).
** Mean (range).
NR = not reported.
TABLE 4. Frequency of reactions reported by patient and by transfusions in the eligible studies
UK study TRAP study
Product Anderson et al. (1997) Bishop et al. (1995) Initial report (1997)* Enright et al. (2006)† Muylle et al. (1996) Heddle et al. (2003)‡
Reactions expressed per number of patients transfused (%)
APCs post-LR 20/132 (15.2)
APCs pre-LR 4/18 (22)
WBD-PRP 8/13 (62)
Overall 94/398 (23.6)
WBD-BC 5/17 (29)
Reactions expressed per number of PLTs transfused (%)
APCs post-LR 29/1450 (2) 36/2192 (1.6)
APCs pre-LR 5/162 (3.1) 6/169 (3.6) 67/504 (13.3)
WBD-PRP 20/117 (17.1) 20/117 (17.1) (2)§ 47/1880 (2.5)
WBD-PRP post-LR (2)§ 38/2101 (1.8) 37/398 (9.3)
WBD-PRP UVB (3)§ 63/2159 (2.9)
WBD-PRP pre-LR 59/517 (11.4)
Overall 131/5650 (2.3) 148/6140 (2.4)
WBD-BC 6/158 (3.8) 7/169 (4.1) 5/186 (2.7)
* 530 of 603 randomly assigned patients included in the analysis.
† 598 of 603 randomly assigned patients included in the analysis.
‡ Reported all severity grades (mild, moderate, severe), whereas other studies reported only severe reactions.
§ Proportions not provided in the article.

Volume 48, July 2008


Review: Apheresis vs whole blood derived platelet transfusions

Comparison: 05 CCI (1hr)
Outcome: 01 corrected count increment

Study Apheresis Whole blood-derived WMD (random) Weight WMD (random)

or sub-category N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 95% CI % 95% CI

Gmur 1983 162 15.60(5.60) 148 12.48(3.70) 7.32 3.12 [2.07, 4.17]
Kluter 1996 58 18.48(12.73) 232 15.87(10.86) 0.63 2.61 [-0.95, 6.17]
Anderson 1997 162 12.00(14.64) 275 10.27(16.29) 0.92 1.73 [-1.23, 4.69]
TRAP 1997 1498 14.70(5.20) 4756 12.23(5.15) 88.68 2.47 [2.17, 2.77]
Slichter(a) 1998 118 11.58(8.12) 118 10.03(5.93) 2.45 1.55 [-0.26, 3.36]

Total (95% CI) 1998 5529 100.00 2.49 [2.21, 2.77]

Test for heterogeneity: Chi² = 2.69, df = 4 (P = 0.61), I² = 0%
Test for overall effect: Z = 17.20 (P < 0.00001)

-10 -5 0 5 10
Higher with WBD Higher with APC

Fig. 2. Forest plot showing the weighted mean difference in the 1-hour CCI of all WBDs versus APCs.

Review: Apheresis vs whole blood derived platelet transfusions

Comparison: 06 CCI (24 hr)
Outcome: 01 Corrected count increment at 24 hours

Study Apheresis Whole blood-derived WMD (random) Weight WMD (random)

or sub-category N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) 95% CI % 95% CI

Gmur 1983 162 8.40(4.70) 148 6.50(2.90) 40.92 1.90 [1.04, 2.76]
Kluter 1996 58 10.78(8.71) 232 11.86(8.00) 13.50 -1.08 [-3.55, 1.39]
Anderson 1997 162 8.63(21.51) 275 6.39(23.16) 5.29 2.24 [-2.06, 6.54]
Heddle 2002 380 6.60(7.04) 384 4.40(5.31) 40.29 2.20 [1.32, 3.08]

Total (95% CI) 762 1039 100.00 1.64 [0.60, 2.67]

Test for heterogeneity: Chi² = 6.06, df = 3 (P = 0.11), I² = 50.5%
Test for overall effect: Z = 3.09 (P = 0.002)

-10 -5 0 5 10
Higher with WBD Higher with APC

Fig. 3. Forest plot showing the weighted mean difference in the 18- to 24-hour CCI of all WBDs versus APCs.

CCIs vented or delayed by transfusing only APCs.13-15 The fourth

Six studies compared the 1-hour and/or 18- to 24-hour study (the TRAP trial) was designed to determine if
CCI between WBDs (WBD-PRP or WBD-BC) and post-LR or ultraviolet light B (UVB) treatment of WBD-PRP
APCs.15,18-22 The study by Heddle and coworkers22 reported PLTs could prevent alloimmunization and refractoriness.20
the 18- to 24-hour CCI by PLT product as a dichotomous This study compared APCs with three types of WBD PLTs:
variable (successful increment, CCI ⱖ 4.5; unsuccessful WBD-PRP non-LR, WBD-PRP post-LR (bedside filtration),
increment, CCI < 4.5); however, the raw data were and WBD-PRP UVB-treated. The definitions of alloimmu-
obtained and reanalyzed as a continuous variable for the nization and refractoriness varied between the studies. All
meta-analysis.22 Overall, APCs had a superior 1-hour CCI studies used a lymphocytotoxicity assay as the primary
(WMD, 2.49; 95% CI, 2.21-2.77) as shown in Fig. 2. When determinant of HLA alloimmunization; however, several
WBD PLTs were stratified into WBD-BC and WBD-PRP, a of the studies also included the presence of PLT-associated
significant difference remained between APCs and WBD- antibodies in their assessments of alloimmunization
PRP (WMD, 2.50; 95% CI, 2.19-2.81), but there was no using radioimmunoassay, enzyme-linked immunosor-
significant difference between APCs and WBD-BC (WMD, bent assay, and/or flow cytometry techniques. The
1.80; 95% CI, -0.77-4.38). The 18- to 24-hour CCI was sig- definitions of refractoriness included three poor post-
nificantly higher for APCs compared with WBD products transfusion PLT responses defined as a 24-hour CCI of less
(WMD, 1.64; 95% CI, 0.60-2.67; Fig. 3). Moderate hetero- than 2500 m2 per mL per unit in the absence of other clini-
geneity was noted between studies (I2 = 50.5%), predomi- cal causes or a 1-hour CCI of less than 4000 m2 per mL per
nately due to the study by Kluter and colleagues.18 As with unit in the absence of other clinical causes; percent recov-
the 1-hour CCI, there was a significant difference between ery of 10 percent or less at 1 hour; a 24-hour CCI of less
APCs and WBD-PRP for the 18- to 24-hour CCI (WMD, than 2500 m2 per mL per unit or a 1-hour CCI of less than
2.05; 95% CI, 1.44-2.66); but APCs and WBD-BC were not 4000 m2 per mL per unit without coexisting disseminated
significantly different (WMD, -0.39; 95% CI, -2.95-2.17). intravascular coagulation, sepsis, or splenomegaly; and a
CCI of less than 5000 m2 per mL per 1011 PLTs after two
sequential transfusions of fresh ABO-compatible PLTs.
Alloimmunization and refractoriness The frequencies for alloimmunization and refractori-
Three of the studies were designed to determine whether ness are summarized in Table 5. We performed a meta-
alloimmunization and/or refractoriness could be pre- analysis combining only the three studies that used

1454 TRANSFUSION Volume 48, July 2008


TABLE 5. Summary of the frequency of alloimmunization and refractoriness in the four studies that assessed
these outcomes
Outcome by product type Sintnicolaas et al. (1981)13 Gmur et al. (1983)15 Kakaiya (1981)14 TRAP (1997)20
Number (%) alloimmunized
WBD-PRP non-LR 2/16 (12.5) 15/27 (55.5)* 2/7 (29) 64/131 (45)*
WBD-PRP post-LR 25/137 (18)
WBD-PRP UVB 26/130 (20)
APCs non-LR 1/17 (5.9) 4/27 (14.8) 5/9 (55.5)
APCs post-LR 22/132 (17)
Number (%) refractory
WBD-PRP non-LR 14/27 (51.9)* 17/131 (13)*
WBD-PRP post-LR 4/137 (3)
WBD-PRP-UVB 7/130 (5)
APCs non-LR 4/27 (14.8)
APCs post-LR 5/132 (4)
* p < 0.05 when compared with apheresis.

non-LR products to determine the impact of APCs or WBD the studies failed to report sufficient detail about the
PLTs on alloimmunization. The overall RR was not signifi- process of randomization and the integrity of blinding
cant (RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.15-2.54), and significant hetero- resulting in low quality scores. Although the score was not
geneity was observed (I2 = 65.5%). used to exclude studies of poor methodologic quality from
the analysis, it provides readers with additional informa-
tion about the validity of the individual study results. Also,
Radiolabeled recovery and survival information about the presence or absence of confound-
One study compared PLT recovery and survival for APCs ers such as product age and ABO compatibility was fre-
and WBD-PRP using autologous radiolabeled PLTs.25 This quently missing from reports, calling into question the
study was performed in 22 volunteers using a crossover comparability of groups and limiting the potential for sen-
study design where each volunteer donated in random sitivity analyses. Owing to these limitations and the small
order both WBD-PRP pre-LR and APCs pre-LR. In vivo PLT number of trials, conclusions about the benefits of one
recovery and survival for the two products were measured product over another could not be made with certainty.
simultaneously using a double PLT label technique. The Rigorous randomized trials using clinically important
authors concluded that APCs had 18.8 percent better endpoints are needed to settle this issue. This has been
recovery (p = 0.032) and 32.9 percent longer survival previously emphasized with respect to other trials in
(p < 0.001) than WBD-PRP PLTs. transfusion medicine.28
The studies that reported acute reactions were not
amenable to pooling in a formal meta-analysis because of
differences between treatment arms related to LR. It is well
The effectiveness of various types of PLT products has known that LR is an effective strategy for preventing acute
been debated for many years. The lack of consensus is transfusion reactions especially when performed before
apparent in day-to-day practice where patients continue storage.9,22 The BC method results in a pre-LR PLT product,
to receive either APCs or WBD PLTs primarily at the dis- and although there is only a 1 log reduction in contami-
cretion of the local blood supplier and often based on nating WBCs, this level is sufficient to prevent most febrile
availability of supply. The goal of this review was to try to nonhemolytic transfusion reactions.29 As summarized in
settle the debate by systematically reviewing and carefully Table 4, the PLT products assessed in these studies repre-
pooling the data from existing literature. In the end, due to sented both LR (before and after storage) and non-LR
the small number of trials identified and the lack of com- products. Furthermore, even within studies, the degree of
parability of LR and non-LR products, we were unable to LR for different products was not always comparable. For
draw definitive conclusions about the clinical benefits of these reasons, we were unable to conclude whether one
APCs compared with WBD PLTs. PLT product was associated with fewer transfusion reac-
We identified 10 randomized trials comparing APCs tions in the primary analysis.
to either WBD-PRP or WBD-BC; however, all had impor- LR (pre-LR and post-LR) and product age at the time
tant methodologic limitations.13-15,17-22,25 First, none of the of transfusion were identified as potential confounding
studies compared products for the outcomes of bleeding factors, which could influence the outcome of acute
or time to next transfusion. Such endpoints are important reactions.9,22,26,27 Insufficient information was provided to
for any determination of efficacy and should be the drivers permit a secondary analysis of the effects of product age.
for changes in transfusion practices. In addition, half of The effect of LR was evaluated in a secondary analysis

Volume 48, July 2008 TRANSFUSION 1455


based on stratification by product type (APC-LR, WBD-BC, 1.64; 95% CI, 0.6-2.7). This finding is consistent with pre-
WBD-PRP non-LR, WBD-PRP-LR, and WBD-PRP non-LR vious observations from two clinical trials of acute trans-
UVB-treated). When PLT product type was considered fusion reactions where 53 percent of the APCs transfused
with LR status, APC-LR were superior to WBD non-LR PLTs had a successful 18- to 24-hour CCI (defined as a
in avoiding transfusion reactions (p = 0.016), while the CCI < 4.5) compared with 35 percent of WBD-PRP trans-
odds of a reaction with a post-LR WBD PLT were not sig- fusions.9,22 The results are also consistent with observa-
nificantly higher than with APC-LR (OR, 1.775; p = 0.1139). tions from a volunteer study of radiolabeled autologous
This is consistent with our current understanding that PLTs, which showed that PLT recovery and survival were
although most PLT reactions are caused by WBC-derived significantly higher with APCs.25 These data suggest the
cytokines released during storage of the PLT product, posttransfusion CCI will be higher with APCs; however,
approximately 10 percent of reactions are antibody- there are no RCTs that have correlated the posttransfusion
mediated; hence, post-LR will prevent some reactions.30 CCI with bleeding or a longer interval between
When acute reactions are evaluated by transfusion transfusion; hence, the clinical relevance of this finding
rather than by patient, no significant difference is seen needs further investigation.
between APCs and WBD PLTs; however, significant hetero- There were a number of challenges when performing
geneity was present. To explain this heterogeneity, we per- this systematic review and meta-analysis. The reporting of
formed an exploratory analysis comparing product types information varied with the different studies. In some
across studies. In contrast to the analysis by patient, no studies, relevant information was not specified in the
differences were seen between PLT types where transfu- article; hence, such reports could not be included in the
sions were used as the denominator. This observation sug- analyses or assumptions had to be made to estimate
gests that some patients are more prone to reactions than and/or calculate the required information. With a few
others. This should be an important consideration with exceptions, the studies scored low on the critical appraisal
future study designs ensuring that analyses are performed scale, most often as a result of missing information; hence,
per patient or by using study designs that account for study quality may have biased the overall results. Finally,
interpatient variability such as randomizing transfusions it was difficult to compare data from different studies
rather than patients. There are very little data on acute because of the lack of standardized definitions for acute
reactions in patients transfused with WBD-BC (158 trans- reactions, alloimmunization, and refractoriness. In addi-
fusions in 17 patients in one study). tion the generalizability of the results is limited because all
The TRAP study was a pivotal study addressing the 9 of the 10 studies were performed in patients with hema-
hypotheses of the effect of LR and UVB irradiation on tologic malignancies. The generalizability of the radiola-
alloimmunization and refractoriness to PLT transfusion beled recovery and survival study performed using
and compared APCs to WBD PLTs.20 Although we identi- healthy volunteers to patients with malignancies being
fied three other studies that also compared APCs to WBD treated with chemotherapy is also unknown.
PLTs,13-15 they were all small (ranging from 16 to 54 A secondary goal of this review was to identify areas of
patients) compared to the TRAP study. The TRAP study research that require further pursuit. There were few trials
demonstrated that LR was a dominant factor in reducing comparing PLT products and little evaluative clinical data
the risk of these outcomes; hence, any analyses performed for WBD-BC. Additional clinical studies are needed to
would be influenced heavily by the TRAP study results. determine the differences between APCs and WBD-BC,
The frequencies of both alloimmunization and refractori- the effectiveness of various PLT products in populations
ness were significantly lower when LR or UVB-treated other than patients with chemotherapy-induced thromb-
PLTs were transfused compared to WBD-PRP non-LR ocytopenia, the validity of CCI as a surrogate outcome
products. The TRAP study did not support an advantage measure for bleeding, and the difference between APCs
for either APCs or WBD PLTs in reducing the risk of alloim- and WBD PLTs in the frequency and severity of acute
munization or refractoriness; however, because this study transfusion reactions, independent of leukoreduction.
was designed to show superiority, no valid conclusions Future studies using the outcomes of bleeding and time to
can be made about equivalence.20 Overall, there is no evi- next transfusion would also provide useful information for
dence to suggest that APCs are more effective than WBD- evidence-based transfusion practice.
PRP in decreasing the frequency of alloimmunization This systematic review has also identified important
and/or refractoriness. There are no data on the frequency methodologic concerns that should be addressed to opti-
of alloimmunization and/or refractoriness with WBD-BC mize the design of future clinical trials to compare PLT
PLTs. products. In particular, a standardized definition of acute
The only outcome for which a formal meta-analysis transfusion reactions should be developed and validated
could be performed was CCI. Both the 1-hour and the 18- for reproducibility and validity; the optimal analysis plan
to 24-hour CCIs were significantly higher with APCs than should be derived to account for nonindependent events
with WBD PLTs (WMD, 2.5; 95% CI, 2.2-2.8; and WMD, such as transfusion reactions; the optimal unit of random-

1456 TRANSFUSION Volume 48, July 2008


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WF, Haije WG, Hop WC, Abels J, Lowenberg B. Delayed
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