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von Willebrand Clarified

William A. Dittman, Jr., M.D., Director of Hematology

VON W ILLEBRAND DISEASE ( vWd) is the most common he- which is a measure of the ability of vWF to bind to and
reditary bleeding disorder with a prevalence estimated to be aggregate platelets.
between 3 per 100,000 and 1 per 100. Patients with vWd have Additional testing can include the evaluation of von Wille-
either a quantitative or qualitative disorder of von Willebrand brand factor multimers, which may be altered in some quali-
factor (vWF) . These defects result in abnormalities in the tative vWd disorders, and Ristocetin-induced platelet aggre-
established normal functions of vWF: supporting adhesion of gation (distinct from the Ristocetin CoFactor activity), which
normal platelets to damaged blood vessels and allowing nor- can be abnormal in vWd Type 2B.
mal secretion and stability of coagulation Factor VIII . Clini- The most recent classification for vWd divides it into quan-
cally, patients with vWd have mucocutaneous bleeding. They titative (Types 1 and 3), and qualitative (Type 2) variants. Type
present with eccymoses, epistaxis, menorrhagia, or bleeding 1 is a partial quantitative defect in vWF and is usually inher-
following trauma or at the time of surgery. Severe vWd pa- ited as an autosomal dominant defect. Patients will have a
tients may present with hemarthroses as is seen in patients concordant decrease in vWF antigen and vWF Ristocetin
with hemophilia. The patient’s and family histories are the CoFactor activity. Bleeding time and aPTT are variable and
best indicators of a significant bleeding disorder, although the may be normal. Patients with Type 3 will have an absence of
expression and penetrance of vWd may vary widely within a any vWF and will have a severe bleeding disorder, usually
single family. with a prolonged bleeding time and aPTT. The Type 2 vWd
vWd is a heterogeneous disease both in presentation and reflects qualitative defects in the vWF protein. Generally there
pathology. Laboratory test results may vary significantly for will be lower levels of vWF activity (Ristocetin CoF) than
the same patient tested at different times; therefore, it is fre- vWF antigen. Type 2A is associated with a decrease in high
quently necessary to perform repeat testing as well as family molecular weight vWF multimers. Type 2B is associated with
studies to correctly diagnose vWd. Screening tests that may a vWF with an abnormally increased affinity for platelets
be abnormal in vWd include prolongation of the bleeding time and can be recognized by an abnormal platelet aggregation
(especially in severe or qualitative disorder) and the activated induced by low concentrations of Ristocetin. This test is dis-
partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), which reflect decreased tinct from the vWF Activity (Ristocetin CoF) assay. Recog-
Factor VIII coagulant activity. In mild vWd both these tests nition of Type 2B vWd is important, as these patients may
may be normal. Specific testing for vWd includes: Factor VIII develop severe thrombocytopenia if treated with DDAVP
Coagulant Activity, which reflects the levels of circulating (desnospressin). Type 2M vWd has disconcordant antigen and
vWF and its ability to support Factor VIII ; vWF Antigen, activity, is not associated with loss of high molecular weight
which is the level of vWF as determined by immunologic multimers, and has no increased affinity for platelets. Type
assay; and vWF Activity, or Ristocetin CoFactor Activity, 2N vWd is associated with a decreased affinity of vWF for
coagulation Factor V III .

Laboratory Features of von Willebrand’s Disease

Type (old Low Dose
terminology in von Willebrand vFW Activity Factor 8 Ristocetin induced
parentheses) factor antigen (Ristocetin CoF) Coagulation Activity Bleeding Time Platelet Count Multimers Platelet Aggregation

3 (III) <5 <1 ↓↓ ↑↑ Ν none N

1 (I) ↓ ↓ ↓/Ν ↑/Ν N N N
2M (I var) ↓ D ↓↓ ↓/Ν ↑/Ν N N N
2A (IIa, IIc,d,e) ↓ D ↓↓ ↓/Ν ↑ N Abn N
2B (IIb) ↓/Ν ↓/Ν ↓/Ν ↑ ↓/Ν Abn aggregation
2N (FVIII bind) ↓/Ν ↓/Ν D ↓↓ N N N N

N Normal, Abn Abnormal, ↑ Elevated, ↑↑ Markedly Elevated, ↓ Reduced, ↓↓ Markedly Reduced, D Discrepancy in the reduction of activity as compared to vWF antigen

Old Terminology New Terminology Description Workpar
Factor 8 Factor 8 Coagulant Activity Amount of Factor 8 activity detected in a FAC8 or FAC8AS
clot-based assay.
Factor 8 Antigen von Willebrand Factor Antigen Amount of von Willebrand factor antigen FAC8AG
detected by immunologic assay.

von Willebrands vWF Activity (Ristocetin CoF) Procoagulant activity of von Willebrand VON
factor as determined by its ability to
aggregate platelets in the presence of

Terminology for von Willebrand disease testing will be

updated February 26, 1996, to be more descriptive and con-
sistent with the recommendations of the International Soci-
ety on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. The table above lists old
terminology, corresponding new terminology, descriptions,
and workpars for affected procedures.

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