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Puberty in girls

and what's happening

Signs of puberty
fast facts
Brest development
Body hair
Vaginal discharge
Increase in Height
Wider Hips
Ru Ready?
The tanner

What are the

Tanner stages of
The brain begins to
send signals to the
body to prepare for

The hypothalamus begins to release

gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Pituitary gland starts to
(GnRH) to the pituitary gland, which
make two other
makes hormones that control other
hormones: luteinizing
glands in the body.
hormone (LH) and follicle-

stimulating hormone
Tanner stage 2

First signs of
breasts, called
“buds,” start to form
under the nipple.
Darker area
around the
nipple (areola)
will also expand.
Uterus begins to get

larger, and small

amounts of pubic hair
start growing on the lips
of the vulva.

Tanner stage 3
Breast “buds” continue to
grow and expand.
Pubic hair gets thicker and
Hair starts forming under
the armpits.

The first signs of acne may

appear on the face and back.
The highest growth rate for
height begins (around 3.2
inches per year).
Hips and thighs start to build
up fat.

Tanner stage 4
Many females get their
first period,
typically between ages
of 12 and 14, but it
can happen earlier.

Height growth will slow

down to about 2 to 3 inches
per year.
Pubic hair gets thicker.
Breasts take on a fuller
shape, passing the bud

Breasts reach
approximate adult size Pubic hair fills out
and shape, though to reach the inner
breasts can continue thighs.
to change through age Reproductive organs
18. and genitals are fully
Periods become regular developed.
after 6 months to 2 Hips, thighs, and
years. buttocks fill out in
Females reach adult shape.
height 1 to 2 years
after their first
Thank you!

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