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Understanding the Self

GE 9



Lesson Objectives:

1. Discuss the developmental aspect of the reproductive system;

2. Identify the erogenous zone;
3. Explain and characterize human sexual behavior;
4. Enumerate sexually transmitted diseases;
5. Differentiate natural and artificial methods of contraception.

Human beings are all sexual beings. Sexual development takes place when humans are still inside the womb of
their mothers. While we are taking good care of our physical self, it is also important that we are aware of our
sexual self especially after puberty.

 The concrete dimension, the tangible aspect that can be directly observed and examined.
 Refers to the body- the marvelous and complex container, finely tuned machine which we interface with
our environment and fellow beings.

 Degree to which a person’s physical traits are considered pleasing or beautiful
 Combination of qualities such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the
Qualities of a Physical Beauty
1. Genetics (How we actually look)
2. Health and Grooming (How we take care of ourselves)
3. Positive Self-Regard (How we feel about how we look)

 An individual’s evaluation of his or her own sexual feelings and actions.

 The stage of development at which individuals become sexually mature. The sequence of changes for
boys and girls is predictable, though the timing of these changes varies for every individual.

Boys Girls
Body Size Arms, legs, hands and feet may grow faster than the rest of the body
and Voice Voice will get deeper
Hair will appear under arms, on legs and face
Hair will start to grow in the pubic region,
Hair and also above your penis.
under arms and on legs
Some also have grown hair on their chest
Skin Become more oily, may sweat more, spots on face.
Will get longer and thicker and testicles will get
Will have erections due to an increase in
Will begin to produce sperm, which means that
Sperm during erections, you may experience
Hips get wider. Waist gets smaller
Body Shape Will change shape – taller, heavier and broader
Gaining weight is normal.
Usually starts at the age of 9 and 14. Ovaries
starts to release eggs and a layer of blood
and tissue builds up in the uterus which is
discharged once a month.
Breasts start to grow. It is not unusual for one
Breasts breast to be larger than the other. This will
even out at their final shape and size.
Understanding the Self
GE 9

During the early stages of human development, the embryonic reproductive structures of males and females are
alike and said to be in the indifferent stage. According to Marieb, E.N (2001), the gonads of the reproductive
glands that produce the gametes – testis or ovary begin to form until about the 8 th week of embryonic
development. When the primary reproductive structures are formed, development of the accessory structures
and the external genitalia begins. This formation of male and female structure depends on the presence of

Males Females
Chromosomes XY XX
Primary Sex Characteristics Testes Ovaries
Hormones Androgen Estrogen
Secondary Sex Deep voice, facial hair, increased in Breast development, widening of
Characteristics (Puberty) muscle mass hips.

However, not all sexual development can be normal. Any intervention with the normal pattern of sex hormone
production in the embryo results in strange abnormalities. Some of them are the following:

 Individuals having accessory reproductive structures that do not match their gonads.

 Individuals who possess both male and female reproductive organs but is rare in nature

 A condition seen in newborn when one or both of the male testes have not passed down into the
scrotal sac causing sterility.

 Narrowing of the foreskin of the male reproductive structure and misplaced urethral openings.


 Infestations are the most common problems associated with the reproductive system in the adults
 Vaginal infections are more common in young and elderly women and in those whose resistance to
diseases is low.
 Tumors (a mass abnormal tissue) of the breast and cervix are the most common reproductive cancers in
adult female
 Prostate cancer is a widespread problem in adult male.


1. Prostatitis
- The inflammation of the prostate gland
2. Urethritis
- Inflammation of the urethra commonly due to infection by bacteria. Characterized by having pain
with urination.


 Reduce of estrogen production that causes irregular ovulation and shorter menstrual periods.
 Reproductive organs and breasts begin to shrink if estrogen is no longer being released from the body
 Vagina becomes dry that causes intercourse to become painful
 Vaginal infections become increasingly common

 Popularized in the 1960’s and 1970’s to describe the areas of the body that are highly sensitive to stimuli
and are often (but not always) sexually exciting.
 Mouth
 Breasts
 Anus and Genitals
 Neck
 Thighs
 Abdomen
 Feet


 Any activity – solitary, between two persons or in a group that induces sexual arousal (Gebhard, P.H. 2017)

A. Major Factors Determining Sexual Behavior

1. Inherited
2. Influenced
Understanding the Self
GE 9

B. Types of Behavior
1. Solitary Behavior
- Involving only one individual.
Ex. Self-gratification/ self-stimulation
2. Sociosexual Behavior
- Involving more than one person taking place between individuals of various combinations of ages
and sexes.
a. heterosexual behavior (male with female)
b. homosexual behavior (female with female/ male with male)

C. Psychological Aspect of Sex

1. Socio-Cultural Influences (Family, Religion, Society and Personal Values)
2. External Stimuli (Movies, TV, Magazines, Pornography)
3. Internal Stimuli (Imagination, Fantasy, Memory)


The human response cycle refers to the sequence of physical and emotional occurrences when the person is
participating in a sexually stimulating activity. In general, both men and women experience it at the same time.
However, the intensity of the sensation and the time spent in each phase also vary from person to person.
In 1950s, William Masters and Virginia Johnson pioneered research to understand human sexual response,
dysfunction and disorders which served as a basis for the theory on the four stage model of sexual response or the
human sexual response cycle.

The Stages of the Human Response Cycle

The beginning of the sexual arousal.

Stage 1: Excitement
Preparation for intercourse.

Physical arousal builds.

Stage 2: Plateau
Changes in stage 1 intensifies

Shortest phase.
Stage 3: Orgasm Sudden and forceful release of sexual tension
Males ejaculate while females experience vaginal contractions.
Arousal slowly subsides and returns to normal levels.
Stage 4: Resolution Males experience a refractory period during where they are incapable of having
another erection.


 Translates nerve impulses sensed by the skin into pleasurable sensation
 Controls the nerves and muscles used in sexual activities
 Responsible for sexual thoughts and fantasies (Cerebral cortex)
 Releases hormones for sexual functioning
 Apart from brain-controlled sexual responses, there is some reflex (not brain controlled) sexual response.
This reflex is mediated by the lower spinal cord and leads to erection and ejaculation for male, vaginal
discharges and lubrication for female, when genital and perineal areas are stimulated.


 Hypothalamus is the most important part of the brain for sexual functioning.
 Pituitary Gland secrets the hormones produced in the hypothalamus.

Hormones Function
Known as the “love hormone” and believe to be involved in our
Oxytocin desire to maintain close relationships. It is released during
intercourse when orgasm is achieved.
Responsible for ovulation in females. Sexual activity was more
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
frequent during a woman’s fertile time
Crucial in regulating the testes in men and ovaries in women. In
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) men, it stimulates the testes to produce testosterone which appears
to be a major contributing factor to sexual motivation.
Involved in the male arousal phase. Its increase during erectile
Vasopressin response is believed to be directly associated with increased
motivation to engage in sexual behavior.
Regulate motivation to engage in sexual behavior for women, with
Estrogen and Progesterone
estrogen increasing motivation and progesterone decreasing it.
Understanding the Self
GE 9


 Anthropologist Helen Fisher proposed three stages of falling in love and for each stage, a different set of
chemicals run the show.
- Estrogen + Testosterone
- Marked by physical attraction
- You want to seduce and be seduced by your object of affection.
- Will not guarantee, however, that the couple will fall in love in any lasting way.
- This infatuation stage is driven mainly by dopamine and norepinephrine (noradrenaline),
coupled with a decrease in serotonin levels causing an increased alertness and arousal of
the body when somebody is attracted to another, including feel-good reward pathway
associated with the person – increasing the desire to spend more time with them.
a. Norepinephrine
- responsible for the extra surge of energy and triggers increased heart rate, loss of
appetite, as well as the desire to sleep. The body is more alert and ready to function.
b. Dopamine
- associated with motivation and goal-directed behavior.
- Makes a person pursue his/her object of affection
- Creates a sense of novelty, where the person seems exciting, special or unique that
you want to tell the world about his/her admirable traits.
c. Serotonin
- Low levels are found in people who are in love.
- Oxytocin (Love hormone) + Vasopressin
- Long term attachment between two people because of the concentration of the two
chemicals in the body.
- Involves the desire to have lasting commitment with the significant other.


Sexual Desire
 An interest in sexual objects or activities or the subjective feeling of wanting to engage in sex
 Men are more visual while women are auditory and tactile
 Women may place great emphasis on interpersonal relationship while males enjoy a more causal sexual


Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
 Infections transmitted by an infected person to an uninfected person through sexual intercourse.

A. Clamydia
- Transmitted through vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse characterized by burning sensation when
peeing, swollen tentacles or labia, bleeding in – between periods.
B. Gonorrhea
- caused by bacteria transmitted through semen or vaginal fluids or through direct contact.
- Vaginal discharge of yellowish thick fluid, irritation or discharge from the anus and itching in private
- When untreated, can lead to arthritis, urethritis, pelvic inflammatory disease and gonococcal
pharyngitis tonsillitis.
C. Syphilis
- Caused by bacteria transmitted through direct contact with syphilis sore
- Characterized by appearance of painless sores, rashes, hair loss, and chronic nervous system
D. Scabies
- caused by sarcoptes scabiei transmitted through direct sexual contact
- causes itchiness and red spots and may lead to more complications
- Human Immunodeficiency virus is a retrovirus that infects the vital organs and cells of the human
immune system that may result to Acute Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome which is characterized by
severe loss of the boy’s cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance of infection and
F. Chancroid
- Bacterial infection that causes open sores on or around the genitals of men and women
G. Human Papillamovirus
- A viral infection that is passed between people through skin to skin contact
H. Herpes Simplex Virus
- Spread from skin to skin contact with infected areas, often during vaginal sex, oral sex, anal sex and
- Causes outbreaks of itchy, painful blisters or sores that come and go.
Understanding the Self
GE 9


Contraception – a method that prevents or lessen the chances of contraception.
A. Natural Method
1. Abstinence
- Refraining from sexual intercourse and is the most effective natural birth control method
2. Calendar Method (Rhythm Method)
- Withholding from sexual intercourse during the days that the woman is fertile
3. Basal Body Temperature (BBT)
- Indicates the woman’s temperature at rest.
- Before the day of ovulation and during ovulation, BBT falls at 0.5F. It increases to a full degree
because of progesterone and maintains its level throughout the menstrual cycle.
4. Cervical Mucus Method
- Determining whether a woman is ovulating or not base from her cervical mucus.
5. Symptothermal Method
- A combination of BBT method and the cervical mucus method. The woman records her
temperature every morning and also takes note of changes in her cervical mucus.
6. Ovulation Detection
- An over the counter kit that requires urine sample of the woman. The kit can predict
ovulation though the surge of luteinizing hormone that happens 12 to 24 hours before
7. Coitus Interruptus (Withdrawal)
- The man withdraws his penis from the vagina before ejaculation.

B. Artificial Method
1. Oral Contraceptive
- Also known as the pill which contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone
2. Transdermal Patch
- Contains both estrogen and progesterone. One patch every week for three weeks is
applied by the woman on: upper outer arm, upper torso, abdomen or buttocks.
3. Vaginal Ring
- Releases a combination of estrogen and progesterone and it surround the cervix.
- It is a silicon ring inserted into the female reproductive organ and remains there for three
weeks and then remove on the fourth week as menstrual flow would occur
4. Subdermal Implants
- Are two rod-like implants inserted under the skin of the female during her period or on the
seventh day of her menstruation to make sure that she will not get pregnant.
5. Hormonal Injections
- Contains medroxyprogesterone, a progesterone and is usually given once every 12 weeks
intramuscularly causing charges in the endometrium and cervical mucus and can help
prevent ovulation.
6. Intrauterine Device (IUD)
- a small T-shaped object containing progesterone that is inserted in the uterus via the female
reproductive organ that prevents fertilization by creating a local sterile inflammatory
condition to prevent implantation of the zygote
7. Chemical Barriers
- Spermicides, vaginal gels and creams and glycerin films used to cause the death of sperm
before they can enter the cervix and to lower the pH level of the female reproductive organ
so it will not become conducive for the sperm
8. Diaphragm
- A circular, rubber disk that fits the cervix and should be placed before sex, inhibiting the
entrance of the sperm into the vagina. Works better when used together with a spermicide.
9. Cervical Cap
- Made of soft rubber and fitted on the rim of the cervix. It is shaped like a thimble with a thin
rim and could stay in place for not more than 48 hours.
10. Male Condoms
- A latex or synthetic rubber sheath that is placed on the erect penis before penetration into
the vagina to trap the sperm during ejaculation.
11. Female Condoms
- Made up of latex rubber sheaths that are pre-lubricated with spermicide.
- Usually bound by two rings. The outer ring is first inserted against the opening of the female
reproductive organ and the inner ring covers the cervix.
12. Surgical Methods
- In men, it is called vasectomy wherein small incision is made on each side of the scrotum.
The vas deference is then tied, cauterized, cut or plugged to block the passage of the
sperm. In women, it is called tubal ligation.

------------------------------------------------------------ End of Lesson 1 ---------------------------------------------------------

Understanding the Self
GE 9

Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________

RN/Section: ______________________________________ Chapter: ____ Lesson: _______

The Physical and the Sexual Self

General Directions
 Answer the following comprehensively based from what you understood. DO NOT COPY PASTE from
the lecture. Copy paste answers will only be given 1 point.
 Be mindful of spellings.
 You can have your answer in a form of picture or screenshot just make sure that it is readable but if
you can pass it in pdf form, please do so with your name and section as file name.
 The deadline will always be at 11:59 pm of the set date. For circumstances where you can’t pass it on
the given date, please coordinate with your leaders.
 For other questions regarding the course, please coordinate with me.
 Leaders can send me the compiled answers of their members through my g-mail,, my facebook account or our private facebook group.

I. ASSESSMENT. Complete the following:

1. A beautiful person is . . . (3pts)

2. I am beautiful because . . . (3pts)


1. Differentiate male and female through the following:
Male Female Points (each)
Chromosomes 1
Primary Sex
Hormones 1
Puberty 5
Sexual Desire 2

2. Does the brain play a role during sexual intercourse? Explain your answer. (5ts)
3. Do you agree with Helen Fisher’s three stages of falling in love? Why or why not? (5pts)
4. Among the artificial method of contraception, which do you think is the:
a. safest to use (3pts)
b. most unsafe to the body (3pts)
c. most effective (3pts)

Note: Please submit on or before 11:59 pm of April 25, Saturday.

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