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Name: Class: Date:

sentence scrambler

Rent Party Jazz

These sentences have been scrambled. Can you put them in the correct order?

1 the are Artworks sold at auction to bidder. often highest

2 be A must be sponge to damp useful.

3 How this many are in verses song?

4 Slyvia filled glass brimming. the it was until

5 something, If can spare without you can get you along it.

6 If the chorus? your favorite song, can you sing along is it with

7 The away in balloons were drifting sky. gently hot the air

8 If you confront with a problem, deal you it.

9 dauntless someone have is Does who many fears?

sentence scrambler

Name: Class: Date:

sentence scrambler

Rent Party Jazz

These sentences have been scrambled. Can you put them in the correct order?

10 have you something endurance, If can for you do a long time.

sentence scrambler

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