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Despite the increased access to education, a significant number of

people cannot read or write. What are the disadvantages and what
action should the government take?
In recent years, the fact that numerous people cannot read or write in spite of
the expanded access to education has been receiving a great deal of public
attention. In this essay, I will examine the drawbacks of this situation as well
as suggest some feasible solutions which should be adopted to increase the
number of people having literacy skills.
Nowadays, being unable to read and write brings several demerits in many
aspects. First of all, it is obvious that they cannot achieve a higher level of
schooling without literacy ability. If they are lack of superior knowledge, they
will be unable to apply for high-paid occupations, which may result in poor
living standards. Secondly, people who cannot read and write are easier to be
targeted by criminals. In fact, they can be threathened by various methods
such as scamming or even blackmailing. As a result, they are at risk of losing
their property or personal information.
To cope with this problem, the government should figure out some strategies.
First and foremost, they should permit policies that urge citizens to learn
through formal education. For instance, the government can provide support
for the ones who have difficulty in accessing to studying such as the disabled
or the poor, which would create profound impacts on current circumstance.
Besides, the government should have more expenditure in changing the
education system. In particular, they can apply high-tech gadgets to schooling
and adjust current curriculums. Therefore, not only learning quality will be
enhanced but also more people will have the capability to read and write.
In conclusion, literacy inability could be diminished by education policies and
investment. By taking this circumstance in perspective, the government
should have references to make better decisions for improving the percentage
of people being able to read and write.
(300 words)

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