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111-1 Environmental Chemistry Quiz #1 Answer

October 11, 2021

Name: Student ID:

1. (18 points) Please give the definition of the following terms:

(1) Circular Economy

Circular Economy (CE) is an economic system that targets zero waste and pollution throughout materials
lifecycles, from environment extraction to industrial transformation, and final consumers, applying to all
involved ecosystems. CE has three principles: (1) Design to avoid pollution and waste, (2) Extend
useful life, (3) Regenerate natural systems (biorefinery).

(2) Kinetics

Kinetics is concerned with the “speed” or “velocity” of reactions. Many reactions have rates that at a
given temperature are proportional to the concentration of one, two, or more of the reactants raised to a
small integral power.

(3) Two film theory for “absorption”

The two-film theory is a useful model for mass transfer between gas and liquid phases. It is a physical
model that says that when gas comes into contact with the liquid, the existence of a gas-liquid interface
can be seen, forming a gaseous film and a liquid film, through which the gas is transferred by molecular

(4) Langmuir isotherm

This isotherm assumes that a single adsorbate binds to a single site on the adsorbent and that all surface
sites on the adsorbent have the same affinity for the adsorbate.

(5) Electric double layer

Electric double layer comprised of (1) a fixed layer (sometimes

termed the Stern layer) of oppositely charged ions adsorbed to the
colloid surface and (2) a diffuse layer of a mixture of charged ions.
High concentration of ions, resulting in a compacted EDL.

(6) Point of Zero Charge

The point of zero charge is defined as that condition where the surface charge is zero. It is often called
the isoelectric point. pH is often the parameter governing surface charge and the pH at the point of zero
charge is termed pHPZC.

2. (16 points) Please provide ONE example of the following terms:

(1) Green Chemistry Principles

(2) SDG-6: Clean water and sanitation

(3) A system (or a reaction) which can be described by the “pseudo first-order kinetics”: Enzyme reaction

(4) Corrosion prevention using a sacrificial anode: Mg rod for Fe pipe

3. (8 points) Please indicate the change of entropy (∆𝑆) in the following systems (to be “>0”, “<0”, or
“=0”): (a) evaporation of water; (b) mixing of A and B components.

(a) Evaporation of water: ∆𝑆 > 0。

(b) Mixing of A and B components: ∆𝑆 > 0。

4. Both MnO4- and Cr2O72- ions are thermodynamically expected to oxidize water (to O2). However, we can
not observe these reactions to be proceeded in standard conditions (25 oC and 1 atm).
(5 points) Why is the reason?
The good stability of these solutions in water (as all undergraduate chemistry students can attest to in
the laboratory) is a result of sluggish electron transfer kinetics.
(5 points) How can we facilitate these reactions?
Often a catalyst is required to mediate charge transfer and accelerate the reaction rate. Herein lies the
limitation of thermodynamic predictions, thermodynamics tells us only whether a given process is
feasible or not. It does not afford insights into how fast the process will occur.

5. (10 points) Please indicate the THREE steps to complete the adsorption using a granular activated carbon.

Film Diffusion (膜擴散): 吸附質傳輸至吸附劑

Pore Diffusion (孔擴散): 被吸附質傳輸至吸附
Reaction (Deposition): 吸附質與吸附劑表面接

6. Please illustrate the DLVO theory:
(5 points) What it describes?
The DLVO theory explains the aggregation of aqueous dispersions.
(10 points) what are the assumptions.
Charged surfaces interacting
through a liquid medium,
combining (1) Repulsive forces:
electric potential (EDL of
counterions), and (2) Attractive
forces: van der Waal’s force

7. (12 points) Please illustrate FOUR major mechanisms of destabilization (destruction) of colloids by
addition of electrolytes such as a coagulant.
Four major mechanisms of destabilization: (1) EDL compression: High concentration of an electrolyte
is added to a sol, the EDL thickness will decrease; (2) Charge neutralization: Neutralized by addition
of molecules of opposite charge; (3) Entrapment in a precipitate: Hydroxide precipitates; (4)
Interparticle bridging: Long-chained charged synthetic and natural polymers (polyelctrolytes)

8. (10 points) Please compute the equilibrium constant for the solution of gaseous ammonia in water at 25

NH3(g) ➔ NH3(aq)
For the above reaction, the Gibbs free energy is calculated: ∆G0= ‒10.25 kJ/mol
∆G0= ‒RT ln K ➔ K ≒ 62.6

9. The biological decomposition reactions of acetate (CH3COO-) under both aerobic and anaerobic
conditions are described as follows.

Aerobic: CH3COO-(aq) + 2O2(g) → HCO3-(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

Anaerobic: CH3COO-(aq) + H2O(l) → HCO3-(aq) + CH4(g)

(1) (10 points) Calculate the standard Gibbs Free Energy under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

(2) (5 points) For a given quantity of acetate waste, which system would you expect to be capable of
supporting the growth of the largest biological population? Why?

(2) Aerobic system; 因為 ∆𝐺 較小,表示反應越容易被驅動。同時因為反應速率較快,微生物的



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