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Activity 1
Methods in Apportionment

Suppose that the 18 members of the board of the County Environmental

Organization are selected according to the populations of the five cities in the county,
as shown in the table below.
a. Use the Hamilton method to determine the number of board members
each city should have.
b. Use the Jefferson method to determine the number of board members
each city should have.

City Population
Pacific 5 290
Puma 3 720
Villa 1 540
Osana 2 430
Cardinal 7 020
Total ?

Activity 2
Fairness in Apportionment

The table below shows the number of fourth and fifth grade teachers in a
school district and the number of students in each of those grades. If a new teacher
is hired, use the apportionment principle to determine to which grade the teacher
should be assigned.

Grade Level Number of Teachers Number of Students

Fourth Grade 551 12 731
Fifth Grade 512 15 943

Activity 3
Huntington-Hill Apportionment Method

A university has a president’s council that is composed of students from each

of the undergraduate classes. If a new student representative is added to the
council, use the Huntington-Hill apportionment principle to determine which class the
new student council member should represent.

Year Level Number of Representatives Number of Students

First Year 12 2 015
Second Year 10 1 755
Third Year 9 1 430
Fourth Year 8 1 309

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