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Fade in


Rufus sees a girl walking past him confidently and she doesn't
notice him she is dressed Plainly with messy hair rufus is so
captivated by her that he trips over and is unable to find her
when he gets up with people walking around him unconcerned with
The next day rufus meats up with his friend by a bench his friend
is already sitting down when rufus arrives the fist bump and
rufus sits down next to him.
Rufus says “yesterday on the street I 100 percent met my perfect

His friend replies “yeah … good looking”

Rufus responds “not really”

His friend says jokingly “your favorite type then”

He responds with a grin that fades “I don’t know I can't seem to

remember anything about her”

In unison they both say “weird”

Bored his friend says with a sigh “anyway, what did you do, talk
to her” with a grin “follow her?”

“Nah I just passed her on the street rufus” rufus says

His friend says disappointingly “oh.” as it fades to black in


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