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Title:Exploring Critical Issues in Supply Chain Management

Topic 1: Ethical Sourcing and Sustainability

This section will explore the ethical implications of sourcing practices and their impact on
sustainability. It will address issues such as labor rights, environmental concerns, and fair trade
practices. The focus will be on how organisation’s can integrate ethical considerations into their
supply chain strategies, fostering responsible practices throughout the value chain.

Topic 2: Cybersecurity and Data Protection

As supply chains become more digitised and interconnected, they also become vulnerable to cyber
threats. This segment will examine the risks associated with data breaches, ransomware attacks, and
unauthorised access. It will delve into strategies for securing sensitive information and maintaining
data integrity, while also highlighting real-world examples of supply chain cyberattacks.

Topic 3: Supply Chain Transparency and Traceability

Transparency throughout the supply chain is crucial for building trust among consumers and
stakeholders. This part will delve into the challenges of achieving end-to-end traceability, from raw
materials to the end product. It will discuss technologies such as blockchain and IoT that can
enhance transparency, ensuring accurate tracking and verification of product origins.

Topic 4: Disruption Management and Resilience

Supply chains are susceptible to various disruptions, including natural disasters, geopolitical tensions,
and pandemics. This chapter will explore strategies for building resilient supply chains that can adapt
and recover swiftly from unexpected events. It will draw insights from case studies of organisations
that effectively navigated disruptions.

This aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of critical issues in supply chain management
that often remain in the shadows. By exploring these topics, professionals and researchers can gain
insights into creating more ethical, secure, transparent, and resilient supply chains. Ultimately, this
knowledge will contribute to fostering a robust global economy that thrives even in the face of

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