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To Whom It May Concern

I am writing this letter with great pleasure to recommend Mohamad Beshr, whom I have had
the privilege of teaching for the past two years at Mosaab bin Omair High School. During this
time, I have had the opportunity to witness firsthand the remarkable qualities that set
Mohamad Beshr apart, both academically and non-academically.

Mohamad Beshr has been an outstanding student in both academic and non-academic aspects.
In the realm of academics, he has consistently demonstrated excellence by achieving top grades
in my math classes. However, Mohamad Beshr's exceptional qualities extend beyond the
classroom, making him a truly exceptional individual.

What truly distinguishes Mohamad Beshr from his peers is his remarkable problem-solving
approach. He possesses a unique and amazing ability to tackle complex mathematical
challenges with creativity and precision. He approaches problems in a way that is not only
different but also astonishing. I have often been amazed by his out-of-the-box thinking and his
willingness to take on challenges that others might shy away from.

One notable example of Mohamad Beshr's exceptional problem-solving skills involves a coding
project he undertook. Mohamad Beshr once approached me with a question about how to
mathematically code a rotating donut using keyboard symbols. This project required a deep
understanding of both mathematics and programming. His curiosity and determination to
explore this project were truly remarkable, and the outcome was nothing short of impressive.

In addition to his academic achievements and problem-solving abilities, I am pleased to

mention that Mohamad Beshr won first place in our school mathematics championship. This
accomplishment speaks to his dedication, hard work, and unmatched skills in the field of

In conclusion, Mohamad Beshr is a truly exceptional student who excels both academically and
non-academically. His unique problem-solving abilities, creativity, and dedication make him a
standout individual. I have no doubt that Mohamad Beshr will continue to excel and make
significant contributions wherever he chooses to go.

Please feel free to contact me at (Email Address) if you require any further information or have
any questions regarding Mohamad Beshr.



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