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Q1) Read this text carefully. (10 M)

A man who had broken his right leg was taken to a hospital a few weeks before Christmas. He was afraid of
spending Christmas in hospital. Though the doctor did his best, the patient's recovery was slow. On Christmas
day the man still had his right leg in plaster. He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was
missing. The following day ; however the doctor comforted him by telling him that his chance of being able to
leave hospital in time for new year's celebrations were good. When the man left the hospital, he was excited and
sure enough on New Year's Eve to be able to walk with the help of a stick to a party. The man enjoyed himself
completely and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals. He was still saying something about hospitals
at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.
Now answer (five) of the following questions:
1. What hopes did the doctor give the patient?
2. How was the patient's day in the hospital?
3. When was the man taken to hospital?
4. How did the man break his left leg?
5. Choose a suitable title to the passage.
6. What was the patient afraid of?

Q2) Grammar and Functions: (20 Marks)

A) Do as required. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend. (Rewrite in the passive form)
2. Salwa wants to be an interpreter. She speaks three languages. (Join by using the correct relative pronoun)
3. If birds fly into wind turbines, they (be) killed. (Correct)
4. "Can I borrow some money?" She asked me ………. (Reported question)
5. Khalid (play) football when he broke his ankle. (Correct)
6. After we (speak) to the teacher, we left the classroom. (Correct)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets to achieve better use of language. (5 only) (10 M)
1. I (mustn't/needn't) be back later than 8 o'clock tonight or my parents will be angry.
2. This book is very (bored/boring).
3. She has been talking on the phone (for/since) the last 20 minutes.
4. We (considerably/thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment.
5. I can't remember when I (took up it/took it up).
6. How (much/many) exercise does he take a week?

Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Match the following words with their definitions. (5 M)
1. vacancy 2. pollution 3. unattended 4. pickpocket 5. spreadsheet
a. without someone looking after it
b. a company program that is useful if you are working with numbers
c. the company has a space for new employers
d. A person who steals money from your pocket
e. the process of damaging the air, water or land with chemicals

‫اقلب الىرقة‬


B) Complete the sentence with a word from the list below. (10 M)
[ qualifications , librarian , course fees , valid , hurts , sneeze ]
1. My back ……….all the time. It only feels ok when I am lying down.
2. I'm afraid your card is no longer ……….
3. I'd like to train as a ……….because I love books and libraries.
4. You have to pay your ……….in advance.
5. When I left school, I had few ………., but I got a good job after taking a computer class.
C) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. colour , colourful ; luxury , ………. 2. do , done ; spend , ……….
3. apply , application ; enhance , ………. 4. like , dislike ; legal , ……….
5. see , saw ; fly , ………. 6. computer , comp. ; experience , ……….

Q4) Reading Comprehension: (15 Marks)

A) Answer any (five) of the following questions with information from your textbook: (10 M)
1. What is Samira Al- Mahmoud?
2. Who are the workaholics?
3. What are the three main ways of studying computer skills?
4. Can radar guns take pictures?
5. What does Mustafa's mother suffer from?
6. Why are new jobs appearing all the time?
B) Match the words and expressions in list A with their synonyms in list B: (5 M)
List A: 1. yearly 2. to no avail 3. a time limit 4. surprised 5. dropping
List B: a. without success b. deadline c. spilling d. annual e. puzzled

Q5) Literature Focus: (15 Marks)

A) Choose two: (10 M)
1. What moral lesson does the writer try to give in "The Swing"?
2. Do you find it easy to sympathise with the woman? Why?
3. Discuss how the visitor try to convey his message?
B) Choose five: (5 M)
1. Sattar and Haleema ate ……….before lunch.
2. The woman forgot ……….when the canary came to her life.
3. The woman bought the canary from ……….
4. Mohammed Khudhair is ……….
5. In 1967, ……….
6. Sattar came to his friend's house to ……….

Q6) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B: (20 M)
A) Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words about a bad day out where everything went wrong.
B) Write 100 to 120 words on "Cigarette advertising should be illegal".


2014 ‫اجىبة التمهيذي لعام‬

1. The doctor comforted him by telling him that his chance of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year's
2. Miserable.
3. A few weeks before Christmas.
4. By slipping on a piece of ice.
5. A miserable Christmas )‫(او أي عنوان تختاره للنض‬
6. He was afraid of spending Christmas in hospital.

Q2) A)
1. Our homework will be graded over the weekend.
2. Salwa who speaks three languages wants to be an interpreter.
3. If birds fly into wind turbines, they will be killed.
4. She asked me if she could borrow some money.
5. Khalid was playing football when ……..
6. After we had spoken to the ……….
1. mustn't
2. boring
3. since
4. thoroughly
5. took it up
6. much

Q3) A)
1. = c. the company has a space for a new employee
2. = e. the process of damaging the air, water or land with chemical
3. = a. without someone looking after it
4. = d. a person who steals money from your pocket
5. = b. a company program that is useful if you are working with numbers
1. hurts
2. valid
3. librarian
4. course fees
5. qualification
1. luxurious
2. spent
3. enhancement
4. illegal
5. flew
6. exp.


Q4) A)
1. Samira Al- Mahmoud is an interpreter.
2. Workaholics are those people who think that their work is too important to leave in the hands of the others.
3. They are: a. on a course b. online c. form a book
4. Some can.
5. She suffers from diabetes.
6. New jobs are appearing all the time because of new technology.
1. = d. annual
2. = a. without success
3. = b. deadline
4. = e. puzzled
5. = c. spilling

Q5) A)
1. a. "The Swing" is a severe condemnation to war wherever it happens.
b. It is a sincere invitation to sustain family life, to make childhood secure and to love one another.
2. Yes, because she lost her canary at the end.
3. The visitor tried to convince the little girl, Haleema, that her father is like smoke and she can only see him
when she closes her eyes.
1. a loaf of bread
2. the evening star
3. the Chinaman.
4. an Iraqi writer.
5. Iraq was in war against Israel.
6. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.

A) 48‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 32‫انشاء الوحذة االولى – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A)Read this text carefully. (10 M)

Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. About 1.5 million people a year die from
diabetes, and no real cure has been discovered for the disease. People who suffer from diabetes have high blood
sugar levels, because their bodies are not able to produce enough insulin. Diabetes can sometimes be inherited
from your parents, but also be caused by your lifestyle; being overweight, having a poor diet or being stressed can
also cause diabetes. The effects of diabetes can include feeling very thirsty or hungry, losing weight very quickly,
problems with your eyes and skin and heart disease. Although there is no cure for diabetes, it can be treated by
injections of insulin, as well as losing weight and taking regular exercise.
Now answer (five) of the following questions:
1. What is diabetes? 2. Write to main causes of diabetes.
3. How can diabetes be treated? 4. Scientist have discovered cure for diabetes. (a. true b. false)
5. Diabetes can be treated by ……. a. drinking water b. eating more c. regular exercise
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
B) Answer (5) of the following using information from your textbook: (10 M)
1. What is the most important aspect of wind power?
2. What did Ann really like about the hotel?
3. Why is investing in stocks and shares a risky business?
4. Why was the mother proud of Mustafa?
5. What can high blood pressure cause?
6. What is a radar detector?

Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets:(Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. If I (have) lots of money, I would buy a race horse. (Put the verb into the correct form)
2. She lost their address. That's why she couldn't write to them. (Regret. Use "I wish")
3. Take a taxi to the airport. (Suggestion)
4. ….…. An average of eight hours a night is about right. (Use an imperative to give advice)
5. Somebody is cleaning the room right now. (Rewrite in the passive form)
6. I've studied hard for the test, so I think I'll pass. (Expectation)
7. A thief took our clothes while we (swim). (Correct)
8. A photographer took a picture of the lady. The lady got ……..taken. (Complete)
9. The story won the first prize. It pleased many writers. (Combine with a relative clause)
10. I asked Saab "How do you start your business?" (Reported question)
11. (Egypt are in used coins These) (Unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
12. Define a cameraman. Use (operate the camera for films and programmes)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. She (is meeting/meets) the manager tomorrow morning.
2. The red signal made him (stop/stopped).
3. In my old job, my shift (started/stars) at 6.00 every Sunday.
4. It was the most (frightened/frightening) day of my life.
5. We (used to/didn't use to) have security cameras, but now we have six of them.
6. They've been talking (for/since) eight o'clock.

‫اقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box. (10 M)
renewable – allergies – tour guide – pills – body language – take up
1. You have to take two of these ….…..three times a day.
2. Wind is a ………source of energy.
3. Most smokers ………the habit of smoking when they are teenagers.
4. I wasn't a good ………because I didn't speak enough languages.
5. Being able to read ………is vital for good social communication.
B) Match the beginnings in list A with the suitable endings in list B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. I'm writing to inquire a. because it is very easy.
2. If the cases are too heavy, b. because it is a very nice hotel.
3. You shouldn't have any trouble doing this work c. about my ATM card.
4. Food goes bad d. complain about the noise.
5. They should be very comfortable e. you have to pay extra.
6. People who live near wind farms f. unless you keep it in the fridge.
C) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. correct , incorrect ; encourage , ………. 2. see , seen ; buy , ……….
3. injured , hurt ; alerted , ………. 4. appt. , appointment ; co. , ……….
5. joint in the arm , w……….t 6. The opposite of deep , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. In "The Swing" Sattar came to his friend's house to ……….
2.Where did the woman in "The canary" use to hang the canary cage?
3.Where was Mohammed Khudhair born?
4. The visitor described the child's father as ……….
5. What did the woman in "The canary" suffer from?
6. When did Mohammed Khudhair write "The Swing"?

Q5) Written Component: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B: (20 M)
A) Write 100 to 120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain. These notes may help you:
- you can hear people speaking English all day, in many different situations
- lots of opportunities to practise speaking, especially if staying with a British family
- watch TV and films in English and listen to radio
- read English newspapers, advertisements, notices
- observe the British way of life
- possibly stay with a British family
B) Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn't make.
Write 100 to 120 words.


2014 ‫اجىبة الذور األول لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world.
2. The two main causes of diabetes are: a. It can be inherited from our parents
b. It can also be caused by your lifestyle.
3. It can be treated by injections of insulin, as well as losing weight and taking regular exercise.
4. b. False
5. c. regular exercise
6. Diabetes
1. It is clean energy.
2. The peaceful atmosphere.
3. Because you can certainly lose a lot of money as well as gain it.
4. Because he was calm and intelligent when he was alone.
5. It can cause strokes and heart attacks.
6. It is a machine that detects radar guns.

Q2) A)
1. If I had enough money, I would buy a race horse.
2. I wish she hadn't lost their address.
3. Shall we take a taxi to the airport?/Let's take a taxi to the airport./We could take a taxi to the airport.
4. Get enough sleep. An average of eight hours a night is about right.
5. The room is being cleaned right now.
6. I've studied hard for the test, so I should pass.
7. A thief took our clothes as we were swimming.
8. The lady got her picture taken.
9. The story that pleased many writer won the first prize.
10. I asked Saab how he started his business.
11. These coins are used in Egypt.
12. A cameraman is someone who operates the camera for films and programmes.
1. is meeting
2. stop
3. started
4. frightening
5. didn't use to
6. since

Q3) A)
1. pills
2. renewable
3. take up
4. tour guide
5. body language


1 - c
2 - e
3 - a
4 - f
5 - b
6- d
1. discourage
2. bought
3. called
4. company
5. wrist
6. shallow

1. tell them that his friend, Ali, was killed in the battle.
2. On the big nail to the right of the front door.
3. He was born in Basra.
4. smoke
5. She suffered from loneliness.
6. After the summer 1967 war against Israel.

A) 23‫انشاء الوحذة الثالثة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B( 488‫انشاء الوحذة السادسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A- Read this text carefully. (10 M)

Smoking is considered to be dangerous to the health, it is especially difficult for children. Our tobacconist, Mr.
Kamal, has always been careful about this. If his costumers are very young, he always asks them whom the
cigarettes are for. One day, a little girl walked boldly into his shop and demanded twenty cigarettes. She had the
exact amount of money in her hand and seemed very sure of herself. Mr. Kamal was so surprised by her confident
manner that he forgot to ask his usual question. Instead, he asked her what kind of cigarettes she wanted. The girl
replied promptly and handed him the money. While he was giving her cigarettes, Mr. Kamal said laughingly that
as she was so young, she should hide the packet in her pocket in case a policeman saw it. However, the little
girl didn't seem to find this very funny. Without smiling, she took the packet and walked towards the door.
Suddenly she stopped and looked steadily at Mr. Kamal and declared "My dad is a policeman" and with that she
walked quickly out of the shop.
Now answer (FIVE) of the following questions:
1. Why did the little girl go to the shop?
2. What did Mr. Kamal advise the girl after giving her the cigarettes?
3. What was the reason that the girl wasn't afraid of the police?
4. What was Mr. Kamal?
5. Did Mr. Kamal ask the girl whom the cigarettes were for?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following using the information from your textbook. (10 M)
1. Why are spreadsheets used a lot in business? 2. Where did Ann and her cousin go by taxi?
3. How does the radar speed gun work? 4. Some people don't take holidays because ……….
5. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to ………. 6. Samira's active language is ……….
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Do as required. (Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. If my plane (not leave) on time, I'll miss my connection this afternoon. (Correct)
2. You like exercising, so I don't think you'll have trouble getting fit. (Expectation)
3. I like those shoes. Can I (try/on/them)? (Put in the correct order)
4. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give advice)
5. Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate. That's why I felt sick. (Regret use : If only)
6. Latifa asked Zaha "When did you decide to be an architect?" (Reported question)
7. Somebody took my wallet last week. (Change into passive)
8. ……….. (you/book) a hotel yet? (Complete with the correct form of the present perfect)
9. My uncle Ali still rides a bike. (He is 80.) (Join-use-who)
10. He is going to be a librarian. He decided he ………. (Future in the past)
11. After we (speak) to the teacher, we left the classroom. (Correct)
12. She (wear) glasses, but now she has contact lenses. (Use the correct form of – "Used to")
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. The noise (made/had) her look outside.
2. She (learns/will be learning) a lot of new skills.
3. Babylon City, (which/where) people like to go sightseeing, is a wonderful place.
4. Please put out your cigarette. You (mustn't/must) smoke in the hospital.
5. We need a (little/few) more oranges.
6. Have you (ever/never) camped in a desert?
‫اقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box. (10 M)
ignition – freelance – withdrawal – engineer – ankle – skin
1. There must be a mistake in my statement. I didn't make this ……….
2. I twisted my ……….playing football.
3. Don't leave your keys in the ……….
4. The ……….on my legs is very dry.
5. She pays money from her irregular ……….work into the couple.
B) Match the words and the phrases in List A with their meanings in List B. (5 M)
1. ambitious a. out of job
2. unemployed b. witness
3. a fine welcome c. want to succeed
4. a large meeting to discuss something d. hospitality
5. a person who saw or heard something e. conference
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. boy , boys ; church , ………. 2. big , bigger ; funny , ……….
3. polite , impolite ; popular , ………. 4. be , been ; spend , ……….
5. pushing , shaking ; surprised , ………. 6. attract , attractive ; delight , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. The two main characters in "The Swing" are ……….and ……….
2. How does the story of "The Canary" end?
3. What does the story of "The Swing" stress on?
4. In "The Canary", the woman was happy to have the canary because ……….
5. In 1967 a war ……….
6. Who is Mohammed Khudhair?

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B: (20 M)
A) Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company tomorrow morning at
9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company. The manager sent him directions.
Write a letter to Ahmed of 100 to 120 words giving him advice on how to get the job. Use (you should or you
shouldn't) in your letter at least five times.
B) Write a short article for a travel magazine of 100 to 120 words on " A wonderful holiday I have had".


2014 ‫اجىبة الذور الثاني لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. To demand twenty cigarettes.
2. To hide the packet in her pocket.
3. Because her father was a police man.
4. He was a tobacconist.
5. No, he didn't.
6. Mr. Kamal and the little girl
1. Because they can show information in table form.
2. On a tour of the island.
3. It works by sending radio waves towards a car.
4. there is always a deadline or another deal around the corner.
5. to open the front door for the paramedics.
6. Arabic.

Q2) A)
1. If my plane doesn't leave on time, I'll miss my connection this afternoon.
2. You like exercising, so you shouldn't have trouble getting fit.
3. I like those shoes. Can I try them on?
4. You should keep your passport in a safe place.
5. If only I hadn't eaten three bars of chocolate.
6. Latifa asked Zaha when she had decided to be an architect.
7. My wallet was taken last week.
8. Have you booked a hotel yet?
9. My uncle Ali, who is 80, still rides a bike.
10. He decided he was going to be a librarian.
11. After we had spoken to the teacher, we left the classroom.
12. She used to wear glasses, but now she has contact lenses.
1. made
2. will be learning
3. where
4. mustn't
5. few
6. ever

Q3) A)
1. withdrawal
2. ankle
3. ignition
4. skin
5. freelance


1. = c. want to succeed
2. = a. out of job
3. = d. hospitality
4. = e. conference
5. = b. witness

1. churches
2. funnier
3. unpopular
4. spent
5. puzzled
6. delightful

1. Sattar and Haleema
2. It ends sadly.
3. The story stresses on that war destroys everything. It leads to nothing but death, deprivation and destruction.
4. she lived lonely.
5. Iraq was in war with Israel.
6. He is an Iraqi writer.

A) 84‫ كتاب النشاط ص‬-‫انشاء الوحذة الثانٍة‬
B) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Unseen passage: (10 M)

We usually go to the laboratory during chemistry lessons. There we do experiments. Yesterday the teacher
poured some acid into one glass. Then we poured some water into the other glass. "Now look at me" The teacher
said to us. "Put the acid into the water. But don't put the water into the acid. It's very dangerous to do that". The
teacher looked at us. Then he said. "Ameen come here and do it. Here are the two glasses" Ameen was not
listening to the teacher. He was looking through the window. When the teacher called him, he went to the table. He
held the two glasses. He didn't know what to do. At last he put the water into the acid! "Stop! Stop! Don't do
that. It's dangerous," shouted the teacher. But it was too late. Soon there was a lot of smoke coming out of the acid.
All of us left the laboratory and went back out our class.
Now Answer (five) of the following questions:
1. Where do we go during chemistry lessons? 2. What did the teacher ask us to do?
3. Did Ameen understand the experiment? 4. Did Ameen make a mistake?
5. What did Ameen pour? 6. What came out of the acid?
B) Reading Comprehension: (10 M)
Answer or complete the following sentences using information from your text book: (Choose 5 only)
1. What are the three main ways of studying computer skills?
2. Glass, paper and plastic can all be used again, both ……….and helping to ……….
3. Holidays are important for everyone, not just the businessman. (True or False)
4. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are ……….
5. Why do police use radar speed guns?
6. How is it if there are two interpreters working together in the same both?
7. Where did Ann and her cousin go on holiday?

Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Have you ……….(book) a hotel yet? 2. If I played tennis, I ……….(join) the tennis club.
3. My back ……….(hurt) all the time. It only feels OK when I am lying down.
4. She told us to be quiet as we ……….(make) too much noise.
5. The loan ……….(pay back) with interest at the end of the year.
6. Hasan Saab ……….(own) a chain of health clubs in the Middle East.
B) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
(A) (B)
1. She has to a. I hadn't parked illegally on the pavement.
2. We left two hours early, b. ridden an elephant.
3. I wish c. wear a uniform at her new job.
4. I've never d. when I was going to get out of bed.
5. If I didn't know the word, e. I would ask my teacher.
6. My mother asked me f. we shouldn't miss the plane.
C) Complete the sentences with (who- whose- which- where- that): (10 M)
1. Mary, ……….camera cost more than E 100, is still not very good at taking photos.
2. Babylon City, ……….people like to go sightseeing, is a beautiful place.
3. The thief ……….stole the shop must be punished.
4. The book ……….information I wanted was missing.
5. The cheque ……….I deposited on the 10th was for 450 pounds.


Q3) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

1. Complete the following statements with information from the text: (4 M)
"I can see him coming out of the bag and heading toward us. Without ………. . just like ……….
2. Match the words in list (A) with the words in list (B) that have the same meaning: (6 M)
List A: curled up – sways – very beautiful – woman's shirt – creatures – hollow
List B: wrung – blouse – animals – exquisite – tidy – a hole – move slowly from side to side

Q4) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
frightened – tourists – painkillers – property – register – competitive - alerted
1. You can ……….for this class by completing a form online.
2. We were very ………when our car broke down in the desert.
3. Kerkennah is an ideal place for ………who want a quiet, peaceful holiday in beautiful surroundings.
4. None of the missing ………has been found.
5. We offer a ……..salary and excellent terms and conditions.
6. I've got a terrible headache. Can I have some ……….?
B) Match the words and the definitions: (5 M)
List A List B
1. withdrawal a. money taken out of your account
2. pilot b. shows tourists around
3. witness c. a person who saw or heard something at the time of the crime
4. tour guide d. medical helpers (not doctors or nurses)
5. paramedics e. flies a plane
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words: (5 M)
1. pleasant , unpleasant ; efficient , ……….
2. detect , detector ; secure , ……….
3. freq. , frequent ; lic. , ……….
4. sing , sung ; catch , ……….
5. enrol , enrolment ; apply , ………

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either (A) or (B): (20 M)
A) Write 100 to 120 words on (The advantages of studying English in Britain).
B) Write 100 to 120 words about (Ways people can help to improve the environment).


2014 ‫أجىبة الذور الثاني التكميلي‬

Q1) A)
1. We go to the laboratory during chemistry lessons.
2. The teacher asked us to pour the acid into the water.
3. No, he didn't.
4. Yes, he did.
5. He poured the water into the acid.
6. A lot of smoke.
1. On a course, online or from a book.
2. saving money protect the environment
3. True
4. checked and fixed regularly.
5. They use radar speed guns to catch speeders.
6. They can take turns. One of them interprets one speech then his colleague does the next.
7. Kerkennah Islands

Q2) A)
1. Have you booked a hotel yet?
2. If I played tennis, I would join the tennis club.
3. My back hurts all the time. It only feels OK when I am lying down.
4. She told us to be quiet as we were making too much noise.
5. The loan is paid back with interest at the end of the year.
6. Hasan Saab owns a chain of health clubs in the Middle East.
1. She has to = c. wear a uniform at her new job.
2. We left two hours early, = f. we shouldn't miss the plane.
3. I wish = a. I hadn't parked illegally on the pavement.
4. I've never = b. ridden an elephant.
5. If I didn't know the word, = e. I would ask my teacher.
6. My mother asked me = d. when I was going to get out of bed.
1. whose
2. where
3. who
4. that
5. which

Q3) A)
1. "a head or hands and legs or even clothes, smoke"
2. A B
- curled up = wrung
- sways = move slowly from side to side
- very beautiful = exquisite
- woman's shirt = blouse
- creatures = animals
- hollow = a hole


Q4) A)
1. register
2. frightened
3. tourists
4. property
5. competitive
6. painkillers
1. = a. money taken out of your account
2. = e. flies planes
3. = b. shows tourists around
4. = c. a person who saw or heard something at the time of a crime
5. = d. medical helpers (not doctors or nurses)
1. inefficient
2. security
3. license
4. caught
5. application

A) 23‫انشاء الوحذة الثالثة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 448‫انشاء الوحذة الثامنة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully. (10 M)

You don't have to be a passenger to go inside an airport. Sometimes you may have to pay to enter an airport but
it is always a small amount. An airport is usually full of people. Some of them will be passengers. Some have
just arrived by plane and they are now waiting for a car or a bus to take them home. Others are waiting to go on
planes that will take them to another city or another country. They are buying books to read on the plane or talking
to their friends or relatives. Many of the people at an airport are not passengers. They have come to meet
passengers who are arriving or to say goodbye to friends or relatives who are leaving.
Now answer (FIVE) of the following questions:
1. Why do some passengers buy books?
2. Only passengers can enter an airport. (True/False)
3. How much do you sometimes have to pay to enter an airport?
4. Some of the people are not passengers. Why are they at the airport?
5. An airport is usually crowded. (True/False)
6. Give a suitable title.
B) Answer (5) of the following questions using the information from your text book. (10 M)
1. Name two activities Ann and her cousin did during the day.
2. Mustafa found his mother in the ………. (a. kitchen b. bedroom c. bathroom)
3. Why shouldn't an interpreter waste his time thinking?
4. Holidays can give us a chance to ………. (a. learn new activities b. recover from illnesses
c. stop talking about our problems)
5. How did the paramedics treat Mustafa's mother?
6. Radar guns don't need any maintenance. (True/False)
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets:(Choose 10) (20 M)
1. Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it/up/take)? (Put in the correct order)
2. His car has broken down. He bought it last month.
The car ………has broken down. (Combine these sentences with a relative clause)
3. They learnt a lot in the military, so I don't think they will have trouble getting a job.
(Use should or shouldn't to express expectation)
4. Will you be able to come to the party? I asked Layla ……… (Reported question)
5. Define an architect. Use (designs buildings)
6. Unfortunately, I spent all my money at the weekend. That's why I can't buy those bags. (Regret)
7. I (clean) my room and I (find) E under my bed. ( Put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past simple)
8. She is going to her computer course tomorrow. I found out she ……… (Future in the past)
9. (was/The/yesterday/bank/robbed) (Unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
10. He (have) his hair at the hairdresser's but now his wife (cut) it for him.
(Use the correct form of (Used to) and the present or past simple)
11. Help you with your baggage. (Offer)
12. If I (play) tennis, I would join the tennis club. (Correct)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. She had her picture (take/taken).
2. Layla is in the kitchen. She (has been cooking/cooks) for three hours now.
3. You are driving too fast! You (have to/needn't) slow down.
4. She (walked/was walking) home from school when she heard the police siren.
5. How many letters (did you write/have you written) so far today?
6. A thief got into their house because they (haven't locked/hadn't locked) the door properly. ‫أقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the box. (10 M)
sneeze / honestly / stressful / booth / footprints / replace
1. We need to ……….the trees that are cut down.
2. I always ……….when I put pepper on my food.
3. ……….can tell you what type shoes the thief was wearing.
4. I can ……….say that it was the best holiday I ever had.
5. A ……….is a box - like room where interpreters work.
B) Match the beginnings in List A with the suitable endings in List B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. You need to get a special licence a. to take our passports.
2. If he's used computers before, b. because I don't want to be late again.
3. We mustn't forget c. leave so soon.
4. I must get up early tomorrow d. to drive a lorry.
5. I don't have to e. when I will receive my card?
6. Could you please let me know f. he should know how to use this software.
C) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. fair , unfair ; patient , ………. 2. exp. , experience ; yrs. , ……….
3. go , gone ; break , ………. 4. unemployed , out of a job ; in a difficult situation , ……….
5. excite, exciting ; peace , ………. 6. fast , faster ; safe , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Sattar came to his friend's house to ……….
2. Sattar and Haleema ate ……….before lunch.
3. Could the woman in the Canary have another bird?
4. Mohammed Khudhair short stories are translated into English ………and ……….
5. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to the woman.
6. What is Mohammed Khudhair?

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B: (20 M)
A) write and an e-mail of 100 to 120 words about a really bad day out where everything went wrong. Use
your imagination. Start like this:
Dear ………,
I had a terrible day last Saturday. I wish I had stayed in bed then all this would not have happened ………
B) Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement.
"studying while you're working is worth all the hard work."
Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion. Remember to use linking words and phrases.
You should write 100 to 120 words.


2014 ‫اجىبة الذور الثالث لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. To read on the plane.
2. False
3. A small amount.
4. They are at the airport to meet passengers who are arriving or to say goodbye to friends or relatives who are
5. True
6. At an airport
1. They went on a donkey cart and a camel ride.
2. b. bedroom
3. An interpreter shouldn't waste his time thinking so as not to miss the rest of the speech.
4. c. stop talking about our problems.
5. They gave her an injection of insulin to raise her blood sugar level.
6. False

Q2) A)
1. Stamp collecting is a nice hobby. When did you take it up?
2. The car that he bought last month has broken down.
3. They learnt a lot in the military, so they shouldn't have trouble getting fit.
4. I asked Layla if she could be able to come to the party.
5. An architect is someone who designs buildings.
6. I wish I hadn't spent all my money at the weekend.
7. I was cleaning my room and I found E 30 under my bed.
8. I found out she was going to her computer course tomorrow.
9. The bank was robbed yesterday.
10. He used to have his hair cut at the hairdresser's but now his wife cuts it for him.
11. I'll help you with your baggage./Shall I help you with your baggage?
12. If I played tennis, I would join the tennis club.
1. taken
2. has been cooking
3. have to
4. was walking
5. have you written
6. hadn't locked

Q3) A)
1. replace
2. sneeze
3. footprints
4. honestly
5. booth


1. you need to get a special licence d. to drive a lorry.
2. If he's used computers before, f. he should know how to use this software.
3. We mustn't forget a. to take our passports.
4. I must get up early tomorrow b. because I don't want to be late again.
5. I don't have to c. leave so soon.
6. Could you please let me know e. when I will receive my card?
1. impatient
2. years
3. broken
4. under pressure
5. peaceful
6. safer

1. tell his family that his friend, Ali, was killed in a battle.
2. a hot loaf of bread
3. No, she couldn't.
4. Russian and French.
5. True
6. He is an Iraqi writer.

A) 48‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 441‫انشاء الوحذة الساتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read the following passage carefully. (10 M)

Once upon a time, a great Caliph of Bagdad had a servant. He was very ugly to look at. Yet the Caliph loved
him very much. One of his courtiers asked the Caliph, "Oh lord how is that you love this servant more than
others? He is very ugly." The Caliph answered "once I was going throw the streets of Basra, a camel of my
train slipped and fell in the street. From the camel's back there fell an ivory box containing my most precious
pearls. The pearls rolled away on the muddy street. I said to my servant. "there are all my precious pearls. Go
and pick them up. Everybody will keep what he finds." All the servants away to pick up the pearls except this ugly
servant. I asked him. "My good fellow, why don't you go and join your friends?" the man replied, "you are
the most precious pearl. I am staying to guard you. "The courtiers said in one voice, "Oh Caliph, you are wise to
love him."
Now answer (five) of the following questions:
1. Whom did the Caliph love? 2. What happened to one of the camels of the Caliph's train?
3. What was there in the ivory box? 4. Why did the servants go away?
5. Did the ugly servant join his friends? Why? 6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B) Reading Comprehension: (10 Marks)
Answer the following sentences with (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Financially-minded people who follow the markets invest in stocks and shares.
2. A banker needs to be a good architect.
3. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are checked and fixed regularly.
4. Freelance means people who can't bear to be away the office for more than a few hours.
5. Savings accounts benefit people who don't need to access the money.
6. Mustafa's father was suffering from diabetes.
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. The loan ……….(pay back) with interest at the end of the year.
2. When I ……….her at the airport, Linda was wearing a new dress. (meet)
3. If you had stayed in bed and rested, you ………(got) better more quickly.
4. You mustn't ……….(drives) without your seat belt on.
5. I haven't ……….(pack) my suitcase yet.
6. ……….(be) your cheques sent to the wrong address?
B) Re-write the sentences, follow the instructions between brackets: (Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it-up-take) (Put in the correct order)
2. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give advice)
3. They didn't train every day. That's why they lost the match. (Regret starting with if only or I wish)
4. He's going to a painting class this evening. I found out he …….. (Rewrite using the future in the past)
5. Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend. (Re-write in the passive form)
6. If she (not apply) for a scholarship, of course she won't get one. (Correct the verb)
7. Put your case in the car. There's still ………space left. (Choose: a few – a little)
8. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. (Rewrite the sentence with should or
9. Somebody teaches English every month. (Rewrite the sentence in the passive form)
10. ………...(you-ever-sleep) under the stars in the desert? (Use: present perfect simple)
11. Horse riding, ………is my brother's Andy's favourite sport, is expensive. (Use: whose – which)
12. My cousin hid my purse under the stairs while I ……….(not look). (Put the verb in the correct form)


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
sore - businessman - information - instilled - competitive - fingerprints - bit
1. The library has a range of ………….. for people who are looking for the right job.
2. We offer a ………….. salary and excellent terms and conditions.
3. My eyes are ………….. from the chemicals in the pool.
4. Holidays are important for everyone, not just the ……………
5. When the police got to the crime scene, they found footprints and …………..
6. The shark …………… Zaid's arm.
B) Complete the sentences with a suitable word. (5 M)
1. If you ………. a crime, the police will arrest you.
2. You shouldn't keep keys on a ………. by the window.
3. I am writing about the government's plan to build a wind ………. off the coast.
4. ………. a piece of plastic you can use to pay for things.
5. Emergency ………. Safia Khoury took the call.
C) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. approve , disapprove ; fortunate ; ………….. 2. pace , step ; kinds , ………….
3. pain , painful ; peace , …………… 4. danger , dangerous ; practice , ……………
5. leave , left ; buy , …………… 6. direct , indirect ; polite , ……………

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete these sentences. (10 M)
1. Sattar and Haleema ate …………… before lunch.
2. I can see him coming out of the bag and heading towards us. Without a head or hands and legs just like
3. Mohammed achieved fame in the Middle East after publishing his short stories the swing and ………
4. What does the story (The Swing) stress on?
5. …………… was the author of Canary.

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal. Write 100 to 120 words:
B) Write 100 to 120 words on "The advantages of studying English in Britain".


2015 ‫أجىبة الذور التمهيذي لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. The Caliph (He) loved the servant.
2. One of the camels of the Caliph's train slipped and fell in the street.
3. There were the precious pearls in the ivory box.
4. They went away to pick up the pearls.
5. No, he didn't, because he was staying to guard the Caliph.
6. The Caliph and his servants Or The faithful servants )‫(او تختار أي عنوان مناسة للقطعة‬
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False

Q2) A)
1. The loan is paid back with interest at the end of the year.
2. When I met her at the airport, Linda was wearing a new dress.
3. If you had stayed in bed and rested, you would have got better more quickly.
4. You mustn't drive without your seat belt on.
5. I haven't packed my suitcase yet.
6. Were your cheques being sent to the wrong address?
1. when did you take it up?
2. You should keep your passport in a safe place.
3. If only they had trained every day.
4. I found out he was going to a painting class this evening.
5. Our homework will be graded over the weekend.
6. If she doesn't apply for a scholarship, of course she won't get one.
7. There's a little space left.
8. This is a new computer, so it should be faster than the other one.
9. English is taught every month.
10. Have you ever slept under the stars in the desert?
11. Horse riding, which is my brother Andy's favourite sport, is expensive.
12. My cousin hid my purse under the stairs while I wasn't looking.
Q3) A)
1. information 2. competitive 3. sore 4. businessman 5. fingerprints 6. bit
1. commit 2. hook 3. farm 4. A bank card 5. operator
1. unfortunate 2. types/sorts 3. peaceful 4. practical 5. bought 6. impolite
1. a hot loaf of bread
2. smoke
3. The melody on the strings of Rubaaba
4. The story stresses on the war destroys everything.
5. Katherine Mansfield
A) 488‫ كتاب النشاط ص‬- ‫انشاء الوحذة السادسة‬
B) 23‫انشاء الوحذة الثالثة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully. (10 M)

A professor of medicine wanted to test his students who were about to be doctors. He told them that in order to be
good doctors there were two things most important for them. One was to observe well and carefully and the other
was not to be disgusted at unpleasant things. In front of him was a bowl of dirty dish-water with a bad smell. To
test them, he put a finger first in the water and then in his mouth and asked them all to do the same thing. In spite
of the unpleasantness of the water, the students came up one by one and put a finger in the water and then in the
mouth bearing the unpleasant test as they could. At the end of it all the professor said "I must congratulate you on
all having one of the qualities necessary, but one alone. You do not let horrible things disgust you, but neither
unfortunately, do you observe carefully. Or you would have noticed that I put my second finger in that water, it
was the third one that I put in my mouth.
Now answer (five) of the following questions:
1. What did the professor do to test his students?
2. What quality did the students succeed in?
3.What qualities did the professor think the young doctors should have?
4. Why did the students fail in the other?
5. Which finger did the doctor put in his mouth?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
B) Answer (5) of the following questions using information from your textbooks. (10 M)
1. Six dolphins …………… (a. bit the shark. b. made a lot of noise. c. protected Tariq.)
2. How can witnesses help the police?
3. Why was Latifa proud of her son Mustafa?
4. Why can't we only use wind power to supply our energy?
5. Samira Al Mahmoud is (an interpreter/a banker).
6. Police departments don't use radar guns anymore. (True/False)
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentence, follow the instructions between brackets: (Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. Fadia didn't speak to me since her sister's wedding. (Re-write the sentence correctly)
2. If the traffic isn't too heavy, I (be) at the airport at 12:30. (Correct the form of verb)
3. The internet connection will be working again soon. Our teacher promised that…… (future in the past)
4. (tomorrow-bill-will-The-be-paid) (Unscramble to make a passive sentence)
5. Can I borrow that book after you? Here you are. I ………..
(Complete the response using (just) and an appropriate verb)
6. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give advice)
7. Unfortunately, I didn't wake up early. That's why I missed the bus. (Regret use "I wish")
8. The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool. (the pool opened two months ago) (Combine the sentences)
9. Smoking is terrible. You should/give up/it. (Put in the correct order)
10. I (have) a bicycle, but someone (steal) it last week.
(Use the correct form of (Used to) and the present or past simple)
11. What's your favourite route? (Write the direct question as reported question begin with: He asked me)
12. She (tell) us to be quiet as we make too much noise.
(Put one verb in the past simple and one in the past continuous)


B) Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. If you leave me now, I think a. will be studying Biology at school.
2. You needn't take too much baggage b. have been built in Europe.
3. She felt sleepy and decided c. on a weekend trip.
4. Next semester we d. you will get there on time.
5. We mustn't forget e. she was going to get to bed early.
. Many wind turbines f. to take our passports.
Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)
A) Fill in the blanks from the list between brackets. (10 M)
{ landscape , hurts , branch , unattended , commit , graphic design }
1. Don't leave your wallet ………… on a bus bench.
2. Some people say that wind farms spoil the …………
3. If you ………… a crime, the police will arrest you.
4. Photographers may want to take classes in digital …………
5. My back ………… all the time. It only feels OK when I am lying down.
B) Choose the best collocation. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. In the military, you can take a test to become an (officer/official).
2. You must be 18 years old to (belong/join) the military.
3. We (considerably/thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment.
4. My father (opened/made) an account for me when I was quite young.
5. To cross the river we had to (sail/board) a ferry.
6. Some accounts (cost/pay) more interest than others.
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. act , acted ; stich , ………… 2. Joint in the leg, K…………
3. happy , unhappy ; correct , ………… 4. vital , very important ; health , ………..
5. attract , attractive ; spectacle , ………… 6. appt. , appointment ; exp. , …………

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

A) Answer (three) of the following questions: (6 M)
1. How does the story of "The Canary" end?
2. What does "The Swing" tell about?
3. In "The Canary" what were the people carried away by?
4. What did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner?
B) Choose the correct answer. (4 M)
1. Mohammed Khudhair found it (easy/difficult) to control his personal feelings storming inside him.
2. "The Canary" was written by (Mohammed Khudhair/Katherine Mansfield).
3. "The Swing" was written (before/after) the summer 1967 war.
4. "The Swing" is considered as a (tragic/comedic) story.

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B.
A) Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn't make.
Write 100 to 120 words.
B) Write a short article for a travel magazine of 100 to 120 words on "Advice to tourists in Iraq".


2015 ‫أجىبة الذور االول لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. He put his finger in the water and then in his mouth and asked them all to do that.
2. They succeeded in tasting the dirty water.
3. He thought that they should observe well and carefully and not to be disgusted at unpleasant things.
4. Because they didn't observe carefully.
5. The third finger.
6. Young Doctors / The Professor's Test / )‫(او أي عنوان اخر ٌكون مناسة‬
1. protected Tariq
2. By telling them what a criminal looks like or what time a crime was committed.
3. Because he was calm and intelligent.
4. Because it can't supply enough energy to meet our needs.
5. an interpreter
6. False

Q2) A)
1. Fadia hasn't spoken to me since her sister's wedding.
2. If the traffic isn't too heavy, I will be at the airport at 12:30.
3. Our teacher promised us that the internet connection would be working again soon.
4. The bill will be paid tomorrow.
5. Here you are. I have just finished it.
6. You should keep your passport in a safe place.
7. I wish I had woken up early.
8. The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool that/which opened two months ago.
9. Smoking is terrible. You should give it up.
10. I used to have a bicycle, but someone stole it last week.
11. He asked me what my my favourite route was.
12. She told us to be quiet as we were making too much noise.
1. If you leave me now, I think = d. you will get there on time.
2. You needn't take so much baggage = c. on a weekend trip.
3. She felt sleepy and decided = e. she was going to get to bed early.
4. Next semester we = a. will be studying Biology at school.
5. We mustn't forget = f. to take our passport.
6. Many wind turbines = b. have been built in Europe.

Q3) A)
1. unattended
2. landscape
3. commit
4. graphic design
5. hurts


1. officer
2. join
3. thoroughly
4. opened
5. board
6. pay
1. stitched
2. knee
3. incorrect
4. wellbeing
5. spectacular
6. experience

Q4) A)
1. It ends sadly.
2. It tells us about a soldier, Sattar, who has just returned from the hell of war carrying a message for the family
of his friend, Ali, who was killed in battle, leaving his mother, his wife and his little daughter, Haleema.
3. They were carried away by the canary's singing.
4. He hopped from one perch to another, tapped against the bar and sipped a little water.
1. difficult
2. Katherine Mansfield
3. after
4. tragic

A) 488‫انشاء الوحذة السادسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 444‫ نظٍحة سواح الى العراق – كتاب النشاط ص‬:‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (Five) of the questions that follow: (10 M)
After living and working in London for more than a year, Linda still felt lonely. She had done all kinds of things
in order to make friends but she still had none. Her only friend was Prince Albert, a dog that belonged to the old
woman who rented Linda a room in her house. One day Linda and Prince Albert were walking in a small street
when the dog pulled her towards a lamp post. There was a car parked there. A man was sitting behind the wheel
"Hey! Clear off! Don't come near this car! Understand! "he said in a low but clear voice. Linda heard another
voice behind her "Get away from the car!" the dog began to bark at the second man who was holding a large bag
and jumped at him. A police car came suddenly and the two men were caught. They were bank robbers.
1. Was Linda happy in London?
2.What the second man carrying?
3. What were the two men?
4. Did Linda have any friends?
5. What was then name of the dog?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
B) Answer (5) of the following questions using information from your textbooks. (10 M)
1. Why does the author say wind power is efficient?
2. Police must be trained to use the radar gun correctly. (True/False)
3. Samira read about the subject of oil in order to ……….
4. Workaholics are those people who ……….
5. Who rescued Tariq by boat?
6. Where did Mustafa find his mother?
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets:(Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. My sister (not be) to college for three days because of cold. (Correct the form of the verb)
2. What time have they gone to bed last night? (Re-write the sentence correctly)
3. Hassan thinks he will enjoy a career in graphic design.
Hassan thought ………., but now he isn't too sure.
4. Somebody was opening the gates when we arrived. (Re-write in the passive form)
5. I can't remember when I/took up/it. (Put in the correct order)
6. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That's why he didn't win. (Regret: Use "if only")
7. You have always wanted to fly. I think you will like the Air Force.
(Use "should or shouldn't) to express expectation)
8. If Noor (go) to the shop tomorrow, I won't have to go. (Correct)
9. How long have you been writing for Samir?
(Write the direct question as reported question: begin with: He asked me)
10. She (not be) so thin, but she got very ill last year and lost a lot of weight.
(Use the correct form of "used to")
11. While my baggage (go) through the X-ray machine, I walked through the metal detector. (Correct)
12. (go to the shops before the plane leaves.) (Suggestion)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Your room is a mess. When (are you going to clean it up/do you clean it up)?
2. If I (had/have) a computer, we could search the Internet.
3. I think he (will like/will be liking) the work.
4. Souhaib, (who's/whose) brother lives in California, is planning a trip to the USA soon.
5. When you get in a car, you (must/mustn't) put on your seat belt.
6. Have you worked here (since/for) you graduated? ‫اقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box. (10 M)
{ pickpockets , seafront , goes up , twisted , architect , placement test }
1. In Britain, the number of diabetics ………. every year.
2. An ………. is someone who designs buildings.
3. On the first day the students take a ……….
4. Let's go for a walk along the ………. this evening.
5. Crowded areas attract ………. who try to steal people's wallets.
B) Match the compound nouns and words in list A with definitions in list B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. ferry a. the company has a space for a new employee
2. boarding card b. activity in your bank account
3. spectacular c. hotels will often give you this if you're going on a full-day excursion
4. transaction d. if you lose this, you can't get on an airplane
5. vacancy e. a boat that transports people and goods
6. packed lunch f. something which is wonderful to look at
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. see , saw ; bite , ………. 2. The opposite of deep : ……….
3. healthy , unhealthy ; moral , ………. 4. freq. , frequent ; comp. , ……….
5. alerted , called ; investigate , ………. 6. register , registration ; apply , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer (5) of the following questions: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Was the canary perfect company to the woman?
2. The visitor described the child's father as (smoke/water).
3. When did Mohammed Khudhair write "The Swing"?
4. Name two of Mohammed Khudhair's works?
5. Why did the woman's heart feel hollow?
6. Why did Sattar come to his friend's house?

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B:
A) Write and e-mail of 100-120 words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up with a friend or
relative. The company could be producing one of the following:
jewellery, cosmetics, perfume, food or footwear.
B) Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn't make.
Write 100 to 120 words.


2015 ‫اجىبة الذور الثاني‬

Q1) A
1. No, she wasn't.
2. He was carrying a large bag.
3. They were bank robbers.
4. No, she didn't have.
5. Prince Albert.
6. Linda and her dog / The smart friend )‫(او تختار أي عنوان مناسة‬
1. Because the land under the turbines can still be used for agriculture.
2. True
3. get familiar with the technical terms.
4. think that their work is too important to leave in the hands of the others.
5. The coastguard, Jameel Elalawi, did.
6. He found her asleep in her bedroom.

Q2) A)
1. My sister hasn't been to college for three days because of cold.
2. What time did the go to bed last night?
3. Hasan thought he would enjoy a career in graphic design, but now he isn't so sure.
4. The gates were being opened when we arrived.
5. I can't remember when I took it up.
6. If only he hadn't fallen over during the race.
7. You have always wanted to fly. You should like the Air Force.
8. If Noor goes to the shop tomorrow, I won't have to go.
9. He asked me how long I had been waiting for Samir.
10. She didn't use to be so thin, but she got very ill last year and lost a lot of weight.
11. While my baggage was going through the x-ray machine, I walked through the metal detector.
12. Shall we go to the shops before the plane leaves?
1. are you going to clean it up
2. had
3. will like
4. whose
5. must
6. since

Q3) A)
1. goes up
2. architect
3. placement test
4. seafront
5. pickpockets


1. = e. A boat that transports people and goods.
2. = d. If you lose this, you can't get on an airplane.
3. = f. something which is wonderful to look at
4. = b. activity in your bank account
5. = a. the company has space for a new employee
6. = c. Hotels will often give you this if you're going on a full-day excursion.

1. bit
2. shallow
3. immoral
4. computer
5. find out
6. application

1. Yes, it was.
2. smoke
3. After the summer 1967 war against Israel.
4. The Black Kingdom, Autumn Dream
5. Her heart felt hollow when she saw her dead canary.
6. To tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.

A) 22‫االنشاء االول فً الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 488‫انشاء الوحذة السادسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully. Then answer (five) of the questions that follow: (10 M)
As Anna and Emily were on their way to visit some friends, their car broke down. Anna, like many people,
knew nothing about cars. Luckily, there was a garage not far away from the spot and with the help of some people
the car was brought there. Soon the mechanic came and without noticing the engine he claimed that the matter was
serious and they to leave the car there for it needed a full day's work. The mechanic had certainly discovered that
his visitors knew nothing about cars. Emily suggested that he should at least look at the engine for it might need
some fitting. The mechanic opened the bonnet and again insisted that it was serious. Then he turned to his
workshop waiting for their decision. It happened that Emily noticed a loose wire and asked Anna to put it in its
place. She did so and to their great pleasure, the engine started. The mechanic was astonished to find out that the
car had disappeared when he came out later.
1. Was the mechanic honest?
2. Why was the mechanic surprised?
3. What was the matter with the car?
4. What did the mechanic claim?
5. What did Emily suggest to the mechanic?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B) Answer (5) of the following questions using information from your text books. (10 M)
1. What can high blood pressure cause?
2. What is the most important aspect of wind power?
3. One of the banker's skills is to be good at maths. (True/False)
4. What does Latifa, Mustafa's mother, suffer from?
5. Why do some officers direct traffic?
6. What saved Tariq?
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets.(Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. Somebody left these books in the classroom. (Passive form)
2. This is the girl ………. comes from Spain. (Use a relative pronoun)
3. Help your friend with his baggage. (Offer)
4. We were speeding when we (see) the police car. (Correct the form of the verb)
5. I can't remember when (I/took up/it). (Put in the correct order)
6. Ali would be really happy if he (can) spend the summer studying in London.
(Put the verb in the correct form)
7. Unfortunately, my sister phoned me but I wasn't at home. (Regret use: I wish)
8. I'm going to Learn Chinese. I decided ………. (Future in the past)
9. Let's take Jameel to the new Italian restaurant. He never went there. (Re-write the sentence correctly)
10. I've studied hard for the test, so I think I'll pass. (Re-write the sentence with should or shouldn't)
11. She's writing letters. She started at two o'clock.(Write in the present perfect continuous with since/for)
12. ………. It's the most important meal of the day. (Use an imperative to give advice)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Have you (ever/never) seen our new website?
2. I'm in a really good mood because (I've just finished/I've just been finishing) my exams.
3. The children were very (frightened/frightening) when our car broke down in the desert.
4. When you get in a car, you (must/mustn't) put on your seat belt.
5. I haven't seen her (since/for) three months.
6. I've got (a few/a little) work to finish, so can you wait a minute? ‫اقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the box. (10 M)
sore , architect , faint , canteen , enroll , boarding card
1. I'm hungry. Let's have lunch in the college ……….
2. I can't find my ………. I won't be able to get on the plane if I don't find it.
3. I can't swallow. I have a ………. throat.
4. "Who designed that amazing building?" My uncle. He's a famous ……….
5. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to ……….
B) Match the words and phrases in list A with their meanings in list B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. put someone in prison a. civilian
2. unemployed b. be in charge of
3. without success c. paramedics
4. supervise d. out of a job
5. outside the military e. arrest
6. medical helpers (not doctors or nurses) f. to no avail
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. joint in the arm: s………. 2. polite , impolite ; usual , ……….
3. frequent , freq. ; computer , ………. 4. big , bigger ; dangerous , ……….
5. attend , attendance ; register , ………. 6. speak , spoken ; go , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Why did the woman in "The Canary" forget the evening star?
2. The two main characters in "The Swing" are ………. and ……….
3. Missus was happy to have the canary because she lived (a lonely/an unlonely) life.
4. What does the story, "The Swing", stress on?
5. The visitor described the child's father as ……….
6. How does the story of "The Canary" end?

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write 100 to 120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain. These notes may help you.
- you can hear people speaking English all day, in many different situations
- lots of opportunities to practise speaking, especially if staying with a British family
- watch TV and films in English and listen to radio
- read English newspapers, advertisements, notices
- observe British way of life
- possibly stay with British family
B) Write 100 to 120 words on this topic "Cigarettes advertising should be illegal". These questions may help you.
- How harmful are cigarettes to the health of smokers and passive smokers?
- Where can cigarettes advertisements be seen? Who sees them? Do children and young people see them?
- What sort of message do cigarette advertisements give? Do the show successful, popular, attractive
people smoking? Do they mention the dangers of smoking?
- Are young people easily influenced? Could they be influenced by cigarette advertisements?
- How common is smoking among young people?


2015 ‫اجىبة الذور األول الخاص لعام‬

Q)1 A)
1. No, he wasn't.
2. He was surprised to find out the car had disappeared when he came out later.
3. It had a loose wire.
4. He claimed that the matter was serious and the car needed a full day's work.
5. She suggested that he should at least look at the engine for it might need some fitting.
6. The dishonest mechanic / Emily and the mechanic )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره للنض‬
1. It can cause strokes and heart attacks.
2. It's clean energy.
3. True
4. She suffers from diabetes.
5. To make sure that drivers can use the roads easily and without having accidents.
6. Dolphins.

Q2) A)
1. These books were left in the classroom.
2. This is the girl who comes from Spain.
3. Shall I help you with your baggage?
4. We were speeding when we saw the police car.
5. I can't remember when I took it up.
6. Ali would be really happy if he could spend the summer studying in London.
7. I wish my sister hadn't phoned me.
8. I decided I was going to learn Chinese.
9. Let's take Jameel to the new Italian restaurant. He has never been there.
10. I've studied hard for the test, so I should pass.
11. She has been writing letters since two o'clock.
12. Never miss breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day.
1. ever
2. I've just finished
3. frightened
4. must
5. for
6. a little

Q3) A)
1. canteen
2. boarding card
3. sore
4. architect
5. faint


1. = e. arrest
2. = d. out of a job
3. = f. to no avail
4. = b. be in charge of
5. = a. civilian
6. = c. paramedics
1. shoulder
2. unusual
3. comp.
4. more dangerous
5. registration
6. gone

1. Because the canary came into her life.
2. Sattar and Haleema
3. a lonely
4. It stresses that war destroys everything.
5. smoke
6. It ends sadly.

A) 23‫انشاء الوحذة الثالثة – كتاب النشاط طفحة‬
B) 32 ‫انشاء الوحذة االولى – كتاب النشاط طفحة‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully and then answer (Five) of the questions that follow: (10 M)
Mary and her husband Harry lived in a tiny village. One of Mary's prize possessions was a little white lamb
which her husband had given her. One evening the lamb was missing. The rope had been cut, so it was obvious
that the lamb had been stolen. When Harry came in from the fields, his wife told him what had happened, so he
set out to find the thief. After telling several of his friends about the theft, Harry found out that his neighbour, Bert
had suddenly acquired a new lamb. Harry immediately went to Bert's house and angrily accused him of stealing
the lamb. He told him he had better return it or he would call the police. Bert denied taking it an led Harry into
his back-yard. It was true that he had just bought a lamb, he explained, but his lamb was black. Harry
apologized to Bert for having accused him. While they were talking, it began to rain and Harry stayed in Bert's
house until the rain stopped. When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to find that the little
black lamb was almost white. Its wool, which had been dyed black, had been washed clean by the rain.
1. What did Harry accused Bert of? 2. Had the lamb been dyed?
3. Why did Harry stayed in Bert's house for a half an hour? 4. What colour was Mary's lamb?
5. Why did Harry get a surprise when he went outside? 6. Did Bert show Harry his new lamb?
B) Answer (5) of the following questions using the information from your text book. (10 M)
1. Why should people save money for their future?
2. Holidays are important for everyone, not just the businessman. (True/False)
3. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to ………
4. Why should interpreters read newspapers?
5. Zaid Tariq was ………. (a. a bad swimmer b. on holiday c. working in Egypt)
6. How does a radar speed gun work?
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets:(Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. My bedroom ………. (paint), so I'm sleeping in the living room. (Complete with the correct passive form)
2. Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday. (Correctly the sentence)
3. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden. (You can have a meal there on summer evenings.)
(Use the correct relative pronoun to make a sentence)
4. You meet a pilot. You ask: (how long/be a pilot) (Write a question using the words in brackets)
5. They ………. in the desert when they ………. a large snake. (camp/see)
(Put the correct verb in the correct tense: past continuous or past simple)
6. Unfortunately, they didn't train every day. That's why they lost the match. (Regret use - I wish -)
7. I'm going to learn Chinese. I decided ………. (Future in the past)
8. If he (log on) to the British Council Site, he (find) quite a lot of useful information about courses in
Britain (Correct)
9. The previous owner cut down the trees. (Re-write in the passive form)
10. (meet at three in the departure lounge) (Suggestion)
11. ………. (you/buy) any maps of London or guide books yet? (Complete with correct form)
12. He (like) going out, but now he always wants to stay at home. (Use the correct form of -used to-)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. When we got to the cinema, the film (has/had) started.
2. Dana (is going to volunteer/volunteers) at the hospital when she has more time.
3. I've got (a few/a little) work to finish, so can you wait a minute?
4. Please put out your cigarette. You (mustn't/must) smoke in hospital.
5. I'm sorry I can't go with you. I (will go to the dentist's then/am going to the dentist then).
6. He's a very (interested/interesting ) person. He has lots of great stories to tell. ‫أقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the box. (10 M)
{ value , mandatory , online , valid , application , buried }
1. Waste is often burnt or ……….
2. You must send your ………. to the school by 10 May if you want to start in July.
3. A qualification in English is ………. if you want to study in England.
4. The ………. of an investment can go down as well as up.
5. If you have internet access, you can bank ……….
B) Match the words and phrases in list A with their meanings in list B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. A person who saw or heard something at the time of a crime. a. conference
2. this means that you really want to succeed b. hospitality
3. A large meeting to discuss something. c. the emergency services
4. out of a job d. witness
5. the police, fire department, ambulance e. ambitious
6. a fine welcome f. unemployed
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. take , took ; throw , ………. 2. appt. , appointment ; co. , ……….
3. small , smaller ; good , ………. 4. make certain , ensure ; taken quickly , ……….
5. enhance , enhancement ; admit , ………. 6. injured , hurt ; investigate , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer (5) of the following questions: (10 M)
1. What does "The Swing" tell about?
2. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to Missus.(True/False)
3. "The Swing" stresses that war ………
4. When Missus said: "when I found him lying on his back with his eyes dim." She meant he was ……….
5. The two main characters in "The Swing" are ………. and ……….
6. People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures. (True/False)

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B:
A) Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement "studying while you're working is worth all
the hard work". Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion. Remember to use linking
words and phrases. You should write 100 to 120 words.
B) Write 100-120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain.


2015 ‫اجىبة الذور الثاني التكميلي لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Harry accused Bert of stealing the lamb.
2. Yes, it had.
3. Because it began to rain.
4. White.
5. Because he found the little black lamb was almost white.
6. Yes, he did.
1. They should save for their retirement and continue to enjoy good standard of living when they are older.
2. True
3. open the door for the paramedics.
4. To have general knowledge and to know what is going on in the world.
5. b. on holiday
6. It works by sending radio waves towards a car.

Q2) A)
1. My bedroom is being painted, so I'm sleeping in the living room.
2. Adam came back from Beirut yesterday.
3. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden where you can have a meal on summer evenings.
4. How long have you been a pilot?
5. They were camping in the desert when they saw a large snake.
6. I wish they had trained every day.
7. I decided I was going to learn Chinese.
8. If he logs on to the British Council Site, he will find quite a lot of useful information about courses in Britain.
9. The trees were cut down.
10. Shall we meet at 3.00 in the departure lounge?
11. Have you bought any maps of London or guidebooks yet?
12. He used to like going out, but now he always wants to stay at home.
1. had
2. is going to volunteer
3. a little
4. mustn't
5. am going to the dentist then
6. interesting

Q3) A)
1. buried
2. application
3. mandatory
4. value
5. online


1. = d. witness
2. = e. ambitious
3. = a. conference
4. = f. unemployed
5. = c. the emergency services
6. = b. hospitality
1. threw
2. company
3. better
4. snatched
5. admittance/admission
6. find out

1. It tells about a soldier, Sattar, who has just returned from the hell of war carrying a message for the
family of his friend, Ali, who was killed in battle, leaving his mother, his wife and his little daughter,
2. True
3. destroys everything.
4. dead
5. Sattar and Haleema.
6. True

A) 441‫انشاء الوحذة الساتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 23‫انشاء الوحذة الثالثة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read the following story.

An important businessman went to see his doctor because he could not sleep at night. The doctor examined him
carefully and then said to him, 'your trouble is that you need to learn to relax. Have you got any hobbies?' The
businessman thought for a few moments and then said, 'No, doctor, I haven't. I don't have any time for hobbies.
'Well. The doctor answered.' This is your main trouble, you see you don't have time for anything except your work.
You must find some hobbies, and you must learn to relax with them, or you'll be dead in five years. Why don't
you learn to paint pictures?' 'All right doctor.' The businessman said. 'I'll try that.' The next day he telephoned the
doctor and said, 'that was a very good idea of yours, doctor.' 'Thank you very much. I've already painted fifteen
pictures since I saw you.'
Now answer the following. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Why did the businessman go to the doctor?
2. What did the doctor advise him to do?
3. What would happen to the businessman if he if he didn't listen to the doctor's advice?
4. The businessman had a lot of time for go hobbies. (True/False)
5. The businessman painted 51 pictures.
6. Choose the suitable title. a. The doctor's hobbies b. Not able to sleep
B) Answer or complete the following sentences. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Why are holidays important?
2. What is a radar detector?
3. To train as an interpreter, you must get a degree in ………. and a ………. in interpreting.
4. Mustafa was puzzled because his mother ……….
5. People think that wind turbines are unattractive and ……….
6. One of the duties of a police officer is to ……….
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Do as required. (Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. Cities ………. (not be) polluted. (Used to)
2. While he ……… (skate), he fell over. (Use the correct form of the verb)
3. "What are you doing?" He asked me ………. (Reported question)
4. What would you buy if you ………. (win) a million pounds? (Complete using the correct conditional)
5. Somebody is cleaning the room right now. (Put the sentence into passive)
6. (How long/you/be a pilot?) (Use present perfect simple or continuous)
7. He is going to register in an English course. He decided ………. (Compete using future in the past)
8. They lost the match. (Show regret using if only ……….)
9. I ………. (lock) the door before I left the house. (Use past perfect or past simple)
10. (help you with your baggage) (Offer. Use shall)
11. My father asked someone to fix the computer. My father ……… (Use get)
B) Choose the correct alternative. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. I think she (will like/will be liking) the work.
2. Beirut, (where/which) is full of cafes, is very interesting.
3. We left two hours early. We (should/shouldn't) miss the plane.
4. We hope that we can live (peaceful/peacefully) together.
5. I like those shoes. Can I (try on them/try them on)?
6. You are driving fast. You (have to/needn't) slow down. ‫اقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the following sentences from the words in the box. (10 M)
{ boarding , empty , buried , withdrawal , stressful , loan }
1. Working alone in the booth is ……….
2. There is nothing in the bag. It's ……….
3. I lost my ………. card, so I couldn't get into the plane.
4. I got a ………. from the bank to buy a car.
5. Waste is often burnt or ……….
B) Choose the correct option. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. We (considerably/thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment.
2. If you (dislike/distrust) someone, you don't have confidence in them.
3. In the military, you can have a test to become an (officer/official).
4. I (deposited/installed) 5 million Iraqi dinars this morning.
5. Let's go on a (package/packed) deal to Italy.
6. My (ankle/elbow) hurts. I can't walk.
C) Complete the following. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. company , co. ; years , ……….
2. meet , met ; sleep , ……….
3. polite , impolite ; expensive , ……….
4. show , display ; stuff , ……….
5. apply , application ; enhance , ……….
6.wonder , wonderful ; luxury , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. "The Swing" is a story written by ………. who was born and educated in ……….
2. "The Swing" is about a soldier, Sattar, ……….
3. In "The Canary", the woman was very sad because ……….
4. How did Sattar convey his message to the little girl?
5. What was the canary to the woman?
6. Where was Katherine Mansfield born?

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B.
A) Write 100 to 120 words about this topic. 'Cigarette advertising should be illegal'.
B) Complete an e-mail of 100 to 120 words to your friend telling her of a company you have set up
recently. You can choose any product.
Dear Badria,


2016 ‫اجىبة الذور التمهيذي لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Because he could not sleep at night.
2. To find some hobbies.
3. He would be dead in less than five years.
4. False
5. False
6. b. Not able to sleep
1. Because:
a. Life is so fast and most people spend a lot of time working.
b. The stress of life and work can cause health problems.
c. People need a change of scene and pace of life; both the brain and the body need a break.
2. A radar detector is a machine that detects radar guns.
3. English postgraduate diploma
4. his mother didn't come to wake him up.
5. noisy.
6. direct traffic.

Q2) A)
1. Cities didn't use to be polluted.
2. While he was skating, he fell over.
3. He asked me what I was doing.
4. What would you buy if you won a millions pound?
5. The room is being cleaned right now.
6. How long have you been a pilot?
7. He decided he was going to register in an English course.
8. If only they hadn't lost the match.
9. I had locked the door before I left the house.
10. Shall I help you with your baggage?
11. My father got his computer fixed.
1. will like
2. which
3. shouldn't
4. peacefully
5. try them on
6. have to

Q3) A)
1. stressful
2. empty
3. boarding
4. loan
5. buried


1. thoroughly
2. distrust
3. officer
4. deposited
5. package
6. ankle
1. yrs.
2. slept
3. cheap
4. property
5. enhancement
6. luxurious

1. Mohammed Khudhair , Basra
2. who has returned from hell of war carrying a message for the family of his friend, Ali, who was killed in
battle leaving his mother, his wife and his daughter, Haleema.
3. she had lost the canary.
4. He told her that her father is like smoke and she can see him only when she closes her eyes.
5. He was her best friend.
6. she was born in New Zealand.

A) 32‫انشاء الوحذة االولى – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 22‫انشاء الوحذة لراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the following questions. (10 M)
A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a university to a large group of students.
As most of them couldn't understand spoken English, he had to have an interpreter. During this lecture he told an
amusing story which went on for rather a long time. At last he stopped to allow the interpreter to translate it into
Japanese, and was very surprised when the man did this in a few seconds, after which all the students laughed
loudly. After the lecture, the writer thanked the interpreter for his good work and then said to him "Now please tell
me how you translated that long story of mine into such a short Japanese one. "I didn't tell the story at all," the
interpreter answered with a smile. "I just said," "the honourable lecturer has just told a funny story. You will all
laugh, please."
1. Did the famous writer speak Japanese well?
2. Why was the writer surprised?
3. What invitation did the writer in the story receive?
4. Who took rather a long time to tell the story?
5. The interpreter told the students a different funny story. (True/False)
6. Why did the students laugh?
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M)
1. What two complaints do people who live near wind turbines have about them?
2. "Workaholics" are those people who ……….
3. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful?
4. Why did Zaid Tariq scream?
5. Investing in stocks and shares ………. (a. is fun for some people b. will always make a profit)
6. Banks that work with large companies can ………
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentences. Follow the instructions between brackets:(Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. A scorpion (hold) (Write a true sentence with "never" about you)
2. Luckily, Sharifa didn't drive very fast. The child ran into the road. (Join use "when")
3. Unless he makes a big effort this term, he (not get through) the end of-year exams. (Correct)
4. Most smokers (take up/it) as teenagers. (Put in the correct order)
5. My mother asked somebody to paint the house. (Rewrite using the correct form get or make)
6. (give me your passport) (Polite request)
7. "Have you ever had a scary experience when flying?" She asked ………. (Reported question)
8. Unfortunately, I didn't wake up early. That's why I missed the bus. (Regret use "I wish")
9. He ………. (tell) Dana she passed the exam. (Put the verb in the correct future form)
10. My father wrote this letter. (Rewrite in the passive form)
11. Bashir is going to buy a car very soon. (He passed his driving test last week)
(Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence)
12. ………. - at least a litre and a half every day. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are Not water.
(Use an imperative to give advice)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. If I had passed the test, I (would become/would have become) a pilot.
2. He studied hard. He (should/shouldn't) pass the exam.
3. The volunteer promised the children he (was/would be) back the following week.
4. He has had that motorbike (since/for) three years.
5. This book is very (bored/boring). I fall asleep whenever I try to read it.
6. The machine (is repaired/is being repaired) at the moment.
‫أقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete each sentence with a suitable word from the box: (10 M)
{ deforestation , hostels , involve , burglar , faint , spectacular }
1. We have our own students' ……….
2. As the sun began to set, we had a ………. view of the city.
3. The process of cutting down large number of trees is called ……….
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to ……….
5. A ……… can hide behind trees and bushes.
B) Choose the best selection: (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. In the military, you can take a test to become an (officer/official).
2. She is a (geometric/medical) student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years' time.
3. To cross the river we had to (sail/board) a ferry.
4. (This/That) is Samir Esam.
5. I'm calling (about/because) your advert in yesterday's paper.
6. At 11.15, police were (called/alerted) by Mr. Smith.
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words: (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. beauty , beautiful ; danger , ……… 2. break , broken ; ride , ……….
3. deep , shallow ; military , ………. 4. surprised , puzzled ; snatched , ……….
5. ankle , joint ; bandage , ………. 6. teach , teacher ; rob , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

A) Answer or complete (three) of the following: (6 M)
1. Mohammed Khudhair's short stories appeared in ……….
2. Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous?
3. Sattar and Haleema ate ……….
4. Why was the woman in "The Canary" happy to have the canary?
5. Was the canary perfect company to the woman?
B) Match the words in list A with the words in list B that have the same meaning.(Choose 4 only)(4 M)
List A: 1. blouse 2. neat 3. scarcely 4. wondered 5. sustain
List B: a. hardly b. support emotionally c. woman's shirt d. tidy e. asked or thought about

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B.
A) Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words about really bad day out where everything went wrong. Use your
imagination. Start like this:
Dear …
I had a terrible day last Saturday. I wish I had stayed in bed then all this would not have happened.
B) Write a short article for a travel magazine of 100 to 120 words on "A wonderful holiday I have had"


2016 ‫أجىبة الذور االول لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. No, he didn't.
2. Because the interpreter translated his speech in a few seconds.
3. He was invited to give a lecture at a university to a large group of students.
4. The writer.
5. False
6. Because the interpreter asked them to laugh.
1. They are unattractive and noisy.
2. think that their work is too important to leave in the hands of the others.
3. We can look through them to find job offers because it is good to know what jobs are available.
4. Because he thought he was dying.
5. a. is fun for some people
6. help them improve and extend their business.

Q2) A)
1. I have never held a scorpion.
2. Luckily, Sharifa wasn't driving very fast when the child ran into the road.
3. Unless he makes a big effort this term, he will not get through the end of-year exams.
4. Most smokers take it up as teenagers.
5. My mother got the house painted.
6. Could you give me your passport?
7. She asked if I had ever had a scary experience when flying.
8. I wish I had woken up early.
9. He is going to tell Dana she passed the exam.
10. This letter was written (by my father).
11. Bashir, who passed his driving test last week, is going to buy a car very soon.
12. Drink plenty of water - at least a litre and a half every day.
1. would have become
2. should
3. would be
4. for
5. boring
6. is being repaired

Q3) A)
1. hostels
2. spectacular
3. deforestation
4. faint
5. burglar


1. officer
2. medical
3. board
4. This
5. about
6. alerted
1. dangerous
2. ridden
3. civilian
4. taken quickly
5. treatment
6. robber

Q4) A)
1. The Iraqi Writer magazine in 1962.
2. She remains famous for her collections of poems and short stories.
3. a loaf of bread before lunch.
4. Because she lived lonely.
5. Yes, it was.
1. = c. woman's shirt
2. = d. tidy
3. = a. hardly
4. = e. asked or thought about
5. = b. support emotionally

A) 48‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully. Then answer (5) of the questions that follow: (10 M)
Mr. Jones had a few days' holiday, so he said "I'm going to go to the mountains by train." He put on his best
clothes, took a small bag, went to the station and got into the train. He had a beautiful hat, and he often put his
head out of the window during the trip and looked at the mountains. But the wind pulled his hat off. Mr. Jones
quickly took his old bag and threw that out of the window too. The other people in the carriage laughed. "Is your
bag going to bring your beautiful hat back?" they asked. "No." Mr. Jones answered. "but there's no name and no
address in my hat, and there's a name and an address on the bag. Someone's going to find both of them near each
other, and he's going to send me the bag and the hat."
1. How did Mr. Jones go to the mountains?
2. Mr. Jones threw his hat out of the window. (True/False)
3. Why did the people in the carriage laugh at Mr. Jones?
4. Why did Mr. Jones throw his bag out of the window?
5. What did Mr. Jones often do during the trip?
6. Give a suitable title.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your textbook: (10 M)
1. Why do brain and body need a break?
2. At the library the writer can learn how to apply for a job. (True/False)
3. What did Mustafa tell the emergency operator?
4. What is the most important aspect of wind power?
5. When Zaid Tariq got back to the dry land, he was taken ……….
(a. straight back to his hotel b. to get medical attention)
6. What is the difficult part of the banker's job?
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets: (Choose 10 only) (20M)
1. The journey normally takes four hours so I think we will get there about six.
(Use should or shouldn't for expectation)
2. Define a tour guide.
3. These trousers were too long so (I/took up/them) to make them fit. (Put in the correct order)
4. My sister (hide) my purse under the bed while I (not look).
(Put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past simple)
5. She is going to her computer course tomorrow night. I found out she ………. (Future in the past)
6. Let's take Jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He never went there. (Correct the sentence)
7. I asked the mechanic to check the brakes. (Re-write with the correct form of - have/make-)
8. He ………. (leave) at 10.00. (Put the verb in the correct future form)
9. Somebody stole my wallet last week. (Re-write in the passive form)
10. How long was the training? He asked ………. (Reported question)
11. You bought some shoes last week. You've decided you don't like them. (Regret use "if only")
12. He (be) more attractive if he shaved his beard off. (Correct)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Hiba (needn't/mustn't) go to the supermarket today because Dana went yesterday.
2. Muna (gets/got) married to Ghassan two years ago.
3. When you say you are sending something with the letter, you say (Here's../I enclose..) for formal letter.
4. My bedroom (is being painted/is painted), so I'm sleeping in the living room.
5. What's the most (excited/exciting) thing you have ever done?
6. How (many/much) exercise does he take a week?
‫أقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the box. (10 M)
{ canteen , obey , excursion , skill , register , recycled }
1. In some countries, more than 50% of waste is ……….
2. Hotels will often give you packed lunch if you are going on a full day ……….
3. You can ………. for this class by competing a form online.
4. Drivers must ………. the speed limit.
5. Breakfast is provided and students can buy other meals in the on-site ……….
B) Match the words and phrases on list A with their meanings in list B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. headphones a. a person who is looking for a job.
2. vacancy b. a written request.
3. jobseeker c. things you put over your ears to listen privately.
4. seat belt d. the company has a space for a new employee.
5. application e. medical helpers (not doctors or nurses)
6. paramedics f. this protects you when you are driving or flying.
C) Compete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. ring , rang ; fly , ………. 2. fast , faster ; funny , ……….
3. 18 years , 18 yrs. ; driving licence , ………. 4. Joint in the arm , e……….
5. happy , unhappy ; efficient , ………. 6. attend , attendance ; enhance , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M)
1. Will the woman in "The Canary" have another bird?
2. How old was Mohammed Khudhair when he wrote "The Swing"?
3. In 1917 Katherine Mansfield became ill with (a. diabetes b. tuberculosis)
4. Sattar came to his friend's house to ……….
5. How did the canary greet his owner in the morning?
6. Mohammed Khudhair's best works include 1. ………. 2. ……….
7. Where did the woman in "The Canary" use to hang the canary cage?

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B:
A) Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn't
make. Write 100 to 120 words.
B) Write 100 to 120 words about ways people can help to improve the environment.


2016 ‫اجىبة الذور الثاني لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. He went by train.
2. False
3. Because he threw his bag out of the window.
4. Because there's a name and an address on the bag.
5. He often put his head out of the window during the trip and looked at the mountains.
6. An annoying trip /The clever man )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره للنض‬
1. They need a break so that they don't let's down eventually.
2. False
3. He told her "My mummy is sick. She needs a doctor."
4. It is clean energy.
5. b. to get medical attention
6. He cannot always approve a loan.

Q2) A)
1. The journey normally takes four hours so should get there by six.
2. A tour guide is someone who shows tourists around.
3. These trousers are too long so I took them up to make them fit.
4. My sister hid my purse under the bed while I wasn't looking.
5. I found out she was going to her computer course tomorrow night.
6. Let's take Jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He has never been there.
7. I had the brakes checked.
8. He is leaving at 10.00.
9. My wallet was stolen last week.
10. He asked how long the training had been.
11. If only I hadn't bought those shoes.
12. He would be more attractive if he shaved his beard off.
1. needn't
2. got
3. I enclose
4. is being painted
5. exciting
6. much

Q3) A)
1. recycled
2. excursion
3. register
4. obey
5. canteen


1. = c. things you put over your ears to listen privately.
2. = d. the company has a space for a new employee.
3. = a. a person who is looking for a job.
4. = f. this protects you when you are driving or flying.
5. = b. a written request.
6. = e. medical helpers (not doctors or nurses)
1. flew
2. funnier
3. driving lic.
4. elbow
5. inefficient
6. enhancement

1. No, she won't.
2. He was 25 years old.
3. b. tuberculosis
4. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.
5. He greeted her with a drowsy little note.
6. 1. The black Kingdom 2. At 45 centigrade
7. She used to hang the canary cage on the nail outside.

A) 488‫انشاء الوحذة السادسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 448‫انشاء الوحذة الثامنة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow: (10 M)
At last firemen have put out fire. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fires
are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen
examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a
cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidently discovered the cause. He noticed
the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery.
The explanation was simple but very useful. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then drooped it
on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and
these immediately started a fire.
1. What caused the fire?
2. Who has just solved the mystery?
3. Were the firemen able to put out the fire?
4. The fire was caused by a cigarette end. (True/False)
5. Where did the snake wind itself?
6. Give a suitable title.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your textbook: (10 M)
1. What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment?
2. Where did Mustafa find his mother?
3. In what ways has wind power been used for thousands of years?
4. Zaid Tariq was bitten by the dolphins. (True/False)
5. The course in conference interpreting was very ………. (a. easy b. difficult)
6. A radar detector is ……….
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets:(Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. You decided not to go to the park with your friends. Now you regret it. (Use. If only)
2. He is going to be a lifeguard. He decided ………. (Future in the past)
3. I would learn to parachute if my friend (say) she would do it with me. (Correct the verb)
4. (renovated/bank/is/The/being) (Unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
5. He looked outside because he heard a noise. (Rewrite with the correct form of -make-)
6. My phone rang while we (watch) the movie. (Correct the verb)
7. Define a nurse. (Use. looks after sick people)
8. Mary has so many friends. So I think there will be a very big crowd at the party. (Expectation)
9. The hotel has a swimming pool. (It is very big) (Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence)
10. What time have they gone to bed last night? (Correct the sentence)
11. Do you still like the job? She asked me ………. (Reported question)
12. I (like) travelling, but I don't like it any more. (Use. Used to)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. My flight was (tired/tiring) because it was a twelve-hours flight.
2. She has been talking on the phone (for/since) the last 20 minutes.
3. She wouldn't have got sunburnt if she (had worn/wore) a hat.
4. Can you (turn it down/turn down it)?
5. In my old job, my shift (started/starts) at 6.00 every Wednesday, and I worked until 9.00.
6. You (mustn't/don't have to) speak to the driver when the bus is moving. It is dangerous.
‫أقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the box. (10 M)
{ regulations , wear , puzzled , physical , leisure , limit }
1. I have to do ……….exercise at least four times a week.
2. Scientists are finding ways to ……….damage to the environment.
3. She doesn't seem to know what to do with her ……….time.
4. We have to follow a lot of safety ………at work.
5. I was ……….to see such a strange question.
B) Match the words and phrases in list A with their definitions in list B. (5 M)
List A List B
1. withdrawal a. the same as or similar to
2. empty b. the process of damaging the air, water or land with chemicals.
3. overdraft facilities c. money taken out of your account
4. pollution d. working quickly and well
5. efficient e. there is nothing in it
6. equivalent f. ability to use more money than you have in your account at the moment
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. legal , illegal ; moral , ……… 2. years , yrs. ; buildings , ……….
3. see , seen ; drive , ………. 4. place , places ; oasis , ……….
5. apply , application ; enroll , ………. 6. Joint in the leg: a……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete (5) of the following: (10 M)
1. Mohammed Khudhair's best works include ……….and ……….
2. Sattar came to his friend's house to ……….
3. In "The Canary" what did the washerwoman use to say every Monday?
4. How did the canary sing?
5. How did Sattar describe the child's father?
6. When Missus said "when I found him lying on his back with his eyes dim." She meant he was ……….

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B: (20 M)
A) Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement:
"studying while working is worth all the hard work."
Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion. You should write 100-120 words.
B) Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company tomorrow
morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company. The manager sent
directions and a map. Write a letter to Ahmed of 100 to 120 words giving him advice on how to get the job.


2016 ‫اجىبة الذور الثالث لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. A snake cause the fire.
2. A fireman.
3. Yes, they were.
4. False
5. It wound itself round the wires.
6. The clever fireman/The dangerous snake )‫(او تختار أي عنوان مناسة للنض‬
1. The most popular investment in the UK is investing in property.
2. He found her asleep in her bedroom.
3. To power sailing boats and grind corn.
4. False
5. b. difficult
6. a machine that detects radar guns.

Q2) A)
1. If only I had gone to the park with my friends.
2. He decided he was going to be a lifeguard.
3. I would learn to parachute if my friend said she would do it with me.
4. The bank is being renovated.
5. The noise made him look outside.
6. My phone rang while we were watching the movie.
7. A nurse is someone who looks after sick people.
8. Mary has many friends. So there should be a very big crowd at the party.
9. The hotel has a swimming pool that is very big.
10. What time did they go to bed last night?
11. She asked me if I still liked the job.
12. I used to like travelling, but I don't like it any more.
1. tiring
2. for
3. had worn
4. turn it down
5. started
6. mustn't

Q3) A)
1. physical
2. limit
3. leisure
4. regulations
5. puzzled


1. = c. money taken out of your account
2. = e. there is nothing in it
3. = f. ability to use more money than you have in your account at the moment
4. = b. the process of damaging air, water or land with chemicals
5. = d. working well and quickly
6. = a. the same as or similar to
1. immoral
2. bldgs.
3. driven
4. oases
5. enrollment
6. ankle

1. The Black Kingdom and At 45 centigrade
2. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.
3. She used to say 'There's no comfort, Missus, in a canary.'
4. He sang wonderfully.
5. As smoke.
6. dead.

A) 441‫انشاء الوحذة الساتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 84‫انشاء الوحذة الثانٍة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow: (10 M)
One day a traveller was riding along quiet road carrying a bag of precious jewels. Suddenly, a thief came out
of the trees with a pistol in his hand. He ordered the traveller to hand him the bag saying that if he refused to do
so, he would shoot him. The traveller waited a moment and then said "As there is another criminal behind you, I
will have to give you my bag." The thief was so surprised that he looked behind to see who the other thief was.
The traveller immediately killed the thief and in this was he saved his jewels. As he was riding away, he thought of
his cleverness for if he had not played a trick upon the thief, he would have lost both his jewels and his life.
1. What was the traveller carrying?
2. Why was the traveller afraid of the thief?
3. The traveller was killed. (True/False)
4. What did the thief order the traveller?
5. What foolish thing did the thief do?
6. Give a title to the passage.
B) Answer (5) of the following sentences using information from your textbook: (10 M)
1. Holidays can give us a chance to (a. stop thinking about our problems. b. learn new activities.)
2. How did Mustafa open the front door for the paramedics?
3. Why does the author say wind power is efficient?
4. Do the police officers have a lot of different duties?
5. What was Zaid Tariq doing when he saw the Shark?
6. Interpreters must have three active languages. (True/False)
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Rewrite the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets: (Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. ……… An average of eight hours a night is about right. (Use an imperative to give advice)
2. Stamp-collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it/up/take). (Put in the correct order)
3. Define a secretary. (Use. does general office work)
4. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden. (you can have a meal there on summer evenings.)
(Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence)
5. A thief took our clothes as we (swim). (Correct the verb)
6. You drank a lot of coffee. Now you are in bed and you can't sleep. (Regret use: If only)
7. If I (see) him yesterday, I would have told him your news. (Correct)
8. I'm going to learn Chinese. I decided ………. (Future in the Past)
9. Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday. (Correct the sentence)
10. The leaves fell because of the wind.
The wind ………. (Rewrite with the correct form of -make-)
11. How often do you clean your teeth? He asked me ………. (Reported question)
12. (Egypt / are / in / used / coins / These) (Unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. We left two hours early. We (should/shouldn't) miss the plane.
2. I have had this car (since/for) November.
3. When we got to the cinema, the film (had/has) started.
4. We were very (frightened/frightening) when our car broke down in the desert.
5. The story was (beautifully/beautiful) written.
6. She (learns/will be learning) a lot of new skills.


‫أقلب الصفحة‬
Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)
A) Fill in the blanks from the box below: (10 M)
{ fasten , broken , pain , maintain , balance , faint }
1. She can't play tennis. She has ……….her right arm.
2. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to ……….
3. When the plane takes off, you have to ……….your seat belt.
4. The minimum ……….is 1,000 Iraqi dinars.
5. Where exactly is the ……….and how long have you had it?
B) Match the beginnings in list A with their endings in list B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. I can speak English and Arabic, a. I would save a lot of time.
2. If I had an ATM card, b. because it's a very nice hotel.
3. I can't stay long because c. when I will receive my card?
4. They should be very comfortable, d. so I should be able to talk to most of the visitors.
5. If I could check my account balance by e. I'm meeting my brother at 6.00.
my telephone,
6. Could you please let me know f. I could withdraw money on my way to work.
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. say , said ; slip , ………. 2. injured , hurt ; occurred , ……….
3. appointment , appt. ; company , ………. 4. small , smaller ; expensive , ……….
5. enhance , enhancement ; attend , ………. 6. correct , incorrect ; happy , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete (5) of the following: (10 M)
1. The swing is considered as a (a. tragic b. comedic) story.
2. How does the story of "The Canary" end?
3. Sattar came to his friend's house to ……….
4. Mohammed Khudhair is ……….
5. Why was the woman happy to have the canary?
6. Sattar and Haleema ate ……….

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write a short article for a travel magazine of 100 to 120 words on "Advice to tourists in Iraq".
B) Write 100 to 120 words on this topic "Cigarette advertising should be illegal".


2016 ‫اجىبة الذور التمهيذي لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. A bag of precious jewels.
2. Because he had a pistol.
3. False
4. He ordered the traveller to hand him the bag.
5. He looked behind to see who the other thief was.
6. The traveller and the thief / The stupid thief )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره للنض‬
1. a. stop thinking about our problems.
2. He had to stand on a chair to open the door for the paramedics.
3. Because the land under the turbines can also be used for agriculture.
4. Yes, the do.
5. He was swimming when he saw it.
6. False

Q2) A)
1. Get enough sleep. ……….
2. when did you take it up?
3. A secretary is someone who does general office work.
4. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden where you can have a meal on summer evenings.
5. A thief took our clothes while we were swimming.
6. If only I hadn't drunk so much coffee.
7. If I hadn't seen him …….
8. I decided I was going to learn Chinese.
9. Adam came back ……….
10. The wind made the leaves fall.
11. He asked me how often I cleaned my teeth.
12. These coins are used in Egypt.
1. shouldn't
2. since
3. had
4. frightened
5. beautifully
6. will be learning

Q3) A)
1. broken
2. faint
3. fasten
4. balance
5. pain


1. = d. so I should be able to talk to most of the visitors.
2. = f. I could withdraw money on my way to work.
3. = e. I'm meeting my brother at 6.00.
4. = b. because it's a very nice hotel.
5. = a. I would save a lot of time.
6. = c. when I will receive my card?
1. a. tragic
2. It ends sadly.
3. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.
4. an Iraqi writer.
5. Because she lived lonely.
6. a loaf of bread.

A) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 32‫انشاء الوحذة االولى – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the following questions. (10 M)
Mr. Grey was the manager of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and came up to
Work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office unless it was raining, because it gave him some
exercise. One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him, "you may not
remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pocket. I stopped you in this street
and asked you to lend me some money, and you lent me five pounds, because you said that you were willing to
take a chance so as to give a man a start on the road to success." Mr. Grey though for a few moments and then
said, "yes, I remember you. Go on with your story." "well," answered the stranger, "are you still willing to take a
1. Where did Mr. Grey work?
2. Why did Mr. Grey like walking from the station to his office?
3. Now the stranger wanted to give Mr. Grey this money back. (True/False)
4. How much did Mr. Grey lend the stranger seven years ago?
5. How did Mr. Grey get from his house to the office? 6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your textbook: (10 M)
1. Tariq was rescued by ………. (a. two children b. sea)
2. What does "working freelance" mean?
3. A radar speed gun works by ……….
4. The writer can borrow DVDs from the library. (True/False)
5. Why was Mustafa's mother unconscious?
6. People save money for their retirement so that they can ……….
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Rewrite the following sentences following the instructions between brackets:(Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. I always go to the garage for repairs. It was closed today. The garage ……….was closed today.
(Combine to make a defining relative clause)
2. Ammar will be working late, so I won't call him early in the morning. I knew Ammar ………., so I
didn't call him early in the morning. (Future in the past)
3. If I (not have) the operation, I would have died. (Correct)
4. You have a friend who is learning Japanese. You ask: (how long/learn/Japanese?)
(Write a question using the words in brackets)
5. What are you doing on Friday afternoon? Adam asked me ………. (Reported question)
6. Unfortunately, I spent all my money at the weekend, that's why I can't buy those shoes. (Regret)
7. If you see Khalid, can you ask him about tonight? He can come. I ………..
(Complete the response using 'already' and an appropriate verb)
8. ………. . Get them tested once a year. (Use an imperative to give advice)
9. We have all been to the park last weekend. (Correct the sentence)
10. My uncle deposited the money last week. (Rewrite in the passive form)
11. Define a cartoonist. (Use draws amusing pictures)
12. A photographer took her picture. She ………. . (Rewrite using the correct form of "have")
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. There are security cameras in the building. The security guard (should/shouldn't) see if anyone comes in.
2. He was very (frightening/frightened) when he saw the spider.
3. Doctors are (good/better) trained than they used to be.
4. If we don't hurry, we'll be late. The train (leaves/will leave) at 11.00.
5. My parents aren't at home this evening. They have (gone/go) out.
6. There's petrol in the car, so you (need to/needn't) go to the petrol station. ‫أقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M)
{ supervise , venue , dispose of , mandatory , spoil , medication }
1. Some people say that wind farms ……….the landscape.
2. If you are a manager, you have to ……….other employees.
3. Have you taken any ……….for the pain?
4. The place where you hold a course or concert for example ……….
5. A qualification in English is ……….if you want to study in England.
B) Match the words and phrases in list A with their meanings in list B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A: 1. wanted and needed 2. without success 3. expired 4. astounded 5. a fine welcome
6. efficient 7. very important
List B: a. working quickly and well b. surprised c. in demand d. hospitality e. come to an end
f. to no avail g. vital
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words: (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. take , taken ; bite , ………. 2. fair , unfair ; convenient , ……….
3. register , registration ; apply , ………. 4. freq. , frequent ; driving lic. , ……….
5. sea , seafront ; boarding , ………. 6. inside the body , h……..t

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete (5) of the following: (10 M)
1. Mohammed Khudhair is an ……….
2. Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous?
3. Mohammed Khudhair was born in (a. Nassiriya b. Basra)
4. In "The Canary" where did the woman use to hang the canary cage?
5. What does Sattar try to tell Haleema?
6. What did the woman in "The Canary" use to see from the window?
7. Katherine Mansfield moved to London in 1903 to study ……….at Queen's College.

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up with a
friend. The company could be producing one of the following: jewellery, perfume, or food.
B) Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company tomorrow
morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company. The manager sent him
directions and a map. Write a letter of 100 to 120 words giving him advice on how to get the job.


2017 ‫اجىبة الذور االول لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. He worked in London. / In London.
2. Because it gave him some exercise.
3. False
4. Five pounds.
5. He got from his house to the office by train. / By train.
6. Mr. Grey and the stranger / A never forgotten man )‫(او أي عنوان تختاره للنض‬
1. b. sea
2. It means independently.
3. sending radio waves towards a car.
4. True
5. She was unconscious because her blood sugar had dropped very low.
6. continue to enjoy a good standard of living when they are older.

Q2) A)
1. The garage that/where I always go to for repairs was closed today.
2. I knew Ammar would be working late, so I didn't call him early in the morning.
3. If I hadn't had the operation, I would have died.
4. How long have you been learning Japanese?
5. Adam asked me what I was doing on Friday afternoon.
6. If only/I wish I hadn't spent all my money at the weekend.
7. I have already asked him.
8. Look after your eyes. Get them tested once a year.
9. We all went to the park last weekend.
10. The money was deposited last week.
11. A cartoonist is someone who draws amusing pictures.
12. She had her picture taken.
1. should
2. frightened
3. better
4. leaves
5. gone
6. needn't

Q3) A)
1. spoil
2. supervise
3. medication
4. venue
5. mandatory


1. = c. in demand
2. = f. to no avail
3. = e. come to an end
4. = b. surprised
5. = d. hospitality
6. = a. working quickly and well 7. = g. vital
1. bitten
2. inconvenient
3. application
4. driving licence
5. boarding card
6. heart

1. Iraqi writer.
2. She remains famous for her collections of poems and short stories.
3. b. Basra
4.On the nail to the right of the front door.
5. He tries to tell her that her father was killed in the battle.
6. She used to see the canary hoping from one perch to another, tapping against the bars and sipping a little
7. music

A) 22‫انشاء الوحذة الرتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 84‫انشاء الوحذة الثانٍة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the following questions. (10 M)
A woman in blue jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. Then she went in and asked to see
a dress that was in the window. The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. He told her that
the dress was sold. The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day. She
returned for the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella
in the other. After looking for the rude assistant, she asked for the same dress. Not realizing who she was, the
assistant was happy to serve her this time. He climbed into the shop window to get the dress. As soon as she was it,
the woman said she didn't like it. She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window
before buying the dress she had first asked for.
1. Where did the woman stand?
2. Why didn't the assistant like to serve the woman for the first time?
3. How did the woman enjoy herself?
4. What did the woman finally buy?
5. The woman wanted to buy a (a. shirt b. dress).
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your textbook. (10 M)
1. Who is Samira Al Mahmoud?
2. We need to give families and friends ………. . (a. an hour of our time. b. a lot of our time.)
3. Police officers started using radar speed guns to ……… .
4. Why is it a risk to invest in stokes and shares?
5. Bankers only need to know about financial subjects. ( True / False )
6. The main advantage of wind power is that it is ………. .
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2) A) Re-write the following sentences using information between brackets. (Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. The wedding went well because they (organize) everything very carefully. (Correct the verb)
2. (wallet / week / was / My / last / stolen) (Unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
3. I am going to learn English. I decided ……… (Future in the past)
4. If anyone (need) advice about their application forms, I'll be here tomorrow to help. (Correct the verb)
5. I have studied hard for the test, so I think I'll pass. (Use "should / shouldn't" to express expectation)
6. I can't remember when I (took up/it). (Put in order)
7. There (be) a house here, but they (knock) it down two years ago. (Use the correct form of "used to" and the
present or past simple)
8. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give advice)
9. Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate. That's why I felt sick. (Regret use "if only")
10. "Is the red jacket OK for you?"
The shop assistant asked me ……… (Reported question)
11. Define an architect. (Use "designs buildings")
12. What time have they gone to bed last night? (Correct the sentence)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. I saw a very (exciting / excited) film on TV last night.
2. The business (started / was started) two years ago by two brothers.
3. She got the window (fix / fixed).
4. The person (who / whose) stole my money must be punished.
5. She has been talking on the phone (since / for) the last 20 minutes.
6. How (much / many) time do you spend on your homework?
‫أقلب الىرقة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3) A) Complete the sentences with the suitable words between brackets: (10 M)
[ tour guide , university , stressful , hurts , let , skin ]
1. My back …………… all the time, it only feels OK when I'm lying down.
2. The ………….. on my legs is very dry.
3. My sister is a …………... She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day.
4. You must ……………the people cross the street at a pedestrian crossing.
5. I want to go to …………… and get a science degree.
B) Match the words in list A with the words in list B to make compound nouns. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A : 1. metal 2. speed 3. web 4. crime 5. course 6. packed
List B : a. scene b. lunch c. detector d. fees e. design f. limit
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. healthy , unhealthy ; polite , …………… 2. computer , comp. ; 18 years , ……………
3. go , went ; fall , …………… 4. alerted , called ; property , ……………
5. joint in the arm ; ………….. 6. The opposite of "deep" ; ……………

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Q4) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences. (10 M)
1. The two main characters in "The Swing" are …………… and …………….
2. "The Swing" is one of the best short stories about (peace / war).
3. The woman in "The Canary" forgot ……………when the canary came into her life.
4. Mohammed Khudhair wrote "The Swing" before the summer 1967 war against Israel. (True / False)
5. How does the story of "The Canary" end?
6. The woman was happy to have the canary because she …………….

Writing: (20 Marks)

Q5) Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write a short article for a travel magazine of 100 to 120 words on "Advice to tourists in Iraq".
B) Write 100 to 120 words about ways people can help to improve the environment.


2017 ‫اجىبة الذور الثاني لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. At the window of the expensive shop.
2. Because he did not like the way she was dressed.
3. She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window.
4. She finally bought the dress.
5. b. dress
6. The rude assistant )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره للنض‬
1. She is an interpreter.
2. b. a lot of our time.
3. catch speeders over 50 years ago.
4. Because you can lose a lot of money as well as gain it.
5. False
6. clean energy.

Q2) A)
1. ….. they had organized …..
2. My wallet was stolen last week.
3. I was going to learn English.
4. ….. needs …..
5. ……., so I should pass.
6. I took it up.
7. ….. used to be ….. knocked ……
8. You should keep your passport in a safe place.
9. If only I hadn't eaten three bars of chocolate.
10. The shop assistant asked if the red jacket was OK for me.
11. An architect is someone who designs buildings.
12. What time did they go to bed last night?
1. exciting
2. was started
3. fixed
4. who
5. for
6. much

Q3) A)
1. hurts
2. skin
3. tour guide
4. let
5. university


1. = c. detector
2. = f. limit
3. = e. design
4. = a. scene
5. = d. fees
6. = b. lunch
1. impolite
2. yrs.
3. fell
4. stuff
5. wrist
6. shallow

1. Sattar and Haleema.
2. war
3. the evening star
4. False
5. It ends sadly.
6. lived lonely.

A) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 448‫انشاء الوحذة الثامنة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the following questions. (10 M)
Ahmed was a very just judge. One day he sent a thief to prison for two years for stealing some money. When the
thief came out of the prison, he went to the judge and said, "How should I make a living? "No one will give a job
to a man who had been in prison" The judge realized that the thief had become a good man, so he decided to let
him work in his house as a gardener. One day some thieves tried to rob the judge's house, the gardener made loud
cries that frightened the thief, the judge realized again that bad people could be good ones if they had good
1. Why did the judge put the thief in prison?
2. The judge realized the thief became a good man. (True / False)
3. How was the gardener able to frighten the thieves?
4. Could bad people be good ones one day?
5. Was the old thief faithful to his master?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M)
1. Conference interpreters must translate each word literally. (True / False)
2. A radar detector is a …………..
3. Why was Latifa proud of Mustafa?
4. The writer has learnt a lot about how important body language is in an interview. (True / False)
5. Was Zaid Tariq bitten by the shark?
6. What can high blood pressure cause?
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2) A)Rewrite the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets.(Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. While Ali was having a shower, somebody (knock) at the front door. (Correct the form of the verb)
2. Will you be able to come to my party?
I asked Layla …………… (Reported question)
3. Define a lawyer. (Use "give the people advice about the law")
4. She asked somebody to fix the window. She got the window (fix/fixed). (Choose)
5. I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he already lost it. (Correct the sentence)
6. Fatima ,(whose/who) photo was in the newspaper yesterday, is a talented girl. (Choose)
7. Unfortunately, you were rude to your brother. Now he won't give us a lift to the cinema. (Regret: Use. "if
8. You like exercising, so I don't think you'll have a trouble getting fit. (Expectation: Use. "should")
9. She (wear) glasses, but now she has contact lenses. (Use the correct form of "Used to")
10. (take a taxi to the airport) (Suggestion: Use "let's")
11. Hasan thinks he will enjoy a career in graphic design.
Hasan thought ………….., but now he is not so sure. (Future in the past)
12. I've already/turned down/it. (Put in the correct order)
B) Choose one of the two words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. I saw a very (excited/exciting) film on TV last night.
2. He drives the car (careful/carefully).
3. Have you (ever/never) camped in the desert?
4. How (many/much) apples do you need?
5. I haven't seen her (since/for) 2001.
6. She would look much nicer if she (wear/wore) contact lenses instead of glasses.
‫أقلب الىرقة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3) A) Complete the following sentences with the suitable words between brackets. (10 M)
[ application , drive , pain , enhance , robbery , pills ]
1. The police got a call about a …………… last night.
2. You have to take three of these ………….. three times a day.
3. You mustn't …………… without your seat belt on.
4. You can …………… your computer skills by taking an evening class.
5. Where exactly is the …………… and how long have you had it?
B) Choose the correct word. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. You must be 18 years old to (belong/join) the military.
2. To cross the river we had to (sail/board) a ferry.
3. I can (take/make) a withdrawal at an ATM at any time.
4. We (considerably/thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment.
5. If you pass the test, you have more responsibility and you (investigate/supervise) other people.
6. Good morning. (Is that/Are you) Mr. Hazem?
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letter. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. eat , eaten ; see , …………… 2. Joint in the leg: an……………
3. healthy , unhealthy ; usual , …………… 4. injured , hurt ; alerted , ……….
5. computer , comp. ; appointment , ...…….. 6. throw away , dispose of ; without success , …………..

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Q4) Answer or complete (5) of the following: (10 M)
1. How does the story of "The Canary" end?
2. In 1967 ……………
3. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to Missus. (True / False)
4. The two main characters in "The Swing" are …………… and ……………
5. "You can't imagine how wonderfully he sang," he referred to the ……………
6. Khudhair found it very easy to control the personal feelings storming inside him. (True / False)

Writing: (20 Marks)

Q5) Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn't make.
Write 100 to 120 words.
B) Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up with a friend
or a relative. The company could be producing one of the following: jewellery, cosmetics, perfume, food or


2017 ‫اجىبة الذور الثالث لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. (He put him in prison) for stealing some money.
2. True
3. He made loud cries.
4. Yes, they could.
5. Yes, he was.
6. The faithful thief / Bab people could be good )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره للنض‬
1. False
2. machine that detects radar guns.
3. Because he was calm and intelligent and saved her life.
4. True
5. Yes, he was.
6. It can cause strokes and heart attacks.

Q2) A)
1. knocked
2. I asked Layla if she could be able to come to my party.
3. A lawyer is someone who gives the people advice about the law.
4. fixed
5. he has already lost it
6. whose
7. If only you hadn't been rude to your brother.
8. so you shouldn't have a trouble getting fit.
9. used to wear
10. Let's take a taxi to the airport.
11. he would enjoy a career in graphic design.
12. turned it down
1. exciting
2. carefully
3. ever
4. many
5. since
6. wore

Q3) A)
1. robbery
2. pills
3. drive
4. enhance
5. pain


1. join
2. board
3. make
4. thoroughly
5. supervise
6. Is that
1. seen
2. ankle
3. unusual
4. called
5. appt.
6. to no avail

1. It ends sadly.
2. Iraq was in war against Israel.
3. True
4. Sattar , Haleema
5. canary.
6. False

A) 488‫انشاء الوحذة الساسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 22‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشا ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow: (10 M)
Salim went to England on business last year. His flight home left at 9 o'clock in the morning. So on the last night,
he went to bed early and set his alarm o'clock. Unfortunately the clock stopped in the middle of the night because
the battery was old. He didn't wake up until 7 o'clock and he didn't have time for breakfast. As he was so late, he
decided not to go to the airport by bus. He called a taxi. Since he was in a hurry, he left his passport on the desk at
the hotel reception. He forgot to take it. On the way to the airport, he realized that he didn't have his passport. He
asked the taxi driver to go back to the hotel. when he picked up his passport, the traffic was heavy he reached the
airport too late. His flight has already left.
1. Why did the man ask the taxi driver to go back to the hotel?
2. Did the man catch the plane?
3. When did the man wake up?
4. Why didn't the man have his breakfast?
5. When did the alarm clock stop?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M)
1. Some people think radar guns don't work well. (True / False)
2. In Europe the wind was used for a long time to …………..
3. Why does the writer need to improve his English language?
4. How did the paramedics know that Mustafa's mother was diabetic?
5. How can witnesses help the police?
6. Interpreters must have three active languages. (True / False)
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets:(Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. ( have – stairs – avoid – been – The – accidents – to – repaired )
(Put the words in the correct order to make a passive sentence)
2. If Nour (not get) a loan, he wouldn't have been able to buy a car. (Correct the form of the verb)
3. He is going to a painting class this evening. I found out he ………. . (Future in the past)
4. I've woken up really late this morning and I was late for school. (Correct the sentence)
5. My uncle Albert still rides a bike. (He is 86.)
(Use the correct relative pronoun to make on sentence)
6. Khalid was playing football when he (break) his ankle. (Correct the form of the verb)
7. What are you doing on Friday afternoon? Adam asked me ………. . (Reported question)
8. You drank a lot of coffee. Now you are in bed and can't sleep. (Regret use "I wish")
9. This is a new computer, so it is faster than the other one. (Expectation)
10. (See your ticket.) (Polite request)
11. She (wear) glasses, but now she (have) contact lenses.
(Use the correct form of "used to" and the present or past simple)
12. MY mother told me to turn down the music. (Rewrite using the correct form of "make")
B) Choose one of the two words. (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Alba needn't (go / to go) to the supermarket today because Dana went yesterday.
2. Sabah has (ever / never) travelled outside of Iraq.
3. How (much / many) time is left?
4. The teacher hasn't known the class (since / for) a long time.
5. My sister isn't at home at the moment. She has (been / gone) shopping.
6. I'm sorry I can't go with you. I (will go / am going) to the dentist then. ‫اقلب الىرقة‬


Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete each sentence the suitable word from the box: (10 M)
{ intensive , cancel , branch , refinery , current , sneezed }
1. A ………. account comes with a check book.
2. Ali covered his mouth when he ……… .
3. If we ……… your cards now, no one else will be able to use them.
4. Many students take an ……… language course.
5. There is a ………. of our bank near the university.
B) Match the words and phrases in list A with their definitions in list B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. jobseeker a. get on a list of people
2. charity b. a place to stay where you cook your own food
3. balance . c. a person who is looking for a job.
4. self-catering apartment d. an organization that provides help or raises money for
people in need
5. register e. to suggest that someone does something that you believe
would be good
6. encourage f. the total amount of money in your account
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. The opposite of "deep" , ………. 2. 18 yrs. , 18 years ; office bldgs. , ……….
3. do , done ; sell , ………. 4. see , saw ; fall , ……….
5. polite , impolite ; efficient , ……… 6. Joint in the arm: ………

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete (5) of the following: (10 M)
1. Sattar came to his friend's house to ……… .
2. In "The Canary" why did the woman's heart feel hollow?
3. Two of Mohammed Khudhair's best works are ………. and ……… .
4. What did the woman in "The Canary" suffer from?
5. Katherine Mansfield came from a (a. poor / b. wealthy) family.
6. Mohammed Khudhair's short stories are translated into English, ………. and ………. .

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn't
make. Write 100 to 120 words.

B) Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company tomorrow
morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company. The manager sent
him directions and a map.

Write a letter to Ahmed of 100 to 120 words giving him advice on how to get the job. Use you should or
you shouldn't at in your letter at least five times.


2018 ‫اجىبة الذور التمهيذي لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Because he left his passport on the desk at the hotel reception.
2. No, he didn't.
3. At 7 o'clock.
4. Because he was late. / Because he didn't have time for his breakfast.
5. In the middle of the night.
6. A bad day (‫)او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. True
2. grind corn into flour for bread.
3. He needs to improve his English because he'd like a job which involved travelling.
4. They knew that she was diabetic when they spotted her insulin user's identity card.
5. By telling them what a criminal looks like or what time a crime was committed.
6. False

Q2) A)
1. The stairs have been repaired to avoid accidents.
2. did not (didn't) get
3. He was going to a painting class this evening.
4. I woke up really late this morning and I was late for school.
5. My uncle Albert, who is 86, still rides a bike.
6. broke
7. Adam asked me what I was doing on Friday afternoon.
8. I wish I hadn't drunk so much coffee.
9. It should be faster than the other one.
10. May is see your ticket?
11. used to wear – has
12. My mother made me turn down the music.
1. go
2. never
3. much
4. for
5. gone
6. am going

Q3) A)
1. current
2. sneezed
3. cancel
4. intensive
5. branch


1. shallow
2. buildings
3. sold
4. fell
5. inefficient
6. elbow / wrist / shoulder

1. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.
2. Her heart felt hollow when she saw her dead canary.
3. The Black Kingdom and Autumn Dream.
4. She suffered from being lonely.
5. b. wealthy
6. Russian and French.

A) 488‫انشاء الوحذة السادسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 84‫انساء الوحذة الثانٍة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the following questions. (10 M)
Water is the most important liquid on Earth. We can't live without it. Without water we will die of thirst. Three –
quarters of our planet is covered with water. Most in oceans, seas and rivers. some is frozen and forms ice caps at
the north and south poles. Water goes round and round in a process called the water cycle.
Clouds in the sky contain water as a gas – water vapour. This gas becomes liquid and falls to Earth. As rain or
snow. The rain brings water to seas, rivers and lakes. Water also goes into the soil and it is taken up by plants. Like
all animals, you need water to stay alive. Your body loses water when you breathe or sweat.
You can go for many weeks without food. But if you go for three or four days without water, you could die. Plants
too need water to live. It is therefore necessary that we make use of our water carefully. We must try not to pollute
water sources in the world. We should also use water wisely so that there will be enough of it left for our future
1. What is the water cycle?
2. Three quarters of our planet is covered by water. (True / False)
3. When does your body lose water?
4. What do clouds in the sky contain?
5. Why is water very important to us?
6. Give a suitable title.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M)
1. What is the difficult part of a banker's job?
2. Stocks and shares for many people can be both ……… and …….. .
3. Why do police officers use radar speed guns?
4. Why shouldn't an interpreter waste time thinking?
5. What did the shark do to Tariq?
6. The writer decided to look for a new job because he failed in his work for the bank. (True / False)
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following. Follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. If Nour (not get) a loan, he wouldn't have been able to buy a car. (Correct the form of the verb)
2. My grandmother still remembers her childhood. (She is 90.)
(Combine with a relative clause)
3. I was eating breakfast and I bird (fly) into the kitchen. (Correct the form of the verb)
4. This pencil is very old. You can / throw away / it. (Put in the correct order)
5. I'm very disappointed to hear that the health club is closing down. I was ……… (Future in the past)
6. Somebody will clean the house every Saturday. (Rewrite in the passive)
7. Does Samira know about the meeting?
I'm sorry, I ……… (Complete the response using "yet" and an appropriate verb)
8. They left three hours early. I think they will be here by now. (Expectation)
9. Salwa (eat) meat, but now she (be) a vegetarian.
(Use the correct form of "used to" and the present or past simple)
10. Help you with your baggage. (Offer)
11. A photographer took a picture of the witness. The witness ………
(Rewrite the sentence with the correct form of "have")
12. Unfortunately, I missed my flight. That's why I couldn't get to Boston in time for the meeting.(Regret)
‫أقلب الىرقة‬


B) Choose the correct answer, write the number of the sentence and the correct answer.
(Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. You (must / needn't) go to the store today. There is plenty of food in the fridge.
2. Ibrahim had to leave early because he (was having / had to) meet his friends.
3. If I open a student account, I (would / will) have to maintain a minimum balance.
4. Yes, I would. (What is a good time / When do I come)?
5. We need a (little / few) butter for this cake.

Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable words between the brackets: (10 M)
[ waste , booth , replace , involve , environment , statement ]
1. We need to ……… the trees that are cut down.
2. This bank …….. shows I have a lot of money in my account.
3. A …….. is a box-like room where interpreters work.
4. Today, more and more people are recycling their ……… .
5. Children need a happy home ………. .
B) Choose the best collocation: (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. The ferry (works / operates) throughout the year.
2. Some accounts (cost / pay) more interest than others.
3. If you distrust someone, you: (don't have confidence in them / don't agree with them).
4. The Land Force, the Navy and the Air Force are all (branches / types) of the military.
5. I (deposited / installed) 5 million Iraqi dinars this morning.
6. To cross the river we had to (said / board) a ferry.
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. healthy , unhealthy ; legal , ………. 2. luxury , luxurious ; colour , ………
3. joint in the leg: k………. 4. be , been ; find , ……….
5. big , bigger ; dangerous , ………. 6. co. , company ; comp. , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete the following questions: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures. (True / False)
2. What is Katherine Mansfield?
3. How does the story of "The Canary" end?
4. In two lines what does "The Swing" tell us about?
5. Why was the woman happy to have the canary?
6. In 1967 ………. .

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write a short article for a travel magazine of (100 to 120) words on:
"A wonderful holiday I have had".
B) Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement:
"Studying while working is worth all the hard work"
Your essay should have a short introduction and conclusion. Remember to use linking words and
phrases. You should write (100-120) words.


2018 ‫اجىبة الذور االول لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. The process of going water round and round.
2. True
3. When you breathe or sweat.
4. Water as a gas – water vapour.
5. Because we can't live without it.
6. No Life without Water Or Our Planet Water ( ‫)او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. He can't always approve a loan as he doesn't like to disappoint his clients.
2. a hobby – a way of making a lot of money.
3. To catch speeders.
4. An interpreter shouldn't waste time thinking so as not to miss the rest of the speech.
5. The shark bit his arm.
6. False

Q2) A)
1. did not (didn't) get
2. My grandmother, who is 90, still remembers her childhood.
3. flew
4. You can throw it away.
5. I was very disappointed to hear that the health club was closing down.
6. The house will be cleaned every Saturday.
7. I have not (haven't) told her yet.
8. They should be here by now.
9. used to eat – is
10. Shall I help you with your suitcase? / I'll help you with your suitcase. / Would you like me to help you
with your suitcase?
11. The witness had his / her picture taken.
12. I wish / If only I hadn't missed my flight.
1. needn't
2. had to
3. will
4. What is a good time
5. little
6. carefully

Q3) A)
1. replace
2. statement
3. booth
4. waste
5. environment


1. operates
2. pay
3. you don't have confidence in them
4. branches
5. deposited
6. board
1. illegal
2. colourful
3. knee
4. found
5. more dangerous
6. computer

1. True
2. She is a famous writer.
3. It ends sadly.
4. It tells us about a soldier, Sattar, who has just returned from the hell of war carrying a message for the family
of his friend, Ali, who was killed in battle, leaving his mother, his wife and his little daughter, Haleema.
5. Why was the woman happy to have the canary?
6. , Iraq was in was against Israel.

A) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 441‫انشاء الوحذة الساتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read the following text carefully then answer (5) of the following questions. (10 M)
Mr. Brown used to travel by train and always liked more comfort. So when he got into a train, he used to put his
suitcase one the seat beside him and pretend it belonged to other passenger who had gone to buy something. One
day he did this when the train was crowded. Other passengers came and sat on the other seats, except the one
that was his suitcase lying on. Then an old man arrived, looked at Mr. Brown's suitcase and said "Is this
somebody's seat?" "Yes" answered Mr. Brown. "A friend of mine is travelling with me, and he has gone to buy a
newspaper. He will return soon" Mr. Brown opened the window and looked out to make the old man think that he
was anxious about his friend. "All right" said the old man. "I will sit here until your friend comes back, and then
I'll stand somewhere." Mr. Brown could say nothing and all the other passengers were watching and listening.
Several minutes passed, the whistle blew, and the train began to move. Mr. Brown's friend didn't come back. The
old man jumped and said, "I'm sorry, your friend seems to have missed the train. We don't want him to be
separated from his suitcase. So I'll throw it out of the window.
1. Mr. Brown put the suitcase on the seat beside him to ……….
( a. book the seat for his friend. b. sit comfortably.)
2. Whom did the suitcase belong to?
3. Why did the old man throw the suitcase out of the window?
4. On that day there were ( a. a lot of people b. few people ) on the train.
5. Did the old man sit on the seat beside Mr. Brown?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your textbook: (10 M)
1. The main advantage of wind power is that ……….
2. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful?
3. What is a radar detector?
4. Why should people save money for their future?
5. Conference interpreters must translate each word literally. (True / False)
6. Mustafa told the emergency operator that ………. .
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose10 only) (20 M)
1. ………. . It's the most important meal of the day. (Use an imperative to give advice)
2. We (not eat) at the restaurant if we had known it was so expensive. (Correct the form of the verb)
3. ( have , stairs , avoid , been , The , accidents , to , repaired )
(Put in the correct order to make a passive sentence)
4. I'm very disappointed to hear that the health club is closing down. I was ………. . (Future in the past)
5. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. (Expectation: use "should")
6. You decided not to go to the park with your friends. Now you regret it. (Regret: use "I wish")
7. I always go to the garage for repairs. It was closed today. The garage ………. was closed today.
(Combine with "where" to make a defining relative clause)
8. Define a journalist. (Use "writes articles for newspapers and magazines")
9. He asked somebody to cut his hair. (Rewrite using the correct form of "get")
10. Help your friend with his baggage. (Offer)
11. How long have you been waiting for Faisal?
She asked me ………. . (Reported question)
12. She (not be) so thin, but she got very ill and lost lots of weight. (Use the correct form of "used to")
‫اقلب الىرقة‬


B) Choose the correct answer, write the number of the sentence and the correct answer:
(Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. How (much / many) exercise does he take a week?
2. (Have you ever / Did you ever) spent the whole night awake looking at the stars?
3. You are driving too fast! You (need to / needn't) slow down.
4. Was the information (send / sent) to you by mail last week?
5. She (is meeting / meets) the director tomorrow morning.
6. Khalid was playing football when he (breaks / broke) his ankle.

Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the brackets: (10 M)
{ scared , ecology , workshop , staff , energy , exceptionally }
1. I'm on my way to register for a computer ……… .
2. I'm interested in the environment. I would like a career in ………. .
3. The food was ……… good.
4. Wind is a renewable source of ………. .
5. I'm a bit ……… of heights.
B) Choose the best collocation: (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. I can (take / make) a withdrawal at an ATM at any time.
2. The military needs people to (care for / maintain) its equipment and vehicles.
3. I can (honestly / absolutely) say that it was the best holiday I ever had.
4. We (considerably / thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment.
5. My father (opened / made) an account for me when I was quite young.
6. In the military, you can take a test to become an (officer / official).
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. attend , attendance ; enrol , ………. 2. big , bigger ; dangerous , ……….
3. injured , hurt ; investigate , ………. 4. driving lic. , licence ; office bldgs. , ……….
5. happy , unhappy ; legal , ………. 6. The opposite of shallow ………

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M)
1. Mohammed Khudhair's short stories are translated into ………., ………. and ………. .
2. In "The Canary", the woman forgot ………. when the canary came into her life.
3. Sattar came to his friend's house to ………. .
4. The Swing is a sincere invitation to sustain ………. .
5. How did the canary sing?
6. What does the story of "The Swing" stress on?

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write a short article for a travel magazine of (100 to 120) words on:
"Advice to tourists in Iraq" Talk about:
Historical places, sightseeing, food, parks and public places
B) Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up with
a friend. The company could be producing one of the following:
jewellery , cosmetics , perfume , food or footwear.


2018 ‫اجىبة الذور الثاني لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. b. sit comfortably
2. To Mr. Brown.
3. Because he didn't want Mr. Brown's friend to be separated from his suitcase.
4. a. a lot of
5. Yes, he did.
6. No more tricks Or Mr. Brown and The Old Man )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره انت‬
1. It is clean energy, renewable and efficient.
2. We can look through them to find job offers because it is good to know what jobs are available.
3. A radar detector is a machine that detects radar guns.
4. They should save for their retirement and continue to enjoy good standard of living when they are older.
5. False
6. his mummy was sick and she needed a doctor.

Q2) A)
1. Never miss breakfast.
2. would / could / might not have eaten
3. The stairs have been repaired to avoid accidents.
4. I was very disappointed to hear that the health club was closing down.
5. It should be faster than the other one.
6. I wish I had gone to the park with my friends.
7. The garage where I always go for repairs was closed today.
8. A journalist is someone who writes articles for newspapers and magazines.
9. He got his hair cut.
10. Shall I help you with your baggage? / I'll help you with your baggage. / Would you like me to help you with
your baggage?
11. She asked me how long I had been waiting for Faisal.
12. did not / didn't used to be
1. much
2. Have you ever
3. need to
4. sent
5. is meeting
6. broke

Q3) A)
1. workshop
2. ecology
3. exceptionally
4. energy
5. scared


1. make
2. maintain
3. honestly
4. thoroughly
5. opened
6. officer
1. enrolment
2. more dangerous
3. find out
4. buildings
5. illegal
6. deep

1. English, Russian and French.
2. the evening star
3. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.
4. family life and to make childhood secure.
5. It sang wonderfully.
6. It stresses that war leads to nothing.

A) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 22‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read the following text carefully then answer (5) of the following questions. (10 M)
Some plays are so successful that they run for years no end. A famous actor was once cast in the role of an
aristocrat who had been imprisoned for twenty years. In the last act, a jailer would always come on to the stage
with a letter which he would hand it to the aristocrat. The aristocrat always insisted that the letter should be written
out in full. One night the jailer decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if he had managed to learn the
content of the letter by heart. The curtain went up on the final act of the play. The aristocrat was sitting alone
behind the bars in his dark cell. The jailer appeared with the letter and handed it to the aristocrat. But the copy he
gave him had not been written out as usual. The letter was simply a blank sheet of paper. The jailer looked on
eagerly to see if his fellow actor had at last learned his lines. The aristocrat said "The light is dim. Read the letter
to me." The jailer replied "The light is indeed dim. I must get my glasses." With this, he hurried off the stage. Then
the jailer returned a few minutes later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter which he proceeded to
read to the aristocrat.
1. What would the jailer bring to the aristocrat in the last act?
2. Why did the jailer decide to play a joke on his colleague?
3. Where was the aristocrat sitting?
4. Who read the letter at last?
5. Did the aristocrat learn the letter by heart?
6. Give the passage suitable title.
B) Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M)
1. The writer could get information about evening and summer classes at the library. (True / False)
2. Where did Mustafa find his mother?
3. Why shouldn't and interpreter waste time thinking?
4. Investing in stocks and shares ( a. is fun for some people b. will always make a profit).
5. In what ways has wind power been used for thousands of years?
6. Radar guns don't need any maintenance. ( True / False)
Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
A) Rewrite the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. Define an architect. (Use: "designs buildings")
2. The Internet connection will be working again soon. Our teacher promised that .........
(Future in the past)
3. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That's why he didn't win. (Regret. Use "I wish")
4. He (like) going out, but now he always (want) to stay at home.
(Use the correct form of "used to" and the present or past simple)
5. I've studied hard for the test, so I think I'll pass. (Expectation)
6. Look! Somebody ……… (drop) their wallet on the pavement.
(Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense)
7. Will you be able to come to my party?
I asked Layla ……… . (Reported question)
8. If I had known it was raining when I left, I (bring) an umbrella. (Correct the form of the verb)
9. Somebody stole my television. I ………. . (Rewrite the sentence with the correct form of "have")
10. Help your friend with his baggage. (Offer)
11. ( by , The , down , the , previous , owner , were , trees , cut )
(Put the words in the correct order to make a passive sentence)
12. ……… . Get them tested once a year. (Use an imperative to give advice)
‫أقلب الىرقة‬


B) Choose the correct answer, write the number of the sentence and the letter of the correct answer:
(Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Think of me tomorrow at 9.00 I ………. .
( a. will be taking a really difficult exam b. will take a really difficult exam.)
2. I ( a. didn't go b. haven't been ) to China yet, but I would like to one day.
3. Fatima, ( a. who b. whose ) photo in the newspaper yesterday, is a very talented girl.
4. Put your case in the car. There's still ( a. a few b. a little ) space left.
5. I've already ( a. turned on it b. turned it on ).
6. We were very ( a. frightened b. frightening ) when our car broke down in the desert.

Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the brackets: (10 M)
{ medical , sore , maximum , wisely , branch , limit }
1. I went swimming yesterday and now my eyes are ……… from the chemicals in the pool.
2. We need to use the Earth's resources ………. .
3. Scientists are finding ways to ………. damage to the environment.
4. She's a ………. student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years' time.
5. The ………. number of students is 10.
B) Match the beginnings in list A with their endings in list B. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A List B
1. If he's used computers before, a. saw that classes started in June.
2. Could you please let me know b. you should get it by Sunday.
3. They didn't stay for dinner because c. wear a uniform at her new job.
4. She has to d. they were having dinner with a friend.
5. When I read the catalogue, I e. he should know how to use this software.
6. If you send the letter today f. when I will receive my card?
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. property , stuff ; injured , ………. 2. computer , comp. ; experience , ………
3. like , dislike ; appear , ………. 4. see , seen ; buy , ………
5. attend , attendance ; register , ………. 6. The opposite of deep ………

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M)
1. Discuss how the visitor, in "The Swing", tried to convey his message to the little girl?
2. What were the people carried away by?
3. "The Swing" is considered as ( a. tragic b. comedic) story.
4. You can not imagine how wonderfully he sang. (he referred to ……… .)
5. Katherine Mansfield was the third of five children in a ( a. wealthy b. poor) family.
6. In 1967, ………. .

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write (100 to 120) words about ways people can help to improve the environment.
B) Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn't
make. Write (100 to 120) words.


2018 ‫اجىبة الذور الثالث لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. A letter.
2. To find out if he (his colleague) had managed to learn the content of the letter by heart.
3. Alone behind bars in his dark cell.
4. The jailer.
5. No, he did not (didn't).
6. The Funny Jailer Or The Aristocrat and The Jailer )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. False
2. He found her asleep in her bedroom.
3. An interpreter shouldn't waste time thinking so as not miss the rest of the speech.
4. a. is fun for some people
5. To power sailing boats and grind corn.
6. False

Q2) A)
1. An architect is someone who designs buildings.
2. The Internet connection would be working again soon.
3. I wish he had not (hadn't) fallen over during the race.
4. used to like – wants
5. so I should pass.
6. had dropped
7. I asked Layla if she would be able to come to my party.
8. would / could / might have brought
9. I had my television stolen.
10. I'll help you with your baggage. / Shall I help you with your baggage? / Would you like me to help you with
your baggage?
11. The trees were cut down by the previous owner.
12. Look after your eyes.
1. a. will be taking a really difficult exam
2. b. haven't been
3. b. whose
4. b. a little
5. b. turned it on
6. a. frightened

Q3) A)
1. sore
2. wisely
3. limit
4. medical
5. maximum


1. hurt
2. exp.
3. disappear
4. bought
5. registration

1. The visitor, Sattar, tried to convince the little child, Haleema, that her father is like smoke and she can
only see him when she closes her eyes.
2. They were carried away by the canary's singing.
3. a. tragic
4. canary
5. a. wealthy
6. Iraq was in war against Israel.

A) 448‫انشاء الوحذة الثامنة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 488‫انشاء الوحذة السادسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1) A) Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow: (10 M)
John lived with his mother in a rather a big house, and when she died, the house became too big for him so he
bought a smaller one in the next street. There was a very nice old clock in his first house, and when the men came
to take his furniture to the new house, John thought, " I'm not going to let them carry my beautiful old clock in
their truck. Perhaps they'll break it, and then mending it will be very expensive." So he picked it up and began to
carry it down the road in his arms. It was heavy, he stopped two or three times to have a rest. Then suddenly a
small boy came along the road. He stopped and looked at John for a few seconds. Then he said to John, " You are
a stupid man, aren't you? Why don't you buy a watch like everybody else?"
1. Why did John buy a smaller house?
2. How did John take the clock to the new house?
3. Why did he not want to let the men carry his clock in their truck?
4. What did the small boy say?
5. Why did John stop two or three times on the way?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B) Answer (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M)
1. Why should interpreters read newspapers?
2. What can high blood pressure cause?
3. When the writer was working in the bank, he gave people information about travelling. (True / False)
4. Who rescued Tariq by boat?
5. What two complaints do people who live near wind turbines have about them?
6. How can bankers attract students to open account?

Q2) Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

A) Rewrite the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10 only) (20 M)
1. They can't come to the beach because they're taking an exam the next day. They couldn't ……… .
(Future in the past)
2. If you are offered a place at Carengie University, (you accept) it?
(Rewrite the sentence using the correct form of the verb in the brackets)
3. Define a surgeon. (Use "operates on people in hospital")
4. (next , being , are , week , The , replaced , windows)
(Put the words in the correct order to make a passive sentence)
5. (go to the shops before the plane leaves) (Make suggestion)
6. I can't remember when I / took up / it. (Put the verb and the object in the correct order)
7. You look nice. Did you change your hairstyle? (Correct the sentence)
8. You didn't revise for your English exam and you got a bad mark. You feel sorry about this.
(Regret use : "I wish")
9. I spoke to a lady on the phone. She told me to call back later. The lady ……… told me to call back
later. (Combine the sentence to make defining relative clause)
10. When I met her at the airport, Muna (wear) along blue dress. (Correct the form of the verb)
11. ………. . Tea is better for your heart and can even lower your blood pressure.
(Use an imperative to give advice)
12. I've studied hard for the test, so I think I'll pass. (Expectation use: "should")

‫أقلب الىرقة‬


B) Choose one of the two words between brackets: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. She had her picture (take / taken).
2. She (learns / will be learning) a lot of new skills.
3. I don't think I can fit in that parking place. There isn't (many / much) space.
4. Have you (ever / never) stayed in a really unusual hotel?
5. She's been talking on the phone (for / since) the last 20 minutes.
6. She didn't pass the exam the last time. I hope (she will be doing better this time / she will do better this

Q3) Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

A) Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the box: (10 M)
( conference , instalments , withdraw , maximum , mandatory , permit )
1. How many ……… do you have to make to pay back your loan?
2. A qualification in English is …….. if you want to study in England.
3. Most private homestays do not ……… smoking indoors.
4. Last summer my father, who is a scientist, attended a big ………. in London.
5. You can ……… money from ATM machine.
B) Match a word from the column on the left with a word from the column on the right to make
compound nouns. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. course a. connection
2. boarding b. belt
3. sea c. fees
4. conveyer d. deal
5. internet e. card
6. package f. front
C) Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. be , been ; spend , ………. 2. occurred , happened ; alerted , ……….
3. usual , unusual ; patient , ………. 4. big , bigger ; funny , ……….
5. appt. , appointment ; freq. , ………. 6. delight , delightful ; spectacle , ……….

Q4) Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M)
1. Where did the woman in "The Canary" use to hang the canary cage?
2. Sattar came to his friend's house to ………. .
3. Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous?
4. Mohammed Khudhair wrote "The Swing" after ………. .
5. Where was Mohammed Khudhair born?
6. What did the woman in "The Canary" suffer from?

Q5) Writing: (20 Marks)

Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A) Write 100 to 120 on this topic: "Cigarette advertising should be illegal".

B) Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement: "Studying while you're working is
worth all the hard work". Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion. Remember to
use linking words and phrases. You should write 100-120 words.


2019 ‫اجىبة الذور التمهيذي لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Because the old house became too big for him.
2. He carried it in his arms.
3. Because they might break it.
4. He said "You're a stupid man, aren't you? Why don't you buy a watch like everybody else?".
5. To have a rest.
6. John and His old clock / John and The Small Boy )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. To have general knowledge and know what is going on in the world.
2. It can cause strokes and heart attacks.
3. False
4. The coastguard, Jameel Elalwayi, did.
5.They are unattractive and noisy.

Q2) A)
1. They couldn't come to the beach because they were taking an exam the next day.
2. will you accept it?
3. A surgeon is someone who operates on people in hospital.
4. The windows are being replaces next week.
5. Shall we go to the shops before the plane leaves? / Let's go to the shops before the plane leaves.
We could go to the shops before the plane leaves.
6. took it up
7. Have you changed your hairstyle?
8. I wish I had revised for my English exam.
9. The lady who I spoke to on the phone told me to call back later.
10. was wearing
11. Don't drink too much coffee.
12. so I should pass.
1. taken
2. will be learning
3. much
4. ever
5. for
6. she will do better this time

Q3) A)
1. instalments
2. mandatory
3. permit
4. conference
5. withdraw


1. spent
2. called
3. impatient
4. funnier
5. frequent
6. spectacular

1. To the right of the front door.
2. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.
3. For her collections of poems and short stories.
4. the summer 1967 war against Israel.
5. He was born in Basra.
6. She suffered from being lonely.

A) 32‫انشاء الوحذة االولى – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 441‫انشاء الوحذة الساتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A. Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M)
Fareed was the son of a farmer. His father's farm was poor, and Fareed worked on it for a long time, but then his
father died. Fareed said "I needn't stay there now. I'll sell this farm and buy one in a better place. Then I'll soon be
rich." He bought a farm in the north of the country, but then his new neighbours said to him, " The weather's often
very bad here. The wind's very strong, and it breaks windows and doors. You must build a room under the ground,
and then you and your family can go down there, and you'll be safe from the wind." So Fareed built a room under
the ground. It was a lot of work, because the ground was hard. But after that, the weather was good for a very long
time. There was no wind, and Fareed spoke angrily. He said, " Why did I listen to my neighbours? I didn't have to
make that room under the ground. The wind never blows strongly here." But then one day there was a very strong
wind, and Fareed and his family had to go down into their room under the ground. They were there for a long time.
Then the wind stopped, and they came up. All the windows and doors in their house were broken. Fareed was not
angry about his work now. He smiled happily and said " Ah! I'm glad I built that room!"
1. What was Fareed's father?
2. Why did Fareed leave his father's farm?
3. What did the wind do to Fareed's house?
4. Why did he build a room under the ground?
5. Who went with Fareed into the room under the ground? (a. His family did b. His new neighbours did )
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/ Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M)
1. What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment?
2. Why was Mustafa a little puzzled?
3. After leaving school, Samira did a degree in English at the University of London. (a. True b. False)
4. How does a radar speed gun work?
5. Books with advice in the library help people to ......
6. What is the difficult part of a banker's job?

Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)

Q2. A/Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. Choose 10) (20 M)
1. You've eaten too much chocolate and now you feel sick. (Regret : Use "I wish")
2. He learnt about computers in the military. So I think he will be able to help me fix mine. (Expectation)
3. What would you buy first if you ( win ) a million pounds? ( Correct the form of verb in the brackets)
4.( See your ticket). (Polite request )
5. The leaves fell because of the wind. The wind .......... (Re-write with the correct form of "make")
6. Why haven't you answered all the questions? My English teacher asked me .........
(Reported question )
7. Define a lifeguard. (Use "responsible for the safety of swimmers").
8. They (camp) in the desert when they saw a large snake. (Correct the form of the verb in the brackets)
9. You arrive late for your appointment. You ask:( How long / wait)
(Write a question using the words in brackets and present perfect simple or present perfect continuous )
10. Bashir is going to buy a car very soon. (He passed his driving test last week.)
(Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence)
11. Somebody left these books in the classroom. ( Rewrite the sentence in the passive form)
12. They can't come to the party because they are taking an exam the next day. They couldn't ………….. .
(Future in the past)
‫اقلب الىرقة‬


B/ Choose the correct answer, write the number of the sentence and the letter of the correct answer.
( 5 only) (10 M)
1. How ( a. much / b. many ) time do you spend on your homework?
2. Dana ( a. is going to volunteer / b. volunteers) at the hospital when she has more time.
3. I'll ( a. turn down it ! b. turn it down ) in a minute.
4. Please put out your cigarette. You ( a. need to / b. mustn't ) smoke in the police station.
5. Have you ( a. never / b. ever ) flown in a helicopter?
6. This book is very ( a. bored 1 b. boring ). I fall asleep whenever I try to read it.
Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks )
Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M)
[[ online , career , ideal , pressure , used , experienced ]]
1. I am interested in the environment. I would like a .......... in ecology.
2. The cards can be .......... at any ATM.
3. If you have Internet access you can bank ............ .
4. All our teachers are qualified and highly ………….
5. Kerkennah is an .......... place for tourists who want a peaceful holiday.
B/Match the words and phrases in list A with their meanings in list B. (Do 5 only) (5 M)
list A List B
1. considerable a. a place to stay where you cook your own food
2. headphones b. a fine welcome
3. self-catering apartment c. a lot (of)
4. transaction d. activity in your bank account
5. hospitality e. money you pay the bank every year if you have a credit card
6. credit card fee f. things you put over your ears to listen privately.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (5 only) (5 M)
1. The opposite of " deep " ........... 2. fast , faster ; good , ..........
3. independ , independent; applica , ……… 4. see, seen; bite , ..........
5. joint in the leg a ............ 6. 18 years , 18 yrs. ; driving licence , .........
Literature Focus: (10 Marks )
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M)
1. What did the woman in " The Canary " suffer from ?
2. Mohammed Khudhair is .............
3. What did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner?
4. What does the story" The Swing" stress on ?
5. Where did the woman in " The Canary " use to hang the canary cage?
6. Mohammed Khudhair's first short stories appeared in .........

Writing: ( 20 Marks )
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A/ Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement: "Studying while you're working is worth
all the hard work." Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion. Remember to use
linking words and phrases. You should write ( 100 - 120 ) words.
B / Write a short article for a travel magazine of (100 - 120) words on :
"A wonderful holiday I have had."


2019 ‫اجىبة الذور االول لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. He was a farmer. / A farmer.
2. Because his father's farm was poor.
3. It broke all the windows and doors of his house.
4. Because the weather was often very bad.
5. a. His family
6. The Poor Farm / Fareed and the Bad Weather )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. Investing in property.
2. Because his mother didn't come that sunny morning into his room.
3. False
4. It works by sending radio waves towards a car.
5. find job vacancies and also how to prepare for and get through interviews.
6. He can't always approve a loan.

Q2) A)
1. I wish I hadn't eaten so much chocolate.
2. so he should be able help me fix mine.
3. won
4. May I see your ticket(, please)?
5. The wind made the leaves fall.
6. My English teacher asked me why I hadn't answered all the questions.
7. A lifeguard is someone who is responsible for the safety of the swimmers.
8. were camping
9. How long have you been waiting?
10. Basher, who passes his driving test last week, is going to buy a car very soon.
11. These books were left in the classroom.
12. They couldn't come to the party because they were taking an exam the next day.
1. a. much
2. a. is going to volunteer
3. b. turn it down
4. b. mustn't
5. b. ever
6. b. boring

Q3) A)
1. career
2. used
3. online
4. experienced
5. ideal



1. shallow
2. better
3. application
4. bitten
5. ankle
6. driving lic.

1. From being lonely.
2. an Iraqi writer.
3. He hopped from one perch to another, tapped against the bars and sipped a little water.
4. It stresses that war leads to nothing.
5. To the right of the front door.
6. The Iraqi Writer magazine in 1962.

A) 441‫انشاء الوحذة الساتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1.Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M)
Ibrahim sold cheap shoes. He had a small lorry, and he bought the shoes from the factory and took them from one
house to another and tried to sell them to people. He sold a lot of his shoes in small villages, because there were
not many shops there, and people did not want to go to the town and buy their shoes there. One day Ibrahim drove
along the street of a village and stopped in front of one of the houses. There was a small boy beside the door.
Ibrahim opened the window of his lorry and called to the boy." Hello. Is your mother at home?" The boy looked at
him. Then he answered, "Yes, she is. That's good," Ibrahim said, and he smiled. He got out of his lorry, took some
shoes from the back and went to the door of the house. He knocked at the door again and waited for two minutes,
but again the door didn't open. Then Ibrahim looked at the small boy and said in an angry voice, your mother is not
at home. She is," the small boy answered." Then why hasn't she opened the door?" Ibrahim asked. Because this
isn't my house." The small boy answered.
1. What did Ibrahim sell?
2. Who bought a lot of Ibrahim's shoes?
3. What did Ibrahim see in front of one house in a village?
4. The boy's mother was not in the house because: (a. She was at the shops. b. It was not her house.)
5. Ibrahim took the boy in his lorry. (a. True b. False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/ Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M)
1.When we start work, we are encouraged to put money into pension plans to ...........
2.Zaid thought perhaps his airbed had hit ...........
3.What are workaholics"?
4.People who live near the turbines find them .......... and think ...........
5.A good interpreter follows the news and is well- informed on many topics. (True / False)
6.Footprints and fingerprints can be used by police officers to………..
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2. A Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. Choose 10) (20 M)
1. {was, delivered, when, mail, the?} (Put the words in the correct order to make a passive question )
2. She (wear) glasses, but now she (have) contact lenses.
[Use" used to " and the present or past simple ]
3. Define a tour guide. (Use" show tourists around")
4. How short do you want your hair?
The hairdresser asked me ................(Reported question )
5. I like these shoes. Can1/try on/them? (Put the verb and the object in the correct order)
6. Unfortunately, I went to bed so late yesterday. That's why I was tired. ( Regret use " I wish")
7. If I played tennis, I (join ) the tennis club. (Correct the form of the verb between brackets)
8. Would you like a cup of coffee? No, thanks. I ............ one.
(Complete the response using "just" and an appropriate verb )
9. You like exercising, so I don't think you'll have trouble getting fit. (Expectation)
10. Last week I ( meet ) an old friend from primary school and he (not change ).
(Correct the form of the verbs between brackets)
11. I've woken up really late this morning and I was late for school. (Correct the sentence)
12. He is going to a painting class this evening. I found out he ........... (Future in the past )
‫اقلب الىرقة‬


B/Match the beginnings of these sentences in List A with their endings in List B.( 5 only) (10 M)
List A List B
1. Building a wind turbine a. she will do better this time.
2. She didn't pass the exam last time. I hope ........ b. wear a uniform at her new job.
3. If I open a student account, c. for three days because of a cold.
4. She has to ........... d. you have to pay extra.
5. My sister hasn't been to college e. I will have to maintain a minimum balance.
6. If the cases are too heavy, f. is an expensive project.

Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M)
[ destruction, enhance, illegal, credit card, waste, investment ]
1. I haven't got a .......... yet, so I pay for everything by cash or by cheque.
2. It is essential that something is done about the .......... of the rainforests.
3. The value of an ........... can go down as well as up.
4. The river has been polluted by ...........products from the factory.
5. It is ............ to sell cigarettes to children under the age of 18.
B/ Choose the best collocation. (5 only) (5 M)
1. When you leave the military, your training can help you find a (criminal / civilian) job.
2. I can ( honestly / absolutely) say that it was the best holiday I ever had.
3. Some accounts ( cost / pay ) more interest than others.
4. My father (opened / made ) an account for me when I was quite young.
5. To cross the river we had to ( sail/board) a ferry.
6. You must be 18 years old to (belong/join) the military.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (5 only) (5 M)
1. joint in the arm: e…….... 2. usual , unusual ; pleasant , ……... .
3. company, co ; frequent , ………. 4. alerted , called ; injured , ………..
5. register , registration ; admit , .......... 6. pushing , shaking , without success , ............

Literature Focus: (10 Marks)

Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M)
1." The Canary" was written by (a. Mohammed Khudhair/ b. Katherine Mansfield).
2. Sattar came to his friend's house to ..............
3. The woman in "The Canary "described her heart after the death of the canary as .............
4. Mohammed Khudhair's short stories are translated into ............... .............. and French
5. Could the woman in 'The Canary" have another bird?
6. How did Sattar try to convey his message to Haleema?

Writing: ( 20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M)
A/ Write ( 100 - 120 ) words about ways people can help to improve the environment.
B/Write an e-mail of (100 - 120) words about a really bad day out where everything went wrong.


2019 ‫اجىبة الذور الثاني لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. He sold cheap shoes. / Cheap shoes.
2. The people of the small village.
3. He saw a small boy. / A small boy.
4. b. It was not her house.
5. b. False
6. The shoes seller / Ibrahim and the small boy )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. to save for their retirement.
2. a piece of wood.
3. the people who think that their work is too important to leave in the hands of the others.
4. It works by sending radio waves towards a car.
5. True
6. identify and arrest the criminal.

Q2) A)
1. When was the mail delivered?
2. used to wear - has
3. A tour guide is someone who shows tourists around.
4. The hairdresser asked me how short I wanted my hair.
5. try them on
6. I wish I hadn't gone to bed so late yesterday.
7. would join
8. I have just had one.
9. so you shouldn't have trouble getting fit.
10. met – had not (hadn’t) changed
11. I woke up really late this morning and I was late for school.
12. he was going to a painting class that morning.
1-f 2-a 3-e 4-b 5-c 6-d

Q3) A)
1. credit card
2. destruction
3. investment
4. waste
5. illegal
1. civilian
2. honestly
3. pay
4. opened
5. board
6. join


1. elbow
2. unpleasant
3. freq.
4. hurt
5. admittance
6. to no avail

1. a. Mohammed Khudhair
2. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.
3. hollow.
4. English, Russian
5. No, she couldn't.
6. He tried to convince her that her father is like smoke and she can only see him when she closes her

A) 448‫انشاء الوحذة الثامنة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 48‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A/Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
Whitebridge was a small village, and old people often came and lived there. Some of them had a lot of old
furniture, and they often did not want some of it, because they were in a smaller house now, so every Saturday
morning they put it out, and other people came and looked at it, and sometimes they took it away because they
wanted it. Every Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Morton put a very ugly old bear's head out at the side of their gate, but
nobody wanted it. Then last Saturday, they wrote, "I'm very lonely here. Please take me." On a piece of paper and
put it near the bear's head. They went to the town, and came home in the evening. There were now two bears'
heads in front of their house, and there was another piece of paper. It said, "I was lonely too."
1. Why did old people in Whitebridge often sell their old furniture?
2. What did Mr. and Mrs. Morton put out every Saturday?
3. What did Mr. and Mrs. Morton write on a piece of paper?
4. Where did they put the paper?
5. Nobody wanted the bear's head. (True/False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1. People have to follow the law so that they ........
2. In what ways has wind power been used for thousands of years?
3. At the library the writer can learn how to apply for jobs. (True / False)
4. What did Mustafa tell the emergency operator?
5. What makes the job of a banker interesting?
6. Why should people save money for the future?
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2. A/ Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets.(Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. Where has she been? I asked ........... (Reported question)
2. As she ( carry ) the shopping from the car, my grandmother slipped and broke her ankle.
(Correct the form of the verb in brackets)
3. Unfortunately, she lost their address. That's why she couldn't write to them. (Regret use :' if only)
4. I'm going to learn Chinese. I decided ........... (Future in the past )
5. ........... Get them tested once a year. (Use an imperative to give advice )
6. Fadia didn't speak to me since her sister's wedding. (Correct the sentence)
7. My mother told me to turn down the music. (Rewrite with the correct form of 'make')
8. There (be) a house here, but they (knock ) it down two years ago.
(Use the correct form of 'used to and the present or past simple )
9. Somebody will pay the bill tomorrow. (Rewrite the sentence in the passive form)
10. ( take a taxi to the airport). (Make suggestion )
11. The teacher (not know) the class for a long time. ( Correct the form of the verb in brackets)
12. She would look much nicer if she (wear) contact lenses instead of glasses.
(Correct the form of the verb in brackets)
B/ Choose one of the two words between brackets. (5 only) (10 M.)
1. My sister, (who / whose ) favourite food is pizza, is having her birthday party at an Italian restaurant.
2. There's only a (few / little ) orange juice left in the bottle.
3. She ( learns / will be learning) a lot of new skills.
4. We were very (frightened / frightening ) when our car broke down in the desert.
5. She's in 6th preparatory. She ( should / shouldn't) graduate this summer.
6. I (haven't been / haven't gone ) to China yet, but I would like to one day. ‫اقلة الورقة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3.A/ Complete the sentences with the suitable words between brackets: (10 M.)
{pain , deforestation, replace , dizzy, intensive , branch}
1. We need to ........... the trees that are cut down.
2. Where exactly is the .......... and how long have you had it?
3. Many student take an .......... language course.
4. There is a ........... of our bank near the university.
5. Many animals are endangered because of ……...
B/ Match the words and phrases in list A with their definitions in list B. (5 only) (5 M.)
List A List B
1. ambitious a. give an idea of the meaning.
2. empty b. this means that you really want to succeed.
3. register c. without someone looking after it.
4. convey the sense d. get on a list of people.
5. speciality e. there is nothing in it.
6. unattended f. something special to a locality.
C/Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (5 only) (5M.)
1. delight , delightful ; luxury , .............. 2. property , stuff; investigate , …….....
3. obey , disobey ; encourage , .............. 4. small , smaller ; boring , ...........
5. co. , company ; appt. , ....... 6. joint in the arm: w............
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. In 1967, ............
2. Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous?
3. Why did Sattar come to his friend's house?
4. How did the canary greet his owner in the morning?
5. The visitor found it (easy / difficult) to convey his friend's death.
6. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to Missus.
(True / False)
Writing: (20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/ Write ( 100-120 ) words on this topic: " Cigarette advertising should be illegal."
B/Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that
you didn't make. Write ( 100 - 120 ) words.


2019 ‫اجىبة الذور الثالث لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Because they did not want it. It made their houses smaller.
2. A very ugly bear's head.
3. ''I'm very lonely here. Please take me.''
4. Near the bear's head.
5. True
6. Selling Old Furniture / The Lonely Bear's Head )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. can live together safely.
2. To power sailing boats and grind corn.
3. True
4. That his mummy is sick and she needed a doctor.
5. The variety.
6. They should save for their retirement and continue to enjoy good standard of living when they are older.

Q2) A)
1. I asked where she had been.
2. was carrying
3. If only she hadn't lost their address.
4. I decided I was going to learn Chinese.
5. Look after your eyes.
6. Fadia has not (hasn’t) spoken to me since her sister's wedding.
7. My mother made me turn down the music.
8. used to be - knocked
9. The bill will be paid tomorrow.
10. Shall we take a taxi to the airport?
11. has not (hasn't) known
12. wore
1. whose 2. little 3. will be learning 4. frightened 5. should 6. haven’t been

Q3) A)
1. replace
2. pain
3. intensive
4. branch
5. deforestation


1. luxurious
2. find out
3. discourage
4. more boring
5. appointment
6. wrist

1. Iraq was in was against Israel.
2. For her collection of poems and short stories.
3. To tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.
4. He greeted her with a drowsy little note.
5. difficult
6. True

A) 32‫انشاء الوحذة االولى – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 488 ‫انشاء الوحذة الساسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


QI. A. Read this text carefully then answer ( 5 ) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
Food is one key to a comfortable life. We eat vegetables and fruit. We also eat animal products like milk, eggs and
meat. Food is necessary for us to live, move and work. To be useful, it should be organized with correct amounts.
Food can be in different groups. A group of food gives us power. A second group gives us vitamins. A third group
builds our body. The way we feel may be the result of the kind of food we eat. We may feel happy when we eat
chocolate. We may feel sleepy when we eat fat rich food. We may be upset when we eat the food we don't like.
Food is essential, but we should choose the food that is healthy and belongs to different groups.
1. What do we eat?
2. Why is food necessary?
3. Food is one key to a comfortable life. (True //False)
4. Food can be in different groups. (True / False )
5. What food should we choose?
6. We may feel happy if we eat fat rich food. (True / False)
7. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/Answer or complete ( 5 )of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1. People have to follow the law so that we can ..........
2. The pressure of life will ( a. cause health problems. b. kill us. c. make us lose our jobs.)
3. There are two main problems with radar detectors. (True / False)
4. Zaid Tariq was ( a. a bad swimmer. b. on holiday.)
5. Some radar guns are shaped a bit like guns. (True / False)
6. Mustafa found his mother in the kitchen. (True / False)
7. Samira Al Mahmoud was born in ( a. Iraq. b. Britain.)
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2. A) Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets.(Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. Somebody stole my television. I had my television (steal / stolen). (Choose )
2. If I had lots of money, I ( buy ) a racehorse. (Correct the form of the verb )
3. Last year, my friend Zeina ( get ) hurt in a car accident. (Correct the form of the verb )
4. I've studied hard for the test, so I think I'll pass. (Expectation, use :" should " )
5. If I (not pass) the high school exam this year, I'll take it again next year. (Correct the form of the verb)
6. Define an architect. (Use:" designs buildings")
7. I (think) about you and then you rang me. (Put the verb in the past continuous )
8. I can't remember when I (took /up /it). (Put in the correct order)
9. Let's take Jameel to the new Italian restaurant. He never went there. (Correct the sentence)
10. How short do you want your hair?
The hairdresser asked me how short I .......... (Reported question )
11. I (have) a bicycle, but someone stole it last month. (Use the correct form of " used to " )
12. Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate. That's why I felt sick. (Regret, use : "I wish")
B/Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. How (much / many ) apples do we need?
2. Life is (fast / faster ) now than it used to be.
3. I've met her a (few / little ) times.
4. This book is very (bored / boring ).
5. When you get in a car, you (must / mustn't) put on your seat belt.
6. My father made me ( go / went) back to my room.
7. We have been married ( for / since ) 2003.
‫اقلب الىرقة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
[[broken, hurts, faint, pain, beautifully, journalist]]
1. My back ......... all the time.
2. Where exactly is the ......... and how long have you had it?
3. The story was ......... written.
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to .........
5. She can't play tennis. She has ......... her right arm.
B/Match the beginnings in List A with their endings in list B. (5 only) (5 M.)
List A List B
1. You shouldn't have any trouble doing the work a. he should know how to use this software.
2. They should be very comfortable b. because there isn't much traffic.
3. If he's used computers before, c. to drive a lorry.
4. It shouldn't take me more than 15 minutes to drive there d. she should get it by Monday.
5. I can speak English and Arabic, e. because it's a very nice hotel.
6. If you send the letter today, f. so I should be able to talk to most of the visitors.
7. You need to get a special licence h. because it's very easy.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letters. ( Choose 5 only) (5M.)
1. usual, unusual ; happy, ........... 2. joint in the arm: WT ...........
3. years, yrs.; frequent , ............ 4. go, gone, see, ...........
5. car, cars, town, ........... 6. occurred, happened ; alerted, ………..
7. play, playing ; cut .........
Literature Focus: (10 Marks )
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. Sattar and Haleema ate .......... before lunch.
2. Was the canary perfect company to the woman?
3. The visitor described the child's father as ( a. smoke b. water).
4. Sattar came to his friend's house to ...........
5. The woman in "The Canary" suffered from loneliness. (True / False).
6." The Swing" is a story written by (a. Mohammed Khudhair b. Katherine Mansfield).
7. Katherine Mansfield was born in 1888 in ( a. New Zealand b. Iraq).
Writing: ( 20 Marks )
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/ Write about ( 100-120) words on " The advantages of studying English in Britain".
B/ Write about ( 100-120 ) words on this topic "Cigarette advertising should be illegal".


2020 ‫اجىبة الذور التمهيذي لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Vegetables, fruit and animal products.
2. To live, move and work.
3. True
4. True
5. The food that is healthy and belongs to different groups.
6. Selling Old Furniture / The Lonely Bear's Head )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. live together safely.
2. a. cause health problems.
3. True
4. b. on holiday.
5. True
6. False
7. b. Britain

Q2) A)
1. stolen
2. would buy
3. got
4. so I should pass.
5. do not (don't) pass
6. An architect is someone who designs buildings.
7. was thinking
8. took it up
9. He has never been there.
10. The hairdresser asked me how short I wanted my hair.
11. used to have
12. I wish I had not (hadn’t) eaten three bars of chocolate.
1. many 2. faster 3. few 4. boring 5. must 6. go 7. since

Q3) A)
1. hurts
2. pain
3. beautifully
4. faint
5. broken


1. unhappy
2. wrist
3. freq.
4. seen
5. towns
6. called
7. cutting

1. A loaf of bread.
2. Yes, it was.
3. a. smoke
4. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.
5. True
6. a. Mohammed Khudhair
7. a. New Zealand

A) 23‫انشاء الوحذة الثالثة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 32 ‫انشاء الوحذة االولى – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A. Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
A certain old gentleman was very unhappy about modern education, and thought that young people nowadays
were not being taught the importance of knowing the difference between right and wrong. One day he was taking a
walk in the park near his home when he saw some young boys standing around a small cat. The old gentleman
went up to the boys and asked them what was happening. One of the boys said to him, " We're having a game.
We're telling lies, and the one who tells the biggest one gets to keep the cat." The old gentleman thought that this
was a good opportunity to teach the boys a useful lesson, so he said to them." I've never told a lie in my life." All
at once there was a great shout from all the boys, and they said, "You've won! You can take the cat!"
1 - How did the old gentleman feel about modern education?
2. The boys let the old gentleman have the cat because ............
(a. he had told the biggest lie. b. he was older than they were.)
3. What did the old gentleman think young people should be taught?
4. What did the old gentleman see in the park one day?
5. The old gentleman wanted more attention to be paid to morals. (a. True b. False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/Answer or complete (5)of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1. Radar guns don't need any maintenance. (a. True b. False)
2. The pressure of life will ( a. cause health problems. b. make us lose our jobs. c. kill us. )
3. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to ...........
4. What was Zaid Tariq doing when he saw the shark?
5. Why shouldn't an interpreter waste time thinking?
6. People have to follow the law so that we can all live together safely. (a. True b. False)
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks )
Q2. A/Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets.( Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. Define a plumber. (Use : "fixes and installs pipes for water")
2. I'll turn down/it/ in a minute. (Put in the correct order)
3. She (not/be) so thin, but she got very ill last year and lost a lot of weight.
(Use the correct form of: " used to ")
4. You have always wanted to fly. I think you will like the Air Force. (Expectation use :" should")
5. He looked outside because he heard a noise. (Re-write with the correct form of: "make")
6. He gets angry if his sister (borrow) his CDS. (Correct the form of the verb )
7. Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday. (Correct the sentence)
8. The book was missing. It has the information I wanted.
The book ............ ( Combine to make defining relative clause)
9. Khalid was playing football when he (break ) his ankle. (Correct the form of the verb )
10. Where did you lose your purse? I asked her ........... (Reported question)
11. ........... And brush your teeth three times a day. (Use imperative to give an advice)
12. You bought some shoes last week. You've decided you don't like them. (Regret use : "I wish")
B/ Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. (Have you ever / Did you ever ) spent the whole night awake looking at the stars?
2. How (much / many ) exercise does he take a week?
3. My family has lived in the same house. (since / for ) 15 years.
4. We need a ( few / little ) more oranges.
5. He's a very (interested / interesting) person.
6. You're driving too fast! You ( have to / needn't) slow down.
‫اقلب الصفحة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
[[throat, obey, sneeze, hurts, dry, pickpockets]]
1. My back ......... all the time. It only feels OK when I am lying down.
2. Crowded areas attract .......... who try to steal people's wallets.
3. I can't swallow. I have a sore .............
4. My lips are really .......... and sore.
5. Drivers must .......... the speed limit.
B/ Match a word from List A with a word from list B to make a compound noun. (5 only) (5 M.)
List 1: 1. X-ray 2. security 3. conveyor 4. crime 5. metal 6. speeding
List B: a. camera b. belt c. machine d. detector e. ticket f. scene
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letters or letters. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. fair , unfair ; pleasant , ...........
2. joint in the leg: k...........
3. frequent, freq. ; company, ...........
4. property, stuff ; occurred, ……….
5. pushing , shaking ; yearly, ..........
6. go , gone ; ride , ............
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. Mohammed Khudhair's short stories are translated into English, ........... and …………
2. In" The Canary " the woman forgot .......... when the canary came into her life.
3. "The Swing" is written by (a. Mohammed Khudhair b. Katherine Mansfield).
4. Who is Mohammed Khudhair ?
5. In 1967, ...........
6. Could the woman in "The Canary "have another bird?
Writing: ( 20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. ( 20 M.)
A/ Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company tomorrow
morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company. The manager sent him
directions and a map. Write a letter to Ahmed of (100-120) giving him advice on how to get the job.

B/ Write an e-mail of (100-120) words about a really bad day out where everything went wrong. Use
your imagination. Start like this: Dear .........., I had a terrible day last Saturday. I wish I had stayed in bed then all
this wouldn't have happened.


2020 ‫احيائي لعام‬/‫اجىبة الذور االول‬

Q1) A)
1. Very unhappy
2. a. he had told the biggest lie.
3. The importance of knowing the difference between right and wrong.
4. He saw some young boys standing around a small cat.
5. a. True
6. The biggest lie / A useful lesson )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. False
2. a. cause health problems.
3. open the front door for the paramedics.
4. He was swimming.
5. So as not to miss the rest of the speech?
6. a. True

Q2) A)
1. A plumber is someone who fixes and installs pipes for water.
2. turn it down
3. did not/didn't use to
4. You should like the Air Force.
5. The noise made him look outside.
6. borrows
7. Adam came back from Beirut Yesterday.
8. The book that/which the information I wanted was missing.
9. broke
10. I asked her where she had lost her purse.
11. See the dentist for regular checkups.
12. I wish I had brought these/those shoes.
1. Have you ever 2. much 3. for 4. few 5. interesting 6. have to

Q3) A)
1. hurts
2. pickpockets
3. throat
4. dry
5. obey


1. unpleasant
2. knee
3. co.
4. happened
5. annual
6. ridden

1. Russian , French.
2. the evening star.
3. a. Mohammed Khudhair
4. He is an Iraqi writer.
5. Iraq was in was against Israel.
6. No, she couldn't.

A) 84‫انشاء الوحذة الثانٍة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 48 ‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
Mr. Johnson was a rich old man. He lived in a beautiful house in the country with lots of servants, but his wife was
dead, and he did not have any children. Then he died suddenly, and people said, "His servants killed him, because
they wanted his money." But the servants said, "No, he killed himself." The police came and asked the servants a
lot of questions, and after a few weeks, there was a big trial. There were two famous lawyers and several important
witnesses." Tell me," one of the lawyers said to a witness one day," did Mr. Johnson often talk to himself when he
was alone?" "I don't know," the witness answered at once." You don't know?" the lawyer repeated angrily." You
don't know? But you were his best friend, weren't you? Why don't you know?" "Because I was never with him
when he was alone, the witness answered.
1- Mr. Johnson was a rich old man. (True / False)
2. Where did Mr. Johnson live?
3. What did people say when Mr. Johnson died?
4. What did the police do?
5. The witness said, "Mr. Johnson often talked to himself." (True/False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/Answer or complete ( 5 )of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1. Interpreters must have three active language. (True / False)
2. Mustafa's mother suffers from ………
3. We need to give families and friends: (a. a lot of our time b. a good holiday c. at least an hour of our time)
4. Why did Zaid Tariq scream?
5. Police must be trained to use the radar gun correctly. (True / False)
6. Fingerprints and footprints can be used to ..........
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks )
Q2. A/Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. My sister hid my purse under the bed while I (not look ). ( Correct the form of the verb )
2. Define a pilot. (Use" flies a plane")
3. My father asked somebody to clean the car. (Re-write with the correct form of " have")
4. Smoking is terrible. You should / give up/it. (Put in the correct order)
5. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give advice)
6. He (like ) going out, but now he always wants to stay at home. (Use the correct form of " used to ")
7. ............ It's the most important meal of the day. (Use an imperative to give an advice)
8. Unfortunately, they didn't train every day. That's why they lost the match. (Regret use " If only")
9. You would have met my Aunt Salima if you (come) to our party. (Correct the form of the verb )
10. They've knocked down the restaurant. We had a meal there last year.
They've knocked down the restaurant ............ ( Combine to make a defining relative clause)
11. I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he already lost it. (Correct the sentence)
12. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. (Expectation : use" should ")
B/Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. My family has lived in the same house ( since / for ) 1970.
2. You'll have to wait a (few / little ) minutes.
3. I've never (ride / ridden ) an elephant.
4. I saw a very (excited / exciting ) film on TV last night.
5. How (many / much) time do you spend on your homework?
6. Please put out your cigarette. You ( mustn't / must ) smoke in the police station.
‫اقلب الصفحة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
{ screen, pay, canteen, sneezes, title, broken }
1. What is your ...........? Is it Mrs. , Miss, or Dr.?
2. We often say "Bless you!" when somebody……….
3. The security guard saw the thieves because he was watching the .........
4. She can't play tennis. She has .......... her right arm.
5. You must .......... a fine when you get a ticket.
B/Choose the correct alternative. (5 only) (5 M.)
1. When you leave the military, your training can help you find a (criminal / civilian ) job.
2. The holiday completely lived up to my (wishes / expectations ).
3. If you pass this test, you have more responsibility and you ( investigate / supervise ) other people.
4. We (considerably / thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment.
5. The ferry (works / operates) throughout the year.
6. The military needs people to (care for/ maintain ) its equipment and vehicles.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letters. (Choose 5 only) (5M.)
1. usual , unusual ; healthy, .......... 2. joint in the arm: e...........
3. appt. , appointment ; co , ............ 4. occurred , happened ; injured ............
5. small, smaller ; cheap , .......... 6. luxury, luxurious ; delight , …………
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. How old was Mohammed Khudhair when he wrote "The Swing"?
2. The woman in "The Canary" was happy to have the canary because she lived ( a lonely / an unlonely)
3." The Swing" was written ( before/after ) the summer 1967 war.
4. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to the woman.
(True / False)
5. How did Sattar convey his message to the little girl?
6." The Swing" is one of the best short stories about war. (True False)
Writing: ( 20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/ Write a short article for a travel magazine of (100-120) on "Advice to tourists in Iraq".
B/ Write an e-mail of ( 100-120) words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up with a
friend or relative. The company could be producing one of the following: jewellery, cosmetics, perfume, food or
foot wear.


2020 ‫تطبيقي لعام‬/‫اجىبة الذور االول‬

Q1) A)
1. True
2. In a beautiful house in the country.
3. "His servants killed him."
4. They came and asked the servants a lot of questions.
5. False
6. Mr. Johnson's Death / Mr. John and his servants )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. False
2. diabetes.
3. a lot of our time.
4. Because he thought he was dying.
5. True
6. identify and arrest the criminal.

Q2) A)
1. was not/wasn't looking
2. A pilot is someone who flies planes.
3. My father had the car cleaned.
4. give it up
5. You should keep your passport in a safe place.
6. used to like
7. Never miss breakfast.
8. If only they had trained every day.
9. had come
10. where we had a meal last year.
11. he has already lost it.
12. so it should be faster than the other one.
1. since 2. few 3. ridden 4. exciting 5. much 6. mustn't

Q3) A)
1. title
2. sneezes
3. screen
4. broken
5. pay
1. civilian
2. expectations
3. supervise
4. thoroughly
5. operates
6. maintain


1. unhealthy
2. elbow
3. company
4. hurt
5. cheaper
6. delightful

1. 25 years old.
2. a lonely
3. after
4. True
5. He told her that her father is like smoke and she can only see him when she closes her eyes.
6. True

A) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 22 ‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A/Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
Whitebridge was a small village, and old people often came and lived there. Some of them had a lot of old
furniture, and they often did not want some of it, because they were in a smaller house now, so every Saturday
morning they put it out, and other people came and looked at it, and sometimes they took it away because they
wanted it. Every Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Morton put a very ugly old bear's head out at the side of their gate, but
nobody wanted it. Then last Saturday, they wrote, "I'm very lonely here. Please take me." On a piece of paper and
put it near the bear's head. They went to the town, and came home in the evening. There were now two bears'
heads in front of their house, and there was another piece of paper. It said, "I was lonely too."
1- Where did Mr. and Mrs. Morton put the paper?
2. Nobody wanted the bear's head. (True / False)
3. Why did old people in Whitebridge often sell their old furniture?
4. What did Mr. and Mrs. Morton write on a piece of paper?
5. What did Mr. and Mrs. Morton put out every Saturday?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/Answer or complete (5) of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1. It is very easy to get a place on an interpreting course. (True/False)
2. When Zaid Tariq was attacked by the shark, he ………
(a. was laying on a plastic mattress. b. was in a boat. c. hit it with a piece of wood.)
3. Police departments don't use radar guns anymore. (True / False)
4. People have to follow the law so that we ...........
5. The stress of modern life can cause ..........
6. Mustafa found his mother in her bedroom. (True/False)
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2. N/Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. My father told me to turn down the music. (Rewrite with the correct form of 'make ')
2. Why haven't you answered all the questions?
The teacher asked me ..............(Reported question )
3. Fadia didn't speak to me since her sister's wedding. (Correct the sentence)
4. What would you like to change if you (can)change one thing about your appearance?
(Correct the form of the verb )
5. Define a nurse. (Use "looks after sick people and helps doctors")
6. I've already / turned on/it. (Put in the correct order)
7. You didn't revise for your Geography exam and you got a bad mark. You feel sorry about this.
(Regret: use "I wish ")
8. (take a taxi to the airport ). (Make suggestion: Use "let's")
9. He (have ) his hair cut at the hairdresser's, but now his wife cuts it for him.
(Use the correct form of used to ")
10. ........... Get them tested once a year. (Use an imperative to give advice )
11. A thief took our clothes while we ( swim). (Correct the form of the verb )
12. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. (Expectation: Use " should")
B/ Choose the correct word between brackets. (5 only) (10 M.)
1. Khalil Gibran, (who / whose) wrote a book called The Prophet, was a famous Lebanese poet.
2. We were very (frightened / frightening) when our car broke down in the desert.
3. Police officers (must/ don't have to) prevent crimes.
4. There's only a (few/little ) orange juice left in the bottle.
5. How (many / much ) meals do you eat a day?
6. The picture was a (beautiful/ beautifully) painted. ‫اقلب الىرقة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3.A/ Complete the sentences with the suitable words between brackets: (10 M.)
{ chemicals, tour guide, bleeding, package, dry, pain}
1. The skin on my leg is very ......... so I have to put this cream on every day.
2. My toe is .......... I cut it on a piece of glass on the beach.
3. Where exactly is the .......... and how long have you had it?
4. My sister is a ........... She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day.
5. My eyes are sore from the .......... in the pool.
B/ Match the words and phrases in list A with their definitions in list B. (5 only) (5M.)
List A List B
1. unattended a. there is nothing in it.
2. vacancy b. a good salary, compared with other employers.
3. a competitive salary c. without someone looking after it.
4. declare d. this means that you really want to succeed.
5. empty e. say you are carrying something you need to pay duty on.
6. ambitious f. the company has a space for a new employee.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (5 only) (5 M.)
1.obey , disobey ; encourage , .......... 2. tall , taller ; funny , ...........
3. joint in the arm: w........... 4. co, company; appt., ..........
5. property, stuff; occurred ........... 6. delight, delightful; luxury,.....
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. How does the story of "The Canary "end?
2. The visitor described the child's father as smoke. (True/False)
3. What is Mohammed Khudhair?
4. Sattar found it( easy / difficult) to convey the death of his friend Ali.
5. What does the story "The Swing" stress on?
6. In 1917, Katherine Mansfield became ill with ( a. tuberculosis / b. diabetes ).
Writing: ( 20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/Write (100-120) on the advantages of studying English in Britain. These notes may help you:
- you can hear people speaking English all day, in many different situations.
- watch TV and films in English and listen to radio.
- read English newspapers, advertisements, notices.
- observe British way of life.
- possibly stay with British family.
B/ Write an e-mail of ( 100-120 ) words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up with
a friend or relative. The company could be producing one of the following: jewellery, cosmetics, perfume, food or
foot wear.


2020 ‫أدبي لعام‬/‫اجىبة الذور االول‬

Q1) A)
1. They put it near the bear's head. / Near the bear's head.
2. True
3. Because they were in a smaller house now.
4. They wrote "I'm very lonely here. Please take me."
5. A very ugly bear's head.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Morton / A small village )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. False
2. a. was laying on a plastic mattress.
3. False
4. can all live together safely.
5. severe problems.
6. True

Q2) A)
1. My father made me turn down the music.
2. The teacher asked me why I hadn't answered all the questions.
3. Fadia has not/hasn't spoken to me since her sister's wedding.
4. could
5. A nurse is someone who looks after people and helps doctors.
6. turned it on
7. I wish I had revised for my Geography exam.
8. Let's take a taxi to the airport.
9. used to have
10. Look after your eyes.
11. were swimming
12. so it should be faster than the other one.
1. who 2. frightened 3. must 4. little 5. many 6. beautifully

Q3) A)
1. dry
2. bleeding
3. pain
4. tour guide
5. chemicals


1. discourage
2. funnier
3. wrist
4. appointment
5. happened
6. luxurious

1. It ends sadly.
2. True
3. He is an Iraqi writer.
4. difficult
5. It stresses that war leads to nothing.
6. a. tuberculosis

A) 23‫انشاء الوحذة الثالثة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 22 ‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A/ Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
Mr. Scott thought that he was very good at fixing household appliances when they broke, so when Mrs. Scott told
him that she needed a new vacuum cleaner, he said, " What's wrong with the old one? I can easily fix it." Mr. Scott
fixed the vacuum cleaner, but the same thing happened again several times, until one day, after he had unscrewed
all the parts, and had gone to have lunch, Mrs. Scott added a few extra pieces to the pile on the floor." Do you
know," She said to her friend, Mrs. Brown, the next morning, "If I'd just taken away a few pieces, he'd have
noticed that they were missing, and would have gone out and bought some more. But when he couldn't find places
for all the pieces that were on the floor, he gave up and agreed to buy me a new machine."
1.What did Mr. Scott say when his wife asked for a new vacuum cleaner?
2.How many times did he fix the vacuum cleaner?
3.What did Mrs. Scott do one day when her husband went to have lunch?
4.What would Mr. Scott have done if some of the pieces of the vacuum cleaner were missing?
5.Mrs. Scott was smart enough to get a new vacuum cleaner. (True / False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/ Answer or complete ( 5 )of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1.How did the paramedics treat Latifa?
2.Radar guns can only calculate the speed of a car moving towards them. (True False)
3.Six dolphins ………… (a. bit the shark. b. protected Tariq.)
4.How can witnesses help the police?
5. Samira Al- Mahmoud is ( a. a banker b. an interpreter).
6. Workaholics are those people who ………
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2. A/ Rewrite the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10) (20 M.)
1.You decided not to go to the park with your friends. Now you regret it. (Regret: use " If only")
2.Will you be able to come to my party?
I asked Layla ............. (Reported question)
3.Muna (get) married to Ghassan two years ago. (Correct the form of the verb )
4.Define a lifeguard. (Use: " is responsible for the safety of swimmers")
5. If I (have) my own car, I'd take my friends on picnics every weekend. (Correct the form of the verb )
6. A photographer took her picture. (Re-write with the correct form of " have")
7.The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool. (The pool opened two months ago )
(Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence )
8. Let's take Jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He never went there. (Correct the sentence)
9. He learnt about computers in the military, I think he will be able to help me fix mine.
(Expectation : use" should")
10. As she (carry) the shopping from the car, my grandmother slipped and broke her ankle. (Correct the verb )
11. I like these shoes. Can I / try on/them ? (Put in the correct order)
12. (Open the window). (Offer: use" shall")
B/ Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. I (mustn't/ must) be back later than 8 o'clock tonight or my parents will be angry.
2. I don't think I can fit in that parking place. There isn't (many / much ) space.
3. Life is (fast / faster) than it used to be.
4. you will have to wait a (little / few) minutes?
5. I haven't seen her (since / for) 2001.
6. We were driving to the beach when we ( hear / heard ) a load crash.
‫اقلب الصفحة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
{ vital , swollen , university , terms , arrest , staff }
1. Studying engineering needs knowledge in technical ………
2. If you commit a crime, the police will ……… you.
3. I've got a pain in my knee. It's really ………
4. All the ……… are really friendly and helpful.
5. Holidays are .......... to our general wellbeing.
B/ Choose the best alternative. (5 only) (5M.)
1. I'm calling (about / because) your advert in yesterday's paper.
2. (Could I speak to / I want to talk to) Mr. Hazem?
3. You must be 18 years old to (belong / join ) the military.
4. Good morning. (Is that / Are you ) Mr. Hazem?
5. The military needs people to (care for / maintain ) its equipment and vehicles.
6. (This / That ) is Samir Esam.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letters. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. peace , peaceful ; spectacle , ……… 2. phrase , phrases ; oasis , ……….
3. like, dislike ; connect, ………. 4. joint in the arm: e………..
5. alerted , called ; injured , ……… 6. appt. , appointment ; exp. , ………
Literature Focus: (10 Marks )
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. Sattar and Haleema ate ……….
2. Mohammed Khudhair was fully aware of the conditions of the story-writing. ( True' / False)
3. Katherine Mansfield came from (poor / wealthy ) family.
4. How did Sattar convey his message to the little girl?
5. Why was the woman in " The Canary" happy to have the canary?
6." The Swing" is a sincere invitation to sustain ……….
Writing: ( 20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/ Write a short article for a travel magazine of (100-120 ) words on:
"A wonderful holiday I have had".
B/ Write ( 100-120) on this topic: " Cigarette advertising should be illegal."


2020 ‫أحيائي لعام‬/‫اجىبة الذور الثاني‬

Q1) A)
1. He said "What is wrong with the old one? I can easily fix it?"
2. Several times.
3. She added a few extra pieces to the pile on the floor.
4. He would have gone out and bought some more.
5. True
6. A smart woman / Buying a new vacuum cleaner )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. They gave her an injection of insulin to raise her blood sugar level.
2. False
3. b. protected Tariq.
4. By telling them what a criminal looks like.
5. b. an interpreter.
6. think that their work is too important to leave in the hands of the others.

Q2) A)
1. If only I had gone to the park with my friends.
2. I asked Layla if she would be able to come to my party.
3. got
4. A lifeguard is someone who is responsible for the safety of swimmers.
5. had
6. She had her picture taken.
7. The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool which/that opened two months ago.
8. He's/He has never been there.
9. He should be able to help me fix mine.
10. was carrying
11. try them on
12. Shall I open the window?
1. mustn't 2. much 3. faster 4. few 5. since 6. heard

Q3) A)
1. terms
2. arrest
3. swollen
4. staff
5. vital
1. about
2. Could I speak to
3. join
4. Is that
5. maintain
6. This


1. spectacular
2. oases
3. disconnect
4. elbow
5. hurt
6. experience

1. a loaf of bread.
2. True
3. poor
4. He told her that her father is like smoke and she can only see him when she closes her eyes.
5. Because she lived lonely.
6. family life.

A) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 32 ‫انشاء الوحذة االولى – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A/ Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
The computer is one of the most important inventions of the modern world. Computers were huge and very
expensive so no one could buy them. Now they are much smaller and there is a computer in almost every house.
The strange thing about computers is that they are developing all the time. Computers help doctors to know the
diseases in order to decide the best medicine. They also help scientists to solve complicated problems. Pilots use
computers to help them know their directions. Teachers also use them to make lessons interesting. Students can
use computers to find the information they need. However, most young people use them for playing games.
1. How do computers help doctors?
2. How were computers in the past different from computers now?
3. How do computers help scientists?
4. Pilots use computers to know directions. ( True / False)
5. Computers are developing all the time. (True False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/ Answer or complete ( 5 )of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1. Why do some officers direct traffic?
2. Samira's active language is Arabic. (True / False)
3. Why was Mustafa's mother unconscious?
4. Holidays can give us a chance to ………
(a. learn new activities b. stop thinking about our problems)
5. Tariq was rescued by two children. (True / False)
6. What is a radar detector?
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2. A/ Re - write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. She (not/talk ) so much, but now she never stops talking. (Use the correct form of " used to ")
2. (Show me your passport ). ( Polite request use: "could ")
3. My father asked somebody to fix the computer.
My father ............ (Re write with the correct form of " have")
4. Define a cartoonist. (Use : " draws amusing pictures")
5. I( not / marry ) him even if he was the last man on earth! ( Correct the form of the verb )
6. I spoke to a lady on the phone. She told me to call back later. The lady ........... told me to call back later.
(Combine using a relative pronoun to make a defining relative clause)
7. Last year, my friend Zeina (get) hurt in a car accident. (Correct the form of the verb )
8. I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he already lost it. (Correct the sentence)
9. Can I borrow some money? She asked me ............ (Reported question )
10. Unfortunately, I left my camera at Faten's house. That's why I couldn't get a picture of the dolphin.
(Regret : use " If only ")
11. She's in 6 preparatory. I think she will graduate this summer. (Expectation: use" should ")
12. Most smokers / take up/it/ as teenager. (Put in the correct order)
B/Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. When you get in a car, you ( need to / needn't) put on your seat belt.
2. There weren't ( many / much ) people at the meeting.
3. When we got to the cinema, the film ( had / has ) started.
4. This book is very (bored / boring). I fall asleep whenever I try to read it.
5. We need a (little / few) more fruit to take on the picnic.
6. Have you (ever / never ) bought airplane tickets online?
‫اقلب الصفحة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
qualifications , sightseeing , stressful , conference , seafront , permit
1. Most private homestays do not ………. smoking indoors.
2. My career as an interpreter is ……….
3. I can't get that job because I don't have the right ……….
4. Let's go for a walk along the ………. this evening.
5. In the afternoon we did some ……….
B/Choose the correct answer. (5 only) (5 M.)
1. If you disconnect your TV, you :( a. can still see a picture b. can't see the picture anymore).
2. I would have become an engineer if I hadn't been ( a. scared of blood b. scared of heights ).
3. If you disobey someone, you: (a. do what they say b. don't do what they say ).
4. If you dislike something, you: (a don't like it b. like it very much).
5. If you discourage someone, you: (a. make them feel ill b. make them feel they can't do something).
6. If something has disappeared, you: (a can see it b. can't see it).
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letters. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. go , gone ; spend ………. 2. happy , unhappy : possible , ……….
3. joint in the leg: k………. 4. driving lic. , driving licence ; avail. at we. , ……….
5. investigate , find out ; alerted , ………. 6. job , jobs ; bar , ……….
Literature Focus: (10 Marks )
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. Mohammed Khudhair's fist short stories appeared in the Iraqi writer (Al Adeeb Al Iraqi) magazine
in 1962. (True/False)
2." The Swing" is one of the best short stories about ………. . (peace / war )
3. Where did the woman in " The Canary" use to hang the canary cage?
4. What was the canary to the woman?
5. What did the woman in "The Canary" suffer from?
6. Sattar came to his friend house to ……….
Writing: ( 20 Marks )
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/ Write an e-mail of (100-120 ) words about a really bad day out where everything went wrong.
Use your imagination. Start like this:
I had a terrible day last Saturday. I wish I had stayed in bed then all this would not have happened.......
B/Write a short article for a travel magazine of (100 - 120 ) words on:
"Advice to tourists in Iraq"


2020 ‫تطبيقي و ادبي لعام‬/‫اجىبة الذور الثاني‬

Q1) A)
1. To know the diseases in order to decide the right medicine.
2. They were huge and very expensive.
3. To solve complicated problems.
4. True
5. True
6. Computers / The most important invention )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. To make sure that drivers can use the roads easily and without having accidents.
2. True
3. Because her blood sugar had dropped very low.
4. b. stop thinking about our problems.
5. False
6. It is a machine that detects radar guns.

Q2) A)
1. did not/didn't use to talk
2. Could you show me your passport(, please)?
3. My father had the computer fixed.
4. A cartoonist is someone who draws amusing pictures.
5. would not /wouldn't marry
6. The lady who I spoke to on the hone told me to call back later.
7. got
8. He's/He has already lost it.
9. She asked me if she could borrow some money.
10. If only I had not/hadn’t left my camera at Faten's house.
11. She should graduate this summer.
12. take it up
1. need to 2. many 3. had 4. boring 5. little 6. ever

Q3) A)
1. permit
2. stressful
3. qualifications
4. seafront
5. sightseeing
1. b. can't see the picture any more
2. b. scared of heights
3. b. don't do what they say
4. a. don't like it
5. b. make them they can't do something
6. b. can't see it


1. spent
2. impossible
3. knee
4. available at weekends
5. called
6. bars

1. True
2. war
3. On the nail to the right of the front door.
4. He was her best friend.
5. From being lonely.
6. tell his family that Ali was killed in battle.

A) 48‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 444 ‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1.A/Read this fed carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
Soon after Dave left college, one of his uncles, who was rich and had no children of his own, died and left Dave a
lot of money, so he decided to set up his own real estate agency. He found a nice office, bought some new
furniture and moved in. He had only been there for a few hours when he heard someone coming towards the door
of his office. "It's my first customer!" he thought. He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended to be very
busy answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the
country. The man knocked at the door for the agent to finish his conversation. Then he said to him, "I'm from the
telephone company, and I was sent here to connect your telephone.
1. How did Dave get money to set up his real estate agency?
2 What did Dave do to set his estate agency up?
3. What happened after he had been in his office for a few hours?
4. What did Dave pretend to be?
5. The man was Dave's first customer? (True False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/ Answer or complete ( 5 )of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10M.)
1. When Zaid Tariq got back to dry land, he was taken ……..
(a back to Iraq / b. to get medical attention)
2. Why was Latifa proud of Mustafa?
3. Speeding is one of the leading causes of death on the road. (True/False)
4. Some radar guns are shaped a bit like guns. ( True / False)
5. Why shouldn't an interpreter waste time thinking?
6. Some people find out too late that work is not the only thing in life. (True/False)
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks )
Q2. A/ Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. What time have they gone to bed last night? (Correct the sentence)
2. The book was missing. It has the information I wanted. The book ………
(Combine to make a defining relative clause)
3. If you (find) a snake in your bed, what would you do? (Correct the form of the verb )
4. She (not/be) so thin, but she got very ill last year and lost a lot of weight.
(Used the correct form of used to")
5. Define a flight attendant. (Use: "looks after passengers on a plane")
6. Can you/turn down / it? (Put in the correct order)
7. The leaves fell because of the wind. The wind ……… (Re-write with the correct form of "make")
8. My sister hid my purse under the bed while I (not/look). (Correct the form of the verb )
9. How long was the training? He asked me ……….(Reported question )
10. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That's why he didn't win. (Regret: use "I wish")
11. They (go) to Lebanon and Morocco to choose cloth two months ago. ( Correct the form of the verb )
12. (see your ticket) (Polite request : use" may")
B/ Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. We (should / shouldn't) get lost. We have a GPS system in our car.
2. How many letters ( have you written / have you been writing) so far today?
3. They have been married (since/ for) three years.
4. I've met her a (few / little) times.
5. You (don't have to / must) pick me up in the car. I'll get the bus.
6. Let's (watch / watched) the film.
‫القلب الصفحة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3. A/Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
[ career , dizzy , roundabout , suit , broken , exceptionally ]
1. Your car mustn't have ………. light.
2. You must slow down at a ……….
3. The food was ………. good.
4. I'd like a ………. in ecology.
5. I feel ………. I think I am going to faint.
B/ Match the beginnings of the sentences in List A with their endings in List B. (5 only) (5 M.)
List A List B
1. She was nervous on the plane a. because we hadn't booked.
2. When you are in a meeting, b. because our room hadn't been cleaned.
3. We couldn't get a room c. you need good computer skills.
4. I didn't recognize the place. d. because it had changed so much.
5. To be a good secretary, e. because she hadn't flown before.
6. We complained to the manager f. you should turn your mobile off.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letters. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. joint in the leg: a………. 2. computer , comp. ; frequent , ……….
3. investigate , find out ; property , ………. 4. do , done ; leave , ……….
5. excite , exciting ; attract , ………. 6. fair , unfair ; intelligent , ……….
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. Mohammed Khudhair was born in Baghdad. (True / False)
2. Sattar described the child's father as ……….
3. Was Mohammed Khudhair fully aware of conditions of story - writing?
4. In" The Canary " the woman forgot ………. when the canary came into her life.
5. Sattar found it easy to convey the death of his friend. (True / False)
6. Why did Katherine Mansfield move to London in 1903?
Writing: (20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/ Write an e-mail of (100-120 ) words about a really bad day out where everything went wrong.
Use your imagination. Start like this:
Dear ………,
I had a terrible day last Saturday. I wish I had stayed in bed then all this would not have happened ……….

B/ Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company tomorrow
morning at 9.00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company. The manager sent him
directions and a map. Write a letter to Ahmed of (100-120) words giving him advice on how to get the job.


2020 ‫اجىبة الذور الثالث لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. From his dead uncle. / He got it from his uncle was rich and died.
2. He found a nice office, bought some new furniture and moved in.
3. He heard someone coming towards the door of his office.
4. Very busy.
5. False
6. Estate Agency / The rich Dave )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. b. to get medical attention
2. Because he was calm and saved her life.
3. True
4. True
5. So that not to miss the rest of the speech.
6. True

Q2) A)
1. What time did they go to bed last night?
2. that/which has the information I wanted was missing.
3. found
4. did not/didn’t use to be
5. A flight attendant is someone who looks after passengers on a plane.
6. turn it down
7. The wind made the leaves fall.
8. was not/wasn't looking
9. He asked me how long the training had been.
10. I wish he had not/hadn't fallen over during the race.
11. went
12. May I see your ticket(, please)?
1. shouldn’t 2. Have you written 3. for 4. few 5. don't have to 6. watch

Q3) A)
1. broken
2. roundabout
3. exceptionally
4. career
5. dizzy
1- e
2- f
3- a
4- d
5- c
6- b


1. ankle
2. freq.
3. stuff
4. left
5. attractive
6. unintelligent

1. False
2. smoke.
3. Yes, he was.
4. the evening star
5. False
6. To study music at Queen's College.

A) 48‫انشاء الوحذة الراتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 84 ‫انشاء الوحذة الثانٍة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1 .A. Read this text carefully , then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
Mr Thompson did not learn to drive a car until he was almost thirty, because he was a very nervous person who
always had the convenience of someone else to drive him-first his mother and then his wife. But at last he
decided to take lessons, and managed to pass his driving test on the second try, although he still wasn't very
good at parking. A week later he drove into town by himself and was trying to park between two other cars
when he damaged one of them slightly. When he wrote to the insurance company about the accident, they sent
him a form to fill in , and one of the questions on the form was, “How could the drive of the other car have
prevented the accident from happening?” Mr Thompson thought for a minute and then wrote, “He could have
parked his car on. another street."
1. Why didn't Mr. Thompson learn to drive sooner?
2. When did Mr. Thompson pass his driving test?
3. How did Mr. Thompson have an accident?
4. Who did he write to then?
5. Mr. Thompson was very good at parking. (a. True / b. False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/Answer or complete ( 5 )of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1. Some people think radar guns don't work well. (a. True b. False)
2. Interpreters have to have a degree before they do an interpreting diploma. (a. True b. False )
3. What does Mustafa's mother suffer from?
4. How can a banker attract students?
5. In UK, the most popular investment is investing in property. (a. True b. False )
6. Was Zaid Tariq bitten by the shark?
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2. A Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. Define an architect. (Use: "designs buildings")
2. I've decided I am going to learn Arabic.
I decided .......... (Future in the Past )
3. Somebody teaches History every day. (Rewrite in the Passive form)
4. We've all been to the park last weekend. (Correct the sentence )
5. Bashir is going to buy a car very soon. (He passed his driving test last week.)
(Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence)
6. (go to the shops before the plane leaves ) (Suggestion, use : "Let's ")
7. I( drink ) coffee every morning, but now I drink tea. (Use the correct form of: " Used to ")
8. We were speeding when we ( see ) the police car. ( Correct the form of the verb )
9. Unfortunately, you were rude to your brother. Now he won't give us a lift to the cinema. (Regret use : " If only ")
10. She wouldn't have got sunburnt if she wear) a hat. ( Correct the form of the verb )
11. Salwa has prepared herself so well for the exam. I think she will get high marks. (Expectation )
12. ........... An average of eight hours a night is about right. (Use imperative to give an advice )
B/Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. My father made me (wash/ washed ) the car.
2. We have been married ( since / for) 2003.
3. How (many / much ) hours' sleep did you get the night before?
4. I can't remember when (I took up it / I took it up).
5. Put your case in the car. There's still a ( few / little ) space left.
6. I (haven't been / haven't gone ) to China yet, but I would like to one day.
‫اقلب الصفحة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks )

Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
{ skills , balance , cartoonist , hurts , used , faint }
1. The minimum ........... is 1.000 Iraqi dinars.
2. The cards can be .......... at any ATM.
3. I would like to go on a computer course to improve my ……...
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to ..........
5. My back ......... all the time.
B/ Match a word from List A with a word from list B to make a compound noun. (5 only) (5 M.)
List A : 1. ski 2. sea 3. packed 4. boarding 5. seat 6. five-star
List B : a. lunch b. belt c. hotel d. resort e. card f. front
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letters. ( Choose 5 only) (5 M.) , faster ; safe , .................. 2. speak , spoken ; drop , ……..
3. company , co ; appointment , ………….. 4. usual , unusual ; polite , ............
5. surprised , puzzled ; health, ……………. 6. joint in the arm ; e ...........
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1." The Swing" is considered as ( a. tragic b. comedic ) story.
2. What is Mohammed Khudhair?
3. People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures. ( True / False )
4. Sattar and Haleema ate ........... before lunch.
5. How does the story of" The Canary "end ?
6. Katherine Mansfield was the third of five children in a ( wealthy / poor ) family.
Writing: ( 20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/ Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn't
make. Write ( 100 - 120 ) words.
B/Write about ( 100-120 ) words on the advantages of studying English in Britain. These notes may
help you :
• you can hear people speaking English all day, in many different situations.
• lots of opportunities to practise speaking, especially if staying with a British family.
• watch TV and films in English and listen to radio.
• read English newspapers, advertisements, notices.
• observe British way of life. possible stay with British family.


2021 ‫اجىبة الذور التمهيذي لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Because he was a very nervous person.
2. On the second try.
3. By trying to park between two other cars.
4. To the insurance company.
5. b. False
6. Mr Thompson / The Driving Test / The Nervous person )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. a. True
2. a. True
3. Diabetes.
4. By offering special student accounts.
5. a. True
6. Yes, he was.

Q2) A)
1. An architect is someone who designs buildings.
2. I was going to learn Arabic.
3. History is taught every day.
4. We all went to the park last weekend.
5. Bashir, who passed his driving test last week, is going to buy a car very soon.
6. Let's go to the shops before the plane leaves.
7. used to drink
8. saw
9. If only you had not/hadn't been rude to your brother.
10. had worn
11. …………………, she should get high marks.
12. Get enough sleep.
1. wash 2. since 3. many 4. I took it up 5. little 6. haven't been

Q3) A)
1. balance
2. used
3. skills
4. faint
5. hurts
1- d. resort
2- f. front
3- a. lunch
4- e. card
5- b. belt
6- c hotel


1. safer
2. dropped
3. appt.
4. impolite
5. wellbeing
6. elbow

1. a. tragic
2. He is an Iraqi writer.
3. True
4. a loaf of bread
5. Sadly. or By the death of the canary. or Sorrowfully.
6. wealthy

A) 488‫انشاء الوحذة السادسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 23 ‫انشاء الوحذة الثالثة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


QI. Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow: (10 M.)
Harry Marsh was a driving examiner who had to test people who wanted to get a driving licence. One day he
came out of his office as usual and saw a car the side of the road, with young man in it. He got into the car
beside the driver and told him to check the lights, then the brakes then all the other usual things. The driver to
start his engine and drive forward. Then he told him to turn right into a side road, stop, go backwards into
another side road and then drive to the office again. On the way, the driver said to Harry politely. "Could you
please tell me why we are doing all these things? I was passing through this town only stopped to look at my
1. What was Harry's job?
2. What did he see outside his office one day?
3. Why did Harry give the young man a driving test?
4. The young man had a lot of faults in his performance. (a. True / b. False )
5. Why had the young man's car been parked outside Harry's office?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/ Answer or complete (5 of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1- Holidays are important for everyone, not just the businessman. (a. True / b. False)
2. What is the most important quality in an interpreter?
3. Drivers mustn't speed because speeding is ..........
4. Why are new jobs appearing all the time?
5. Mustafa's mother suffers from ( a. diabetes b. high blood pressure)
6. Why is investing in stocks and shares a risky business?
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2. / Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. Choose 10) (20 M.)
1.I'll send you the directions by e-mail. They are very clear. I don't think you'll have any trouble
finding us. (Expectation)
2. We first met them in July. (know) ........... (Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first one, putting the verb in brackets in the present perfect simple)
3. He is going to a painting class this evening. I found out he ........... (Future in the past)
4. While I was eating breakfast, a bird (flow) into the kitchen. (Correct the form of the verb )
5. My father asked somebody to fix the computer.
My father ............. (Use the correct form of "get")
6. If I (not/have) the operation, I would have died. (Correct the form of the verb )
7. Can you /the music / turn down? (Put in the correct order)
8. ( get me a drink of water (polite request ) (Use: "would ")
9. If you see Khalid, can you ask him about tonight?
He can come. I ............(Complete using " already " and an appropriate verb )
10. Define a lawyer. (Use" give advice to people about the law")
11. Unfortunately, you didn't lock the car. That's why a thief stole some valuable things of yours from it. (Regret: use "I wish")
(Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence)
B/ Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. Did you (use to / used to) fight with your brother when you were little?
2. If I (played / have played ) tennis, I would join the tennis club.
3. The lecture was so ( boring / bored) that I almost felt a sleep.
4. There's petrol in the car, so you have to / needn't go to the petrol station.
5. The cheque ( signed / was signed) last week.
6. When we got to the cinema, the film ( already / had ) started.
‫اقلة الظفحة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
{ convenient, paramedics, register, harm, branches, withdrawal }
1. You can .......... for this class by completing a form online.
2. The Land Force, the Navy and the Air Force are all ........... of the military.
3. She made a ........... from her checking account.
4. One of the main advantages of the Internet is that it is ...........
5. Sometimes, the way we use natural resources can .......... the environment.
B/ Match the beginnings in List A and the endings in list B. (5 only) (3 M.)
List A List B
1. She studied English because ............. a. he should know how to use this software.
2. I didn't recognize the place ............. b. I would receive it within a week.
3. If he's used computers before, ............. c. saw that classes started in June.
4. I was told that……...... d. because it had changed so much.
5. I couldn't board the plane.............. e. she knew she would be travelling for work.
6. When I read the catalogue, I............... f. because I had lost my boarding card.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5M.) , dislike ; trust , ………….. 2. experience , exp. ; driving licence , ................
3. yearly, annual ; unemployed , ................. 4. be , been ; buy , ................
5. attract , attractive ; delight , ................ 6. fast , faster ; good , ..................
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. The Swing is a sincere invitation to ..................
2. Could the woman in " The Canary" describe how the canary sang?
3. When did Mohammed Khudhair write his short story "The Swing"?
4. Where did Mohammed Khudhair finish his primary, intermediate and secondary study?
5. In 'The Canary " what did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner?
6. Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous?
Writing: ( 20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/ Write a short article for a travel magazine of ( 100-120) words on:
"A wonderful holiday I have had "
B/ Write a short essay giving your opinion about this statement:
"Studying while you're working is worth all the hard work."
Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion. Remember to use linking words and phrases.
You should write (100-120) words.


2021 ‫اجىبة الذور األول (احيائي) لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Harry was a driving examiner.
2. He saw a car at the side of the road, with a young man in it.
3. Because he thought the man wanted to get a driving licence.
4. b. False
5. Because he stopped to look at his map.
6. A driving Examiner / Harry Marsh / )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. a. True
2. Remaining calm under pressure?
3. one of the leading causes to death.
4. Because of the new technology.
5. a. diabetes.
6. Because there are no guarantees.

Q2) A)
1. ………………, you shouldn't have any trouble finding us.
2. We have known them since July.
3. He was going to a painting class this evening.
4. flew or flowed
5. My father got the computer fixed.
6. had not/hadn't had
7. turn the music down or turn down the music
8. Would you get me a drink of water, (please)?
9. I've (have) already asked/told him.
10. A lawyer is someone who gives advice to people about the law.
11. I wish I/you had locked the car.
12. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden where you can have a meal on summer evenings.
1. use to 2. played 3. boring 4. needn't 5. was signed 6. had

Q3) A)
1. register
2. branches
3. withdrawal
4. convenient
5. harm
1- e. she knew she would be travelling for work.
2- d. because it had changed so much.
3- a. he should know how to use this software.
4- b. I would receive it within a week.
5- f. because I had lost my boarding card.
6- c. saw that classes start in June.


1. distrust
2. lic.
3. out of a job
4. bought
5. delightful
6. better

1. sustain family life, to make childhood secure and to love one another.
2. Yes, she could.
3. After the summer 1967 war against Israel.
4. In Basra.
5. He hopped, hopped from one perch to another, tapped against the bars to attract her attention, sip a little water.
6. She remains famous for her collection of short poems and stories especial 'Bliss' and 'The Garden Party'.

A) 444‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 441 ‫انشاء الوحذة الساتعة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A/ Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow: (10 M.)
A young man was called up for army service, but he didn't want to become a soldier. When he went for his
medical exam, he pretended that his eyesight was very bad. The doctor pointed to the eye chart on the wall and
said, " Please read the top line." - The top line what?" the young man asked. 'The top line of the chart?' the
doctor replied." What chart? " the man asked. 'The one on the wall' the doctor said. 'What wall' the man asked.
Finally, the doctor deckled that the man eyes were not good enough for army service. That evening the same
young man was at a movie when another man came in and sat next to him in the dark. When the lights went on,
the young man saw that his neighbour was the doctor who had examined him earlier. Immediately he said,
"Excuse me. ma'am, but does this bus go to main street?'
1. What did the young man do to avoid military service?
2. What did the doctor decide at last?
3. Where did the young man go that evening?
4. Who sat down next to him?
5. The young man went into the movie theatre by mistake, thinking it was a bus. (a. True / b. False)
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/Answer or complete (5)of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10.M.)
1. Interpreters must have three active languages. (a. True / b. False)
2. What frightened the shark away?
3. What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment?
4. How did Mustafa open the front door for the paramedics?
5. What is the difficult part of the banker's job?
6. What is a radar detector?
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks )
Q2 Rewrite the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10) (20 M.)
1.1 (have long hair, but now I have short hair. ( Use the correct form of used to )
2. ( go to the shops before the plane leaves ).(Suggestion )
3. Suzan has prepared herself so well for the exam, so I don't think she will fail the exam. (Expectation)
4. I was driving to the hospital when my mobile phone (ring). (Correct the form of the verb)
5. Bob asked somebody to repair the washing machine.
Bob ........... (Rewrite with the correct form of "get")
6. I know the course will start in November. I knew ……………. (Future in the past)
7. (Egypt -are-in-used-coins - These ) (Unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
8. Define a hotel manager. (Use "responsible for running a hotel")
9.1f you are offered a place at Carnegie University, (you accept) it? (Correct the form of the verb)
10. Will you be free to play in the match on Saturday?
The football coach asked me ............ ( Reported question)
11. I can't remember when I took up/it. ( Put in the correct order)
12. Unfortunately, I spent all my money at the weekend. That's why I can't buy those shoes now.
(Regret, use "I wish")
B/Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. He's a very (interested / interesting ) man. He's travelled all around the world
2. The teacher gives us a ( little / few ) time to prepare before a test.
3. Doctors are (well / better ) trained than they used to be.
4. You're driving too fast! you (need to / needn't) slow down.
5. Have you ever (camp/camped) in the desert?
6.Morocco, ( which/ where ) is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, attracts lots tourists every year.
‫اقلب الىرقة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks )

Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
{ nonrenewable , architect, pills , locations, level, course fees }
1. They didn't know which class I should be in, so I did a test to find out what .......... my English was.
2. Take two........... with water after each meal.
3. Petrol is considered a .......... resource because it takes thousands of years to form.
4. You have to pay your ........... in advance.
5. "Who designed that amazing building?" "My uncle. He is a famous ..........., you know.".
B/ Choose the correct alternative. (5 only) (5 M.)
1. If you pass this test, you have more responsibility and you ( investigate / supervise ) other people.
2. I can ( honestly / absolutely ) say that it was the best holiday I ever had.
3. To cross the river we had to ( sail/board ) a ferry.
4. Some accounts ( cost / pay ) more interest than others. 5.
You must be 18 years old to (belong/join ) the military.
6. Banks usually (pay / charge ) a fee if you are overdrawn.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letters. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1.exp. , experience ; appt. , ....................... 2. apply, application ; enhance , ...................
3. joint in the leg: a ........................ 4. yearly , annual ; unemployed , ....................
5. polite , impolite ; dependent , .................... 6. go, gone ; find, ............
Literature Focus: (10 Marks )
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. Where did the woman in " The Canary" use to hang the cage?
2. "The Swing" is considered as ( a. tragic / b. comedic ) story.
3. How did the canary greet the woman in the morning?
4. When did Mohammed Khudhair write the " The Swing "?
5. Why did Sattar come to his friend's house?
6. What was the canary to the woman?
Writing: ( 20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A / Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that
you didn't make. Write ( 100 - 120 ) words.
B/ Write ( 100 - 120) words on this topic: "Cigarette advertising should be illegal."


2021 ‫اجىبة الذور األول (تطبيقي) لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. He pretended that his eyesight was very bad.
2. That the man's eyes were not good enough for army service.
3. He went to the cinema.
4. The doctor.
5. b. False
6. The young man and the doctor / Army Service / A fake soldier )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. b. False
2. Dolphins.
3. Investing in property.
4. He had to stand on a chair.
5. He cannot always approve a loan.
6. It is a machine that detects radar guns.

Q2) A)
1. used to have
2. Shall we / Let's / We could go to the shops before the plane leaves?/.
3. …………………, so she shouldn't fail the exam.
4. rang
5. Bob got the washing machine repaired.
6. the course would start in November.
7. These coins are used in Egypt.
8. A hotel manager is someone who is responsible for running a hotel.
9. ……….. will you accept….?
10. The football coach asked me if I would be free to play in the match on Saturday.
11. took it up
12. I wish I had not (hadn't) spent all my money at the weekend.
1. interesting 2. little 3. better 4. need to 5. camped 6. which

Q3) A)
1. level
2. pills
3. renewable
4. course fees
5. architect
1. supervise
2. honestly
3. board
4. pay
5. join
6. charge


1. appointment
2. enhancement
3. ankle
4. out of a job
5. independent
6. found

1. To the right of the front door.
2. a. tragic
3. With a drowsy little note.
4. After the summer 1967 war against Israel.
5. To tell Ali's family that Ali was killed in battle.
6. A perfect company.

A) 488‫انشاء الوحذة السادسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 32 ‫انشاء الوحذة االولى – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A/Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
Johnny was nine years old, and he was a very bad boy, but his mother always hoped that he would behave
better. Then one day, after he had come from school, Johnny's teacher called his mother on the phone and said,
"Did you know, Mrs. Perkins, that Johnny saved another boy when he fell into the river while we were out for a
walk this morning?" Mrs. Perkins was very happy when she heard this. She thought, "Johnny's becoming a
good boy." Then she turned to him and said, " That was your teacher. Why didn't you tell me you had been such
a brave boy and saved one of your friends when he fell into the river this morning?" But Johnny did not look
very happy when he heard this. His face became very red, and he said, "Well, I really had to pull him out,
because I pushed him in."
1. What kind of boy was Johnny?
2. What did Mrs. Perkins hope?
3. What did Johnny's teacher tell his mother?
4. What did his mother think then?
5. Who pushed the boy into the river?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/ Answer or complete ( 5 ) of the following sentences using information from your feet book: (10 M.)
1. Workaholics are those people who .............
2. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful?
3. Why should people save money for the future?
4. When Tariq got back to dry land, he was taken ( a. back to Iraq b. to get medical attention).
5. Why did Samira Al Mahmoud read about the subject of oil?
6. Why was Mustafa the only one who could help his mother?
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks )
Q2. A/ Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. Somebody will grade our homework over the weekend. (Rewrite in the passive form)
2. The police found fingerprints at the scene, so I think they will arrest the thief soon. ( Expectation)
3. A bee flew in the kitchen through the open window while I ( make) a birthday cake.
(Correct the form of the verb )
4. ( see your ticket). (Polite request use" may")
5. My father told me to clean the room. (Use the correct form of "make")
6. I am very disappointed to learn the owner will be closing the company in the autumn.
(Future in the past )
7. He (not like ) Chinese food, but now he loves it. ( Use the correct form of "used to ")
8. The hotel has a swimming pool. (It is very big) (Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence)
9. Salwa didn't speak to me since her sister's wedding. ( Correct the sentence)
10. ............ And brush your teeth three times a day. ( Use an imperative to give advice)
11. If Noor (not get ) a loan, he wouldn't have been able to buy a car. (Correct the form of the verb )
12. Will you be able to come to my party?
I asked Layla ........... (Reported question)
B/ Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. A thief got into their house because they (hadn't locked / haven't locked) the door properly.
2. I haven't seen Mahmoud ( since / for ) he came back from holiday
3. I'll ( turn down it/ turn it down ) in a minute.
4. The story was (beautiful / beautifully) written
5. She was very ( annoyed / annoying) with him for not telling her the truth.
6. How (much / many) exercise does he take a week?
‫اقلة الورقة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3. A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
{ canteen , suit , insurance , wisely , application , sneeze }
1. Many people have ................. at pays for things that get stolen.
2 Cover your mouth when you .................
3. Natural resources must be used ……….…..
4. Breakfast is provided and students can buy other meals in the on-site ……….....
5. You must send your .................. to the school by 10 May if you want to start in July
B/ Match the words and the phrases in List A with their definitions in List B. (5 only) (5 M.)
List A List B
1. admitted a. the box - like room where interpreters work.
2. booth b. a practical lesson
3. account number c. allowed into a place
4. ferry d. money you pay the bank every year if you have a credit card.
5. workshop e. the number that is used to identify your account.
6. credit card fee f. a boat that transports people and goods.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1.usual , unusual ; legal ................... 2. joint in the arm: w……………
3. see , seen ; leave , ................. 4. company, co. ; computer , ...................
5. injured , hunt ; occurred , ………….. 6. wonder , wonderful ; attract , ………......
Literature Focus: (10 Marks )
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. What did the woman in The Canary suffer from?
2. How was Mohammed Khudhair's experience in war and politics?
3. Why did Katherine Mansfield move to London in 1903?
4. The visitor found it ( a easy 1 b. difficult to convey the death of his friend.
5. The two main characters in "The Swing" are ……......... and ..................
6. What did the woman in "The Canary " forget after she got the canary?
Writing: ( 20 Marks )
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A/ Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of a security company tomorrow
morning at 9.00 It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company. The manager sent him
directions and a map.
Write a letter to Ahmed of ( 100 - 120 ) words giving him advice on how to get the job.

B/ Write a short article for a travel magazine of (100-120 ) words on "Advice to tourists."


2021 ‫اجىبة الذور األول (ادبي) لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. A very bad boy.
2. That Johnny would behave better.
3. That Johnny saved another boy when he fell into the river.
4. That Johnny is becoming a good boy.
5. Johnny
6. A bad boy / Jonny and Mrs Perkins / )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. think that their work is too important to leave in the hands of others.
2. To find new jobs.
3. To save for their retirement. Or To enjoy a good standard of living when they are older.
4. b. to get medical attention.
5. To get familiar with the technical terms.
6. Because his father was away on a business trip.

Q2) A)
1. Our homework will be graded over the weekend.
2. …………….., so they should arrest the thief soon.
3. was making
4. May I see your ticket, (please)?
5. My father made me clean the room.
6. I was very disappointed to learn the owner would be closing the ……..
7. did not use to like
8. The hotel has a swimming pool that (which) is very big.
9. Salwa hasn't spoken to me since her sister's wedding.
10. See the dentist for regular checkups.
11. had not (hadn't) got
12. I asked Layla if she would be able to come to my party.
1. hadn't locked 2. since 3. turn it down 4. beautifully 5. annoyed 6. much

Q3) A)
1. insurance
2. sneeze
3. wisely
4. canteen
5. application
1- c. allowed into a place
2- a. the box-like room where interpreters work
3- e. the number that is used to identify our account
4- f. a boat that transports people and goods
5- b. a practical lesson
6- d. money you pay the bank every year if you have a credit card


1. illegal
2. wrist
3. left
4. comp.
5. happened
6. attractive

1. Loneliness. Or Sadness.
2. Crude. Or Simple. Or Pure.
3. To study music at Queen's college.
4. b. difficult
5. Sattar and Haleema.
6. The evening star

A) 84‫انشاء الوحذة الثانٍة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 444 ‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


Q1. A/Read this text carefully then answer (5) of the questions that follow. (10 M.)
Fred was a young soldier in a big camp. During the week they always worked very hard, but it was Saturday,
and all the young soldiers were free, so their officer said to them, "You can go into the town this afternoon, but
first I'm going to inspect you." Fred came to the officer, and the officer said to him, " Your hair's very long. Go
to the barber and then come back to me again. "Fred ran to the barber's shop, but it was closed because it was
Saturday. Fred was very sad for a few minutes, but then he smiled and went back to the officer. "Are my boots
clean now, sir?" he asked. The officer didn't look at Fred's hair. He looked at his boots and said, " Yes, they're
much better now. You can go out. And next week, first clean your boots, and then come to me!"
1. What was Fred?
2. What did he do during the week?
3. The soldiers were free on Sundays. (True , False)
4. Why was the barber's shop closed?
5. What did the officer say to the soldiers on Saturday?
6. Give the passage a suitable title.
B/Answer or complete ( 5 )of the following sentences using information from your text book: (10 M.)
1- What does " working freelance mean?
2. What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment?
3. There are two main problems with radar detectors. (a. True b. False)
4. Why does the writer need to improve his English language?
5. What did the shark do?
6. Latifa. Mustafa's mother suffers from …………. ( a high blood pressure. b. diabetes. )
Grammar and Functions: (30 Marks)
Q2. A/Re-write the following sentences, follow the instructions between brackets. (Choose 10) (20 M.)
1. She ( wear ) glasses, but now she has contact lenses. (Use the correct form of " used to ")
2. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. (Expectation)
3. He looked outside because he heard a noise. (Rewrite with the correct form of "make")
4. Define a lawyer. (Use" gives advice to people about the law")
5. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That's why he didn't win. (Regret)
6. I would have studied medicine if my parents have enough money to pay for the course.
(Correct the form of the verb )
7. I can't remember when I took up/it. (Put the verb and the object in the correct order)
8. I've decided I am going to learn Arabic.
I decided ........... (Future in the past)
9. Will you be able to come to my party? I asked Layla ............ (Reported question )
10. Somebody stole my wallet last week (Rewrite in the passive form)
11. ........ It's the most important meal of the day. (Use an imperative to give advice )
12. My sister hid my purse under the bed while I (not look). (Correct the form of the verb )
B/ Choose the correct word between brackets: ( 5 only) (10 M.)
1. Volunteer training (will be beginning/ begins) on the first of the month.
2. Babylon city, (which/where ) people like to go sightseeing, is a beautiful place.
3. You (needn't need to ) pick me up in the car. I'll get the bus.
4. Have you (ever / never ) ridden an elephant?
5. The teacher hasn't known the class ( since/for) a long time.
6. How (much/many) meals do you eat a day?
‫اقلة الظفحة‬


Vocabulary and Spelling: (20 Marks)

Q3.A/ Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (10 M.)
{ environment , account , enroll , painkillers , skin , down payment }
1. I've got a terrible headache. Can I have some ............?
2. My father lent me the money to put a ............ on a new car.
3. The ............ on my legs is very dry.
4. Many scientists will be giving presentations at the conference on the ………
5. I opened a bank ........... last month.
B/ Choose the correct alternative. (5 only) (5M.)
1. The ferry (works / operates) throughout the year.
2. 1 ( deposited / installed ) 5 million Iraqi dinars this morning.
3. The Land Force, the Navy and the Air Force are all (branches / types) of the military.
4. To cross the river we had to (sail/board) a ferry.
5. When you leave the military, your training can help you find a (criminal / civilian) job.
6. If you ( stay / maintain ) a minimum balance, you don't have to pay a fee.
C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words or letters. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1.moral , immoral ; fair , .............. 2. unemployed , out of a job ; yearly , ………......
3. colour , colourful ; excite , ................ 4. joint in the leg: ...................
5. property , stuff ; injured , ................... 6. see , seen , buy , ..................
Literature Focus: (10 Marks)
Q4. Answer or complete (5) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. What did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner?
2. Missus was happy to have the canary because she lived a lonely life. (True / False )
3. What does the story "The Swing" stress on?
4. Sattar came to his friend's house to .................
5. Where did Mohammed Khudhair's first short stories appear?
6. Sattar and Haleema ate ................... before lunch.
Writing: ( 20 Marks)
Q5. Choose either A or B. (20 M.)
A / Write ( 100 - 120 ) words on the advantages of studying English in Britain.
B / Write a short article for a travel magazine of (100-120 ) words on:
"A wonderful holiday I have had".


2022 ‫اجىبة الذور التمهيذي لعام‬

Q1) A)
1. Fred was a young soldier.
2. He always worked very hard.
3. False
4. Because it was Saturday.
5. That they could go into the town that Saturday. Or "you can go into the town this afternoon."
6. A young soldier / Fred and the officer / )‫(او أي عنوان مناسة تختاره‬
1. She only works when she wants to and for the organization that she wants to work for,
2. Investing in property. Or Property.
3. True
4. To get a job which involved travelling.
5. The shark bit his arm. Or The shark bit Zaid's arm.
6. b. diabetes

Q2) A)
1. used to wear
2. …………………., so it should be faster than the other one.
3. The noise made him look outside.
4. A lawyer is someone who gives advice to people about the law.
5. I wish / If only he had not (hadn't) fallen over during the race.
6. had had
7. took it up
8. I was going to learn Arabic.
9. I asked Layla if she would be able to come to my party.
10. My wallet was stolen last week.
11. Never miss breakfast.
12. was not (wasn't) looking
1. will be beginning 2. where 3. needn't 4. ever 5. for 6. many

Q3) A)
1. painkillers
2. down payment
3. skin
4. environment
5. account
1. operates
2. deposited
3. branches
4. board
5. civilian
6. maintain


1. unfair
2. annual
3. exciting
4. knee or ankle
5. hurt
6. bought

1. It hopped hopped from one perch to another.
2. True
3. War destroys everything. It leads to nothing but death, deprivation and destruction.
4. To tell them about Ali's death.
5. In the Iraqi Writer (Al Adeeb Al Iraqi) Magazine in 1962.
6. a loaf of bread or bread

A) 23‫انشاء الوحذة الثالثة – كتاب النشاط ص‬
B) 444 ‫انشاء الوحذة الخامسة – كتاب النشاط ص‬


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