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Dear client,

When you purchase an EDIBON unit, you get the maximum quality and
guarantee, as a result of a regulated, standardised and documented process.

There are several steps from the moment every idea is born to the time you
receive your equipment. All of them are supervised under a rigorous control, with the
aim of always trying to improve:

Design: every researcher at EDIBON must follow a development procedure, in

order to ensure a successful design, and a solid record of data is created. Thus, the
manufacturing quality is guaranteed and the design can pass a strict quality control.
The objectives of each one of our devices are analysed, fulfilling them and always
seeking to offer the most effective results from an educational point of view.

Manufacture: from the moment your order is placed to the time it is ready to be
shipped to your laboratory, a standardised and controlled process has been followed.
This process guarantees successful quality-control results, offering a flawless and
sturdy product, with the best quality.

Delivery of the equipment: when you trust us by placing your order with
EDIBON, we offer you all the information required in order to optimise the
conditions of your laboratory, so that the location of the unit is adequate.

From the arrival of your equipment and before its unpacking, we have laid
down a series of guidelines to make sure that the unit works perfectly. Therefore, by
following the instructions of their manuals, we hope that its operation were
completely satisfactory.

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Guarantees: there are several guarantees that ensure an adequate manufacturing

process, the continuity of its functioning, an appropriate after-sales service, etc. Dear
client, you should know that your unit, like every product developed by EDIBON
S.A., has left a series of records that guarantee its monitoring and the results

After-sales service: all workers at EDIBON have put a bit of our heart into it,
day after day, so that you are satisfied, the same as we are, with the results. However,
taking into account that we are human, we may make mistakes and we would have to
improve things. Nevertheless, speaking as the full authority of this company that I
hold, if those errors or doubts were to arise, I assure you personally that they will be
dealt with in the most prompt manner. This is the way we have performed our work
for more than a quarter of a century, and this is the way we will always do it. That is
our work philosophy, drawn by a continuous eagerness to self-improve and a genuine
devotion to our work, to which we dedicate an important part of our lives.

Finally, I would just like to say that, by confiding in EDIBON, you have won a
friend. We will do everything in our hands to make this friendship last for many

Yours sincerely,

Elías Bonilla

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