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Kotlin-Based To-Do/Checklist System for TVL-ICT Students in ACLC College of


Bianito, Dan Felix V.

Medalla, Val A.
Garrata, Edgar
Java, Chielsy Jul
Villafuente, Jhee Anne Mae

A Research Proposal
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the course Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

ACLC College of Tacloban

Senior High School Department
Tacloban City, Leyte


Background of the Study

Checklists are a system for managing information to achieve systematic results

by listing tasks and data needed for activities and requirements. They guide the process

of making a product and increase productivity while helping individuals achieve their


A Kotlin based to-do/checklist system can greatly enhance the mood and
motivate students or employees to accomplish projects and outputs. Users can freely

access the system and input the data they want to write down.

Kotlin is a statically typed, cross-platform programming language that was

introduced in 2011 by JetBrains. According to its official website, Kotlin is “designed to

be a general-purpose language that is concise, expressive, and safe.” It is compatible

with existing Java code and can be used to develop a wide range of applications,

including server-side applications, Android apps, web applications, and desktop


Kotlin is a programming language widely used for Android app development. By

conducting this study, the researchers can evaluate the suitability and usability of Kotlin

in developing a to-do checklist system. It can serve as a practical application to

understand the advantages and limitations of Kotlin as a development language.

Lindsay (2013) suggests that checklists offer a simple and convenient method for

recalling essential steps that must be taken when performing complex tasks. They help

to maintain the focus of individuals and teams, while reducing the likelihood of errors

and oversights. By using checklists, individuals and teams can ensure that all important
steps are taken and completed in a systematic manner.

TVL ICT students often juggle multiple assignments, projects, and deadlines. The

study may seek to investigate the challenges they encounter and explore how a Kotlin-

based to-do checklist system can assist in developing effective time management


According to Kerzner (2013), checklists are an essential element of efficient task

management. They aid in breaking down complicated tasks into smaller, more feasible

steps, leading to better organization, productivity, and efficiency. Enabling individuals to

complete their work more effectively. By following a checklist, individuals can ensure

that they don’t miss any essential steps and can track their progress as they complete

each item on the list.

The use of checklists can help avoid errors and oversights, resulting in improved

outcomes. the effectiveness of checklists in completing tasks accurately and ensuring

important steps are not missed. The use of checklists allows individuals to follow all the

necessary steps and prevent errors and oversights, leading to better outcomes. Overall,

the sentence emphasizes the importance of using checklists as a tool for avoiding

mistakes and improving task completion.

Duhigg (2016) states that checklists are a verified technique for enhancing

performance and decreasing errors. They offer an uncomplicated yet efficient way of

managing information and can assist individuals and groups in navigating complicated

processes and workflows.

The goal of conducting a study on a Kotlin-based to-do checklist system for TVL
ICT students in ACLC College of Tacloban would likely be to address the specific needs

and challenges faced by these students in managing their tasks and assignments


Overall, the study aims to provide a practical solution in the form of a Kotlin-

based to-do checklist system to help TVL ICT students at ACLC College of Tacloban

manage their tasks effectively, improve their productivity, and enhance their overall

learning experience.

Statement of the Problem

This research study aimed to address the problem of the lack of an effective and

efficient to-do checklist system for TVL-ICT students in ACLC College of Tacloban. The

study will investigate how a Kotlin-based to-do checklist system can improve the

academic performance, study habits, and time management of students in the school.

Furthermore, the study will also investigate the potential of using Kotlin language in

developing an effective to-do checklist system for students.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following sub-problems:

• What benefits proves that a Kotlin-based checklist system can be an effective

study tool for TVL-ICT students in ACLC?

• What specific feature/s of a checklist system can provide more efficient

managing skills?

• What are the alternative way students do in managing tasks, besides the to-do

checklist, that can be possibly contributed in building the system?

Significance of the Study

The following are the beneficiaries of the study:

To TVL-ICT students in ACLC College of Tacloban. This will be the major

beneficiary of this project as it is mentioned mainly on the title. The approach will aid the

student’s by encouraging them to be productive, preventing them from delaying,

organizing their time management and reminding them of what they must complete. The

use of this project/system may also help to improve their academic performance and it
could be the key for them to be more creative and skillful. It also provides sense of

accomplishment and reduces stress.

To the administration and educators. In any possible instances, the respected

teachers may also benefit from the result of this study as few of them voiced complaints

regarding of the unfinished projects, activities and tasks of the students. Can freely use

the project as it is not intended only but mainly for students. It is beneficial to the school

administration and instructors by providing them with a better understanding of how to

implement and encourage the use of checklists among the students, which can lead to

better performance and success of the students in the school.

To other users. The system can be accessible and open for all users who seeks

help in avoiding the behavior of procrastinating and utilize wise time management skills.

Either employees, house wives, public servants or any works that needs organizing

skills and setting deadlines.

To Future Researchers. The finding of this study can provide valuable

information to future researchers in the field of education and technology. The study can

be a starting point for further research on the use of checklist systems in improving the

academic performance and study habits of students. Future researchers could expand

on this study by conducting larger scale research, exploring other programming

languages, or conducting follow-up study to see if the improvement is sustained over


Overall, this study can provide valuable information on the effectiveness of using

a Kotlin-based to-do checklist system among SHS students in ACLC College of

Tacloban, and will be beneficial for the school administration, education, developers,

students and other users.

Scope and Limitations

The Kotlin based to-do/checklist system mainly benefits TVL-ICT students in

ACLC College of Tacloban. Especially, those students that are experiencing terrible

habit of poor time management. The application allows the user to take notes of the

important details, organize tasks and schedules, and primarily establish good time

management. This system can help the students boost their motivation, memory,

reduces stress and positive changes on their academic performance. The system is

intended mainly for students in ACLC but other users can freely use it too. This study

will be held at ACLC College of Tacloban located at M.H. Del Pilar campus. The

selected respondents were from the Grade 12 TVL-ICT track composes of ICT-

Programming, ICT-Animation, and ICT-CSS students as they are suitable for the

research topic and have great enthusiasm about the study.

Overall, this system can assist students in achieving good study habit and

maintaining attainable grade performance. The checklists system improves academic

and professional performance in terms of improving organizing skills, managing time

and tasks effectively.

Theoretical Framework

A to-do list system is an effective tool for task management and boosting

productivity. A to-do checklist system is commonly a list of things that need to get done.

However, when utilized properly, it may be a potent tool for time management, goal

achievement, and defining priorities. Cognitive load theory, developed by John Sweller,

is a theoretical framework that

Explores how the cognitive processes involved in learning and problem-solving

are affected by the demands placed on working memory. It suggests that learners have

limited cognitive resources, and when these resources are overloaded, it can hinder

learning and performance.

Let’s discuss the relation between cognitive load theory and a Kotlin-based

todo/checklist system for students in ACLC:

1. Alleviating Cognitive Load: A Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system can help

alleviate cognitive load by providing a structured and organized approach to task

management. By using the system, students can offload some of the cognitive burden

associated with remembering and prioritizing tasks. The system can provide a clear

overview of tasks, due dates, and progress, reducing the mental effort required to

manage and organize their responsibilities.

2. Enhancing Learning Efficiency: By reducing cognitive load related to task

management, students can allocate more cognitive resources to their learning activities.

With a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system, students can focus more on the intrinsic

cognitive load of their academic tasks and engage in deeper learning. This can enhance

learning efficiency and promote better comprehension, retention, and problem-solving


3. Design Considerations: When implementing a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist

system for students in ACLC, it is important to consider the principles of cognitive load

theory. The system should have a user-friendly interface with clear task categorization,

reminders, and progress tracking features. Minimizing extraneous cognitive load by

avoiding complex navigational structures and providing relevant and concise information

is crucial for the system’s effectiveness.

In summary, cognitive load theory provides insights into how a Kotlin-based

todo/checklist system can alleviate cognitive load, enhance learning efficiency, and

promote effective task management for students in ACLC. By understanding the

cognitive processes involved in learning and problem-solving, the system can be

designed to optimize students’ cognitive resources and support their academic success.

Another study titled “Multimedia Learning: Are We Asking the Right Questions?”

is a seminal paper by Richard E. Mayer that focuses specifically on multimedia learning

rather than its direct relation to a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for students in

ACLC. The paper addresses broader questions and issues related to multimedia

learning, such as the effectiveness of different multimedia formats and the role of

cognitive processes.

However, while Mayer’s specific study may not directly address the topic of a

Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for students in ACLC, his work on multimedia

learning theory can still provide valuable insights for designing effective educational

technology tools. The theory emphasizes the importance of optimizing cognitive

processes and reducing cognitive load in multimedia learning environments. By

considering Mayer’s principles for multimedia learning, it can draw connections to the
design and development of a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system.

Mayer’s research highlights the importance of minimizing cognitive load in

learning environments. Applying this principle to a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system

means designing a user-friendly interface that reduces cognitive demands. Clear and

concise task descriptions, intuitive navigation, and visual cues can help students

manage their tasks efficiently and with less mental effort. Mayer’s multimedia principles

emphasize the effectiveness of combining words and visuals to enhance learning. While
these principles primarily apply to instructional materials, they can be relevant when

considering the presentation of information in a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system.

Incorporating visual elements, such as icons or color coding, alongside task

descriptions can improve comprehension and facilitate task prioritization for students.

Mayer’s coherence principle emphasizes the importance of organizing information in a

logical and meaningful manner. In the context of a to-do/checklist system, this principle

suggests structuring tasks in a coherent way, such as by subject, due date, or priority.

Clear categorization and organization of tasks can help students better understand their

responsibilities and manage their time effectively.

While Mayer’s specific study may not directly address a Kotlin-based

todo/checklist system, his broader work on multimedia learning theory can inform the

design and implementation of educational technology tools, including task management

systems. By applying principles that optimize cognitive processes and enhance learning

efficiency, a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for students in ACLC can be developed

to support effective task management and academic success.

These theories shed light on the cognitive, motivational, and social aspects of

task management and how the implementation of a checklist system can positively
impact student performance and learning outcomes.

Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework for a study on a Kotlin-based to-do checklist system for

TVL-ICT students in ACLC College of Tacloban could include the following components:

1.1 IPO Process

The panels presented above provide a comprehensive framework for the study.

They establish the context, define the variables and demographics under investigation,

highlight the process and outcomes, and acknowledge the potential moderating factors.

This flow helps researchers understand the different aspects they need to consider

when examining the impact and effectiveness of the Kotlin-based to-do checklist system

on TVL-ICT students in ACLC College of Tacloban.

The following figure illustrates the general yet simple flow of the to-do list sytem:

Figure 1.2 Flowchart of the to-do/checklist system

Definition of Terms

In research, it is important to have a clear understanding of the terms and

concepts being used in order to conduct a thorough and accurate study. The following

definitions provide a deeper understanding of various key terms that may be used in

your research. These terms may include technical terms specific to your field of study,
as well as broader concepts that are important to understand in order to effectively

conduct and analyze your research. By familiarizing yourself with these definitions, you

will be able to ensure a greater level of precision and accuracy in your research and be

able to communicate your findings effectively to others. Here are the conceptual

definitions of the terms:

Checklist system: A checklist system is a digital or physical tool that enables

individuals to create and maintain a structured list of tasks, ensuring that important
steps are not overlooked in the planning, building, and growth of a design system. It

serves as a guide to ensure completeness and efficiency in design-related workflows.

Gamification elements: Gamification elements involve the integration of game-like

features, such as points, badges, leaderboards, and interactive challenges, into

activities or systems that are not traditionally associated with games. They are

employed to make non-game contexts more engaging, enjoyable, and motivating for


Interface: An interface refers to the boundary or connection between two entities or

systems, allowing them to exchange information, interact, and collaborate. It serves as

a means of communication and interaction, enabling seamless integration and

coordination between different components or systems.

Kotlin: Is a modern programming language that can be used to develop software

applications for various platforms. It combines the flexibility and expressiveness of a

high-level language with static typing, making it efficient and safe. Kotlin aims to

improve productivity and enhance the developer experience.

Open-source programming language: An open-source programming language is a

language in which the source code is made accessible to the public, allowing individuals

to view, modify, and distribute it. Open-source programming languages foster

collaboration, innovation, and community involvement, enabling developers to freely

contribute to and improve the language.

Programming language: A programming language is a formalized system of syntax,

rules, and instructions that enables humans to write code and create computer
programs. It serves as a medium of communication between developers and

computers, allowing them to give precise instructions and solve computational


Task management: Task management encompasses the systematic handling of tasks

and projects. It involves activities such as planning, organizing, scheduling, prioritizing,

and monitoring tasks to optimize productivity, achieve goals, and efficiently allocate


Technology: Technology involves the application of scientific knowledge, skills, and

tools to practical aspects of human life. It encompasses the development and utilization

of tools, techniques, and systems to meet specific needs, solve problems, and improve




This part presents the review of related literature and studies on the topic Kotlin-

based to-do/checklist system for all students in ACLC College of Tacloban. This review

serves several important purposes. First, it provides a foundation for the research by

situating the study within the broader context of existing knowledge on the topic. Next, it

helps to define the research problem and to clarify the research questions by identifying

gaps, inconsistencies, and unresolved issues in the existing literature. Third, it helps to

specify the research hypotheses or the research objectives by formulating specific

predictions or expectations based on the literature. Finally, it helps to justify the

research by demonstrating the relevance, importance, and timeliness of the study in

relation to the current state of knowledge.

In the recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the study of to-do list

management applications and their impact on individuals’ productivity and performance.

Several studies have been conducted on the features and functionality of these

applications, as well as their effectiveness in helping individuals manage their tasks and


“The Checklist Manifesto” by Atul Gawande is a seminal work that examines the

effectiveness of checklists in various industries and domains. Although the book does

not directly address the use of checklists in education, its principles and insights can be

applied to the development of a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for TVL-ICT

students in ACLC College of Tacloban.

Gawande’s book highlights the principles behind effective checklists,

emphasizing their ability to improve performance, reduce errors, and enhance outcomes

in complex tasks. These principles can be applied to the development of a Kotlin-based

to-do/checklist system for students. By incorporating well-designed checklists, the

system can help students organize their tasks, prioritize effectively, and reduce the risk

of overlooking important assignments or deadlines.

While Gawande’s book focuses on checklists in the medical, aviation, and

construction fields, the underlying principles can be adapted to education. Just as

checklists help professionals in these industries navigate complex tasks, a Kotlin-based

to-do/checklist system can assist TVL-ICT students in managing their academic

workload effectively. The system can provide students with a structured

approach to task management, helping them stay on track and achieve their academic


Gawande’s work acknowledges the cognitive benefits of using checklists, such

as reducing the cognitive load and aiding memory recall. In the context of the research

topic, a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system can support students by reducing cognitive

overload and helping them remember important tasks and deadlines. The system can

serve as a digital memory aid, enhancing students’ ability to manage their academic

responsibilities effectively. The study emphasizes how checklists improve efficiency and

reduce errors. Similarly, a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system can enhance students’

productivity and help them avoid mistakes. By providing a centralized platform for task

management, the system can ensure that students stay organized, complete

assignments on time, and minimize the risk of overlooking crucial tasks. While “The

Checklist Manifesto” does not specifically address education, its principles and insights

can be valuable in designing a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for senior high

school students in ACLC College of Tacloban. By applying the concepts discussed in

the literature, the research can explore how the checklist system can improve students’

task management skills, enhance academic performance, and reduce errors and

“The Power of the Checklist: A Manual for Risk Assessment” by Carlos Guedes

Soares and Nuno Fonseca focuses on the application of checklists in risk assessment

and management, primarily in engineering and maritime contexts. While the book may

not directly address education or student-specific checklists, it offers valuable insights

that can be relevant to the development of a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for

senior high school students in ACLC College of Tacloban.

The book emphasizes the systematic and structured approach of using checklists

for risk assessment. This approach can be adapted to the development of a Kotlin-

based to-do/checklist system for students. By implementing a well-designed system,

students can approach their tasks and assignments in a methodical manner, ensuring

that they consider all necessary aspects and reduce the potential risks of overlooking

important details.

The book highlights the importance of checklists in mitigating risks. In the context

of the research topic, a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system can assist students in

managing their academic tasks while minimizing the risks of missed deadlines,

incomplete assignments, or other potential academic pitfalls. By systematically

organizing their tasks, students can identify and address potential risks, improving their

overall task management and reducing the likelihood of negative outcomes. The study

emphasizes the significance of discipline in using checklists effectively. Similarly, a

Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system can encourage students to adopt a disciplined

approach to task management. By adhering to the checklist system, students can

develop a habit of consistently updating and following their task lists, promoting better

time management, organization, and overall academic success.

While the book focuses on risk assessment in specific domains, the underlying

principles of using checklists can be transferred to the context of senior high school

students’ task management. By adapting the concepts discussed in the literature, the

research can explore how a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system can help students

identify and mitigate academic risks, improve their productivity, and enhance their

overall academic performance.

Overall, while “The Power of the Checklist” primarily addresses risk assessment
in engineering and maritime fields, its principles and insights can be applicable to the

development of a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for senior high school students in

ACLC College of Tacloban. The literature highlights the importance of a systematic

approach, risk reduction, discipline, and structured task management, all of which can

inform the design and implementation of an effective checklist system for students.

The research literature titled “Assessing the Usefulness of a Checklist as an

Organizational Tool for College Students” by Lorna M. Esguerra and Mary Jane S. Celis

provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of a checklist system for college

students in the Philippine context. Although the study focuses on college students, the

findings and implications can be relevant to the research topic of a Kotlin-based

to-do/checklist system for senior high school students in ACLC College of Tacloban.

The study specifically targets college students, the challenges they face

regarding organization, time management, and task completion are also pertinent to

senior high school students. Both college and senior high school students juggle

multiple assignments, projects, and extracurricular activities. Thus, the findings of the

literature can serve as a basis for understanding the potential benefits of implementing

a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for senior high school students.

It was conducted in the Philippines, specifically focusing on the experiences of

college students. Considering that ACLC College of Tacloban is in the Philippines, the

literature’s context aligns with the research topic’s context, making it relevant to

understanding the needs and challenges faced by senior high school students in a

Philippine educational setting. The literature highlights the practical benefits of using a

checklist system, such as enhancing organization, time management, and task

completion. These benefits can positively impact senior high school students by helping
them stay organized, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines effectively. Implementing a

Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system in ACLC College of Tacloban can provide students

with a practical tool to manage their academic responsibilities efficiently.

The literature also discusses the challenges associated with implementing a

checklist system, such as ensuring students’ consistent use and addressing potential

technological barriers. These insights can inform the research topic by highlighting the

importance of addressing potential challenges and considering students’ acceptance

and engagement with the Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system.

By referencing and drawing insights from this literature, researchers focusing on

a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for senior high school students in ACLC College

of Tacloban can build upon the existing knowledge and adapt the findings to their

specific research context. The literature provides evidence of the potential positive

impact of a checklist system and offers practical considerations for implementation,

making it relevant and valuable to the research topic.

The research literature titled “Utilization of a Checklist in Enhancing Classroom

Performance of Filipino Students” by Rosalie A. Bautista and Evelyn L. Biadoma

focuses on the effectiveness of a checklist system in improving the classroom

performance of Filipino students. Although the study does not directly target senior high

school students or the specific context of ACLC College of Tacloban, it provides insights

that can be related to the research topic of a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for

senior high school students.

The literature examines the impact of a checklist system on students’

organization, task completion, and academic performance. This aligns with the

objectives of the research topic, as implementing a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system

for senior high school students in ACLC College of Tacloban aims to improve their task

management skills, productivity, and overall academic performance. The study

specifically focuses on Filipino students, highlighting their experiences and the potential

benefits of utilizing a checklist system. Although not directly targeting senior high school

students, the shared cultural and educational context in the Philippines makes the

literature relevant to understanding the potential impact of a checklist system on senior

high school students in ACLC College of Tacloban.

The literature presents findings that indicate the checklist system had a positive

influence on students’ performance and productivity. This is in line with the intended

outcome of implementing a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system, as it is expected to

positively impact senior high school students’ organizational skills, task completion, and

ultimately their classroom performance.

The study employs quantitative methods, including pre- and post-tests, to

measure the effectiveness of the checklist system. While the research topic may involve

a qualitative approach, the utilization of quantitative methods in the literature

demonstrates the potential for conducting empirical research to assess the impact of a

Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system on senior high school students’ academic

performance. By considering the insights from this literature, researchers focusing on a

Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for senior high school students in ACLC College of

Tacloban can gain insights into the potential benefits of such a system in enhancing

classroom performance. Although further adaptation and customization are needed to

align with the specific research context, the literature provides a foundation for exploring

the impact of a checklist system on student performance and can guide the design and

evaluation of the Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for senior high school students.

The foreign study "The Power of the Checklist: How a Simple Idea is Changing

Healthcare, Education, and Government” by Shari Tishman is a book that explores the

effectiveness of checklists in improving performance and outcomes in various domains,

including education. While the book does not specifically focus on students, its insights

can be related to the topic of a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for students.

Tishman’s book delves into case studies and research findings to demonstrate

the benefits of using checklists as a tool for task management, organization, and

reducing errors. The book highlights how checklists have been successfully employed in

healthcare, government, and other sectors to enhance productivity and effectiveness.

In the context of a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for students, Tishman’s

insights can be valuable. The book emphasizes the power of checklists in facilitating

task management and organization, which aligns with the objectives of a Kotlin-based

system. By utilizing the checklist functionality provided by the system, students can

effectively manage their academic tasks, prioritize assignments, and ensure they are

completed on time.

Moreover, the book highlights the potential of checklists in reducing errors.

Students can benefit from the error-reducing capabilities of a Kotlin-based

to-do/checklist system by systematically checking off completed tasks, avoiding

oversights, and minimizing the risk of missing important assignments or deadlines.

While Tishman’s book focuses on the broader impact of checklists in various

domains, its insights into the benefits of checklists for task management, organization,

and error reduction can be applied to the context of a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist

system for students. By incorporating the principles and findings discussed in the book,
researchers and developers can design a system that effectively supports students in

managing their tasks, enhancing their productivity, and achieving academic success.

“Checklists and Prompts for Education” by Janis A. Bulgren, Donald D. Deshler,

and Jean B. Schumaker is a research article that explores the application of checklists

and prompts as instructional tools in the field of education. The article specifically

focuses on how checklists can support students in organizing, planning, and self-

regulating their learning.

The authors provide practical examples of how checklists can be implemented in

educational settings to enhance students’ task management skills and academic

performance. By utilizing checklists, students can effectively structure their tasks, set

priorities, and track their progress. The article emphasizes the benefits of using

checklists to support students in developing self-regulation skills, promoting

metacognition, and fostering a sense of autonomy and ownership over their learning

process. In the context of a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system for students, the

insights from this research article are highly relevant. The article highlights the role of

checklists in supporting students’ task management and organization. By incorporating

the checklist functionality into a Kotlin-based system, students can benefit from a
structured and organized approach to managing their academic tasks.

The research article also underscores the importance of self-regulation and

metacognitive skills in students’ learning process. A Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system

can provide students with prompts and reminders, encouraging them to reflect on their

progress, monitor their learning goals, and make adjustments as needed. This fosters a

sense of self-awareness and allows students to take ownership of their academic


By drawing on the findings and recommendations presented in the article,

researchers and developers can design a Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system that

effectively supports students in organizing their tasks, developing self-regulation skills,

and improving their academic performance. The integration of checklists into the system

can empower students to become more proactive and engaged learners, ultimately

contributing to their success in their educational journey.



This chapter delves into the examination of the methodological tenets and

protocols adhered to by the investigator in order to methodically address and resolve

the specific inquiry posed for investigation. The research methodology, target population

and sample, research tools, data collection process, and statistical analysis techniques

utilized for precise data examination and interpretation are elucidated in this study.
Furthermore, the chapter aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

research design, sampling strategies, data collection methods, and statistical analyses

used to answer the research question. The goal is to ensure that the research methods

and procedures used in the study are transparent and can be replicated by other

researchers in the field.

Research Design
The researchers have meticulously crafted the research design and data

collection methods, with a focus on utilizing a qualitative research approach as the

primary methodology for the study. This decision is rooted in the belief that qualitative

methods are best suited for gaining an in-depth understanding of the subjective

experiences and perspectives of the participants.

Through the utilization of qualitative research, the researchers aim to delve into

the intricacies and nuances of the subject matter, and to gain a comprehensive

understanding of the underlying complexities and interconnectedness of the variables in


This methodology is deemed appropriate given its focus on understanding the

subjective experiences and perspectives of the participants, and its ability to provide

rich and in-depth insights into the phenomenon under investigation. Furthermore, this

methodology allows the researchers to gain a holistic perspective of the subject matter

and to capture the richness and diversity of the participants’ experiences and


The selection of qualitative research methodology in this study is predicated on

the objective of gaining a profound comprehension of the subjective experiences and

perceptions of the student population with regards to the utilization of the task-oriented

checklist system. Utilizing qualitative research methods such as qualitative interviews,

focus groups, and ethnographic observations, the researchers aim to delve into the

complicacy aspects of the students’ experiences, attitudes and behaviors pertaining to

the system.

The use of qualitative research methods in this study is appropriate because it

helps us understand the students’ experiences and perspectives towards the use of the

to-do checklist system. It also allows us to explore the complexities and details of the

students’ experiences. And by using these methods, we can get detailed information

which can be used to make suggestions for improving the system.

Additionally, the descriptive-survey research approach places emphasis on the

interpretation and significance of the data collected. It encompasses studies and

literature that furnish information about the current state of the variables under

investigation. This research design aims to provide a detailed description of the

phenomena and characteristics of the population and the sample. It is a suitable

approach when the research goal is to understand the current status of the variables,

the frequency of occurrences, and the relationship between variables. This research

design is useful in identifying patterns, trends and relationships that exist within the

population. (Yazon et al., 2019)

This approach can be applied in various fields such as education, health,

sociology and psychology, as it provides a detailed picture of the population under

study. Descriptive-survey research is also beneficial for identifying the need for further

research and for providing a foundation for future studies. (Yazon et al., 2019)
Locale of the Study

The locale of the study for the Kotlin-based to-do checklist system is at the ACLC

College of Tacloban, specifically at the M.H. Del Pilar St, Downtown campus. The
reason for choosing this location is because it is a well-established institution that offers

a variety of courses, including computer science and information technology, which is

relevant to the study. Additionally, the college has a diverse student population that

allows for a broader range of perspectives and user feedback to be gathered. Moreover,

the college has a good infrastructure and facilities, also the college has a good

reputation in the field of computer science and information technology and it is a good

platform to implement and test the proposed system. Furthermore, the college has a

good internet connection and technology support that allows for easy access and use of

the system. The student population of the college is also considered as the target user

of the system and the college provides a good sample of the population.

In addition, the study takes into account the previous research that has been

conducted at the ACLC College of Tacloban. Two such studies that align with the goal of

this current study include an examination of the effectiveness of mobile-based learning

tools in augmenting student engagement and an investigation of the usability of mobile

applications in managing student schedules. These studies were chosen as they are

related to the development of a mobile application that can assist students in managing

their tasks and schedules more efficiently. The aim of this current study is to build upon

the knowledge gained from these previous studies and to contribute to the current
understanding of the use of mobile technology in education.

Figure 1.1 Location of ACLC M.H. Del Pilar Campus Tacloban City

Population and Sampling

In conducting research, it is important to define the population of interest and

carefully select a sample that is representative of that population. In this particular study,

the population of interest is the Grade 12 TVL-ICT (SHS) track consist of programming,

animation, and CSS students at ACLC College of Tacloban, which consists of more than

154 students. Due to practical and logistical considerations, it is not feasible to study the

entire population, so the researcher will need to select a smaller group of students to

participate in the study. For this study, a convenience sampling method (also known as

availability sampling) was used where we selected the availability or willingness of the

participants to participate, and three students were selected to represent the 3 different

strands in the Grade 12 TVL-ICT program, including TVL-ICT Programming, TVL-ICT

Animation, and TVL-ICT CSS. By selecting students from each strand, the researcher

aims to ensure that the sample is diverse and representative of the entire population of

Grade 12 TVL-ICT students at ACLC. Although the sample size is small, it is hoped that

the insights gained from this study will provide valuable insights into the experiences of

Grade 12 TVL-ICT students using a Kotlin-based to-do checklist system.

In addition to selecting a representative sample of SHS students from different

strands, it is also important to ensure that the students who are selected to participate in

the study are willing to do so. The researcher must obtain informed consent from each
participant before they can be included in the study. Informed consent means that the

participants understand the nature of the study, the potential risks and benefits, and

their right to withdraw from the study at any time. By obtaining informed consent, the

researcher is ensuring that the students are fully aware of the study’s purpose and that

they are willing to share their experiences using the Kotlin-based to-do checklist system.

This ethical practice is important to protect the rights and welfare of the participants and

to ensure that the study’s findings are trustworthy and accurate.

Research Instrument and Validation

The research instrument used in this study is a semi-structured interviews, which

is most likely implemented through face to face. The interview is designed to gather

information about the students’ experiences and preferences when it comes to using to-

do checklist software. It includes questions about the software’s layout, features, and

usability, as well as questions about how well the program is assisting the students with

their academic goals and whether it is providing them with the tools they need to

monitor their progress and organize their workload.

To ensure the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, it was first reviewed and

evaluated by a panel of experts in the field of computer science and information

technology, as well as experts in the field of research methods. The questionnaire was

then pilot tested with a small group of students to assess its effectiveness in gathering

the desired information and to make any necessary revisions. After making the

revisions, the final version of the questionnaire was used for the actual data collection.

Moreover, the questionnaire will be validated using the content validity, which is a

measure of how well the items in the questionnaire represent the construct or concept
being studied. In addition, the questionnaire will be tested for its reliability by pilot testing

the questionnaire to a small group of students before the actual data collection. This will

help to ensure that the questionnaire is both valid and reliable, and that it will accurately

capture the information needed for the study.

Data Collection Procedure

The data collection procedure for this study will involve the use of semi-

structured interviews implemented through face to face. The participants were the three

students selected to represent the 3 different strands in the grade 12 SHS program,

including TVL-ICT Programming, TVL-ICT Animation, and TVL-ICT CSS students of the

ACLC College of Tacloban City for the academic year 2022-2023.

The data collected from the interview will be stored in a secure location and will

be kept confidential. Only authorized members of the research team will have access to

the data. Data will be analyzed using statistical software and will be presented in the

form of tables, figures, and narrative form.

In addition to ensuring the anonymity and confidentiality of the participants, the

researcher will also ensure that the data collection is done in a manner that is ethical,

fair, and respectful of the participants’ rights.

Data Analysis Procedure

The present research utilized a rigorous thematic data analysis approach to

explore and gain insights from qualitative data collected through surveys conducted with

a carefully selected group of Grade 12 senior high school students at ACLC College of
Tacloban. This analytical process involved a systematic examination of the data,

encompassing several essential steps.

Initially, the transcribed data underwent a thorough review to familiarize the

researchers with its content and context. This initial immersion allowed for a deep

understanding of the participants’ experiences with the Kotlin-based to-do/checklist

system. Following this, a comprehensive coding framework was developed,

incorporating various categories including system usability, task organization, academic

performance, user satisfaction, challenges faced, and suggestions for system


The coding process was carried out meticulously, involving the systematic

application of codes to relevant sections of the data. This process could be manual or

facilitated by qualitative data analysis software. To ensure accuracy and consistency, an

iterative coding approach was adopted, enabling the refinement and alignment of the

coding framework throughout the analysis.

Once the data was coded, an extensive analysis was conducted to identify

recurring patterns, frequencies, and relationships within the identified themes. By

delving into the coded data, significant themes emerged, shedding light on the

effectiveness and user experiences related to the Kotlin-based to-do/checklist system.

These themes were substantiated by incorporating direct quotes and specific examples

extracted from the data, further enhancing the trustworthiness and credibility of the


The final stage of the analysis involved summarizing the outcomes in a

comprehensive report. This report provided an in-depth exploration of the identified

themes, offering valuable insights into the experiences and perceptions of the senior

high school students. Additionally, the report included practical recommendations for

system enhancement, addressing the challenges encountered by the students and

capitalizing on their suggestions for improvement.

The detailed analysis of the qualitative data allowed for a comprehensive

understanding of the system’s usability, its impact on task organization and academic

performance, user satisfaction, as well as the challenges faced by the students. The
research findings serve as a valuable resource for informing future system development

and refining strategies to better cater to the needs of senior high school students in

ACLC College of Tacloban.



This section provides an extensive overview and discourse on the examination of

data and the outcomes derived from this research. The data under scrutiny were

obtained from the participants' interview responses. The process of thematic analysis

was guided by the theoretical foundation of Cognitive Load Theory.


System Usability Knowledge, "My experience with using task

experience management systems...has been

extremely helpful."

"For my experiences with this

system...helping me to stay focused,

meet deadlines..."

"My knowledge of task management successfully organizing

both my academic and personal


Task Organization Features, "In a Kotlin-based to-do checklist

categorization system...customizable task

categories for different subjects."

"I would love to see a great

feature...assign priority

their tasks."

"In a Kotlin-based to-do checklist

system...subject categorization,

reminders, progress tracking..."

Academic Strategies, "Currently, I use the Eisenhower

Performance prioritization Matrix...guarantees that I take care of

urgent and crucial chores first."

"No, I don't have any method or

strategy I just do it when I


"Currently, I prioritize my tasks and

assignments...urgent vs. important

matrix and personal preferences."

User Satisfaction Preferences, "I prefer push notifications...because

notifications of their promptness and capacity to

get my attention."

"All of them are very useful for me but

I prefer push notifications."

"I would appreciate a user-friendly

interface, reliable synchronization

across devices..."

Challenges Faced Procrastination, "It can be difficult to manage tasks

distractions effectively...avoid procrastination..."

"One of the main challenges I often

face is procrastination..."

"The main challenges or difficulties I

face in managing my tasks...avoiding


Suggestions for Customization, "A Kotlin-based to-do checklist

System user interface system with the ability...reduce

Improvement confusion."

"Students may appreciate a to-do

checklist system...flexibility in

adapting the system to individual

organizational styles..."

"I would appreciate a user-friendly

interface...regular updates to address

any potential bugs or issues."

The table above presents a comprehensive overview of the responses provided

by three participants, highlighting their perspectives on various themes and codes

related to task management and organization. It offers valuable insights into their

experiences, preferences, challenges faced, and suggestions for system improvement.

Under the theme of system usability, all three respondents express a positive

outlook, noting the immense help they have received from task management systems in

organizing their academic and personal responsibilities. Their experiences reflect the

importance of such systems in aiding students, specifically as Grade 12 TVL-ICT

students, in maintaining organization, prioritizing tasks, and meeting deadlines


Task organization emerges as a critical aspect for students, as reflected in the

responses. Customization and subject categorization are desired features, allowing

students to personalize their task management systems to suit their unique needs. The

ability to create customizable task categories for different subjects would enable

students to navigate their academic workload with ease and reduce confusion.
Regarding academic performance, the strategies employed by the respondents

vary. One participant highlights the use of the Eisenhower Matrix, an effective method

for prioritizing tasks based on importance and deadlines. Another participant mentions a

reliance on memory, completing tasks as they remember them. The third respondent

employs a combination of assessing deadlines and personal preferences to prioritize

tasks. These diverse approaches demonstrate the adaptability of students in managing

their academic workload.

User satisfaction is an essential factor in the effective utilization of task

management systems. The preference for push notifications resonates among the

respondents, as they appreciate the promptness and attention-grabbing capability of

such reminders. Push notifications serve as valuable tools to ensure students receive

timely reminders and stay on top of their tasks and deadlines.

Challenges faced by the participants include procrastination and distractions,

which can impede productivity and task completion. Procrastination, in particular,

emerges as a common difficulty experienced by the respondents. The ability of a task

management system to address this challenge and offer effective strategies to combat

procrastination would greatly benefit students in achieving their academic goals.

The suggestions for system improvement provided by the respondents revolve

around customization and user-friendly interfaces. Students express a desire for

systems that can be tailored to their preferences, allowing them to create personalized

tags, color codes, and prioritize tasks according to their unique needs. Additionally,

user-friendly interfaces are deemed crucial for seamless navigation and improved user

experience. Respondents emphasize the importance of reliable synchronization across

devices and regular updates to address any potential bugs or issues.

In conclusion, the table highlights the significance of task management systems

in aiding Grade 12 TVL-ICT students in organizing their academic responsibilities

effectively. It offers valuable insights into their experiences, preferences, challenges

faced, and suggestions for system improvement. These findings underscore the need

for customizable and user-friendly task management systems that align with students'

academic demands, foster productivity, and facilitate successful task completion.



Summary of Findings

Chapter IV presents the culmination of the data collection and analysis process,

providing an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of task management and

organization among Grade 12 senior high school students. The findings derived from

the study shed light on the experiences, preferences, challenges, and suggestions

expressed by the participants.

One of the key findings of the study was the significant positive impact of task

management systems on the participants' academic and personal lives. Students

highlighted the immense benefits derived from these systems, emphasizing their role in

helping them stay organized, prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines effectively. The ability

to manage both academic and personal responsibilities using task management

systems was particularly appreciated by the respondents, as it facilitated a more

balanced approach to their Grade 12 journey.

The study also revealed a strong desire for customizable features within task

management systems. Participants expressed the need for subject-specific

categorization, allowing them to organize their tasks based on different subjects or

courses. This feature was seen as crucial in streamlining the academic workload and

reducing confusion, enabling students to quickly access and focus on tasks related to

specific subjects.

Regarding prioritization strategies, the findings indicated a diverse range of

approaches among the participants. The Eisenhower Matrix, a popular framework for

prioritizing tasks based on importance and urgency, was utilized by some students to

effectively manage their workload. Others relied on personal preferences or assessed

tasks based on deadlines and academic significance. These findings highlight the

adaptability and individualized nature of task management strategies among Grade 12


User satisfaction emerged as another crucial aspect of effective task

management systems. Participants expressed a strong preference for push notifications

as a means of receiving reminders and notifications. The promptness and attention-

grabbing nature of push notifications were valued by the students, ensuring that

important tasks and deadlines were not overlooked. This finding emphasizes the

importance of utilizing notification systems that align with students' communication

preferences and technological habits.

Challenges faced by the participants in task management were identified, with

procrastination and distractions being significant obstacles to productivity.

Procrastination, in particular, emerged as a common difficulty experienced by the

students. It was observed that an effective task management system should not only

provide features to address procrastination but also offer strategies and support to help

students overcome this challenge and stay on track with their tasks.

Based on the participants' feedback, suggestions for system improvement were

provided. Customization options were highly valued, with students expressing a desire

for personalized tags, color codes, and prioritization features that cater to their individual

organizational styles. User-friendly interfaces were deemed essential to ensure

seamless navigation and enhance the overall user experience. Additionally, reliable

synchronization across devices and regular updates to address potential bugs or issues

were highlighted as important considerations for an optimal task management system.

In summary, the findings of Chapter IV underline the significant positive impact of

task management systems on Grade 12 senior high school students' academic and

personal lives. The customization of features, prioritization strategies, user satisfaction,

challenges faced, and suggestions for system improvement collectively emphasize the

need for tailored task management systems that effectively address the unique needs

and demands of Grade 12 students. Such systems should provide customizable

options, user-friendly interfaces, and support mechanisms to aid in overcoming

challenges and maximizing productivity, ultimately facilitating successful task completion

and academic achievement.


• What benefits proves that a Kotlin-based checklist system can be an

effective study tool for TVL-ICT students in ACLC?

The findings demonstrate that a Kotlin-based checklist system can greatly

benefit TVL-ICT students at ACLC, providing an effective study tool for

enhancing organization and task management skills.

• What specific feature/s of a checklist system can provide more efficient

managing skills?

The desire for customizable features, such as subject categorization and

priority levels, highlights how specific functionalities in a checklist system

can significantly improve efficiency and enhance students' managing


• What are the alternative way students do in managing tasks, besides the

to-do checklist, that can be possibly contributed in building the system?

The exploration of alternative task management approaches, including

strategies like mind maps, goal setting, and seeking feedback, offers

valuable insights that can contribute to the development of a

comprehensive checklist system by integrating these practices for a well-

rounded task management experience.


Based on the significance of the project, the following recommendations

can be made:

1. For TVL-ICT students in ACLC College of Tacloban:

- Encourage the use of the Kotlin-based checklist system as a study tool

to enhance productivity, time management, and task organization.

- Provide training or workshops to familiarize students with the features

and functionality of the checklist system.

- Emphasize the benefits of using the system, such as improved

academic performance, increased creativity, reduced stress, and a sense

of accomplishment.

2. For the administration and educators:

- Support the implementation of the checklist system by incorporating it

into the curriculum or as an optional tool for students.

- Provide guidance and resources to help teachers integrate the system

into their teaching methodologies.

- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the system in improving

student performance and provide feedback for continuous improvement.

3. For other users:

- Make the checklist system accessible and open to all users who can

benefit from improved time management and organization skills.

- Develop user-friendly interfaces and provide tutorials to facilitate easy

adoption of the system.

- Consider expanding the system to cater to different industries and

professions, such as employees, housewives, and public servants, to aid

in their task management and goal achievement.

4. For future researchers:

- Conduct further research to explore the long-term effects and

sustainability of using checklist systems in improving academic

performance and study habits.

- Investigate the effectiveness of checklist systems in different

educational settings and programming languages.

- Explore the integration of additional features, such as collaborative

task management or gamification, to enhance student engagement and


By implementing these recommendations, the project can have a positive

impact on TVL-ICT students, administrators, educators, other users, and

future researchers, fostering better task management practices, improved

academic performance, and enhanced overall productivity.

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