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David: Hi Mary, how are you?

Mary: Hello David, very well and you?

David: mmm... Not so good, I have a lot of doubts going around in my head. Maybe you can help

ALL: Yessssssssss.

Mary: Yes David, tell us what is going on.

David: what happened is that I asked my mom when the Easter bunny was coming because I really
want to eat chocolate eggs, but my mom told me that's not what Easter is about, it was a biblical
story, so I looked and looked in the bible, but I couldn't find the bunny anywhere and I couldn't
find chocolate eggs either! Did you guys see it?

ALL: Nooooooo.

Mary: no David, it's just that what your mommy said is right, Easter is about Jesus.

David: I get it! Jesus was the one who brought the Easter bunny and he taught him how to make
those delicious chocolate eggs, right kids?

ALL: Woooooow.

Mary: hahaha no David, let me tell you the real Easter story.

It all began many years before the birth of Jesus, when the Hebrew people were enslaved in Egypt.
Every day and night the people cried out to God to free them, then God began to work and used
Moses as a tool.

David: Oh, I read about Moses! He escaped from Egypt and God opened the Red Sea for him so
that all his people could be free. When I grow up I want to open the sea like him!

ALL: laughter!

Mary: Oh David, hahaha, but I'm talking about that Moses. Then when the people were free God
asked them to celebrate and praise in his name. All this so that we always remember that God set
us free from the slavery of sin.

David: that's interesting, but then Jesus is not the Passover?

Mary: Just the opposite, David! It has everything to do with Jesus, remember when the pastor
used to talk to us about having a direct relationship with God? Do you guys remember?

ALL: yessssss.
Mary: Okay, all this happened when Jesus was sent into this world to preach about God, but while
he was in Jerusalem and was captured by the Romans and taken to trial, then he was unjustly

David: But if it was unfair, why didn't he defend himself?

Mary: because he did it out of love for us, Jesus took our place on the cross and died so that God
would forgive us for all the bad things we have done. Jesus not only came to show us how to walk
in faith, but to give his life so that God could forgive us all our sins and recover our direct link with


Jesus: Hello children, that's right! My father sent me to be the lamb for the world and that we can
all now be called children of God.

ALL: woooooow!

David: Now I understand everything! Jesus helped us to free ourselves from sin, just as Moses
helped the Hebrew people. How perfect are God's plans!

Mary: Exactly David! Amen to this.

Jesus: But always remember... "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the
Father, but by me",

So to reach God you must believe with all your heart in the holy spirit, the son and the


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