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B) Basics of Physics:

Physics is the branch of science dedicated to uncovering the fundamental laws

governing the behavior of the physical universe. It delves into the intricacies of
motion, energy, matter, and forces, seeking to explain the how and why of everything
from the fall of an apple to the behavior of distant galaxies.

Newton's laws of motion, established in the 17th century, provide a fundamental

framework for understanding how objects move and interact. These laws form the
foundation of classical physics. In the early 20th century, Einstein's theory of
relativity revolutionized our understanding of gravity and the nature of spacetime,
marking the emergence of modern physics.

The discipline of physics encompasses a vast array of subfields, including mechanics,

electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics. These areas underpin
technological advancements that have shaped our world, from the development of the
electric lightbulb to the creation of the internet. Physics is not only an intellectual
pursuit but also an essential contributor to the progress of civilization.

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