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Aidan Hudson


Block H


Trail of Tears

The Trail of Tears is a genocide event where many lives were lost to the racism and

corruption of the U.S government due to the way the Indians were treated and how they lost

their land In 1828 because of greed and racism they had to walk from Georgia to what is know

as Oklahoma today this is how it happened.

In 1828 Andrew Jackson was just elected to be President during that time the Indians

started seeing them self as regular people like picking up mining, farming, and even some

owned slaves. But that all changed when gold was discovered there when it was it was crazy for

gold and Georgia wanted to remove the Indians from there land to take the gold for

themselves. Then the U.S government stared the Indian removal act to strip them of their rights

and take their land they couldn’t mine gold, go in court against a white person, and couldn’t

hold meeting with a white person unless it was to sell land. The Indians didn’t like this so they

made it illegal to sell land with a white person doing the crime will give you the death penalty.

Then a war broke out to drive them away from their land to move them to new territory, but

this war was easily finished because the Indians surrender because of diseases and their

number were depleting.

After the war the Indians were forced to move out to their new home and territory a

desotle land with less fertile land the journey there was not an easy one where many died to

disease, natural causes, wild animals, and the weather. The winter was coming in halfway in

their journey and where thousand were dying everywhere as they make it to their new land.

Eventually they finally make it to their new home a desolate dry less fertile land with not much

to work with, so they start settling down and getting use too their now home. In Georgia it is a

gold rush because with all of the gold and resources the Indians left behind. As they pick up the

leftovers the president has started flushing out the reminder of the Indians out of their

territory. But if there is retains or if they fight back, they will drive them out or just murder

them, there family, friends, loved ones, enemies, and then the whole tribe. While they start to

murder the whole tribe and most of the Indians, they start to deplete numbers in the Indians

population due to the neglection and fighting spirit of the Indians. The Indians are starting to be

killed for no reason but in the U.S Government eyes they are doing crime and being savages

harming the pubic as they are being falsely accused of crimes they didn’t do. As the Indians in

their territory as they are living their lives like normal and trying to live out a little better with

the soil becoming a lot better than usually. Back in Georgia where the gold rush is the U.S

government is finding more and more every day and starting to expanded their lust for

expiation gold and riches as they want more nothing could quench their thirst for riches.

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