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Presented to Universitas Bina Sarana InformatikaIn Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements to Final Test (UAS) in Research Methods Class

NIM : 33200008

Program Studi Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bahasa Universitas

Bina Sarana Informatika




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah, the writer has succeeded finishing this
paper which is entitled “An alysis Of Characterization Of The Main Characters
In “Incredible 2” Movie”.
This paper is submitted to Sastra Inggris of Universitas Bina Sarana
Informatika in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Strata One.
The writer wishes to acknowledge (his/her)* indebtedness to the
following people who have helped the writer to complete this (paper/thesis)*,
they are:
1. Rector of Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika.
2. Dean of Komunikasi dan Bahasa Faculty
3. Head of Sastra Inggris.
A very special thank is addressed to the writer’s family, especially to his
parents, brothers and sisters who have been very helpful in encouraging,
suggesting her to finish this paper.Finally, the writer also wishes to thank to her
colleagues for their support.May this paper be useful to the readers, particularly
to the writer.

Title Cover.......................................................................................................i
Table of Contents............................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .....................................................................1
1.1. Background of the Study .......................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the Problem …………………………………........................4
1.3. Scope of the Problem ..............................................................................4
1.4. The Purpose of Research ........................................................................4
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW .........................................................5
2.1. Literature Review.....................................................................................5
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ..........................................................10
3.1. Research Design …………………………………………….......................10
3.2. Data collection techniques and data analysis…………….......................11



1.1 Background of The Study

A film is a work of art in the form of a series of living images that have

various elements of art to complement spiritual needs. Elements of art that

exist and support a film include fine art, photography, architecture, dance,

literary poetry, theater art, music, and others. According to Michael Rabiger,

the definition of the film is entertaining and also interesting, so it can make the

audience think deeper. There are some major elements of movie namely

theme, setting, plot, emotional, characterization, and style or texture (Boggs &

Petrie, 2008).

All the above elements should be included in the film to make the film

more perfect and meaningful so that can be enjoyed and understood easily by

the audience. One of the basic elements above has a major role in character

and characterization. This will give the best impression to the audience from

each character so that they can understand the character of each player.

The character is one of the elements that become a very important part of

understanding the whole story. Characters can be humans, animals, or even

inanimate objects created by the author to act in a story for the author. In a

story, there is a character who can strengthen the storyline, such as the

antagonist and protagonist. Discussing a character certainly has to do with

characterization. Characterizing the characters can be started by describing

how their physical characteristics, how personalities, social status, and how

social relationships. The movie is one of the effective gender socialization

media. Besides functioning as entertainment, the movie is also a medium for

conveying messages that good because it can represent reality. The

Incredible are one-the only animated film produced by the Pixar animation

studio with the theme superheroes within the family sphere. The presence of

The Incredible brings color new to the superhero genre which has so far been

dominated by films that have not certainly suitable for children to watch.

Presenting a family of superheroes who live as a society in general, Films

released with Parental Guide age rating can give viewers a chance broader,

and especially younger, to identify with the figure and relates daily life in the

film. As a franchise, this film was later also developed in the form of

merchandise, a video game entitled Lego The Incredible, and so on. Directed

by Brad Bird, The Incredible is an animated superhero film franchise that

raises the issue of family in a fresh way.

In this study, the author only focused on characterizing aspects of the

characters in “Incredible 2 movie”. Reason for choosing this movie everyone

should know about this movie, because Incredible 2 is Pixar's twentieth

animated film, released on June 15, 2018, and the sequel to the 2004 film The

Incredible. Brad Bird returns as a writer and director, as is most of the original

voice acting cast, and has been featured frequently on Indonesian television.

Regarding the analysis of the main characterization of the character, several

studies are used as references in this study.

The first is Cut Hanifah Fardhany's (2021) “An Analysis Of Main Character

And Characterization In” Dangerous Minds” Movie in this study the author

used descriptive qualitative research with comparative studies to analyze the

characterization of the main character having characteristics such as talented,

hardworking, confident, grateful, sincere and honest, helpful, realistic, moody,

emotional, and pessimistic. The researcher also concluded that Lou Anne

Johnson as a protagonist, has a simple or flat figure of characterization and all

characterization can be explained through appearances, dialogues, external

actions, internal actions, and other reactions to the character..

In the second, Fadhlika Pangestu Putri (2021)” An Analysis Of The Main

Characters' personality in “Aladdin” Movie in this study the author used a

qualitative method using literature studies, the data for this study are all

sentences and dialogues in the film related to the characterization of the main

character. The third is Wardiana (2015) ” A Study On Characterization Of The

Main Character In The Sherlock Holmes Movie” in this study the method

used in this study is literature research using a structural analytical approach.

The fourth is a study from Rafsanjani (2015) “An Analysis Of The

Characterization and The Characteristics of The Main Character In The Movie

The Notebook” The purpose of this study is to describe the way the main

character is presented by Cassavetes in the film The Notebook. and

describes the characteristics of the main character based on his personality in

the film The Notebook.

This research focuses on analyzing what are the characters in the movie

“Incredible 2” by revealing characteristics of the main character, in the film

through a movie seems to be interesting to researchers because everyone

should know and know more about the existence of the movie. It was chosen

because researchers wanted to provide insight into the characters presented

in “Incredible 2”.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

From the problems raised above, researchers tried to study the types

of characters contained in the Incredible 2 film. Based on the background

above, the main problems to be answered through this research can be

formulated as follows. Based on the above, several problems are formulated:

1. What are the characters in the movie “Incredible2”?

2. How can players build their respective characters for the movie?

1.3 Scope of The Problem

This research takes on the characterization of characters in films. In

order to be more specific to the discussion, that is why the author wants to

limit the problem to the characterization of the main character in the movie

"Incredible 2". The limitations in the research here may still be far from

perfect. There are many mistakes that the author made, and maybe the

reader can give advice to the author. Research here is a lot of mistakes

because the research is carried out only depending on the ability and

knowledge of the author.

1.4 The Purpose of Research

The purpose of this study was to find out the characteristics of the

main character in the movie Incredible 2.



2.1 Movie

A movie is a documentation of works using dialogue that is applied with

a movement with each character to make it more lively and continuous in

order to attract the interest of the viewer. Therefore, we can conclude that a

film is a collection of moving images created by a director through a script or

fictional story that can be developed and have a specific message or purpose.

Through the film, the audience will know the message conveyed by the

director through the characters and social responses in the film.

1. Elements of Movie

In movies, it will usually show a good and interesting picture, of course,

all of that cannot be separated from other supporting elements in it.

These elements are those that have more important roles. Among

these elements are themes, setting, plot, emotional effect or mood,

character, characterization, and style or texture (Boggs & Petrie, 2008).

a. Theme

A theme is the film’s central, unifying concept. The theme is the heart

of a show, therefore this theme is needed so that the audience is able

to read the content of the story. And in Incredible 2, it tells the story of

Bob Parr's family who are trying to maintain their lives as normal

people. Bob's normal life desires contrast those of his wife, Helen Parr.

Helen actually still wants to eradicate evil. Various conflicts arose in

their families.

b. Setting

The setting or scene of the story is often also called the setting of the

story, which is a depiction of the time, place, and atmosphere of the

occurrence of a story (Wiyanto, 2002: 28). In literary works the setting

is one very important story-forming element, since it will be able to

determine the general situation of a work (Abrams, 1981:1975) in

(Fananie. 2002:95). Nurgiyantoro (2002:216 in Santosa, 2011:7) states

that setting is basic, leading to the notion of place, the relationship of

time and the social environment as the events are told.

Complementary, Hayati (1990:10) argues that the setting (the foundation

of the foundation) of the story is a picture of the time or all situations at the

place where the events occurred. This setting is closely related to the

character or perpetrator in an event. Therefore, the setting is very

supportive of the plot of the story.

In addition, the setting also greatly affects the atmosphere, events,

subject matter in the story, and the theme of the story. Although the

setting is intended to identify the situation depicted in the story, the

existence of the setting element is not only about stating where, when

description of traditions, characteristics, social behavior and views of

the community at the time the script was written.

From the study of the setting, it can be seen the extent of the suitability

and correlation between the perpetrator and the character of the figure

with the conditions of society, social situations and views of the

community, regional conditions, geographical location, social structure

will also determine the dispositions or characters of certain figures.

c. Plot

The plot or storyline is the archetype that builds important situations

and events in the film. The storyline is built on important decisions

made by the characters in the film. These decisions will direct the story

and direct intense conflicts. Such as the conflict of a person against

one, the conflict of a person against a group, the conflict of a group

against a group, then the conflict of a person or group against a

disaster or plague, the conflict of a person or group against an animal

or mysterious creature and the conflict of love that cannot unite due to

differences in social status or caste. Koflik must certainly concern

matters that are critical, urgent, important, and have great influences in

life. So every decision of the character in the film must have a great

and important impact on the character's life.

d. Character and Characterization in Movie

Character is the presentation of an individual in the form of traits,

personality, disposition and behavior expressed in everyday life or a

person's representative of someone playing someone else's character

in a story. And characterization is a literary device that is used step by

step in literature to highlight and explain details about the characters in

a story. This is the initial stage in which the author introduces the

character with a noticeable appearance. After introducing the

character, the author often talks about his behavior; Then, as the story

progresses, the thought process of the characters. The next stage involves

the character expressing his opinions and ideas, and getting into

conversation with the rest of the characters. The last part shows how

the other people in the story respond to the character's personality. In

movie Incredible 2 Helen Parr has a gentle character in guarding her

children against evil and she is so brave.

Bob Parr has great power and the power to defeat the bad guys with

one hand. And their firstborn Violet Parr has a secretive and intelligent

character. Their son is Dashiell Parr, a 10-year-old boy who is

sometimes restless, tireless, and curious. Although his incredible

Super-speed power certainly sets him apart. The dash features a warm

sense of adventure and an unlimited supply of energy. He wouldn't like

anything other than showing off his special skills and fighting some bad

guys along the way and not understanding why he had to keep his

powers a secret. Jack-Jack Parr, the baby of the family, likes to sit

back and relax with bottles and a good story. Experienced in the

nonsense with the penchant for throwing food, Jack-Jack may seem

like a typical toddler, but he might turn into the most powerful Parr in

the household if only his family had a clue as to what this kid could

really do.

e. Emotional Effect or Mood

Many well-known big directors who develop are very or can be

interpreted they are very interested in developing an emotional effect or

mood that can touch the hearts of the audience. In such films, one

scene that carries a mood or emotion can be identified throughout the

film, or each scene can be seen as the stage especially for one

capable of emotional reactions.

f. Style or Texture

In a tiny percentage of movies, the director delivers the tale in such a

unique mode that the style, texture, or structure of the movie becomes

its much-remembered feature, having a greater impression on our

minds and sense than any other thematic components.



3.1 Research Design

Research design is all the processes required in conducting research.

(Creswell, 2009:3), states that research states that research design is

planning and research procedures to detailed data methods collection and

analysis. Actually, there are two types of research approach, namely a

quantitative approach and a qualitative approach. This research is classified

as qualitative, using literature research. According to Ary (2010: 424)

qualitative is the research process in the form of data in the form of words

sentences that describe the results of the research, and not in form of

numbers or statistics. According to Nurhayati (2020: 84) Qualitative data

analysis is a process systematically to find and process various data that has

been obtained from various sources from interviews, field observations, and

documents or literature review to produce a research report.

This research is qualitative because the results of this study are in the form of

words. This research is library research because the data from this study

using library sources, the data is not taken directly from the field. Here the

researcher uses literature review because here the researcher gets sources

from literature reviews such as books, internet browsing and other sources

that can support good research results.

3.2 Data collection techniques and data analysis

Data is all of the material information about the object of study

something. The data from this research are all sentences and dialog in the

“Incredible 2” movie. The dialogue contained in the film is purely played by

native speakers so that the audience is also to understand dialogue that is

difficult to interpret. According Maharsi in Nurhayati (2000 : 3) every human

being has physically unique vocal tract. As a consequent, in physical terms,

each person will utter sounds variously. There are ten thousand of substantly

dissimilar style of saying words or sentences.

In Nurhayati (2016:17) dialogue is conversation out by the characters in the

story. In a story the characters will certainly carry out a dialogue to continue

the plot of a story. Dialogue must meet demands, dialogue must show the

character of characters what happens to a character can be judged from the

dialogue. In this era, young people prefer watching television or something

interesting than reading books. They only have a little vocabulary in English

therefore they have difficulty understanding if they have to read book in

English. Today’s children are more interested in learning to use films, films

can helps student learn English and film make the learning process more

interesting Nurhayati (2014:177).

In this study, researchers completed the data in various steps.

Documentation according to Sugiyono (2015: 329) is a way used to obtain

data and information in the form of books, achives, documents written

numbers and pictures in the form of reports and information which can

support research. Documentation is used for collect data then analyzed.

The procedure of data collection to obtain data are :

1.Determine what films are interesting to study.

2.Downloading the film to be studied

3.Watching the Movie

4.Reading and observing the dialogue from the film script

After collecting the all data those data were then analyzed. According

to Donald (2002), Analyzing data, namely by using other theories as an

benchmart and using theory as a basis for finding research result and findings

out what is important. There are four steps in analyzing data: grouping data,

selecting data, drawing conclusions. The procedures of analyzing the data are

as follow:

a. Categorizing the Data

This study only analyzes the conversation utterance used at Aladdin

movie. The data which are used only the data in line with research


b. Classifying the Data

In this step, some utterances used by Incredible 2 of Bob Parr or Mr.

Incredible, Elasticgirl, Violet Parr, Dashiel "Dash" Parr, Edna "E" Mode,

and Frozone as main character are classified based on conversation.



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