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Pointers to Review in Science 9

(4th Quarter)
 Projectile motion is a form of motion where an object given an initial velocity is thrown or
projected and is allowed to be acted on by gravity in a curved-like path. These objects are called
projectiles. The curved path followed by a projectile is called a trajectory.
 Parabola-An angle-launched projectile exhibits a full parabolic trajectory motion. This shows that
as the player kicked the rattan ball in the air, the ball will eventually go back to the ground still
due to gravity as it moves horizontally.

 as the projectile ascends (point A to B) the upward vertical velocity (𝑣𝑦) is decreasing, this
is because the direction of gravity is opposite to the projectile motion. As the projectile reaches
the maximum height (point B) it momentarily stops causing a vertical velocity equal to zero
(𝑣𝑦=0). When the projectile descends (point B to C) the direction of its motion is in the
direction of the gravitational force hence the magnitude of its vertical velocity is
 Any moving object with a quantity of matter has momentum. Momentum simply means "mass
in motion." It is equal to the product of mass and velocity.
 If any object of any mass is not moving, it has zero momentum since its velocity is zero.

 Impulse = Change in Momentum

 Constant means there is no change. Therefore, there is no impulse or zero impulse for objects
moving with constant momentum.
 The law of conservation of momentum states that:
when two objects in an isolated system collide, the total momentum of the objects before the
collision is equal to the total momentum of the objects after the collision.
 There are two basic forms of mechanical Energy: Potential energy which is defined as the
energy associated with height or position (PE = mgh) and kinetic energy which is associated
with motion (moving energy). (KE= 1/2mv2). Potential energy is type of energy that is waiting
to be used or considered a stored energy.

There are 3 different types of Potential energy.

a. Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE)
 The energy possesses by an object due to its position or location. Thus, the higher the
position of the object, the higher the GPE.
 An object is lifted possess GPE
b. Elastic Potential Energy (EPE)
 Anything that can act like a spring, or a rubber band can have elastic potential energy.
c. Chemical Potential Energy (CPE)
 A chemical bond can be thought of as an attractive force between atoms.
 Heat is a transfer of thermal energy
between two systems at different
 Heat and work both contribute to the
total internal energy of a system. The
law is expressed as ΔU = Q - W, where
ΔU is the change in internal energy, Q is
heat added W is work.
 Geo" refers to "earth," and "thermal"
refers to "heat," so geothermal energy
means "heat from the earth".
Geothermal energy is created during the
radioactive decay of isotopes below the
earth’s surface. This procedure is
constant such that geothermal energy is
considered a sustainable power source.
 Megawatt Electrical (MWe) is a unit of
electrical power used in the electric
power industry.
 The main energy transformations that takes place in a Geothermal Power station are; Thermal
Energy ---> Mechanical Energy ----> Electrical Energy.
 Heat Engine energy transformations: Thermal energy to Mechanical energy.
 The basic equipment to provide consumer with electricity are the turbine, the generator, and
the transformer. The turbine is a rotating shaft with blades. A generator converts mechanical
energy into electrical energy, a transformer either increases or decreases the voltage.

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