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5 Love Languages

Watch the following videos on the 5 languages OR read the webpage on them and then
complete the worksheet below.

The 5 Love languages Explained (Video)

5 Love Languages Simplified (Website)

1. For each love language, write down three ways you might go about confirming a person
who had this as his/her primary love language. Don't concentrate solely on romantic
relationships. Consider how might you confirm a child, co-worker, or employee as well.

a. Three ways you might go about confirming a person who has “Words of
Affirmation” as their primary love language.
They make sure they complement their words of affirmation partner in front of
other people. Tell them what makes you proud and what you really appreciate.
Don't go overboard and embarrass your partner, but telling others how awesome
you think your partner is will touch their heart in so many ways

b. Three ways you might go about confirming a person who has Acts of Service as
their primary love language.

They open the door for their partner

Fix breakfast to serve in bed before they wake up.
Help take off their shoes.

c. Three ways you might go about confirming a person who has Receiving Gifts as
their primary love language.
Bring them their favorite flowers, just because.
Buy them something they've been wanting for a while.
Send them a surprise package at work.

d. Three ways you might go about confirming a person who has Quality Time as
their primary love language.
Avoid distractions when you're together.
Prioritize meaningful eye contact.
Be interested in what they're saying and feeling.
e. Three ways you might go about confirming a person who has Physical Touch as
their primary love language.
Give them a back scratch or a massage—before they ask for one.
Put your arm around them or hold their hand while you're out in public.
Give them a hug or a kiss, just because.

2. Take this test to determine your own love language. What was the result?
3. Physical Touch
4. Words of Affirmation
5. Quality Time
6. Acts of Service
7. Receiving Gifts

8. Save this file and turn it into your instructor.

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