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GEC 4: Mathematics in the Modern World

2nd Semester, 2022 - 2023

WEEK 1: Appreciating the Grandeur of Mathematics Nature by Numbers The Magic of Fibonacci Numbers

Name Section:
General instructions:
Watch the two crash courses titled Nature by Numbers by Cristobal Vila and The Magic of Fibonacci Numbers by TEDtalks.
After, write a one to two-paragraph insight with a MAXIMUM of 15 sentences.

Links: (You may also scan the QR code using your phone camera/ QR scanner app, found in the upper right corner of this worksheet for fast access.)
Nature by Numbers:
The magic of the Fibonacci Sequence:

You may edit this document and encode your answers directly. Afterward, submit this to our Google Classroom in pdf, png,
jpg, or Docx file type. Follow the given file format (e.g., Assgn1_Importante.pdf)

Post-viewing Activity (10 credits)

What key insights were you able to generate after watching the two crash courses? Below are guide/process
questions to help you consolidate your answers. Your work will be graded based on the content and relevance of
your write-up to the two videos you watched. Encode your answer in the space provided below.
(Rubric: 10 pts. -answered all the questions with clarity and depth; 8 pt . -answered all the questions but did not expound clearly; 6 pts-answered
most of the questions with supporting statements; 4 pts – answered some questions; 2 pts – answered few questions with no explanation; 0 pt. – did
not submit or did not answer any of the questions)

• What is Mathematics?
• What is Mathematics for?
• What is Mathematics about?
• How is Mathematics done?
• Who uses Mathematics?
• Why is it important to learn Mathematics?

Math in the Modern World

College of Arts and Sciences

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