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The bar chart illustrates the outcome of a survey about people who are in the habit

of buying and drinking coffee and tea in Sydney , Melbourne , Brishbane ,

Adelaide ,and Hobart

Overall , it can be seen that , while going to a café for coffee or tea in last 4 weeks
was the most common , the opposite was true for buying fresh coffee in last 4
weeks through the period . Additonally, the percentage of people buying instant
coffee in last 4 weeks always higher than purchasing fresh coffee

The figure for Sydney ‘s people buying crisp coffee in last 4 weeks was 43% , just
1% higher than Melbourne . The percentage of people in Sydney and Melbourne
going to a café for coffee or tea was around 61% and 63% respectively while
purchasing instant coffee was lower ,at approximately 46% and 48% respectively

The figure for people in Brisbane and Adelaide buying fresh coffee accounted for
a similar trend and just 2% lower than Hobart . 53% of people in Brishbane and
Hobart bought instant coffee compared to 50% of Adelaide . Meanwhile having
coffee or tea at café experienced the largest percentage , Brishbane and Adelaide
was followed 51% and 49% respectively.

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