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T6-2 [164 marks]

In a long-term study carried out in New Zealand, 9-year-old children were tested for asthma by checking if they had
difficulty in breathing (wheezing). The children were then re-tested periodically until they were 26 years old. In
addition, a measure was made of how well the lungs functioned by calculating the maximum volume of air exhaled in
one second (VE1) as a percentage of the maximum volume of air inhaled (VI). The graph shows the lung function for
males and females with or without asthma.

1a. State the relationship between asthma and lung function.

[1 mark]
1b. Calculate the change in lung function of females with asthma between the ages of 11 and 26. [1 mark]

1c. Compare the data for 26-year-old males and females. [2 marks]

Explain how the units used to measure lung function are useful in showing if a person suffers from asthma. [2 marks]
2a. The diagram below shows a synapse where the neurotransmitter is dopamine and some of the processes that [3 marks]
take place during nerve transmission.

Explain the effect of cocaine on neurotransmission at a synapse.

Compare convergent and divergent evolution. [2 marks]

Explain how polyploidy can contribute to speciation. [4 marks]

2d. Explain the relationship between the action spectrum and the absorption spectrum of photosynthetic pigments in [3 marks]

Discuss the difficulties of classifying organisms into trophic levels. [2 marks]


Draw a labelled diagram to show the structure of a sarcomere. [2 marks]

2g. Outline the control mechanism for appetite in humans. [2 marks]

Explain the cause and consequences of biomagnification, using a named example. [4 marks]

Explain the consequences of releasing raw sewage and nitrate fertilizer into rivers. [4 marks]

Explain the roles of actin and myosin in muscle contraction. [4 marks]

Explain the possible health consequences of a diet rich in protein. [3 marks]
A grassland food web was studied to understand how climate warming affects the interaction of different animal and
plant species. Grasshoppers (Melanoplus femurrubrum) feed on grasses growing amongst taller bushes. Spiders
(Pisaurina mira) feed on the grasshoppers. For 75 days, the feeding behaviour of the grasshoppers was observed with
and without predators, in temperatures that were cool or warm. During the study period, the grasshoppers progressed
through stages of larval development (instars) to adulthood.

Identify the primary food for all grasshoppers without predators. [1 mark]
The hypothesis that aging involves loss of brain cells was investigated in mice. The olfactory bulb (OB) of the brain was
studied because its layered arrangement of neurons resembles large regions of the human brain. Sensory input about
smell is sent to the OB by axons of receptor cells that line the upper nasal cavity. These axons synapse with relay
neurons in the OB where interpretation of smell perception begins. The bar charts show the total volume of neurons in
the OB and the density of synapses (number of synapses per unit area) in two regions of a mouse’s OB.

State when the total volume of OB neurons is the greatest. [1 mark]

An investigation was conducted among competitive swimmers to determine the effects of two different training

Swimmers were encouraged to maintain an even pace throughout the programmes. The pace was slightly slower in
the 3000 m programme than in the 6000 m programme.

Tissue samples were taken from the shoulder muscle of each swimmer, before and after each session. Glycogen
levels were analysed in slow (type I) muscle fibres.

Calculate the percentage of slow (type I) muscle fibres that contain low levels of glycogen after the 3000m [1 mark]
Malnutrition affects the body mass index (BMI) of mothers. The height and mass of over 7000 mothers in Ethiopia and
the sex of their most recently born child was recorded. The graph shows the percentage of mothers with a BMI below
18.5 and the percentage of their most recent births that were males in 11 regions across Ethiopia.

State the regions with the highest and lowest percentage of male offspring. [1 mark]
Region with highest percentage: .......................................................................
Region with lowest percentage: .......................................................................

Compare the total synapse density of neurons in the outer and inner OB layers. [2 marks]
State the effect of the 3000 m programme on glycogen levels in slow (type I) muscle fibres. [1 mark]

Comment on the variation in BMI of mothers in Ethiopia. [2 marks]


Deduce, using the data, how the feeding behaviour of instar larvae changes if without predators, conditions [1 mark]
change from cool to warm.
Deduce, using the data, how the feeding behaviour of instar larvae changes if in warm conditions, predators are [1 mark]

Compare adult feeding to instar larval feeding. [2 marks]


Evaluate, using the data in the bar charts, the hypothesis that aging involves loss of brain cells. [2 marks]

Discuss whether the data supports the hypothesis that malnutrition affects the sex ratio of offspring. [2 marks]
Compare the effects of the 3000 m programme with the 6000 m programme on muscle glycogen levels. [2 marks]

Suggest reasons for the differences between the 3000 m programme and the 6000m programme in their effects [2 marks]
on muscle glycogen levels.

Suggest why adult feeding differs from instar larval feeding when predators are present. [1 mark]
Suggest the implications of the data for humans. [2 marks]

Suggest one limitation of the data. [1 mark]


Suggest one limitation of the data. [1 mark]

In 2003, the Integrated Approach to Community Development (IACD) organization introduced the chulli water [2 marks]
purifier to homes in Bangladesh that had not previously had access to safe drinking water. It was designed to be made
cheaply from local materials. The purifier uses sand filtration to remove organic particles and heat treatment to eliminate
microbes from water.

Water samples from 15 different locations containing high levels of the bacterium E. coli were passed through the purifier
at different flow rates and temperatures to test its effect on contaminated water. The shaded area of the graph below
represents the recommended temperature and flow rate for using the purifier.

Evaluate the chulli purifier as a method of controlling microbial growth.

Suggest one factor that could cause malnutrition in mothers. [1 mark]

State one soil condition that favours denitrification. [1 mark]

Distinguish between oxidation and reduction in biological reactions. [2 marks]


List two structural features of a joint that reduce friction between bones. [2 marks]
1. ..................................................................
2. ..................................................................
State two effects that presynaptic neurons can have on postsynaptic transmission. [1 mark]
1. .............................................................
2. .............................................................

State two products of glycolysis. [1 mark]

1. ..................................................................
2. ..................................................................

List two reasons for increases in the rate of clinical obesity. [2 marks]
1. ..................................................................
2. ..................................................................
Suggest causes of addiction to drugs. [3 marks]

Discuss the definition of the term species. [3 marks]


Explain the role of cristae in mitochondria. [3 marks]

What is the condition of the valves of the heart when the right ventricle is contracting? [1 mark]

What effect does HIV have on the immune system? [1 mark]

A. It prevents leucocytes from fighting bacteria by phagocytosis.
B. It causes excessive production of leucocytes in bone marrow.
C. It destroys antibodies produced by leucocytes.
D. It lowers the number of leucocytes, reducing antibody production.
What is a feature of alveoli? [1 mark]
A. They occur in all animals because they are needed for gas exchange.
B. They have a higher oxygen concentration than air in the atmosphere to increase the rate of diffusion.
C. They have walls that are one cell thick for faster diffusion.
D. They are small so keep the gases inside them more concentrated.

What is a consequence of AIDS? [1 mark]

A. Excess production of lymphocytes to help fight disease
B. Excess erythrocytes in capillaries
C. Loss of ability to produce antibodies
D. Loss of ability to produce antigens

Which of the following are controlled by homeostasis? [1 mark]

I. Blood pH
II. Water balance
III. Blood glucose concentration

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
What is an important function of the lacteal in the villus? [1 mark]
A. Secretion of mucus
B. Secretion of enzymes
C. Transport of glucose
D. Transport of fats

How is epinephrine (adrenaline) carried to the pacemaker of the heart and what effect does it have on heartbeat [1 mark]
What is a function of LH (luteinizing hormone)? [1 mark]
A. It stimulates the release of an egg from the follicle.
B. It stimulates the development of corpus luteum into a follicle.
C. It causes an increase in the production of estrogen by the follicle.
D. It causes a decrease in the production of progesterone by the follicle.
The diagram below shows the human digestive system. [1 mark]

In which parts of the digestive system are most water and glucose absorbed?
What is a similarity between arteries and capillaries? [1 mark]
A. They both have elastic tissue.
B. They both have smooth muscle cells.
C. Neither has collagen fibres in their walls.
D. Neither has valves.

What is the direction of flow of oxygenated blood during a heartbeat? [1 mark]

A. left atrium → semilunar/aortic valve → left ventricle → pulmonary vein
B. pulmonary vein → left atrium → left ventricle → semilunar/aortic valve
C. left atrium → left ventricle → semilunar/aortic valve → pulmonary vein
D. pulmonary vein → left atrium → semilunar/aortic valve → left ventricle

What are antibodies? [1 mark]

A. Organisms or viruses that cause disease
B. Drugs used to treat bacterial diseases
C. Substances the body recognizes as foreign
D. Proteins that bind to foreign substances
The diagram shows events at a synapse. [1 mark]

What is happening at the point labelled X?

A. Neurotransmitter binding
B. Ca 2+ diffusing
C. Neurotransmitter moving across synapse
D. Na 2+ binding

What is a feature of type I diabetes but not type II diabetes? [1 mark]

A. Target cells become insensitive to insulin.
B. β cells do not produce sufficient insulin.
C. Type I diabetes can be controlled through a low carbohydrate diet.
D. α cells produce excess insulin.
The concentration of which hormone peaks sharply triggering ovulation? [1 mark]
C. Estrogen
D. Progesterone

The diagram shows a section through the male reproductive system. Which structure represents the prostate [1 mark]
Formation of a blood clot by damaged tissue involves the series of steps outlined in the following diagram. Which [1 mark]
letter represents a soluble globular protein that will be converted into an insoluble protein during clot formation?

Which element or ion is required for transmission of a nerve impulse? [1 mark]

A. Phosphorous
B. Sodium
C. Sulfur
D. Iron
A structure has a thin epithelium of one cell layer and contains a lacteal and blood capillaries. It has protein [1 mark]
channels and mitochondria to aid absorption. What is this structure?

A. Alveolus
B. Gastric gland
C. Pancreas
D. Villus

What is a characteristic of axons in motor neurons? [1 mark]

A. When there is a resting potential, the outside of the axon is negative relative to the inside.
B. During an action potential, Na + ions diffuse out of the axon.
C. K+ ions diffusing out of the axon repolarizes it.
D. Impulses in the axon travel towards the cell body.

Which response takes place when blood glucose levels are low? [1 mark]
A. Glucagon is released from the α cells of the pancreatic islets.
B. Glucagon is released from the β cells of the pancreatic islets.
C. Insulin is released from the α cells of the pancreatic islets.
D. Insulin is released from the β cells of the pancreatic islets.
During the menstrual cycle, what occurs in response to a fall in the progesterone level? [1 mark]
A. Growth of the uterus lining
B. Growth of the follicle surrounding the egg
C. Ovulation
D. Menstruation

Which reaction during blood clotting is catalysed by the enzyme thrombin? [1 mark]
A. Soluble fibrin to fibrous fibrinogen
B. Soluble fibrinogen to fibrous fibrin
C. Fibrous fibrinogen to soluble fibrin
D. Fibrous fibrin to soluble fibrinogen

Which of the following are controlled by homeostasis? [1 mark]

I. Blood pH
II. Water balance
III. Blood glucose concentration

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
Which of the following help to control body temperature on a very hot day? [1 mark]
I. Shivering
II. Sweating
III. Skin arteriole dilation

A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

30. The diagram shows the adult female reproductive system. Which label shows the cervix and which shows the [1 mark]
usual site of fertilization?
Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease resulting from destruction of the insulin-producing β cells in the islets of
Langerhans. Islet regeneration can occur when stem cells reach the pancreas after leaving the bone marrow.

Studies have shown a link between CXCL12 and type I diabetes. Mice predisposed to develop the disease were given
an inhibitor of CXCL12 for 3 weeks. The incidence of diabetes was measured after 28 weeks and compared to control
mice that were not given the inhibitor.

Outline the effect of CXCL12 inhibition on the incidence of diabetes. [2 marks]


Suggest how the breakdown of CXCL12 in the bone marrow may be related to diabetes. [1 mark]
31c. Evaluate the possible use of isoprenaline in the treatment of diabetes. [2 marks]
Stem cells in the bone marrow can be forced into blood vessels in a process called mobilization. Mobilization of stem
cells from the bone marrow into the blood vessels represents the basis for modern bone marrow transplantation

To test the effect of light on the mobilization of stem cells, mice were subjected to a simulated “jet lag” by advancing
the light-dark cycle by 12 hours. This was done by subjecting mice to a 24-hour light period before the results shown in
the graph were recorded. The results were compared to the stem cells in control mice under normal conditions of 12
hours of light ( ) and 12 hours of darkness
( ).

One important chemical in the mobilization of stem cells is a protein, CXCL12, which maintains the stem cells inside
the bone marrow. The breakdown of CXCL12 causes the mobilization of stem cells to the blood vessels.

The graph below shows the mobilization of stem cells and the production of mRNA for CXCL12 when the bone marrow
is treated with two different chemicals (isoprenaline and clenbuterol).

31d. Research is being conducted into treatment for diabetes based on stem cells. Discuss the ethical issues involved[3 marks]
in stem cell research.
State the maximum number of stem cells per ml blood in the control mice. [1 mark]

Determine the number of hours of light needed to release the maximum number of stem cells in blood in control [1 mark]

Distinguish between the trends shown in the number of stem cells per ml blood by the mice subjected to jet lag [2 marks]
and the control mice.
31h. Other studies suggest that a greater number of blood stem cells for transplantation may be obtained if they are [2 marks]
harvested during darkness. Evaluate this hypothesis.

31i. Explain how the amount of mRNA for CXCL12 gives an indication of the amount of protein CXCL12 produced. [1 mark]

31j. Compare the effect of isoprenaline and clenbuterol with the normal release of stem cells and the production of [3 marks]
mRNA for CXCL12.
32. Where does most assimilation take place? [1 mark]

A. In cells
B. In the mouth
C. In the small intestine
D. In the large intestine

33. What is the role of the pacemaker (SAN)? [1 mark]

A. It controls the release of epinephrine (adrenaline).

B. It sends nerve impulses to the ventricles.
C. It regulates the activity of the medulla.
D. It changes the frequency of muscle contraction in the heart.

34. What occurs during the process of ventilation? [1 mark]

A. Contraction of external intercostal muscles raises the ribcage.

B. Relaxation of the abdominal muscles decreases the air volume in the lungs.
C. Contraction of internal intercostal muscles raises the ribcage.
D. Relaxation of the diaphragm decreases the air pressure in the lungs.

35. Which term describes the phase of rapid entry of sodium ions (Na ) into an axon during an action potential? [1 mark]

A. Active transport
B. Depolarization
C. Ion pumping
D. Repolarization

The structure of part of the digestive system is shown in the diagram below.

Label the diagram to show the structure that is involved in digestion of proteins in acid conditions (using the [1 mark]
letter A).
36b. Label the diagram to show the structure where most absorption of water to prevent dehydration occurs (using [1 mark]
the letter B).

36c. Label the diagram to show the structure where most absorption of nutrients occurs (using the letter C). [1 mark]

36d. Explain how the structure of veins is adapted to their function. [2 marks]
Cells defend the body against pathogens. Outline how some of these cells ingest pathogens in the blood and in [2 marks]
body tissues.

Distinguish between ventilation, gas exchange and cell respiration. [4 marks]


Outline the process of aerobic respiration. [6 marks]


Respiration and other processes in cells involve enzymes. Explain the factors that can affect enzymes. [8 marks]
Between which structures do sensory neurons carry nerve impulses? [1 mark]
A. From effectors to the central nervous system (CNS)
B. From effectors to receptors
C. From receptors to effectors
D. From receptors to the central nervous system (CNS)

Which of the following is a characteristic of type I but not type II diabetes? [1 mark]
A. β cells in the pancreas are destroyed.
B. Insulin injections are required.
C. α cells in the pancreas are destroyed.
D. Sugar intake control is required.

Which hormone triggers ovulation? [1 mark]

B. Testosterone
C. Progesterone
This question refers to the following diagram of the heart.

What is the structure labelled X? [1 mark]

A. Right ventricle
B. Right atrium
C. Left atrium
D. Left ventricle

What is a role of the coronary arteries? [1 mark]

A. To transport oxygen from the lungs directly to the heart muscle
B. To remove deoxygenated blood from the heart muscle
C. To supply the heart muscle with nutrients
D. To remove cholesterol from the heart muscle

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