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A short monologue about a man who comes home to his wife cheating on him.

She then divorces

him and separates him from his kids. He talks to a suicide hotline worker.

Sir, please take a deep breath, it's going to be alright sir. Try to help me understand why you have
called us. Tell me about yourself. Alright, so you’re a banker and you live in Islington, good start
you're doing well. So, you came home one day and found her what? Who is her? Your wife. Please
take a deep breath sir and continue when you are ready. Ok she,

Oh. Oh my god. I'm so sorry sir. Sir that won't happen she would almost definitely lose that case. She

Ok sir listen to me please. I can understand that it's hard to want to go on, but you have a purpose
here. It sounds like you have wonderful kids that you love deeply. Think about them and try to go on
it does get easier I promise.

I do believe me I do know what you're going through. I have been their too it has happened to lots of
my friends. You just have to keep going, alright.

Sir, sir come please say something. Keep on holding out just for the night. We are going to put you in
rehab in the morning. I'm sending our people round. May I have your address?

Sir, Sir?



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