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Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

Plan for indhold og forløb

Modulets navn: B05 Biological Psychology including methods 4

Uddannelse: Bacheloruddannelsen i Psykologi

Fagansvarlig (navn og e-mail): Maria Semkovska (biological psychology),

& Maria Vang (methods),

Modul-/uddannelsessekretær: Charlotte Dickmeiss,

Semester: Efterår 2022

Senest opdateret: 5. juli 2022

Information til studerende:

OBS: Vær opmærksom på reglerne om ophavsret.

Recommended literature (books/chapters in books):

• Breedlove MS & Watson NV (2018). Behavioral Neuroscience (8th edition). Sinauer Associates,
Inc. Publishers. Chapters 1-5, 7-8, 10-14, 16 [499-514], 17-19 (578 pages).
• Butcher, J. N., Hooley, J. M., & Mineka, S. M. (2015). Biological factors in Depression (pp.235-
240). In Abnormal Psychology, Person: Global edition. (6 pages)
• Kalat, J. W. (2019). Mood disorders (pp.468-477). In Biological Psychology, 13th edition,
Cengage. (10 pages)
• Field A (2017). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. (5th edition). London: Sage.
Chapters 1, 2, 8, 10, 19 (200 pages). If you’re using the 4th edition, please refer to chapters 1,
2, 7, 9, 18 instead.
• Pallant, J. (2016). SPSS Survival Manual. (5th edition). Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
Chapters 3 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 11 + 16 + 17. (103 pages).

Recommended literature (research articles):

• Andersen SK, Hillyard SA, Müller MM (2008). Attention facilitates multiple features in parallel
in human visual cortex. Current Biology, 18 (13), 1006-1009. (4 pages)
• Basbaum AI, Bautista DM, Scherrer G, Julius D (2009). Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of
Pain. Cell 139(2):267-84 (18 pages)

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Side 2

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

• Cortese S, Adamo N, Del Giovane C, et al. Comparative efficacy and tolerability of medications
for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, adolescents, and adults: a systematic
review and network meta-analysis. Lancet Psychiatry 2018;5(9):727-38. (12 pages)
• Desimone R, Duncan J (1995). Neural mechanisms of selective visual attention. Ann Rev
Neurosci, 18:193-222 (20 pages)
• Engert V & Pruessner JC (2008). Dopaminergic and noradrenergic contributions to
functionality in ADHD: The role of methylphenidate. Current Neuro-pharmacology 6:322-328
(5 pages).
• Farb NA, Segal ZV, Mayberg H, Bean J, McKeon D, Fatima Z, Anderson AK. (2007) Attending to
the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference. Soc Cogn
Affect Neurosci. Dec;2(4):313-22 (10 pages).
• Kastner S, De Weerd P, Desimone R, Ungerleider LG (1998). Mechanisms of directed attention
in the human extrastriate cortex as revealed by functional MRI. Science 282, 108–111. (4
• Kirk U, Gu X, Sharp C, Hula A, Fonagy P, Montague PR. (2016) Mindfulness training increases
cooperative decision making in economic exchanges: Evidence from fMRI. Neuroimage.
Sep;138:274-283 (10 pages).
• Maren, S., Phan, K.L., Liberzon, I., 2013. The contextual brain: implications for fear
conditioning, extinction and psychopathology. Nature reviews. Neuroscience 14, 417-428. (12
• Moseley GL (2007). Reconceptualising pain according to modern pain science. Phys Ther Rev
12(3):169-178 (10 pages)
• Pedersen, A.D. (2004). Hjernen, bevidstheden og Zenons paradoks. Psyke & Logos, 25, 802-
820 (19 pages)
• Philippot P & Segal Z (2009). Mindfulness based psychological interventions. J Consciousness
Studies 16:10-12:285-306 (22 pages).
• Rizzolatti, G., & Craighero, L. (2004). The Mirror-Neuron System. Annual Review of
Neuroscience, 27, 169-192 (24 pages)
• Storebø OJ, Krogh HB, Ramstad E, Moreira-Maia CR, Holmskov M, Skoog M, et al. (2015)
Methylphenidate for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents:
Cochrane systematic review with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses of randomised
clinical trials. BMJ 2015;351:h5203 (14 pages).
• Treue S, Martínez Trujillo JC (1999) Feature-based attention influences motion processing gain
in macaque visual cortex. Nature 399:575–579. (5 pages)

Additional literature:

• Catani, M., Dell'acqua, F., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., 2013. A revised limbic system model for
memory, emotion and behaviour. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews 37, 1724-1737 (13
• Gade, A. (2020a). Præfrontal cortex: forstyrrelser i eksekutive funktioner. In Starrfelt et al.
(eds): Klinisk Neuropsykologi, 2nd ed., kap. 11, 179-201. (23 pages)
• Gade, A. (2020b). Orbital og medial præfrontal cortec: Forstyrrelser i emotioner, værdier,
selvet og social kognition. In Starrfelt et al. (eds): Klinisk Neuropsykologi, 2nd ed., kap.12 pp
202-214. (13 pages)

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Side 3

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

• Jørgensen, K.; Rune, K. (2020). Neuropsykologisk Undersøgelsesmetode. In: Starrfelt et al.

(eds): Klinisk Neuropsykologi, 2nd Ed, kap. 36 pp. 546-563. Frydenlund. (18 pages)
• Lebel, C., Beaulieu, C., 2011. Longitudinal development of human brain wiring continues from
childhood into adulthood. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for
Neuroscience 31, 10937-10947 (10 pages).
• Moreau, C. A., Raznahan, A., Bellec, P., Chakravarty, M. et al. (2021). Dissecting autism and
schizophrenia through neuroimaging genomics, Brain, 144; 1943–1957. (15 pages)
• Nordfang (2020). Neglekt. In Starrfelt et al. (eds): Klinisk Neuropsykologi, 2nd ed., kap.6,
96-115. (20 pages)
• Pedersen, A.D. (2020). Anosognosi. In Starrfelt et al. (eds): Klinisk Neuropsykologi, 2nd ed.,
kap.7, 116-126. (11 pages)
• Pedersen, A.D. (2002). Selv, bevidsthed og neuropsykologi. I P. Bertelsen, M. Hermansen & J.
Tønnesvang (red.). Vinkler på selvet en antologi om selvbegrebets anvendelse i psykologien.
Forlaget KLIM. (s. 301-341). (40 pages)
• Pedersen, A.D. & Diedrichsen, K.M. (2011). Spejlneuroner. I H. Høgh-Olesen & T. Dalsgaard
(red.). 20 psykologiske eksperimenter, der ændrede vores syn på mennesket. Plurafutura
Publishing. (s. 299-320). (22 pages)
• Petersen, A. M. & Forchhammer, H. P. (2020) Neuropsykologisk rehabilitering. In Starrfelt et
al. (eds): Klinisk Neuropsykologi, 2nd ed., kap. 33 pp 509-524. (16 pages)
• Picton, T.W. & Stuss, D.T. (2000). Consciousness. In: Bittar, E.E. & Bittar, N. (Eds.), Biological
Psychiatry (Principles of Medical Biology, Vol. 14) (pp. 1-25). (25 pages)
• Posner J, Polanczyk GV, Sonuga-Barke E. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Lancet.
2020;395(10222):450-62 (13 pages)
• Sowell, E.R., Thompson, P.M., Leonard, C.M., Welcome, S.E., Kan, E., Toga, A.W., 2004.
Longitudinal mapping of cortical thickness and brain growth in normal children. The Journal of
neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 24, 8223-8231 (8 pages).
• Sterzer, P., Rick, A., Adams, P. A, Frith, C. et al. ( 2018). The Predictive Coding Account of
Psychosis.” Biological Psychiatry 84(9):634–43. (10 pages)
• Stiles, J., Jernigan, T.L., 2010. The basics of brain development. Neuropsychology review 20,
327-348 (21 pages).
• Tottenham, Nim, and Adriana Galván. 2016. “Stress and the Adolescent Brain: Amygdala-
Prefrontal Cortex Circuitry and Ventral Striatum as Developmental Targets.” Neuroscience and
Biobehavioral Reviews 70:217–27.
• Van de Cruys, S., Van der Hallen, R., Wagemans, J., 2017. Disentangling signal and noise in
autism spectrum disorder. Brain and cognition 112, 78-83 (6 pages).
• Werner, M. U., Finnerup, N. B., & Arendt-Nielse, L. (2019). Smertebegreber in Smerter,
baggrund, evidens, behandling, pp.36-93 (58 pages)
• Wörtwein, G. (2020): Mekanismer ved generhvervelse af tabte funktioner efter hjerneskade.
In Starrfelt et al. (eds): Klinisk Neuropsykologi, 2nd ed., kap.32, 499-508. (10 pages)
• Zeman, A. (2001). Consciousness. Brain, 124, 1263-1289 (27 pages)

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Side 4

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

Indhold og forløb
Week 35
Lecture 1: Introduction to biological psychology with Maria Semkovska
The lecture starts with an introduction to the module B05: Biological Psychology, including a
description of the module's structure, teaching methods, topics covered, recommended literature
and details on the examination. The lecture will then introduce the discipline of biological psychology,
its history and core research methods.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 1, pp.1-21

Lecture 2: A presentation of the endocrine system with Per Ørskov

This lecture will give a general overview of the importance of the endocrine system for human
development, brain function and behaviour. It provides an introduction to the communication
pathways, physiology and functions of the main hormones, including how the hormonal system is
regulated, and how hormones can affect social behaviour.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 5, pp.131-160

Methods Lecture: Introduction to quantitative data analysis with Maria Vang (M)
When data are available as a result of the gathering of psychological data (e.g. experiment,
questionnaire survey or observation), it is often necessary to perform statistical data analysis that can
illuminate research questions or hypotheses. This lecture provides an introduction to the use and
logic of statistical data analysis. In addition, the lecture provides the necessary background for the
subsequent practical exercise lessons and an introduction to data analysis and SPSS.
Recommended literature:
• Field A (2017). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. (5th edition). London: Sage.
Chapters 1, 2, 8, 10, 19 (200 pages). If you’re using the 4th edition please refer to chapters 1,
2, 7, 9, 18 instead.

Week 36
Lecture 3: Functional neuroanatomy of the nervous system and introduction to imaging techniques
with Søren Krogh Andersen
The lecture introduces the making and function of the human nervous system at the micro (e.g.,
neuronal) and macro (e.g., brain regions) levels and presents how the brain-imaging techniques that
assist us in acquiring this knowledge.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 2, pp.25-59

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Side 5

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Lecture 4: The brain’s signalling systems with Cathrine Søndergaard Baastrup

The lecture provides a basic introduction to the brain’s signalling systems and the most important
neurotransmitter systems and the areas of the brain where they operate. It covers how neurons
communicate via electrical signals that are converted to neuro-transmitter substances. The processes
in which signal substances are formed as well as the pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms are
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 3, pp.61-94; Chapter 4, pp.95-130

Lecture 5: Neuropsychiatry, mental illnesses and neuropharmacology with Cathrine Søndergaard

The lecture describes the mechanism of action of psychopharmaceuticals. It describes how different
types of psychopharmaceuticals, including antidepressants, mood-stabilising substances and
antipsychotics affect the brain’s signalling systems and thereby mental illnesses.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 3, pp.61-94; Chapter 4, pp.95-130

Lecture 6: The brain plasticity with Cathrine Søndergaard Baastrup

The lecture discusses the basic principles for the nervous system’s neuroplastic processes as seen in
the adult brain. This includes a discussion of examples of the changes seen in the adult brain during
different forms of brain activities. A fundamental understanding of the functional reorganisation
observed in patients with brain damage has only been developed in recent years.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 2, pp.25-59; Chapter 7, pp.193-226
Additional literature:
• Lebel (2011)
• Sowell (2004)
• Stiles (2010)

Team teaching 1: Exercise classes in teams: Introduction to data analysis 1 (M) with Maria Louison
Vang, Lone Hørlyck, Ole Skov and Per Ørskov
This class provides an introduction to the dataset used in the practice lessons, an introduction to the
software SPSS as well as a brief discussion of the different types of descriptive analyses. This forms
the basis of a number of SPSS-based exercises giving the students experience with the use of SPSS
and the calculation, reading and interpretation of descriptive analyses.
Recommended literature:
• Field (2017) Chapter 1, 2

• Pallant (2016), Chapter. 3, 4, 6, 8

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Side 6

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

Week 37
Lecture 7: Sensory function with Søren Krogh Andersen
This lecture describes the different senses and the principles of sensory processing.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 8, pp.229-262, & chapter 9, pp.263-299

Lecture 8: Introduction to nociception, pain modulation and the experience of pain with Henrik
Bjarke Vægter
The lecture provides a basic overview of the physiology of the pain system and proceeds with a
discussion of the interaction between physiology and psychology in the experience of pain.
Recommended literature:
• Basbaum (2009)
• Moseley (2007)
Additional literature:
• Werner (2019), pp.36-93 (

Lecture 9: Vision with Søren Krogh Andersen

This lecture focuses on the structural and functional organisation of the visual system from the eye to
the higher cortical levels of perception.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 10, pp.301-335

Recommended internet resource:

• Michael Bach’s collection of visual illusions:

Team teaching 2: Exercise classes in teams: Introduction to data analysis 2 (M) with Maria Louison
Vang, Lone Hørlyck, Ole Skov and Per Ørskov
The lecture provides a brief introduction to correlation analysis and the Chi-square test. This
introduction provides the background for a number of SPSS-based exercises giving the students
experience with the calculation, reading and interpretation of correlation analysis and the Chi-square
Recommended literature:
• Field (2017), Chapter 8, 19

• Pallant (2016), Chapter. 11, 16

Week 38
Lecture 10: Motor function & language with Maria Semkovska
This class will adopt a team-based learning approach; thus, students need to prepare by reading the
recommended chapter in advance of the lecture to be able to effectively participate in the session.

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Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

The lecture focuses on how the brain plans, executes and controls movement, & then on how the
brain processes language, including the hemispheric differences in language control.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 11, pp.337-368 & Chapter 19, pp.609-633; 636-644

Lecture 11: Biological factors in mood disorders with Maria Semkovska

This class will adopt a team-based learning approach; thus, students need to prepare by reading the
two recommended chapters in advance of the lecture to be able to effectively participate in the
session. The lecture provides an introduction on the cerebral changes associated with mood
disorders, with a particular focus on depression, and the predominant approaches to their
Recommended literature:
• Butcher et al. (2015), Chapter 7, pp.235-240
• Kalat (2019), Chapter 10, pp.468-477

Lecture 12: Neuroscience of visual attention 1 with Søren Krogh Andersen

This lectures provides an introduction to how selective visual attention is studied in cognitive
neuroscience and explains key theories.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 18, pp. 573-608
Recommended literature (research articles):
• Andersen (2008)
• Desimone (1995)
• Kastner (1998)
• Treue (1999)

Week 39
Lecture 13: E-learning: Question time and MCQ exam test exercise with Maria Semkovska
In this e-activity, an open online forum for questions and discussion will be created. To the extent
possible, the students are asked to upload their questions to the discussion forum on ItsLearning
prior to the e-activity. Following the forum discussion, the students will train for the MCQ exam,
which can be accessed via ItsLearning. Duration 4 hours.

Lecture 14: The biological foundation for mindfulness interventions with Ulrich Kirk
This lecture provides an overview of the neurobiology behind mindfulness, including a presentation
of the latest mindfulness research. Examples are provided of how the use of mindfulness treatments
in conjunction with imaging techniques such as MRI and indicate possible applications of mindfulness
as a clinical tool.
Recommended literature:
• Farb et al, (2007)

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Side 8

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

• Kirk et al, (2016)

• Philippot et al, (2009)

Lecture 15: Medical treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with Ole Jakob
This lecture will take a closer look at ADHD and how it is normally treated, with a particular focus on
the effects of treatment with methylphenidate and the positive and negative effects of this
Recommended literature:
• Cortese et al. (2018)
• Engert & Pruessner (2008)
• Storebø et al., (2015)
Additional literature:
• Posner et al. (2020)

Lecture 16: Neuroscience of visual attention 2 with Søren Krogh Andersen

This lecture continues with the introduction to how selective visual attention is studied in cognitive
neuroscience and explains key theories.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 18, pp. 573-608
Recommended literature (research articles):
• Andersen (2008)
• Desimone (1995)
• Kastner (1998)
• Treue (1999)

Team teaching 3: Exercise classes in teams: Introduction to data analysis 3 (M) with Maria Louison
Vang, Lone Hørlyck, Ole Skov and Per Ørskov
A brief introduction is given to t-tests. This introduction provides the background for a number of
SPSS-based exercises giving the students experience with the calculation, reading and interpretation
of t-tests.
Recommended literature:
• Field (2017) Chapter 10

• Pallant (2016), Chapter. 17

Week 40

Lecture 17: Self, consciousness, and the brain with Anders Degn Pedersen

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Side 9

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

Consciousness and self-consciousness are ambiguous terms. Consciousness can refer to 1) the waking
state; 2) experience; and 3) the possession of any mental state. The lecture will discuss the neural
basis of consciousness, self, and introduce the concept of mirror neurons,
Recommended literature:
• Pedersen (2004)
• Rizzolatti & Craighero (2004)
Additional literature:
• Pedersen & Diedrichsen (2011)
• Pedersen (2002)
• Picton & Stuss (2000)
• Zeman (2010)

Lecture 18: Memory from a neuropsychological perspective with Anders Degn Pedersen
Classification of memory function and the neural basis of memory will be presented and illustrated
with clinical cases.

Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 17, pp. 535-571

Lecture 19: An introduction to homoeostasis and behaviour with Per Ørskov

This lecture is an introduction to the regulation of behaviour, physiological functions and biological
rhythms. We take a closer look at how sexual behaviour and differentiation are regulated biologically.
The lecture moreover provides an overview of how the body regulates basic functions such as
hunger, thirst, weight and temperature. Finally, the lecture covers sleep, including the physiological
role of sleep and the regulation of circadian rhythms. This lecture builds on the previous lecture on
the endocrine system to some extent.
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 12, 13, 14, pp. 371-464

Team teaching 4: Exercise classes in teams: Introduction to data analysis 4 (M) with Maria Louison
Vang, Lone Hørlyck, Ole Skov and Per Ørskov
This lesson sums up on the previous three classroom lessons in introduction to data analysis.
Recommended literature:
• Pallant (2016) and Field (2017) as directed.

Week 41

Lecture 20: Stress, memory and emotions - an introduction to the limbic system with Martin
Vestergaard Gøtzsche
The lecture will focus on the neurobiology of stress, fear and memory, and how cortisol is implicated
in the facilitation of the acute stress response by considering:

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Side 10

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

1. How the 'fight or flight' response, activates the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA-
axis) and sympathetic nervous system.
2. How noradrenaline and cortisol interact at target sites in the amygdala and hippocampus to
facilitate emotion-biased memories.
3. How stress and aversive emotions are regulated by medial prefrontal cortex and why chronic
stress may trigger sustained changes in frontolimbic connectivity.
4. The frontolimbic system and associations with psychiatric disorders.

Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapters 5, 13, 14: pp.131-160; 403-464
• Maren et al. (2013)
Additional literature:
• Catani (2013)
• Tottenham (2013)

Lecture 21: Are schizophrenia and autism on the same spectrum? with Martin Vestergaard
The lecture will focus on the neurobehavioral and psychopathological similarities in autism and
schizophrenia by considering:
1. Shared neurocognitive deficits in schizophrenia and autism - the frontolimbic system and
associations with cognitive flexibility, mentalization and autobiographical memory.
2. An introduction to predictive error coding theory and the link to autism
3. The neurobiology of psychosis and relationships to stress, sensory sensitivity and prediction
Recommended literature:
• Breedlove (2018), Chapter 16, pp.499-531
Additional literature:
• Moreau (2021)
• Sterzer (2018)
• Van de Crys (2017)

Lecture 22: An introduction to clinical neuropsychology with Charlotte Marie Sandvei

This lecture will provide an Introduction to the clinical neuropsychological examination including
testing and observation, as well as examples of neuropsychological treatment following brain injury.
Additional literature:
• Jørgensen & Rune (2020)
• Petersen & Forchhammer (2020)
• Gade (2020a)
• Gade (2020b)
• Nordfang et al. (2020)
• Pedersen (2020)
• Wörtwein (2020)

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Side 11

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

Sub-test 1:
Active participation (80%) in methodology teaching. In the description of the module, lessons
regarded as methodology teaching are indicated with an (M) in brackets next to the heading.
Participation includes physical presence and completion of exercises.
Assessment: Internal test pass/fail (5 ECTS)
Sub-test 2:
Written multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) consisting of 100 questions. English-Danish dictionary
allowed to bring to the exam.
Assessment: Assessed according to the 7-mark scale (10 ECTS)
Duration 3 hours
Date: Possibly the 26th of October 2022 depending of allotted examination rooms.

Sub-test 1 (5 ECTS):
Written examination. Statistical data analysis assignment with defined aid.
Grading: Internal, Pass/Fail.
Duration 1 hour.
Date: January 2023 – more info later
Sub-test 2 (10 ECTS):
Written examination. Short answer essays without aids
Grading: Internal, in accordance with the 7-point grading scale.
Duration 4 hours
Date: January 2023 – more info later

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