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Year 8 Science

8Id-e mini assessment

1) Complete these sentences the using words from the boxes. You can use each word once, more than once or
not at all (8 marks)
air density faster greater less more slower water

A hot air balloon flies because the ______________ of the balloon (including the basket and the passengers)
is_______________ than the density of the_____________ surrounding it. The air inside a hot air balloon is
heated to make the particles move______________ and take up___________ space. This makes the density of
the hot air ________________.

A steel ship floats because the overall_______________ of the ship, including all the air spaces inside it, is less
than the density of ________________.

2) Two identical cars are driving along the motorway. Car A is travelling at 50 km/h and Car B is travelling at
80 km/h (2 marks)

a) Which car has the most drag acting on it? _________________

b) Which car needs the biggest force from its engine to keep moving at a steady speed? ___________________

3) All the beakers have water in them. The blocks are all the same size, and the small beakers are holding the
water that the blocks have displaced.

a) Which object is the heaviest? How do you know? (2 marks)


b) Write the three objects in order of their weight, starting with the heaviest. Explain how you worked out your
answer (3 marks)


4) Josh picked up a rock from the sea bed. It was easy to lift. It felt much heavier when he carried it up the
beach. Why did the stone feel lighter when it was under the water? (1 mark)


5) What are the advantages of reducing the fuel consumption of lorries or other vehicles?
Give as many reasons as you can (4 marks)




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