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Herwin E. Manalo

BS computer Engineering – I


Mr. Kart Henzzel Arnaiz


During our preproduction phase for our digital art project, we utilized a messenger app as our primary
communication platform. This choice was driven by the fact that we had different class schedules,
making it difficult to meet in person consistently. Despite this constraint, we were determined to
collaborate effectively and brainstormed our ideas extensively through the messenger app.

The brainstorming process was dynamic and engaging. We shared our individual inspirations, concepts,
and visions for the art project, constantly bouncing ideas off each other. The app allowed us to share
links, images, which further enriched our discussions. This collaborative approach fueled our creativity
and enabled us to refine our ideas into a cohesive and well-thought-out concept.

Once we had finalized our ideas, we made the decision to divide our tasks based on our strengths and
interests. My role in the project was to handle the documentation aspect, ensuring that our artistic
vision was well-documented and captured in a comprehensive manner. This involved detailing the
artistic process, explaining the conceptual framework behind the artwork, and providing any necessary
background information to enhance the viewer's understanding and appreciation.

Meanwhile, my partner took charge of the image editing process. I shared a collection of pictures with
him that I had taken, which served as the raw material for his artistic manipulations. He skillfully applied
his editing techniques to transform the images into captivating visual compositions, aligning them with
our agreed-upon concept.

Throughout the project, we maintained open lines of communication, discussing our progress, seeking
feedback, and offering suggestions to refine each other's work. The messenger app facilitated this
ongoing collaboration, as we could quickly exchange ideas, share drafts, and provide constructive
criticism in real time.

By embracing technology and leveraging the capabilities of the messenger app, we overcame the
logistical challenges posed by our differing schedules. We effectively harnessed our individual strengths,
working in tandem to bring our shared vision to life. Our efficient division of labor and seamless
communication ensured that both the documentation and the visual aspects of our digital art project
were meticulously crafted and aligned with our creative intent.

In the end, our dedication to collaboration, combined with the convenience and versatility of the
messenger app, enabled us to create a remarkable piece of digital art that reflected our shared passion
and artistic synergy.
Pictures taken during our preproduction of our art.

During the post-production phase, my partner shared the final artwork through the messenger app. We
conducted interviews with a Facebook community, posting our art with thought-provoking questions in
the comments. Engaging with participants and documenting feedback, we gained valuable insights for
future projects. The app's real-time notifications and messaging capabilities facilitated seamless
communication. This phase fostered learning and artistic growth through diverse perspectives.

This collaborative process allowed us to gather feedback and insights from a wider audience, enabling us
to understand how our art resonated with others. By actively engaging with participants and
documenting their responses, we gained valuable perspectives that shaped our future artistic endeavors.

The messenger app played a crucial role in facilitating our communication and interaction with the
audience. Its real-time notifications ensured that we could promptly respond to comments and maintain
an ongoing dialogue. This seamless communication further enriched our understanding of the
audience's interpretation and perception of our art.

Overall, this post-production phase served as a valuable learning experience, providing us with valuable
feedback and fueling our artistic growth. By leveraging the capabilities of the messenger app and
engaging with the Facebook community, we were able to create a meaningful connection between our
art and its audience, fostering a sense of collaboration and dialogue.

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