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KCP 抓包

Install wireshark 3.6.12

Download kcp_dissector.lua
---@ KCP Protocol dissector plugin


local bit32 = bit32 or bit

local NAME = "KCP"

local PORT = 20001

local KCP = Proto(NAME, "KCP Protocol")

-- KCP Protocol Fields.

local conv = ProtoField.uint32(NAME .. ".conv", "Conv", base.DEC)
local cmd = ProtoField.uint8(NAME .. ".cmd", "Cmd", base.DEC)
local frg = ProtoField.uint8(NAME .. ".frg", "Frg", base.DEC)
local wnd = ProtoField.uint16(NAME .. ".wnd", "Wnd", base.DEC)

local ts = ProtoField.uint32(NAME .. ".ts", "ts", base.DEC)

local sn = ProtoField.uint32(NAME .. ".sn", "sn", base.DEC)
local una = ProtoField.uint32(NAME .. ".una", "una", base.DEC)
local len = ProtoField.uint32(NAME .. ".len", "len", base.DEC)
local data = ProtoField.string(NAME .. ".data", "data", base.UNICODE)


0 4 5 6 8 (BYTE)
| conv |cmd|frg| wnd |
+---------------+---+---+-------+ 8
| ts | sn |
+---------------+---------------+ 16
| una | len |
+---------------+---------------+ 24
| |
| DATA (optional) |
| |


KCP.fields = {
conv, cmd, frg, wnd,
ts, sn,
una, len,

local function CMD_TO_STRING(CMD)

if CMD:le_uint() == 81 then
return "CMD_PUSH(81)"
elseif CMD:le_uint() == 82 then
return "CMD_ACK(82)"
elseif CMD:le_uint() == 83 then
return "CMD_WASK(83)"
elseif CMD:le_uint() == 84 then
return "CMD_WINS(84)"
return CMD:le_uint()

local function WND_TO_STRING(WND)

return "WND_RCV_SIZE(" .. WND:le_uint() .. ")"

local function FRG_TO_STRING(FRG)

return FRG:uint() == 1 and "YES(1)" or "FALSE(0)"

local function LEN_TO_STRING(LEN)

return LEN:le_uint()

local segment = 0
-- KCP dissect packet
function KCP.dissector (Buffer, Menu, T)

-- Creating a protocol tree.

local Tree = T:add(KCP, Buffer())

-- Registered Protocol Name

Menu.cols.protocol =

-- Calculate the data offset value

local offset = 0

local CONV = Buffer(offset, 4)

Tree:add_le(conv, CONV)
Tree:append_text(", conv: " .. CONV:le_uint())
offset = offset + 4

local CMD = Buffer(offset, 1)

Tree:add_le(cmd, CMD)
Tree:append_text(", cmd: " .. CMD_TO_STRING(CMD))
offset = offset + 1

local FRG = Buffer(offset, 1)

Tree:add_le(frg, FRG)
Tree:append_text(", frg: " .. FRG_TO_STRING(FRG))
offset = offset + 1

local WND = Buffer(offset, 2)

Tree:add_le(wnd, WND)
Tree:append_text(", wnd: " .. WND_TO_STRING(WND))
offset = offset + 2

local TS = Buffer(offset, 4)
Tree:add_le(ts, TS)
Tree:append_text(", ts: " .. TS:le_uint())
offset = offset + 4

local SN = Buffer(offset, 4)
Tree:add_le(sn, SN)
Tree:append_text(", sn: " .. SN:le_uint())
offset = offset + 4

local UNA = Buffer(offset, 4)

Tree:add_le(una, UNA)
Tree:append_text(", una: " .. UNA:le_uint())
offset = offset + 4

local LEN = Buffer(offset, 4)

Tree:add_le(len, LEN)
Tree:append_text(", len: " .. LEN_TO_STRING(LEN))
offset = offset + 4

local DATA = Buffer(offset, Buffer:len() - offset)

Tree:add(data, DATA:string(ENC_UTF_8))
-- Tree:append_text(", data: " .. DATA:string(ENC_UTF_8))
offset = offset + (Buffer:len() - offset)

if CMD:le_uint() == 81 then
local info = "CMD_PUSH, SN(" .. SN:le_uint() .. ")"
if UNA:le_uint() > 0 then
info = info .. "WAIT_SN(" .. UNA:le_uint() .. ")"
end = info
elseif CMD:le_uint() == 82 then = "CMD_ACK, SN(" .. SN:le_uint() .. "), NEXT_SN(" .. UNA:le_uint() .. ")"
elseif CMD:le_uint() == 83 then
elseif CMD:le_uint() == 84 then


DissectorTable.get("udp.port"):add(PORT, KCP)

修改 lua 脚本中 kcp 使用的 udp 端口,如下

local PORT = 20001
把修改后的 lua 脚本放置到个人 lua 插件目录中
载入 lua 插件

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