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Different School systems

Why I choose it? And the objective of my reserch.

The reazon why i choosed this topic is because we have always known that we can study
in two mains schools systems, the private and public schools and sometimes we don´t
know what the other system school in what we don´t study offers us. The objective of this
research is compare the different and similaraty of these schools systems, and also
identify the advantage of each one.

The most interesting thing about it (the research)

 Public education and private education.

The Mexican education system is divided into two types of educational models, which
makes educational institutions establish different parameters in their ways of teaching
classes and educational topics. These educational models are public and private

 Differences between the private and public education.

-The main difference between the two is that the public school is financially supported
by the state, while the private school is financed by the students themselves, through
their parents, who pay it by paying a monthly fee, and eventually a tuition that is pays
at the beginning of each school year.

But, if we compare the different activities or performances that each educational

system has in the different institutions, these are the differents:

- The hours managed by private schools usually extend to more hours in the afternoon.
This is because they normally include other subjects that are extracurricular, such as:
foreign languages, artistic and sports activities, and workshops.

-In public schools, class schedules are predetermined by the general management and
you will hardly find extracurricular recreational activities. In addition, in some cases
there are morning and evening shifts.
 Advantage of private schools
- Infrastructure: The schools with private education have an infrastructure of
important quality, and They have modern buildings

- Quality: The results have shown that students from a private school have a better
academic performance.

- Technology: Classrooms in private schools are equipped with the best technology,
offering better learning

 Advantage of public schools

-Minimum costs: One of the most important reasons for defending on public
education is that it means that parents have to invest a minimum cost

- Is secular: They don’t promote any type of religion

- Social integrity: In public schools there is not a great economic difference

between students.

My opinon about it (Conclusion)

If one thing is true, it’s that private schools are of much higher quality than public schools,
as a result, on average, students have better preparation and knowledge. But this depends
on the student,
There is a phrase that says, the school doesn’t make the student, the student makes the
school, if you are in a public or private school it doesn’t guarantee your present or your
future, this will depend on your performance

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