Preparation Ramen Hanabi - Rpym

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label preparation_ramen_hanabi:

gg "Hi, Ayame."
ayame "Hello, what will you order..."
ayame "О! [player_name], hi, what are you here for?"
gg "I wanted to ask you, do you make some kind of \"Hiyamugi\"?"
ayame "Sure, but unfortunately for you, we're out of special ingredients for
these noodles"
ayame "New ones won't be available until the day after tomorrow."
gg "Hmm, but I need everything for tomorrow, I called a girl for a date and
promised to treat her to Hiyamugi"
gg "Now do you see why I have to have these noodles?"
ayame "There is an option, I can go buy them myself, but then you would have to
pay for it."
gg "Great! How much do you need?"
ayame "Well, look. Hiyamugi noodles are 200 yen, mirin is 50 yen and white
sesame paste is 70 yen."
ayame "That's 320 yen today, it costs 400 yen to make it, but I'll make it for
you for free."
if >= 320:
$ -= 320
jump enough_money
jump not_enough_money
label enough_money:
gg "Here you go, we'll stop by tomorrow, thanks."
ayame "All right, we'll have everything ready for you when you get here, good
$ hanabi_event_number += 1
jump map_1
with dissolve
label not_enough_money:
gg "*Whispering* Shit. Not enough money"
gg "Ayame, you're so pretty today, be nice, let me pay you next time?"
$ ayame.set("eyes", "sad")
$ ayame.set("mouth", "srp")
"Ayame was very embarrassed."
ayame "А... Well... Okay, well..."
ayame "You embarrassed me, you fool..."
gg "Thank you so much, I'll be sure to return the favor."
gg "I have to go home now, see you tomorrow, Ayame."
ayame "Till... Tomorrow..."
$ hanabi_event_number += 1
jump map_1
with dissolve

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