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label hanabi_ramen_dinner:

show map_1
with dissolve
"After a few minutes, you hear the door creak, and you turn around and see
$ hanabi.reset()
$"mid center")
hanabi "[player_name], you're already here, hi."
with dissolve
gg "Hi, Hanabi."
gg "You look really great."
hanabi "*blushing*"
$ hanabi.set("blush", "blush")
with dissolve
hanabi "Thank you, no one has ever said things like that to me."
gg "I like it when I make you smile"
hanabi "I like it too, let's go to that place you promised to take me to"
gg "Sure, let's go, I'm already hungry myself."
"After a few minutes of nonstop chitchat, unnoticed by you, you reached
hide hanabi
with dissolve
show black
with dissolve
gg "This is the place, modest, but very tasty."
show ramen2
with dissolve
$ hanabi.reset()
$"mid center")
hanabi "Wow, I used to pass by this place a lot, but I didn't expect to see
anything here."
with dissolve
gg "Today you will taste the most delicious Hiyamugi, I promise"
gg "Let's go sit down and order some food."
"After ordering food, Hanabi got so carried away that she ate seven servings of
noodles throughout the evening."
"Apparently, this is a feature of the Hyuga clan."
hanabi "Ugh! I didn't even notice I ate it all."
hanabi "They really do make a great Hiyamugi here, you didn't lie."
gg "*Whispering* I know you're still going to love it. :)"
hanabi "I'm sorry, did you say something?"
gg "Yes, I say I like girls with a good appetite."
hanabi "You don't know my sister, she's a glutton, but she's also a beauty."
gg "*Of course...*"
gg "Well, now that we've eaten, would you mind taking a walk and walking you
home as well?"
hanabi "So nice of you, of course I don't mind."
hide hanabi
with dissolve
show black
with dissolve
"During the walk you talked passionately, learning more and more about each
show map_1_night
with dissolve
"Until they noticed that a dozen meters away was her house"
$ hanabi.reset()
$"mid center")
with dissolve
hanabi "Thanks for walking me home [player_name]-chan"
"Coming closer, a blushing Hanabi gives you her kiss on the cheek"
hanabi "Thank you for the evening, it was a pleasure for me.."
hanabi "If you want to go out again, come and see me, I'll always be glad to
see you."
hide hanabi
with dissolve
gg "I'll take you up on that, hehehe, then I'll be right in, wait for me."
show black
with dissolve
"After saying goodbye, Hanabi went inside, and you went for a slow walk through
Konoha at night until morning, thinking about today."
"Continuation of the storyline in next versions of the mod"
"Thanks for playing and buying the mod!"
"We will try harder and harder to please you."
$ hanabi_next_version += 1
jump map_1
with dissolve

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