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Harcourt Butler Technical University,


Computer Science And Engineering Final Year

Project (2023-24)
Area – Blockchain
Topic - “Patient Record Management System”

Group members – Supervising Faculty – Prof. Raghuraj Singh

 Harsh Prajapati (200104031)

 Ujjwal Singh (200104062)
 Smriti Shukla (200104057)
 Unnati Kumari (200104063)




 Project Goals.............................................................................................................. 3

 Project Overview:....................................................................................................... 4
 Technology Used..........................................................................................................4

 Field of Project:............................................................................................................4



Literature Review...............................................................................................6

Feasibility Study................................................................................................7

Methodology / Technology Required...............................................................8

Expected Outcome..............................................................................................8

In a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the need for secure, efficient, and accessible patient
record management has never been greater. The "Blockchain-Powered Patient Record
Management System" offers a groundbreaking solution that leverages blockchain technology to
revolutionize the way patient records are stored, managed, and shared within the healthcare

This innovative system provides a comprehensive platform for healthcare providers, patients,
and authorized stakeholders to securely create, access, and update patient records while
ensuring data integrity, privacy, decentralization and interoperability.

Project Goals:
Enhanced Data Security: Develop a robust blockchain infrastructure to ensure the security,
integrity, and privacy of patient records, protecting them from unauthorized access and data

Patient-Centric Approach: Implement a user-friendly interface that empowers patients to

control their own health records, granting and revoking access to healthcare providers and
authorized stakeholders.

Interoperability: Create standardized data formats and interfaces to facilitate seamless data
exchange among different healthcare providers and systems, ensuring continuity of care.

Compliance and Auditing: Incorporate comprehensive auditing and compliance features to

meet regulatory requirements (e.g., HIPAA, GDPR) and provide transparent tracking of data

Efficiency and Resource Optimization: Streamline records management, reducing

administrative overhead, and improving resource allocation in healthcare organizations.

Patient Engagement: Promote patient engagement by enabling easy access to records,

appointment reminders, and medication tracking through an intuitive user interface.

Research and Analytics: Enable secure data sharing for research purposes while protecting
patient anonymity, contributing to medical advancements.

Scalability and Future-Proofing: Create a scalable system capable of accommodating the

growing volume of healthcare data and emerging technologies.

Project Overview:

Our blockchain-based patient record management system aims to transform healthcare data
management. Leveraging blockchain technology, we prioritize data security, patient control,
and interoperability. Patients gain control over their records, while healthcare providers access
secure, standardized data. Compliance with regulations like HIPAA and GDPR is paramount,
ensuring data privacy.

Efficiency improves through streamlined records management, while patient engagement

thrives with user-friendly interfaces. Research and analytics benefit from secure data sharing,
all within a scalable system. Our project will set a new standard for healthcare data
management, emphasizing security, transparency, and patient empowerment.

Technology Used:

Blockchain Technology: The core of the system relies on blockchain for secure and immutable
data storage. We use established blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, or a
custom-built blockchain network.

Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are employed to automate and enforce access control, data
sharing, and compliance rules on the blockchain.

Web Development: Web technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript) are used to create user-
friendly interfaces for both patients and healthcare professionals.

Blockchain Integration SDKs: If using a specific blockchain platform, software development

kits (SDKs) for that platform are utilized for integration.

Field of Project:
The field of the project is Healthcare Information Technology (Healthcare IT) or Health Tech.
Specifically, the project focuses on developing a blockchain-based patient record management
system, which falls within the broader domain of Health Information Management (HIM) and
Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems. This field involves the use of technology to manage,
store, and exchange healthcare data, with an emphasis on data security, privacy,
interoperability, and efficiency in the healthcare industry. The project aims to address the
challenges and opportunities within this field to improve patient care, data management, and
healthcare system operations.

The rationale behind the project for a blockchain-based patient record management system,
such as "Patient Record Management System" is driven by several critical factors and needs within
the healthcare industry:

Data Security: Healthcare records contain sensitive and personal information. The increasing
frequency of data breaches and cyberattacks in the healthcare sector necessitates a more secure
and tamper-resistant data management solution.

Patient Empowerment: Patients should have greater control over their health records.
Empowering them to grant or revoke access ensures data privacy and encourages active
participation in their healthcare decisions.

Interoperability: The fragmentation of healthcare systems and data silos hinders the seamless
sharing of patient information among healthcare providers. Improved interoperability is
essential for comprehensive patient care.

Compliance: Healthcare is subject to stringent data protection regulations like HIPAA (in the
U.S.) and GDPR (in the EU). Adherence to these regulations is crucial to avoid legal
consequences and maintain trust.

Efficiency: Paper-based records and disparate digital systems result in administrative

inefficiencies, increased costs, and potential errors. A digital patient record system streamlines
operations and resource allocation.

Patient Engagement: Engaging patients in their care improves health outcomes. User-friendly
interfaces and tools that enable patients to access their records and manage appointments and
medications enhance engagement.

Medical Research: Secure data sharing for research purposes can lead to medical
breakthroughs and improved treatments while ensuring patient privacy.

Scalability: As healthcare data continues to grow exponentially, a scalable solution is necessary

to accommodate this growth and future technological advancements.

In summary, the project's rationale is to address critical issues within the healthcare industry by
leveraging blockchain technology to provide a secure, patient-centric, interoperable, and
efficient patient record management system. This system aims to meet regulatory requirements,
enhance patient engagement, and contribute to advancements in medical research, ultimately
improving healthcare delivery and outcome

1. Enhanced Data Security: Develop a secure blockchain infrastructure to protect patient
records from unauthorized access and tampering. Implement strong encryption
mechanisms to ensure data confidentiality during storage and transmission.

2. Patient-Centric Approach: Create user-friendly interfaces that allow patients to

control access to their health records. Enable patients to easily grant or revoke access
permissions to healthcare providers and authorized individuals.

3. Efficiency and Resource Optimization: Streamline records management to reduce

administrative overhead and improve resource allocation in healthcare organizations.
Reduce the reliance on paper-based records and manual data entry.

4. Research and Analytics: Enable secure data sharing for research purposes while
preserving patient anonymity. Facilitate data analysis and insights to contribute to
medical advancements.

Literature Review:

1. Bharath H, Rahul N, Shylash S, Vinny Pious published a research paper in 2020 titled -
Patient Data Management Using Blockchain. The research paper identifies limitations in
traditional patient data management, including data reproducibility and lack of
interoperability. It proposes using Blockchain technology to empower patients with
secure, accessible healthcare data. This approach aims to enhance transparency, patient
control, and revolutionize the healthcare industry.

2. Hui Li Wang, Shao-I Chu, Jiun-Han Yan published Blockchain-Based Medical Record
Management with Biofeedback Information in 2020. This paper investigates
blockchain's use in medical record management, ensuring data security, privacy, and
patient control. It also integrates biofeedback data and utilizes smart contracts for
efficient management. Implemented on Ethereum, the study showcases the potential to
revolutionize healthcare data management and patient engagement.

Feasibility Study:
The "Patient Record Management System" project aims to develop a blockchain-based
patient record management system. This feasibility study assesses the project's viability from
technical, economic, operational, and scheduling perspectives.

2. Technical Feasibility
Technology Assessment: Evaluate the availability and readiness of blockchain platforms
(e.g., Ethereum, Hyperledger) and associated tools for the project's requirements.
Integration: Assess the compatibility and feasibility of integrating "Secure Health" with
existing healthcare systems and electronic health records (EHRs).

3. Economic Feasibility
Cost Analysis: Estimate the initial development costs, including blockchain infrastructure,
software development, and hardware requirements
Return on Investment (ROI): Evaluate the potential cost savings and revenue generation
opportunities through enhanced efficiency, reduced administrative overhead, and possible
monetization of the system.

4. Operational Feasibility
User Acceptance: Determine the willingness of healthcare providers, patients, and
stakeholders to adopt the blockchain-based system.
Operational Impact: Assess how the new system will affect current healthcare processes,
including training requirements and workflow adjustments.

5. Scheduling Feasibility
Project Timeline: Create a detailed project timeline, considering the development phases,
testing, integration, and deployment.
Resource Availability: Ensure that the required team members, skills, and resources are
available throughout the project's duration.

6. Risk Assessment
Identify potential risks and mitigation strategies related to data security, regulatory
compliance, scalability, and user adoption.

Methodology/Technology Required:
Blockchain Technology:
Blockchain Platform: Select a suitable blockchain platform like Ethereum, Hyperledger
Fabric, or a custom-built blockchain network.
Smart Contracts: Develop smart contracts to automate and enforce access control and
data management rules.
Consensus Mechanisms: Implement the chosen consensus algorithm for validating
transactions (e.g., Proof of Work or Proof of Stake).

Development and Integration:

Programming Languages: Use languages like Solidity, Go, or Java for smart contract
Development Frameworks: Employ development frameworks like Truffle or Remix to
streamline blockchain application development.
APIs: Create and integrate APIs to connect the blockchain with external healthcare
systems and databases.

User Interfaces:
Web Development: Utilize web development technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript)
to create user-friendly web interfaces.

Employ strong encryption algorithms (e.g., AES, RSA) for data security during
transmission and storage.

Access Control:
Implement robust access control mechanisms to ensure data privacy.
Authentication: Use multi-factor authentication for secure user access.

Blockchain Integration SDKs:

If using a specific blockchain platform, utilize software development kits (SDKs) for
that platform to facilitate integration.

Expected Outcomes:
The expected outcomes of the Patient Record Management System project are multifaceted
and hold great potential in addressing critical public health and safety needs. Upon successful
completion of this project, we anticipate the following key outcomes:

1. Smart Contracts: Development and deployment of smart contracts on the chosen

blockchain platform to automate access control, data sharing, and data management within
the system.
2. User Interfaces: Creation of user-friendly web and mobile interfaces for both patients and
healthcare professionals to access and interact with patient records. Interfaces should
enable patients to manage access permissions, view their records, and engage with
healthcare services easily.

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