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Homebrew Hypnosis

As the title suggests, this document is a collection of supplementary homebrew rules for
dungeons and dragons 5th edition. These rules can be added to any and all campaigns, and could
potentially even be the basis of an entirely new rule set.

To begin, it should be noted that some forms of mind control already exist within dnd in the form
of enchantment magic. These types of spells range from making someone think you are their
friend to seizing control of their minds and bending their actions to your will. With this in mind,
my initial rule set will mostly focus on physical hypnosis, however I may add some magic based
stuff later. Finally, I plan to have several segments within this supplement, so pick and choose
which ones to use.

Section I: Levels of Hypnosis

Level Affect

1.Dazed Dazed is a very low state of hypnosis, target is

a fair distance from being truly hypnotized.
Target appears somewhat confused, but not
completely unfocused. Target gains
disadvantage on any checks which require int
or wis (perception, insight, history, etc), and
can no longer cast spells which require

2. Spacey Target is slowly slipping into a trance, their

eyes become glazed as their face slips into a
relaxed expression. Holding onto thoughts is
becoming difficult, like their head is full of
fog. The target gains disadvantage for str, dex,
and crm rolls and has their movement reduced
to 5 feet. Players and npcs which appear non
hostile can try to make suggestions via a
charisma check with disadvantage. Successful
suggestions last 1d12 hours

3. Trance Target is now hypnotized. Their face is either

blank or bears a soft smile. Their head is
pretty empty now, and thinking has become
almost impossible. Their movement speed is
reduced to 0. Any attempts to rouse
themselves now have disadvantage, and
suggestions made by others no longer have
disadvantage unless the suggestor has
previously shown hostile intent. Suggestions
last 1d4 days. Target can no longer cast spells
or attack unless they are commanded to do so,
at which point all disadvantages are

4. Deeply hypnotized The target is now deeply in trance, any shreds

of resistance or independence have been
suppressed, They are open and ready for
suggestion. They can no longer take any
actions or movements unless they are
commanded to do so, and the person who
hypnotized them no longer has to make a
check to make suggestions or commands. In
addition, this person can choose whether or
not other people can make suggestions. These
suggestions last 1d6 days and the count can be
refreshed without having to re-hypnotize this
target. They cannot be woken so long as the
person or thing which hypnotized them is still

5. Brainwashed This state cannot be reached in combat,

requiring long rest to inflict. The target has
undergone brainwashing, and has had their
mind remade. Any suggestions or alterations
will require deprogarming or some sort of
catalyst (dm’s discretion) to undo the effects.
The target’s loyalties, personality, alignment,
and all other factors have been determined by
the one who brainwashed them. Charisma,
intelligence, and wisdom can be reduced to a
minimum of 5, and wisdom and charisma can
be increased by a maximum of 2.

In this supplement, being hypnotized is similar to how exhaustion works; the higher your
hypnosis level, the more drawbacks you face. Targets can be hypnotized in a variety of ways,
examples include a pendant, a magical mist, and a snake creature. When hypnotized, players or
NPCs can try to command or alter a target. This is known as a suggestion. Suggestions can
include alterations in personality, memories, or thoughts, commands, or even certain abilities.
The higher a target’s hypnosis level, the more impactful the suggestions. For example, a person
who is dazed could be commanded to drop their sword, but they probably can’t be convinced
that they are a beholder, but at higher levels, such things become obtainable. When hypnotized,
targets with wisdom or intelligence above 12 may attempt to wake themselves up to level three
trance. Finally, certain items or even player actions can wake those who have been entranced,
such events are at the DM’s discretion

Section II: Hypnosis as a skill

Having enemies and NPCs with hypnotic abilities is all well and good, but some players may
wish to obtain this skill for themselves. To allow this, I have created not one, not two, not four,
but three methods for hypnotizing people. These three methods will allow any and all classes to
have this ability. Like any skill, being proficient with them allows you to add your prodigy in
addition to the associated stat The skills are as follows:

● Hypnosis: Available to Fighters, Barbarians, and rouges. This is the conventional

hypnosis, using a pocket watch or even just your words. Uses the strength or dex stat
● Enthrall: Uses the charisma stat, available to bard, paladin, warlock, and sorcerer.
Enthrallment relies upon smooth words and subtle movements to enthrall and control a
● Entrance: This skill involves using direct, controlled methods coupled with a knowledge
of humanoid minds to take control. It employs either intelligence or wisdom and os
available to wizards, artificers, druids, rangers, and clerics.

Hypnosis can be employed in roleplay scenarios. Attempting to hypnotize and unwilling

or unaware target will be much much harder. Hypnosis can also be used in combat
(described below). Finally, These skills can be employed with or without a hypnotic item,
such as a pendant or pocket watch. If they do have an item, then a dm may wish to grant a
bonus or even advantage.

Section III: Hypnosis in combat

Hypnotizing someone using conventional means in combat is tricky, but not impossible. To do
so, treat attempting to hypnotize someone as both an attack and a skill check. So in combat, you
may attempt to hypnotize a target. When you do this, you first make a check using an associated
skill, your roll, compared to the target's wisdom or intelligence, will determine your success. For
example, rolling a 10 could potentially put a goblin or similar low intelligence creature into a
daze, but would be useless against a smarter being. An 18 however, would likely suffice to
entrance all but the smartest beings. Factors such as surrounding noise and distance should also
be factors. Success advances a target’s hypnosis one level at a time up to level 4. Trying to wake
a hypnotized ally will also require an action, However, attempting to give a suggestion will only
require a bonus action. One other potential aspect of combat hypnosis is a beneficial side of it.
For example, a player could hypnotize an ally to make them bolder, giving them an advantage on
intimidation checks. This is something players could consider when employing this system.
Section IV: Alternate Hypnosis states
While the above chart provides a decent guide for most hypnotic scenarios, there are plenty of
settings which may not adhere to this metric. As such, here's an optional extra chart for some
special hypnosis or hypnosis related states which could crop up. I may add some more at a later
time as well

State/Source Effect

Mesmerised: inflicted by magic crystals, Movement speed reduced to 0, concentration

spirals, flashy lights, etc spells impossible, attacks made with
disadvantage. Can make a check to tear your
gaze away. Effect ends the moment the source
ceases to be visible

Entranced: Comes from snakes, sirens, and Movement speed controlled by entrancer, can
similar things be made to move towards or away from them.
Target is fixated on source of entrancement,
affect ends the moment the source is removed

Infected: Encompasases any virus/hive mind Effects vary wildly, require some sort of cure
related mind control or removal to remove effects

Drugged: Encompasses any affect instilled by Dependant on the substance, lasts 1d4-1d6
a substance hours, can be cured with certain healing spells

Section V: Hypnosis Compendium

Common/non magic Items

Hypnosis kit (30 gold): An alternative kit available to all classes, used to improve the speed
and efficiency of trancing a target. It contains items such as a pocket watch, crystal pendulum,
and a small lantern and candle. In addition, it holds objects which can be used as triggers such
as a small bell, a metronome, and even a necklace.

Pocket watch(1-500 gold, depending on quality and material): The classic item, slightly
improves the effectiveness of hypnotic efforts, even in combat. It also tells time,

Pendant( 1-50 gold): Identical to pocket watch, but cannot tell time.

Flashing lantern (5 gold): Can be used to put targets who have recently been hypnotized back
into a daze.
Multi gem crystal: Can be used to mesmerize some targets, requires an AC 10 wisdom saving
throw to avoid the affects

Fey Mist pellets (1 gold each): Small pellets which explode into a pink mist which covers 5 ft,
lasts for 3 turns. Targets hit with it are dazed until they leave the mist, will become spacy if
they spend an additional turn inside the mist

Magic Items

Goliath’s pocket watch(uncommon): An enchanted pocket watch which shrinks to a size which
its wielder can hold, but maintains its weight. It can be used as a flail, dealing 1d6 bludgeon

Sirens flute (uncommon): A magical instrument which takes the form of a wind instrument
(flute, ocarina, etc), playing it will put anyone within 100 feet into an entranced state, they
must make an AC 12 wisdom check to ward of the effects. Alternatively, drowning out the
music with other sounds will also counteract the effects. Entrancement lasts until the music

Rod of flashing (Rare): A 6 inch rod with a precious stone on the end which can be made to
flash in a 5 foot cone. This requires a use item action. This flash allows the user to put anyone
in a daze. This daze is broken by any damage or attempted attack. The flash can be reflected
back on the user via a reflective surface.

Goggles of the clear mind (Rare): A pair of brass, green tinted goggles. Wearing them
completely immunizes the wearer from both hypnosis and enchantment magic. Requires

Tasha’s Lovely Lipstick (very rare): A tube of lipstick created by Tasha the witch. It was
designed to aid in her efforts to bend others to her will. Wearing it grants +3 charisma,
advantage on persuasion, and greatly enhances hypnotic ability. The wearer’s gender has no
effect on liptick’s potency

Mask of the Mindflayer (legendary)

Pendant of Abyss (legendary)

Section VI: Conclusion

That is about all I have for now. I may look into some spells or more magical related things in
the future, but for now, this is it. Remember that you can use as little or as much of this
supplement as you want, be careful not to overwhelm your players. One final note, when using
this supplement, make sure that everyone is comfortable with it, as the concepts allowed by these
extra rules may make some people uncomfortable, so be careful to check on that from time to
time. I hope you enjoy this supplement! Have fun!

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