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Judy Hopps was being introduced to one of the less glamorous sides of

police work, guarding a large gathering. She was there to help out with a
Wrestling Match, where a rather large muscled ape known as Gideon was
fighting someone called 'The Masked Luchador', a slightly gimmicky opponent.
Most of the others were out in the parking lot, or working alongside ringside
security, but being the newest member of the department, Judy was stuck
guarding Gideon's dressing room.

She was in a back hallway well beyond the other dressing rooms, and
absolutely devoid of people. Only her boss had been there, when she was
stretching her legs by 'patrolling' the hallway. He immediately started to yell at
her, and threatened that the only time she should be away from the door is if
Gideon himself asked her to move. From there, she stood, rather bored until she
started to smell something in the air.

Locker rooms always had a certain musk to them. It was inevitable that the
more 'manly' a guy was, it would be a more intense smell, but after taking the
first deep sniff, it felt like a punch to the nose, an intensity that left her leaned up
against the door, her legs trembling a bit. The smell was like nothing she had ever
sniffed in, and just in the process of catching her breath, she tried to rebalance
herself, forgetting that when she straightened up, she always took a deep breath
through her nose. A second hit while she was still reeling managed to make her
mind fuzz out a bit, leaving things a bit hazy. Before she realized it, the door was
the only thing that was keeping her upright, staring off at nothing as the musk
slowly took over her mind. She was now just sniffing in, eyes closed as she
focused on taking deep smells of that lovely musk as the crowd overhead
cheered, watching Gideon win his match.

Gideon stretched a bit on his way back down towards his dressing room,
still rather pleased with how things were working out. After a rather
embarrassing 'fight' that was simply his opponent taking every possible
opportunity to sniff him rather than fight, it was agreed that he would have his
own, and equally agreed that once they were hooked onto his musk, he could do
whatever he wanted with them. It was then that he saw the bunny, the cop
uniform looking almost like a costume considering she was laying on the floor,
her nose stuffed in the bottom corner of the door as she sniffs in desperately. He
simply reached above her and opened the door, helping the bunny up with a
hand. The trickle of musk now a deluge now that he was keeping her nose at cock
height as he took her in and closed the door.

It was rather satisfying to see her eyes going wide, the ingrained
embarrassment at being caught in such a position managing to just barely get
herself upright, even as she sways as if on the deck of a ship, "I'm ssssoorry sir,
Something just smelled... it smelled..." attempting to quantify the musk that
entirely overtook her mind.

It was always his favorite part of the whole affair. He had done studies into
the effects of his musk, mostly using his fanbase or folks that annoyed him, and at
this point she was hooked for life. She would still be able to go back to normal...
just with a newfound obsession with him, his scent, and pleasing him. He was
almost ready to let her do so just for fun when she swayed particularly hard,
accidentally hooking a finger onto his wrestling singlet in an attempt to get
herself upright, and that was it. The newly concentrated burst of musk hit her
like a punch, sending her swaying into him, her nose buried into his moist singlet
and breathing in deep, soaking her panties in arousal as she took it in.

He grinned to himself, "So, What's your name..." pulling her back just
enough to take off her badge, the bunny not even noticing as he gave it a glance
before throwing it away, too focused on sniffing in that musk.
He pulled her off, seeing the flush on her face. "Judy. Tell me, what would
you do for my musk? What would you do for me? If I told you to strip..." trying to
phrase it as a question, but before he could even say it was hypothetical, the
bunny was slipping out of her clothes, still slightly disoriented but so eager to do
whatever he commanded.

Gideon smiled as he saw her, "Now. Considering what I just finished up, I'll
be dealing with you in a far more personal manner. Stay still until I'm done."
taking pleasure in her stiffening up for him as he laid her down and started to
work on her body.

Normally he would take her home, just keep her in his sports bag with all
of the other unwashed stuff and let his residual musk keep her calm for it all. He
could even use a bit of magic, flex his power out and form her body up in
moments, but considering she was such an unexpected gift he felt obligated to
give it a more personal touch. The first few touches were always the best as he
positioned her, lingering on a few places to make sure things were just right
before going over to a nearby chair, using it to jump up and perform a diving
splash to start the flattening, ensuring his armpit was right over her face.

Over and over he'd press down, marveling at how her body just seemed to
give way. He moved and pressed, using some post-match stretching to get her the
proper size before peeling her up from the ground and snapping her out a few
times to fluff her up and hold her to properly behold her.

Her ears were tucked into the corners, her face stuck in a bit of a goofy
grin, her nose slightly upturned to resemble a pig's just to let her take in as much
musk as possible. Her breasts weren't really anything to marvel at, and now they
felt much more like decoration then before, not even a nub to show how sensitive
the area had become. Her ass and thighs were crushed like a massive sticker,
thick enough to still be notable, but her feet would be on the back, leaving only
her pussy as a nice framed area, the pink the only color on it besides the light and
dark grey. The other side would be fairly fuzzy, a small divot for the tail and the
feet the only identifying features.

The fluff hadn't let her move anything, he had done this a few times before.
Her natural fur was now simply perfectly soft and absorbent fluff, as he started to
wipe himself down with his new towel. It was quiet enough that he heard the tiny
moan as he started to use the towel to wipe himself clean, and took off his singlet
to further drown that moan in his sweaty body. His mind was already drifting off
towards what he wanted to eat once he got back home, and if he wanted to go out
and get a few more toys before the night was done.

The idea was already getting him hard, and he found himself scrubbing
harder and harder at his rapidly hardening cock, the musk intense enough that
his new towel was slick already. It was easy enough to start rubbing one out,
sitting back in a chair as he looked at pictures and videos on his phone, half
masturbation material, half looking to find new playmates. It didn't take too
much longer for the actual porn to come out, getting more and more kinky, more
and more niche before he came, splattering his new towel with a healthy spurt of

Getting ready to leave, he looked down at his latest acquisition. The musk
and rubbing had smeared her mouth closed, her nose a bit bigger, and her eyes
were glassy, unfocused and staring at nothing, on a permanent musk overload.
He just slipped it into his bag, a small smirk crossing his face as he saw all the
other varied 'toys' he had collected, all kinds of common items that had once been
annoyances, friends, or even strangers who just got a bit too close. He didn't even
remember his new towel's name, a last thought at the pattern before zipping the
bag up and heading out. Once he got home, she'd get cleaned, folded, and put
with the others, just waiting for the next chance to get close to his heavenly musk
again. He opened the door and saw his former opponent, the ‘Masked Luchador’,
now wearing a servant's uniform with a piece of silvery duct tape over his mouth
as he sniffed in deep, falling subserviently into line as his 'master' walked out,
"Come now. Let's get out on the town. I want to play around some more..."

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