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Design Concept - an A-Frame cabin that fit beautifully in any scenic location such as lakeside or

mountain view. With steeply pitched roofs that forms the “A” of the name that is heavily influenced by
the modern contemporary that will blend in with the appearance of the area where the house will be
built suited in outdoor living spaces. The idea of this design is to and emphasize the beauty of nature
blending with the structure.

Design Philosophy:

“Emerge its beauty with a purpose to be more functional”

Design Concept (container van):

A modern tropical minimalist using a container van to create a minimalist aesthetic of Modern
architecture while responding to the climatic and environmental conditions of the tropic that will blend
in with the appearance of the area where the house will be built suited in outdoor living spaces. The
idea of this design is to and emphasize the beauty of nature blending with the structure.

Design Objectives:

This container van design aims to:

 Adopt a minimalist approach

 Establish a natural and environmental structure that will blends in with nature

 Feel relaxed

Design Consideration:

 Sustainability

 Function and Efficiency

 Natural light

 Material and Resources

 Environment

 Innovation and Design

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