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Journal Writing Task

The normative theory I chose for this seatwork is Utilitarianism. Because I believe that

actions should be evaluated based on their ability to produce the greatest amount of happiness

and overall well-being for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism offers a practical

approach to ethical decision-making that takes into account the consequences of our actions

and seeks to maximize the positive outcomes for society as a whole. By focusing on the

collective good, this theory helps us to avoid selfish or narrow-minded thinking and encourages

us to act in ways that benefit everyone.

I really find utilitarianism to be a compelling ethical framework because it prioritizes the

greatest good for the greatest number of people. This idea resonates because I believe in the

importance of benefiting society as a whole, rather than just a select few. Additionally,

utilitarianism provides a clear and objective way to make moral decisions, which can be

comforting for me since I struggle with the ambiguity of ethical dilemmas. Ultimately, the appeal

of utilitarianism lies in its emphasis on promoting the common good and maximizing happiness

for all.

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