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Marcus Banda

Professor Burleson




Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing

on outcomes. It is a form of consequentialism. Utilitarianism holds that the most

ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number.

(“Utilitarianism - Ethics Unwrapped”) There are two sides to the argument though. If

we are supposed to take the course that produces the greatest happiness then that

also means we are to avoid actions that do not produce the most good or a bad

result. Or in all intents and purposes actively try to prevent bad outcomes as far as

we can. The Classical Utilitarians, Bentham and Mill, were concerned with legal and

social reform. If anything could be identified as the fundamental motivation behind

the development of Classical Utilitarianism it would be the desire to see useless,

corrupt laws and social practices changed. (Maxwell and Driver) This inturn

accompanies the fact that if we are to follow utilitarian practices we must ensure that

those laws and social practices are changed and bad can ultimately be prevented

for the greater good of those who it involves or undermines. Utilitarianism theories

are part of the given reasoning for most wars. To prevent bad or to preserve the

greater good. Rulers and elected officials are the most often (or should be) in this

mind set.

In my life, I try to maximize happiness not only for myself but for my family

and friends as well (“Utilitarianism - Ethics Unwrapped”). I try to choose my actions

wisely so that, even if it is not for a long time, I will ultimately reach my happiness

and keep it. My goal right now is to finish my courses and become an operator. Not

because my life's dream is to be an operator, but because I know I will make the

most money to be able to take care of my high school sweetheart and myself. My

plan is to get enough money at my current job as a plant project manager to buy us

a house, then a bit more money as an operator to buy a rent house and flip it. Real

Estate Is the goal, so that one day we may live off of my passive income and be able

to travel and enjoy the long-term happiness I have made my choices to gain. In the

position I am currently in, working over 40 hours a week and attending online school

my plate is pretty full but I know it will be worth it in the end when I reach my goals

and create new ones to achieve with my soon to be wife and the family we will

make. This semester has been difficult but it has given me many insights as to how

ethics goes into every choice we make.

Utilitarianism is the most often used theory in my life because I am a hedonist.

Pleasure is the end goal. The more positive outcomes I have, the better my choices

have been. I will choose the best outcome for myself, my family, and my workplace.

According to this rule, an individual is responsible for and concerned with, the well-

being and happiness of others. The golden rule holds that ethical individuals are

those who avoid causing harm and seek ways to help others. (Mayers) In my current

position as a project planner and manager, part of my job is to get the job planned

efficiently and with the most benefit to my team and superiors. I have to do what is

best for the majority of the people working there and or the most productive plan that

benefits the most. Being utilitarian allows the project manager to emphasize project

completion without jeopardizing the team's working relationships. But coaxing and

encouraging behavior provide little to no results especially in my own field of work.

(Baldwin) I work in the plants where men go for two reasons, to stay and retire or

use it as a stepping stone into a lofty, more comfortable job. In the past utilitarianism

and totalitarianism have been the most often ethical theories used in the workplace.

By managing with an iron fist with the best interest or outcomes in mind, project

managers are using these theories daily to achieve their end goals. I try to achieve

my own goals by thinking of what the best outcome will be for my clients and family.

For example, I know my end goal is a passive income. I must make the most money

that I can for the company I work for now in order to move up. Once I move up, my

pay will increase. Once I finish my courses and become a certified operator, my pay

will increase, so each decision I make must be to achieve good outcomes for both of

those goals.

Thus far I have gained an understanding of many different ethical theories

that I can relate to but none so much as utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a theory that I

believe should be used more in government than it currently is being used. If


lawmakers could use this lens to make choices, would it make things better or worse

for people like me? I am not entirely sure. All I know is that the theory has proved

beneficial to my life even though I cannot always follow it, I try my best.

Works Cited

Baldwin, Sally. “Project Management: Utilitarian or Totalitarian.” BrainMass,

utilitarian-totalitarian-592979. Accessed 7 May 2023.

Maxwell, John, and Julia Driver. “The History of Utilitarianism (Stanford

Encyclopedia of Philosophy).” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 27 March

2009, Accessed 2 April


Mayers, Nichole. “The Advantages & Disadvantages of Ethical Reasoning.”

Bizfluent, 26 September 2017,

advantages-disadvantages-ethical-reasoning.html. Accessed 2 April 2023.

“Utilitarianism - Ethics Unwrapped.” Ethics Unwrapped, McCombs School of


Accessed 2 April 2023.

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