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In today’s society you always hear about how people are conducting themselves

ethically. This concept can sometimes help or hurt our feelings in the worst way possible

at times. However, ethical conduct is not only the religion’s or church’s responsibility but

also the individuals. Granted the majority people do have that internal sense of what is

right and wrong, that however doesn’t mean that they always listen to that still small

voice. I am very much thankful to have the subject Ethics embedded on the new

curriculum for it strengthens and nourishes my inner self.

The over-reaching question however is what is ethics? Ethics is defined as, an

area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior: a branch of

philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong (Merriam- Webster, n.d.). Granted

this a rather broad definition. However, ethics are the cornerstone upon which the world

must be built on.

When I think of Virtues and Ethics, I think of all the things my mother told me that

would make me a “good” person. Of the normative ethics I believe Virtue is the simplest

because it is a very bottom-line concept. For example, your behaviors are good or bad,

right or wrong, or courageous or cowardice. Unlike Utilitarianism there is no thought of

potential consequences. When one’s ethical actions are based on virtues, I believe the

assumption is “there are not any consequences” because in virtue ethics one always

does “the right thing”.

As we go on with this subject, I learned so much about ethical doings and

behaviors. The importance of Norms, Beliefs, Customs, Traditions that made our society

what it is today. Knowing this enabled me to understand more about how a react with

the kind of environment I have around me. Another thing that caught my interested in

lined with this subject is the Virtue ethics, a theory used to make moral decisions. It

does not rely on religion, society or culture; it only depends on the individuals

themselves. The main philosopher of Virtue Ethics is Aristotle. His theory was originally

introduced in ancient Greek times. Aristotle was a great believer in virtues and the

meaning of virtue to him meant being able to fulfil one 's functions. Virtue ethics is not

so much interested in the question 'What should I do. ' but rather in the question 'what

sort of person should I become.

“A virtue is a trait of character manifested in habitual action,” these words said by

Aristotle on virtue ethics. The word habitual meaning that someone that does something

all the time and not just occasionally. For example, the virtue of honesty, is not someone

who only tells the truth here and there, and what will benefit that person. This term used

in normative ethics, really emphasizes the virtue of mind and character. A theory of

virtue has several components within the theory like a list of virtues, what each consist

of and why each of the virtue are a perfect fit in this theory.

We’re often taught key principles in order to live a flourishing life. Young children

especially are often reared in school to become successful, and be the best they can

be; and be a good person. We pose the question what does it mean to be a good

person. According to Jacques Thiroux & Keith Krasemann mentions, when individuals

apply these virtuous behaviors into their daily lives it promotes a decent human being
(Thiroux & Krasemann, pg 78). This paper will examine the argument how having

virtues can promote balance in today’s society, and how this virtue ethics can also pose

a problem.

In life, human beings are always required to make decisions and actions on

certain things regardless of age, it is essential in order to live. However, the ways we act

have an impact on happiness and on our lives; therefore, doing good action is believed

to be the key to live well. What is considered as good actions, though. Here are some

beliefs that determine good actions: utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. They all

have ideas on measurement of good actions, and despite the differences on the three

ideas, they all pursue to the same goal: to be happy at the end. With this, I’m very

blessed to learn these things with our subject in Ethics. Afar from being perfect of

course, the subject taught me the essence of being a human person. To help for those

who are in need. To appreciate everything that life has to offer, to live what I want to


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