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Members: Acido, Michael Ryan C.

Acupido, Gian Carlo U.

Escote, Shane Angelo T.

Magno, Paolo Yuan L.

Narca, Wewona S.

Magno, Paolo Yuan L.

As an individual that is studying this course, I have formulated my own realization

and reflection right from the start and now at this specific moment. Us humans always
choose our own conscience that exists within our mind and that conscience gives us a
moment to question ourselves. Our mind often believes the principles of deontological
ethics since it's all about doing an action that mainly focuses on the actions whether it is
bad or good and by not looking at the consequences that it may conclude. With my own
realization regarding deontological ethics, I now understand that my actions that certain
actions of mine can be examined through the lens of deontological ethics. If my actions
are done purely because of good deed and not minding the consequence, then in
deontology it is considered good. An example of that would be “do not steal” not only,
we are not doing it because it is not the right thing to do but it also follows the natural
law. Deontology is derived directly to natural law. With those realization I have now
known that all this time I have been following this kind of law and theories since I
became more knowledgeable on the situation.
Acupido, Gian Carlo U.
As an individual my realizations in this course is that everyone of us has their own set of
beliefs, morals and ethical standards that made us unique from one another but there are some
factors that makes us all the same based on what we believe. I have also realize that ethics is
the one who gives us understanding on what is right and wrong it drives us on what should do
and should not do based on our own set of beliefs. I also think that we should nourish more the
ethics within ourselves because it will help us to better version of ourselves. For me I believe in
Aquinas that God is the supreme law because as a Christian I have been taught that I should
live my life in a certain way that is according to God that my actions and ethics are now very
influenced by God's word and lessons. I believe in God and I live my life in a respectable way
like the golden rule of God that if you do good things to others they will also do good things to
you and we should serve others because like the son of God he came down to earth not to be
served but to served others. Our ethics can be challenged everyday so we should be strong and
firm on what are the things that we believed in. This class for me is so interesting because it
helps me understand the different factors of a human person on how we act based on things
that we believed in. I think the most important thing that I realized in this course is that we
should hold on, on what we believe and and the things that we know is right but we should still
be open minded on the others because everything that we might know is not right.

Escote, Shane Angelo T.

During my three-month lecture in GED 107, I have learned quite a lot in the
specifications of the ethical principles of man. There is always another perspective to a
situation in cases where some theories may think that it is right but to the other it is
wrong. Especially, to the last lecture, the natural law ethics, where it discussed the
principle of the double effect where an unintended evil happens during the course of a
good action. I may not have the experience of being pregnant, but I feel for every
mother. This is an example that many women experience in reality. I've been watching
Grey's Anatomy, and I've seen a woman named Veronica who is pregnant with
pancreatic cancer, and if she doesn't go through chemotherapy, she will die, and if she
does, the baby will die. Her husband wants to terminate her pregnancy, but she really
wants to have their infant, so they were given the alternative of undergoing a dangerous
operation in which both mother and baby could die on the table, and if it worked,
Veronica would survive long enough to have her baby but then die. In this case the
good action is the surgery to keep the baby and the unintended evil is to end herself.

Narca, Wewona S.

Several realizations have occurred to me over the past three months of studying
Ethics. When we say ethics, we mean the study of the nature of moral virtue and the
evaluation of the morality and virtue of human conduct. I discovered that there is no
such thing as good or bad; all choices must be related to furthering the cause and are
fundamentally based on utility, which is the Utilitarianism philosophy. There have been
ideas for how to choose between two tough choices. We must weigh utilitarian factors
in our choices, and the path we take is completely up to us. The greater satisfaction of
the greatest amount, according to Jeremy Bentham's theorem, would play a primary
role in determining actions. Consider how I can apply this idea of partnership
preservation. It depends on the circumstances, but if I was going to go out with a friend
but a family member randomly asked me to help them, I would weigh my choices and
determine which was more important. Though assisting a family member can be
ignored, it is the "greatest joy" and the action that will provide the most satisfaction and
promote equal use of utility. All we do in life reflects new acts and consequences that
we must understand and experience. There are times in life where we are faced with a
choice between two options: one that will provide us with opportunities and the other
that will provide us with fulfillment.

Acido, Michael Ryan C.

After three months, and three modules of studying ethics, I now know how to
encompass my moral judgement. I had learned a lot especially the views of various
philosophers and moral philosophy. There are many concepts that were tackled but the
topic that made me realize the true essence of morality, the three categorical
imperatives. These imperatives made me question the root cause of why we make
judgement based on what is right and wrong. Immanuel Kant introduced the Kantian
ethics and it basically shows the importance of taking one’s action and seeing the
bigger picture, how you are using others as a means to an end. There is also a
universal law, according to Kant, that encompasses the moral judgement each
individual makes when confronted with a dilemma, that is to think how one’s actions and
words can affect oneself and others. Another thing that I have learned is to think like
Socrates. I must ask everything I question because in doing so, I am gradually gaining
knowledge about my inquiry, and by questioning every answer that I am given, I will be
confronted by the true essence and meaning of life itself. I want to take this opportunity
to say that I will apply all the teachings and lessons that I have learned within the
course. And I will do my best to spread wisdom and knowledge, and to promote morality
in the face of our society. I can expand culturally by making other societal groups realize
that we all live with one morality, this is one similarity that is universal and cannot be
changed by opinions and subjectivity.

2. We can lead ourselves on growing individually and we can make it possible by

keeping in mind what we have learned from previous experience. Certain situations and
scenarios can lead change within ourselves especially if that situation requires decision
that is related to our virtue and morals. Not only that but we can also usher ourselves
towards growth by following the theological virtues that Aquinas believes and those are
faith, hope, and charity. With those virtues we can help ourselves on growing, having
those virtues in life is similar to surrendering ourselves to God’s plan. Not only those
virtues will help us but also applying what we believe in deontological ethics and natural
law, we can give our lives a blueprint on living an entirely morally good life.

3. The ethical theory that must be used to encompass our moral judgement is Kant’s
categorical imperatives. We must not use everybody as a means to our ends. One
example of this is using someone to gain something, just like using someone to gain
more money by leaching on them. These are the errors the corrupt government official
makes because they continue to steal from the funds and taxes of the Filipinos.

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