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1. What are the aspects of child abuse?

2. What are the possible impact of child abuse for every victims?
3. How does the abused students handle his/her abusive experience?
4. To whom abused students can approach?
5. What are the ways to get along with the effects of child abuse?


Child abuse prevention agency - (defined as "child abuse agency" in the law)
shall mean and include any person, corporation, or agency which undertakes to or does
provide any services of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to emergency
shelter care, homemaker services, or parent training services designed to prevent or treat
child abuse or neglect or to protect children from child abuse or neglect. This shall not apply,
however, to a person licensed by the State of Tennessee to practice medicine or psychology
while in the course of such practice nor shall it apply to any school, hospital,mental health
center, or similar institution operated or approved by an agency or department of the State
of Tennessee. Nor shall it apply to any church or church-related organization.

Child and adolescent sexual abuse plagues every country and region of the world. It
cuts across lines of class, income,education, culture, and ethnic origin, with devastating
effects not only for victims but also for their families, and for society as a whole. The scope
of victimization around the world is staggering.

Bolivia has the highest rated of sexual violence against children and teens in
Latin America, with 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 4 boys experiencing sexual abuse before the age of
18. To put these shocking numbers into perspective: In the United States, where child and
adolescent sexual abuse is also regarded as an epidemic, 1 in 5 girls and about 1 in 10 boys
are sexually abused before the age of 18.

If we are going to end global sexual violence , we must urgently direct our support
to the regions and countries with the highest rated of child and adolescent sexual abuse.
Why? Because if we can eradicate sexual violence where it's most pervasive, most difficult to
combat, and is most often perpetrated against the most vulnerable among us - our youth -
then we can establish effective methods for eliminating sexual violence everywhere, and for

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